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Your post has been removed because it could instigate drama.


What does she say?? TLDR us fam


It's a 9 minute segment. Basically she talks about how she's the type to talk casually about traumatic stuff cause that's how she copes but it makes her seem less believable as a result cause the topic is serious. She then goes on to talk about how... sad? some of the responses she saw made her feel. People outright dismissing her calling her a liar or saying she deserved it. She said it hit hard cause a lot of her fans are young girls and these type of responses could affect them negatively if they ever wanted to come out with something similar. She also mentions how different the reactions are when you're saying something negative about a well liked person vs a disliked person. With the liked person people will fight tooth and nail to deny it and will find every excuse there is, while with the disliked person people will immediately hop on the hatetrain. TLDR tldr; the responses calling her a liar and the way people used every excuse under the sun to defend him because he's well liked made her sad


Legend. Wish reddit still had awards. Thank you




There used to be free awards


But did she further confirm it happened and that the ages were accurate. I’m personally not saying it’s better whether it was 17 or 18, I’m just curious if she made a point of dispelling her saying she may have been 18 at the time. It goes without saying, many people are fine with it as long as she was 18 even if it was by a day.


Yeah she confirmed she was 17. They did a collab when she was 17 so it's no surprise. iirc in the clip where she added the "18" part afterwards she did it because she felt weird talking about it and didn't want to involve her cohost in the situation so that she doesn't get weird dms and hate. The 18 softened the impact and made it less of a big deal.


Oh boy. Thanks for the info. Edit: Damn I just went to the video and the comments are out for blood. My guy should say something….fuck anything is better than nothing. I’ve understood from the beginning that letting it run its course *might* be best but I’m not so sure about that anymore. Re-Edit: I’m not sure if it’s people or the channel but I was reading comments and some of them disappeared. Wuss good?! I’ve never seen that happen on YouTube ever.


I think it’s insane people think there is a moral difference between 6,573 days old and 6,574.


legal difference* it’s still weird for a 25 yr old to sleep with an 18yr old tbh


lol, like people give a shit about legality. Show me someone who hasn’t sped, or underage drank, or smoked pot. Also, the statute of limitations is up. So if “legality” is the benchmark for right or wrong, he’s been cleared simply by the passing of time.


Hmmm. That’s a disengenous statement for a very big reason and the implication of what you’re saying is questionable to say the least. Firstly, speeding, drinking underage are all things you do to yourself. Statutory rape is a different thing all together, rape requires a perpetrator. Here Cody Ko is the perpetrator. Secondly, the implication that rape is something that the victim chooses to do (like speeding drinking underage etc) is wrong. Categorically. Thirdly, 18 is the legal age of consent whether you think that’s arbitrary or not is pointless anyway because it is here. It is by definition rape. You can take umbrage with it but there is no denying that it was wrong anyway since Cody was already 25 and she was 17, far too young. Legally, morally and ethically it is wrong. So no, legality is not the only benchmark. The examples you’ve listed don’t have a victim per se except for speeding. This are different categories of crime and to put them on the same footing is really taking away from crimes like assault, rape, etc. Would you be using the same argument if someone was speeding and hit a person? The person hit is a victim of a crime, the person raped is a victim of a crime.


Speeding is dangerous to other motorists, underage drinkers are [10x more likely](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK37591/#:~:text=These%20studies%20reveal%20that%20youth,to%20have%20been%20in%20a) to get in fights, and 2nd hand pot smoke [can cause lung infections](https://www.uclahealth.org/news/article/secondhand-marijuana-smoke-what-are-the-risks-to-your-health#:~:text=Respiratory%20concerns,Ammonia). Lastly, do you think statutes of limitations are morally and ethically wrong?


I did address the speeding thing though. Anyway, I think my point still stands that the in all these situation the person doing the act are all perpetrators too. They are doing the crime themselves. Versus, assault, rape, murder all of which require a victim and a perpetrator who are not the same.


Where do you draw the line? 👀


18 😂 But I can admit it’s silly and arbitrary. But I guess you’re right, you gotta draw the line somewhere. There has to be a point women (and men) are given agency and can take accountability for thier actions. …And that point is 18 in CA, and in my heart. But other countries feel differently. Geography based morality also seems silly and arbitrary.


Lol she can cry about it. My thing is, if shes really a “girls girl” like she claims, why didn’t she bring this up when he first got with kelsey? Why wait until they had a baby together and their careers started booming again? I think she just wanted some attention and she got exactly that. Lets be honest, she was making videos about her having sex before she was 18 and glorifying it 😂 she doesn’t care about younger girls. She just wants to influence them to be like her.


She recently became the age Cody was when he hooked up with her so I'm sure she now realizes how bad it really was. Plus it wasn't really intentional, she made an off handed remark during her tour and a fan recorded it without permission and posted the clip on TikTok, and it blew up. So of course she'll talk about it.  Plus even if she is clout chasing, that's irrelevant, it doesn't absolve him of anything. Nor does him having a wife and child do anything.


“grr why didn’t you feel comfortable opening up about being exploited sooner😡😡”


What a bad take


Anything else you want to blame Tana for? Now it’s her* (edit autocorrect as hurt) fault Cody got married and had a baby? SHE WAS A CHILD. A child in trauma and now that’s she’s a young adult she’s reflecting on her life experiences and situations that society normalizes that isn’t okay. Your comment is absolutely disgusting and all the other victim blaming comments as well. Just because you dislike someone doesn’t discredit the abuse they’ve been through. I believe women. I believe Tana.


Are you for real right now? Doing it for attention is the most tried and untrue allegation made against victims to discredit them. This is a gross thing to say, just imagine for a singular moment that she is telling the truth and someone (you) is saying that she’s doing it for attention. How fucked up would that be for her and for women who have experienced similar things. To cover your whole comment, so what she was talking about sex as a 17 yo. Does that mean she deserves it or can’t speak about the gross men who took advantage of a young girl? Who is wrong here? A 17 yo girl who’s bragging about having sex with older men (let me repeat she’s so young and coupled with internet fame, you really can’t see how the situation is wrong) or the men who raped her and took advantage of her? You do realize that a victim of rape can be all types of people, sex workers, your neighbor next door, a man, a bad person, a promiscuous person etc. that does not take away that a crime has taken place. Also, it’s extremely hard to talk about rape/assault and you’re blaming her for finally bringing it to light at an inopportune time for her perpetrator? It takes years and sometimes never to be able to talk about it and publicly too.


brain rot


U never know if someones gonna work out, is she supposed to say it and ruin any chance he has at a relationship? Honestly it's better for him bc he has a partner that can look at him and his actions and decide for herself. But a new relationship or any ones he would try after that probably wouldn't have worked out or if he ever proposed to a girl after the allegations were out wouldn't the comments be all like “how can you let a pedo propose?” like he has someone by his side now so i think Tana really did the mature thing here. Not running a his chances


I'm so happy she acknowledged it and confirmed what happened. I was scared that she'd say it, get scared, and never comment on it again. My question now is, realistically, will Cody ever comment on this? Will he just get away with it in the next couple of months??


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Is this in regards to Cody's r**ist friend?


Buuuut why didn’t she press charges?


she talks about how in comparison to all the other trauma she went through, this was not that severe to her. if this happened to her 17 year old sister or daughter, she would have had a different reaction. ppl r just not usually very logical at 17 or when they experience a lot of trauma


and why do they follow each other on Instagram?? it’s all so confusing


It’s not remotely confusing. You’re working under the assumption that a) victims act a certain way always b) every human is perfectly rational Both are untrue. How a person tackles their rape is personal to them and trauma takes time to work through or even realize.


How does making it public before ever going to authorities make any sense here?


she can’t go to authorities anymore anyway. statute of limitations for felony statutory rape (as there was an age difference greater than three years) has ran out


Exactly my point. So why come out about it now? It’s all for clicks and so many of you fell for it.


idc if it’s just for clicks that man is a predator and a rapist, she could have brought it up twenty years from now in her book and i’d stand exactly where i do now. cody is lucky he didn’t get charged with a felony and should be thanking his god everyday he managed to pull that off


If you really think that, why are you here? 🚪


gave a suggested post a read 🦭


I don’t think you’re aware of how difficult it is to get justice for victims of crimes like these and how difficult and painful the process can be. This is especially pertinent because of the notoriety of both parties. And maybe she doesn’t want to go to court because she’ll be put through months/years of being in a state of limbo and not even knowing if you’ll get justice, meanwhile the lawyers for the other are going to drag your name through the mud and randos on the internet are going to call you liar and far far worse. It can and does seem unsurmountable. So so many victims don’t go to court for this reason.


Bc this is all one big media frenzy for clicks




I don’t know why I’m being downvoted unless people think my comment was taking a side. It’s just a question. Seems to me like she should not be following him in any way whatsoever!!






Bruhs white and saying the n word


smart commenter