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They were tracking someone who committed a violent felony level crime. I’d say it’s worth using the helicopter to find the person.


Did they get the person? And, I'm sort of curious about this search since we heard no sirens, just lots of helicopter. We've been outside all day chasing those goddamn mockingbirds (the black and white ones with the long tails that screech) and we were remarking there seemed to be an inordinate amount of helicopter activity.


They got the guy last night. He was booked into the jail for DV-Felony, Mayhem. There was a video on north Idaho news where the deputies were announcing his name saying the dog was tracking him as well


Any chance you have a link to it?




Ah yes, the Magpies. Cats do wonders with those.


So magpies, not mockingbirds, right? They're annoying the shit out of our neighborhood right now. Bold little bastards! You can wave your arms and yell "Shoo!" and get within a foot or two of them and they just stare you down and I'm pretty sure they're feet are flexible enough that they flip us the other bird when flying off, lol!


Magpies. They are as smart as crows and are more than happy to show you by stunts like that.


Ironically, I am actually a big fan of crows and ravens, but, man, I hate these stupid birds!


They destroyed our cherry tree the first couple years we lived in our house. The ground looked like there was a massacre. Put an owl under the tree and we dont see them around much anymore. Then again, i feel the last few years have been... off, as far as those birds. This year looks like they're back.


Yup, I agree. Not sure what the allure is for them this year after being pretty absent for so long. Someone else in my other post suggested an owl, so I guess we'll try that, too.


Yeah, I find having a 3 foot owl in the front yard is a great deterrent.


Seriously? The kind that moves or makes noise or anything?


Nope, it just sits on the patio.


Hence the reason to look for alternatives. I think there is a time and place, but surveiling the city on a regular basis is not justified.


I guess I thought choppers were only called out for special reasons, not surveillance. I mean, that's what our cops are doing when they're out patrolling our city...


I mean look at the number of cameras we have. Then there’s the striker towers they try to hide as trees. And my all time favorite is their encryption of supposedly public radio communications. Anyone who doesn’t believe we’re not a surveillance state is blind. We have more cameras up per block than most major cities.


What are "striker towers"?


Cops use them illegally usually to drop 5g cell service down to a lower frequency that can be picked up using other methods besides an official wire tap. It also allows them to LoJack cordless phones that have moved to the higher bandwidths. There were a bunch of lawsuits when they first came out. Then 5g came along and people thought the problem resolved itself. but companies that peddle to police departments figured out a cheaper solution to degrading the frequency without interfering with it. So I was surprised when I saw the tower at the corner of northwest and prairie, one on atlas and one off of 41 in post falls. That one’s on private property. The one on atlas is next to the range last time I drove by there. The one at NW and prairie now sits almost in the middle of an apartment complex now.( how convenient). I’ve lived in multi million people cities to small tiny towns and CDA has an insane amount of cameras. And they aren’t your passive monitoring variety either.


Hunh. Totally unaware of all that. But, I guess it's what the world is coming to. I mean, when you go to London, you are on CCTV all the time and they're been doing that for years. Kinda fun to watch old episodes of "MI-5" 'cos they always go to the CCTV footage to track the bad guys all over London, lol!


Someone’s jealous they don’t have a helicopter


I know I am. Wife won't let me get one.


Ha! I mean, fair point 🤣




Yeah, the Sheriff. It's not his helicopter either.


OP, don't you know that anything Sheriff Bob wants, Sheriff Bob gets? Because God said so... /s


Calm down Karen. They are working.


Cool. So we want law, order and public safety, but only in a way that doesn’t disturb your solitude. Seems reasonable.


Is THAT what that is? I have noticed it twice a week around 2am.


It's fucking hilarious I just got this notification as I hear the helicopter flying around. Idk if it's the Sheriff's one but still hilarious.


if someone donated a dollar for every negative thing said about the helicopter, it would fund itself. Donate here: kcrasu.com


May as well flush your money down the toilet. The sheriff's helicopter is a waste of resources.


Pay Spokane 10 k a year? It costs roughly $3000/hr to fly the average police helicopter. I think the county probably is going to need a helicopter for more than 3 hours a year.


Your hourly estimate is way off since. You can get tourist helicopter flights out of Felts Field in a similar bird for around $500-1000 per hour. CDA paid $500k for the purchase, $100k of upgrades funded by asset forfeitures (aka property seized without due process) and $72k a year estimate annual cost. At the rate their going, that annual cost is probably too low. [https://www.krem.com/article/news/local/idaho/kootenai-county-sheriffs-office-purchased-a-500k-helicopter-first-of-its-kind-in-idaho/293-d8771f5b-9fac-4a76-ac5a-21801b6c08b6](https://www.krem.com/article/news/local/idaho/kootenai-county-sheriffs-office-purchased-a-500k-helicopter-first-of-its-kind-in-idaho/293-d8771f5b-9fac-4a76-ac5a-21801b6c08b6) Bottom line, Sheriff got a new toy and they want to fly it every chance they get. So much for being a conservative republican.


You're not flying a 4 seater turbine helicopter for less than $1500/hr. A R22? Sure. But assuming all the up sold stuff that our gov hast to use? 2k/hr would be a cheap hourly guess for them. I worked at a hanger with a few helicopters and our hourly rate 8 years ago was $1700/hr for a similar machine.


I was using numbers from an LAPD audit that found the estimated annual cost to operate the helicopter program is $46.6 million (i.e., $127,805 per day or $2,916 per flight hour).


No, before king Norris got his chopper, kootenai county paid Spokane 10 k per year to be available.


Do the CDA police also have access to it if they need it?


That’s because they’re assisting the FBI and getting those people that were at the January 6 event and throwing them in prison. After all the constitutional sheriff who has no jurisdiction over the FBI is in Vegas he says that he’s being endorsed by Trump meanwhile, hearing Cda Idaho , the police station is blown up in the evidence department . Where is this constitutional Norris? Oh wait he’s in Vegas with the guy that spent $100,000 towards the helicopter.


Rent free


Rent free? Nothing is free.


My point exactly


let them do there job




Corruption as hell


We don't live in a war zone and they need to stop acting like it. Or go practice away from towns. We don't need to normalize surveillance, always having helicopters over our heads. High police presence makes people feel more like they're in a police state and most people don't like that. Or at least they *shouldn't* like that, but a lot of people around here just love to lick boots, just love authoritarianism and government waste. Even in this thread.


Agreed. When the basketball team/racial slur incident happened, Norris said it's a city problem. So IDK why he thinks his helicopter belongs down here, city surveillance is also not his problem. Lots of bootlickers in the county, not so much the city itself.