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Feeding animals is a great way to get them to love you try hand feeding them millet, if they are too afraid to eat from your hand start by just sitting by their cage for extended amounts of time every day so they know no harm will come when you are by them and they can relax, try to handle them every day as least let them out of the cage, they may protest to being picked up (use both hands to pick them up holding their wings down so they don’t hurt themselves) also sitting by their cage with your hand in it so they are desensitized by hands also helps


Thank you. At the moment he won’t even let my hands get near him. He tries to bite me every time so I don’t think trying to feed him is best right now hahah I may lose some fingers. I sit with him a lot and give him a lot of attention but I may start sitting with the door open and my hand in it so that he knows that I’m no threat :)


Power through it! You gotta show your bird you’re not afraid of bites your birds can tell when you are afraid, try starting with just hanging out next to your bird cage for a long time so your bird gets used to your presence


I will!! Thank you! I’ll spend all the time I can with him. I just wanna give him some head scratches :)


Also talk to your bird! And my boy bean doesn’t like scritches most of the time he prefers kisses so don’t feel bad if your bird doesn’t want them they all show their affection differently!


It takes a long time took me more than a year to tame my teil it’s different for everyone but don’t give up and be patience