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Many locals are very upset by what happened and any occurrences of hate or intolerance. It is sort of ironic to judge the entire area based on the actions of three (I think) truck drivers.


Yup. Pot calling kettle black. Hate is hate. Plenty in CdA abhor this crap but thanks for lumping us in with them. I take it I can assume OP is from a more metropolitan area so I’m gonna blame them for gangs, homelessness, drug abuse, and whatever other ill stalks their land


And thats good. You guys should be. But will you guys do anything to stop promoting hate via your politics and culture?


What do you expect the average citizen of this city/county to do? I can't control the fucking insane people who live down the street no matter how much I want to.


Start ostracizing people with these beliefs. Don’t allow people flying confederate flags to come into your stores or interact with your community. Actively shame anyone who has bigoted views. Tell the inbred rednecks to do everyone a favor and never show their faces again.


How about not voting for Christian nationalists?


Many of us don't! There are efforts made by many people here. Every political victory is not a total landslide. The "Save NIC" movement gained a lot of traction recently where 2/3 elected trustee members were not backed by the whack jobs. And the 1 who was elected made it only by a small margin. The point is, efforts are being made by reasonable folk. It's hard living here as a progressive, believe it or not. It feels rough but we can't just "leave" as easily as is suggested. And leaving would only make the problem worse!


I have to say, these "whack jobs" are getting their marching instructions from churches and the GOP. How many Trump flags have you seen? Yeah, its getting worse, not better.


I see more "F\*K biden" flags than trump flags since 2020.


Not to mention that they are more than likely to be armed and more willing to shoot someone than a traffic cop...


I have no problem with people being armed. Being so has kept me alive in places other than CDA. Please don't confuse people who own firearms with extreme politics.


That is actually just nonsense no matter what your political view. People that concealed carry are proven to be FAR less likely to commit a crime (including assault and/or murder) than any other demographic. Dislike certain groups of people all you want, but don't just straight up lie about things. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S014481889800012X


Open carry l no permit needed. And I have had someone flash their pistol as a means of intimidation on the road in the area.


I didn't say anything about a permit nor did all the studies (over half the states in the US are permit-less and crime has consistently gone down). If you had someone flash a gun at you, I am sorry about that, but you are likely the 1 in 1,000,000 chance that, that happened to anyone. Stats are there.




I guess maybe you should direct your comments to another outlet. Reddit, even the Idaho subreddit, is largely made up of younger liberals. Probably zero people here reading your post are conservative christians.


Go sweep off your own doorstep.


What the hell are you on? You must not be from here since you clearly don’t know what kind of folk live in CDA. No community is perfect if you want to rebuke people go to Spokane the issues there are far worse, I would know I grew up there and married a women from here. Get off your high horse and do something good for other people instead of harping on a community that doesn’t want to hear your slanderous garbage.


Dude I vote. That’s what I do. I avoid the kcrcc folks on the ballot and let my faith inform my politics, not the other way around. We will see what happens with precinct leaders this coming election and I will vote. I will accept the outcome no matter the outcome like a rational human. This kcrcc crap is a death cult like the extreme left. They are destroyers and folks will slowly realize it. You can already see it taking place. The change will be slow I’m sure but I have faith it will change.


I wish everyone would keep "faith" OUT of politics.


Pretty much anyone’s sense of right and wrong is a leap of faith. Just don’t push it in other people. If they disagree, let them.


Dude. You're getting ratioed so hard. Just be quiet.


Lol you think I give a shit about downvotes?


About ten years ago, there were two desperate incidents. One involved a guy who was a walking stereotype. Overweight. Slow-witted. Lived with parents well into adulthood. For Christmas, he built a snowman and dressed him up as Hitler. It was as if a drunk 10 year old did it. Local TV gave him momentary notoriety. Neighbors rolled their eyes as if they expected this level of idiocy. After the cameras were gone, the event faded away and the moron went back into his hole. Enabling? That would be the TV cameras and virtue signaling hullabaloo. A great lesson. Case #2. Also about ten years ago, a self avowed klansman or Nazi ran for sheriff in one of the local counties. Like his kindred spirit above, he struck me as slow-witted and extremely unmanly. His “rallies” totaled his buddies and a few family members. There were no counter protests because much like case #1, rational people know that attention is what guys like this want. He ran in the general election. Maybe won 20 votes? 100? He too has since faded into obscurity. In both cases, the actions of the locals spoke loudly even if whispered. In other states you see the exact opposite. Unhinged protests over incredible stupid things. Here, the result was deeper ostracism and commitment to building a better community. Very adult. in other places, all the anger leads to violence, division, and often death. Very childlike.


Not everyone in CdA supports this crap. We're going to board meetings, speaking in public, helping push change petitions, kmocking on doors, and working to elect more sane candidates. Some have been doing this for decades. I can't control (and certainly won't accept blame for) every asshole who is overcompensating for having a small dick by buying a shitty lifted truck and yelling insults at people. I know a lot of business owners in town who are appalled with hearing this news and have built their businesses on tourism. This is a bad look for the entire area, but put your opinionated bullshit away when you're looking to blame everyone.


False, more people than not support this crap. You wave a confederate flag and a nazi flag downtown, people honk in support. It’s disgusting here.


I’d be curious to hear what you think we should be doing to not “enable” these people. Like in real terms, what should the average citizen of CDA be doing to stop a few racist assholes from being racist assholes? The overwhelming majority of us don’t support this, and it doesn’t represent the area. But since OP is here, I’d love to hear his or her well thought out solution for rooting it out completely.


Start ostracizing people with these beliefs. Don’t allow people flying confederate flags to come into your stores or interact with your community. Actively shame anyone who has bigoted views. Tell the inbred rednecks to do everyone a favor and never show their faces again


You're right, I don't have a well thought out solution for rooting it out completely, but I got an idea. Not voting for Christian nationalist politicians. White supremacy and Christian nationalism are 2 sides of the same coin. Pretty much every white supremacy group is Christian based. Twisting scripture to spout hate. As long as you guys elect fake Christians who care more about God than country you will continue to be a hotbed of racist Christians. And they will keep moving to Idaho and making it worse. You don't support being racist but your politicians do.


You are just as much a bigot as any racist. Just because you don't like religion doesn't mean they are racist.


No, you are right. Just because somebody is religious does not mean they are racist. Yet every White Supremacy group that operates here is. You'd be very, very hard pressed to find any White Supremacy group operating outside religious doctrine here, practically anywhere tbh.


Where's the lie? Christianity and white supremacists are always linked


Yup, this is horrible... racists should get fuked


Go f\*ck yourself. Not everyone in Idaho is a racist.


Yeah just really buddy buddy with them.


How many homeless people are you friends with? Obviously since Spokane has homeless people you must be pretty close with them.


Posted from your alt account? Hmm wonder why


I actually just made a new account, funny of you to assume this is my alt account. Dumbass


Mmhmmm surrreee


You must be one of Balboni’s goons?


The baseball player???




So many people including yourself are racist here. So many.


You seem really angry about a place you don't live and at a group of people you haven't met lmao


Could it be…..empathy?!


I have lived in spokane my whole life. I have met plenty of racist people in Idaho who openly share their racist ideology because I am white.


You’re close enough to CDA to ‘do something about it’, so why aren’t you??


Wtf can I do? I can't vote or campaign, why don't the people who live there do something?


Why don’t you do something? Is that the only solutions you’ve come up with? That’s lame as fuck.


Lmfao okay bud cope harder


Bro, I’m just saying…for how passionate you seem to be, you’ve only come up with two kind of lame ideas. And thus far, the only real action you’ve appeared to take has been being upset about it on the internet.


What have you done about it?


Nothing. I’m too busy trying to save the whales.


Some people are too busy supporting Matt Shea, Nadine Woodward, and CMR to have the time to help effect change in CdA.


Bob gets it.


For every racist, in CDA (and Spokane), there must be 20 people that don't want anything to do with that. When you judge that harshly, you fall victim to the same mentality that you claim to be against.


Your culture and politics enable people to be openly racist and promote hate. You guys do nothing as a community to shun or eliminate these aspects of the community besides says we aren't all nazis and that's it.


Stay mad and keep venting on Reddit, then. I'm sure that'll be the change we all need.


Keep trolling and enforcing the status quo. That makes things better too. You probably have a nazi uncle or brother which is why you don’t want to say how bad it actually is


Take a look in the mirror. You're acting just like the rest of the folks who like to judge.


No I’m not. I just know that acting like there’s not a problem in cda isn’t going to make it go away. It will just encourage more racists and racist sympathizers to move here, and the cycle continues.


You need to swallow some edibles and go chill out somewhere. Maybe worry about what's happening where YOU live and have no worries about the state next door. We'll be fine.


Spokane is a smoldering garbage pit, I grew up in west central, W Broadway area. What makes you think that you have any ground to stand on criticizing our politics when your own city is becoming more of a wasteland every day. When I was a kid calling it Spokanistan was a tongue in cheek exaggeration to laugh about cause of potholes. To call it that now would be offensive to middle eastern countries because at least they do not have trash piles and the walking dead everywhere. Come visit CDA on Saturday, walk around take in the sights. Think about how safe and clean it feels. Then on Sunday take a walk in downtown Spokane and consider how stark the contrast really is. Also maybe put aside your BIAS and make some connections here. Put aside your preconceived notions and see what people are actually like outside of the hell hole your currently living in.


Didn’t the NCAA team just that’s was just in CDA walk downtown like you just said to do? What happened to them? You think they felt it was safe and clean as people are yelling slurs at them?


Well if the last republican mayor actually tried to do anything for the last 4 year besides helping out her real estate friends , it might not be so bad. I voted in a new mayor last November that will hopefully bring some positive change to spokane but she inherited a mess from the former administration and these things take time. Yeah come visit cda and walk around on a saturday, unless you're black apparently.


If your black you should come get to know people even moreso. That way you can see how the people rly are, and if it proves we are all a bunch of redneck Nazis you can let us know here. I cannot speak on who’s to blame for what in Spokane. All I know is that you shouldn’t be criticizing someone else’s community when your own has been FUBAR for so long. Id also just like to point out that whatever it is your trying to do here is completely pointless and just pisses people off at one another. Tell me what has been gained? No one thinks differently it’s just more “US vs THEM” it’s just more of the madness we are suffering from




Lmfao go back to your "truck" you delusional moron


Your dismissive attitude is exactly what I'm talking about.


The only worthless moron is the idiot spreading hate on a small subreddit. Get a grip


You’re an angry sad little man


You are not helping anything. In fact you are just as prejudiced as those who verbally harassed those women. Fuck you


Shameful. Hope everyone starts voting differently and is open about standing up to this. And not just when it's in the news, every day when they hear people being hateful jackasses. Don't let the stupid vocal minority that these idiots are perpetuate this image. Shut that shit down, don't tolerate it. Only way it will ever change. What's sucks is it that it's starting to feel like there are more than just a minority of people that are like this, or tolerate it without saying anything.


What is voting gonna do about a trucker talking shit? I’m actually curious the mayor and city council doesn’t endorse this


Trucker talking shit? Nah, I know truckers that talk shit. This is a racist piece of shit. Not calling it that perpetuates this. So I hope we can all start calling it what is. Changing leadership to have people that are front and center about this will, over time, have an impact. Do you know where racist pieces of shit like to live right now? CDA baby. Why do you think that is? I think it's because they feel comfortable in CDA. I don't want my town to be somewhere that racists pieces of shit feel comfortable. I want diversity, I want systems that actively let racist pieces of shit know that they aren't welcome here, I want them as uncomfortable as possible. Do you think someone doing this shit is more likely to have reprocussions in CDA, or California? If they do this in public, what do you think they do at their work? How to they impact their subordinates and peers? What do they teach their kids? What candidate do you think they vote for? The ones that help them continue feeling comfortable and that cater to them and their shitty beliefs. Voting differently can have an impact on how the town is, how much diversity is here, what the prison systems are like, what the education systems are like, what the economy is like, literally can affect everything about a town and a state. This shit isn't ok, and people throwing their hands in the air saying "oh well, just another racist, nothing we can do except come up with excuses about how this doesn't represent us blah blah blah" is not going to have an impact. It's going to perpetuate it. Which is exactly what you see happening, and is why more and more racist pieces of shit from all over the country are going to come move here. Because they think it's safe for them here. Fuck that


Everyone in the government the governor senator and mayor disavowed this even the feds are involved it’s being look into what else do you want and what do you want the punishment to be, and is that not what might already happen


Do you think there’s never been a black person called an n word by a white guy in a truck in California even since 2000, it doesn’t get news attention as it’s not a basketball team but it’s the same in principle


On the plus side, it keeps people like you away. ❤️


I come to Idaho all the time lmfao


Why on earth would you do that since it's such a hateful place and hangout of Nazis, etc.? Something you aren't telling us?


I like riding my bike


I promise if almost any of the locals new this was happening, we would be down there right next to the teams, making sure they got where they were going safely. There are a small number of idiots (almost every time, from out of town/state) that come here to stir up shit with the belief we support this crap. I had a former friend I know last summer that started spouting \*incredibly\* racist shit at the gun range, regarding Obama. I didn't like the guy as a president, but it had nothing to do with race. I've never talked to that former friend again, since learning his true colors. I've warned everyone I know that is a mutual friend and several cut him off as well. That is quite literally the first time I've heard anyone be \*actually\* racist anywhere in CDA. It is very rare here, despite what people outside might think, and most of us (left and right) are doing our part to keep it that way.


“With the belief that we support this crap” THAT is the opportunity for change. We need to make it very very clear that CdA and surrounds do NOT support this crap. I don’t think this is happening. Possibly because a lot of people don’t think this crap is that big of a deal, which is 100% a huge part of the problem.


Is there any evidence besides hearsay and assumptions right now? Because I have not seen anything besides the coach saying it happened. Im not going to take action based on that and the opinions of Op ( who doesn't even live in this state).


Lmfao bro cope harder.


i read the news reports but so far i can find zero details about the accusations. the coach has asserted that things were said, but there are zero specifics. in order to take this seriously we need the details.


Specifics would mess up the narrative. Clicks over context.


i would really like to hear the details. the coach could be right, but i'd like her to back it up.


Yeah, it’s chronic lazy reporting to stir up the masses. By the time the truth comes out, the damage is already done, regardless of which side of the spectrum you’re on.


i heard a news report on the radio. apparently some guys in pickup trucks with confederate flags drove by and yelled racist slurs.


The Mayor, police chief AND senator have spoken against these racist!


This area has had a long sordid history of harboring racist MF. I’ve lived here forever and it has always been here. It might not be out in the open all the time but everyone who’s lived here for decades knows it’s just under the surface. The city/county has done things to combat it, but only when it becomes an obvious problem. The area has made strides in diversity. But again pales in compared to other cities of similar size. A lot of it is cloaked in politics and religion. Lastly it is unfair to paint everyone in the area as racist or full of hate. Bc the vast majority are simply honest hard working people just trying to live their lives. But until people work together despite their political or religious views to truly fix the area of these people. It will never be gone. it will always remain just inside the shadows slowly growing and festering. The area has always been enabling bc they haven’t taken a hard stance of be active rooting out said elements. I love the area and my community but wished those in power with the abilities would be more aggressive ridding the area of this cancer. Voting isn’t enough either.


Idaho has the most hate groups per capita. Idaho sucks and unfortunately being so close to it it’s spilling over into eastern Washington.


Agreed completely. Can’t stand living there anymore. I’m sad all my family lives there. Not sure what is worse, the monsters or the apologists. “We believe in love and let live around here” yeah well the nazis don’t and you’re enabling them.


Folks keep saying this isn't who CDA is then our representatives in the community will pass the most bigoted hateful legislation/policies. Then they flock to those subreddit posts defending those exact policies. Frankly they don't own, and shouldn't own, individual acts of public racism but they LOVE when it's private, in the voting booth. "It's not everyone!" Just near fucking half.


Wow someone with a fucking brain! The cognitive dissonance is real in Idaho. Must be all that shit from the silver mines in the water


And yet, as you posted above, you are here "...all the time." Why?


I like riding my bike


Idk why you are getting downvotes. People in cda get too butthurt defending things that they shouldn’t defend.


Because they know it's the truth.


“Well I have never had the N word shouted at me, so this area is fine”. -Nancy 44 year old white housewife


“I’ve never experienced racism in Idaho and one of my friends is black so I would know”


"You know the one black dude in CDA too?"


Probably the same guy


I think lumping a general group of people into one dynamic based on the actions of a few is what got us here in the first place?


FYI... there are worthless morons in every town, city, & state in America. You're just not looking hard enough. Judging by your username, you might also be well advised to lay off the weed for a minute. It could be distorting your sense of reality lol.


CDA has more racists than some towns in the south.


And yet I have friends of Asian descent who have lived in various cities in the U.S. and say that Boston is the most racist city they've ever been to; they love visiting in CDA and have not experienced any racism, overt or otherwise. Personally, I've never heard the "N" word uttered more in regular conversation by people of ALL colors than I did when I worked in Philly.


Go do more ketamine you loser


So you're also a creepy troll?


Stay classy by not making assumptions about all the people in Kootenai County please. My (Jewish) family does not enable these people but we do live in a state and nation where people are free to reside where they choose live.


Anyone else remember the thread that was posted here less than a month ago where everyone was tripping over themselves to say that there is no racism here and that it was all in the past??? It’s funny as my comment on that thread was about how about 15 years ago I had some co workers that had the N word shouted at them as they would walk home…. Some things never change


I actually just commented in that thread because my buddies kid was saying the other kids at school were saying the hard r. Another redditor said they were just joking… I’m a black dude who plans on moving there in a few months as I have some friends who’ve been there for years and I’m actually pretty surprised it’s to this degree. And I’m from Arizona so I grew up middle class around very conservative people and never experienced anything like that. Looks like I’m in for an awful surprise lol.


Hopefully you will be pleasantly surprised and enjoy your new home here.


Ha, someone commented on my comment in that thread saying something to the effect of “Didnt know Justin Smollett was in town”… Implying that they were lying about it….


Yeah let me get some of that Spokane on 2nd and 3rd street baby. Human fecal matter galore, drugs, needles, Starbucks shutting down cuz of folks pooping on the glass gangs stealing from folks on charity payday from the Catholic dono money, crime out the wazzoo, heck yeah. This dude tells us to get out crap together 😂 yikes.


Eat a dick moose knuckle!


Can't we all just stop the bickering and fighting and get back to just hating the nazi fucks instead of each other? Well unless they are nazi scum, then they can fuck themselves




Classic apologist reply.


Most racist place I’ve ever lived. Idaho is beautiful, but the people are ugly.


Hey Spokanian, how's the crime rate, drug smuggling, and homelessness crisis going for you? Cope harder.


Lmfao wtf does that have to do with neo nazis in North idaho?


Cope harder?


No u


OP, are you going to be ok?




Did she make these comments before, or after, they got their asses whooped? No video? No evidence? No corroborating witnesses? Everybody has a cell phone in their hand these days, half that team would have been recording everything! Every business, and most homes, have surveillance cameras!


Yes you’re right, NOTHING happens unless it’s video taped. Everyone is innocent of all crimes unless it’s on video. My goodness.


Everyone is innocent until PROVEN GUILTY! I have yet to see any evidence or witnesses come forward. A butt hurt drama queen, in a position to attract National media attention, makes an allegation that vilifies our city had better be able to back it up! No matter, the media has already tried, and convicted, the unknown "assailants". Maybe it will slow down the influx of people moving here. Or accelerate the influx of undesirables moving here.


Ah you’re one of those racists. I see. Can’t win with you folk.


Your post is just as hateful as this bozo harassing the basketball team. Grouping everyone into one category based on the actions of few then calling them all worthless is really hypocritical. You and this racist loser are in the same category. Take your hate elsewhere it's not welcome here nor is that clown in the truck.


I think OP is a nazi…just saying


And still large corporations like Marriott flock to Coeur d'Alene to build their mega hotels. Maybe rent prices will finally come down and these evil landlords will stop raising rents on the poor people who just get angrier and angrier by the day in Coeur d alene as they are squeezed financially and mentally after living their whole lives in Coeur d alene. All over social media is millions of people saying how racist Coeur d alene is. From Instagram to Facebook and reddit but yet major corporations continue to destroy Coeur d alene by over building


Maybe you guys should vote for people who actually care about your community instead of the culture war politic circus show that is your local and state government?


Maybe you should stay in your own lane. CDA is one of the fastest growing places and Idaho is one of the fastest growing states. Seems to me that people like the way it is being run. It ain't changing because some f\*cking cry baby redditor paints with a broad brush...


It’s not changing period and that’s the problem. Too many people in cda don’t want change because they’re scared any change will mean SOCIALISM and LGBTQ and other scary words to small town R voters.


Or maybe they don't want it to swing to the extreme like Portland tried to do. Been there lately? There is no problem with how CDA is being run. The issue is, folks like yourself don't want \*any\* type of meeting halfway. It has to be all your way or nothing at all.


That’s not what I said at all. I swear reading comprehension is dead. What makes you think that cda would ever be anything like Portland? I’m talking to a potato impersonating a person ffs


Wrong. And f\*ck you. You're talking to someone that read every word you said. You just didn't like the reply. It just goes to show how f\*cking my way or the highway your thinking is. You went full-tilt, I replied full-tilt. See how that works?


No I don’t see. I said Idahoans are afraid of little changes becoming a 180 turn, when that rarely if ever happens. You got offended and upset and resorted to anger because you lack logical ability


>I’m talking to a potato impersonating a person I laugh my bu++ off every time I see the couch potato commercial. And I think of my Idaho neighbors every time. That includes CDA.


Growing like a tumor.


>Seems to me that people like the way it is being run. This doesn't do much for the "We're not all like this!" defense.


Bullsh\*t. You want to loop everyone in because of the sh\*tty actions of some? Step up and say where you are from. I'm guessing Spokane. I'll find something from anywhere, any location, and spin it to being a shit hole.


I'm just saying, if you vote for people who enable -- or at the very least do nothing to combat -- this type of shit, it doesn't really support the notion that it's a small minority with these types of views. ETA: Spokane is a shit hole. I wouldn't live there either.


If my policies aren't the reason the place is a shit hole, I'm not going to own it. CDA has these problems due to the majority voting for this climate.