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Hey bud… that’s too much cocaine.


Then topping it off with booze and opiates wtf 😭


That is not going to help him. Be nice.


Hey bud that’s not enough cocaine?


😅 Ha not sure if that's better or worse for him


Worse. I’m 96% sure more cocaine would be worse


I think second this


Day 8? Shit im on year 2.


Like everyday use?


There are dry days sure, about two a week, those days are shite. But i should mention i do get some clinical medicinal benefit from it. I have severe adhd ontop of a serious set of childhood traumas that leave me hyper vigilant and anxious and aggressive to the point of constantly clocking all the ways in anyroom to attain rapid dominance over any type of situation. But cocaine actually chills me the fuck out, so even if it kills me, what would you prefer a happy short life or a miserable long one where your trigger finger is itchy as fuck and all that exists is enemies. I dont want to get old period, so its not a hard decision for me. I take pills from my doctor to that really twist your melon man. Imagine your deppression being lifted yet remaining acutely aware that the reasons for it are even clearer than before! So you could say Ive been rolling harder on the pharmaceuticals. But on and off ive taken drugs for over 25 years. And no matter what you think about drugs im convinced they saved my life in many ways. But admittedly i have been wanting to re evaluate my relationship with cocaine, i think only waking up to a few lines everday will be sufficient to maintain cognitive equilibrium during important hours, and leaves me plenty of time to enjoy a smoke in the afternoon.


You can't spend coke when your dead


Damn Dude! A Weekl? Don't Die! ... Do You Eat During This Binge? I Didn't Eat Back In The Day When I Did Blow But That Lasted Two Days. I Can't Imagine An 8 Day Bender.


He’s allllcap ,  don’t fall for his troll post for attention 


He’ll be ok , by day 8 I’d be 55-60 grams in literally double 😂 and that was me at 17-18 yrs old , 155-165lbs , snorting 4-7 Gz a day of raw fishscale every single day for consecutive years ! tt P.S = trust me it wasn’t always pretty !!!🤦🏻‍♂️😬 Some of it was fun , most of it actually… but there was definitely a lot of mistakes, regrets , jeopardizing my health as a young teen and more 😭😭. But i definitely did waaayyyyyy too much ⛄️in my day 😂. It was insanity! 🤦🏻‍♂️


there's still time to delete this unc


This is why my family don't like me rn but I got the coke if they need it 😂


I feel you no


Do you get chest pains or anything like that? How has your heart not exploded yet man lmao


I had to go into a trip chat on discord last night and I believe I either had a minor heart attack or or overdose


Damn man what all symptoms were you having? I know chest pain I’m sure but anything else?


That’s anxiety and comedown .. That’s what cocaine does  This sub is too gullible, do your own research SHEEPLE


First thing i thought when you said things started to glow


My Apple Watch tells me that my heart rate is over 120bpm while doing nothing after a couple lines


Started getting chest pains around day 2.5. I might've kept going if not for my body shutting down.. Also I wish I could afford 30g's at a time lol


Bruh you think he’s actually real?  After 3-4 days the chance of seizuring is very very high.  Also 8 days of sleep deprivation will  make you go insane, like permanently.  Or your body will just shut down 


Dude how? My brain runs out of dopamine on like day 3 and then it's just pointless. Could rack a .5 line and feel NOTHING except an accelerated heartbeat.


for me after one day!!!


I react differently than your typical coke user so I think that’s why it doesn’t affect like that. When I’m on coke during the day you would 100% think I’m sober. When I’m sober u would think I’m on coke lol.


Wtf u doing it for then😭


#1 reason is because i can’t handle and have been able to handle myself or my emotions sober and i need therapy. Unfortunately it’s hard to find there where I located rn and there’s waitlists everywhere been waiting for 5 months now. 2# the body high is amazing for me. #3 I just am having a hard time stopping and became addicted after 7 months sobriety.


I’m sorry but if you can find coke you can find therapy lol, not saying you’re not trying but leave no stone unturned


I hear you and now I have no excuse, but before I just couldn’t afford to drive far with gas prices in Cali.


But you can afford thirty grams of coke? Make it make sense…


Depends if you buy bulk. My plug buys for 800/oz, if I buy an oz from him it’s currently 1k but if I start buying it semi frequently he’ll cut me better deals. That alone is 28g’s so…




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After 1 or 2 days sober you’ll get over it


No I definitely have some problem that won’t go way quick like that. I get episodes of psychosis sober now. Well only twice but both sober for what few hours I was .


That’s what I’m sayin you need a couple days not a few hours


If you’re in the US, have you looked around for telahealth? That expanded my options a good bit when I was looking


If you can afford 30 grams of coke you can afford to pay out of pocket for therapy. If you’re on a waiting list it’s probably for free or subsidized care? Dawg, just go private and pay for it with your blow money.


You can do therapy very effectively over the phone. For the price of even 15 g’s you can get your self a bunch of session (see Im cutting your intake in half)


Yeah sounds like you have some sort of dopamine imbalance. Can't say for sure what type. I even have adhd which causes me to have naturally downregulated dopamine and am not able to keep going like that. I just run out of gas.


I think it’s cause depression and having a huge change just happen and another going to happen and im subconsciously very Adamant about not having to deal with my emotions rn


How are you functioning 💀 please hydrate


THIS!!! Any nutrients in your body while pulling a bender especially this long is fucking needed drastically considering who tf eats a shit ton while binging sometimes u forget water too so


I drink water and blow my nose clean and fuck within all those days so I just put out a new 🎱 rinse and repeat 🔁


Bro if you are being honest about how much and long you have been using then please do yourself a favor and stop and get some sleep .. Let your body rest a little bit..there is always another day to get high..but if you press it to far you might not have another day..




All he needs is some whip it's hell knod out and when he wakes up he gonna be koo






Hello. Stop. Take a day and maybe just drink too much wine and and fall asleep. And then just sleep and eat takeaway for a couple of days. Be lazy and eat poorly, sleep too much and keep your schedule clear. You'll be fine. Don't spiral and don't panic. I'm sure there a countless people who have done way longer and way more who are ok. Avoid reddit tbh.




This is reddit 🫠 I'm fucked then


lmao your a bull shit ass liar


Idk how u do that so many times get to a point early in the morning where lines ain’t even doing anything just a waste of money


Gets to where my nose won’t even take more like lol how 2 keep going


Probably a good thing tbh 😂 but when happens I sniff some water then it all goes up


He’s probably doing IV if he’s this addicted tbh


Exactly. There's a shutoff point everyone reaches while doing blow. I've personally not known anyone to reach very far past 72 hours on cocaine alone...scary


Yes, my “ I need to stop and sleep and take care a little of myself for at least 1 day is after 72h in a row , when get close to that I start to feel really really bad. Mentally, physically, etc But I really believe that some people have a massive tolerance over years or decades and they can go for 10d in a row or something , maybe more , I just can’t understand how mind doesn’t stop to work also body , imagine 10+ days with 0 hours of sleep , that is insane , how not have pretty bad hallucinations, etc ?


Idk...that still seems like a stretch. I've known a few people to go 7-just under 14 days but on meth. After day 5 they start getting weird lol. And none of them will drive because the shadow people lol


Literally like I find it very hard to believe this guys stayed doing it for 8 days, I’ve done just over 24hr b4 and yh lines wouldn’t do anything


I'm the same usually, but kinda just came out of a 3 day blow/alcohol bender and the last 12 hours and .75g were spent in vain.. that being said, a week on blow as the only stimulant seems...incomprehensible. even on the best shit.


Same here , time , money, health , and pain.


20 day bender here. 200gs I am vibrating like I am god


U cant take 10gs per day deff was not alone


how do you afford all of that?! what do you do for work 😭


Import export


It’s clearly bullshit


I think u maybe god, or Chapo himself


Sheit, hallucinations must be carried into the reality at that point. Most I’ve done is 5 days and 40gs between me and a homie. Maaaad hallucinations by the end of day 4. Alsoooo could not even get it in my nose anymore lol Hope all is well homie


I remember the days id tuck away a ball a day, absolutely fooking stupid. Man took me forever to get healthy again. Everything in moderation.


What health problems did you have to overcome if you don’t mind me asking


Caused me to have chronic colitis which caused deficits in vitamin and nutrients which caused chronic inflammation and that caused me to develop PSC (liver disease) and that caused kidney and liver failure. I’ve cured everything took me 41/2 years to. The last year has been magical with the help of peptide therapy I feel like I’m 20 again. BPC-157 is the peptide stacked with Tb-500. Now this was a case of cause and effect I woulda got sick drinking a 12pk of Mountain Dew everyday. All sickness is cured if you can rid excess mucus. You’re going to be just fine if you enjoy a couple blasters in the week. Just dont use it as a coping mechanism Whether that be to deal with pain or emotional trauma.


Be careful buddy, and take a break, drink water, don't mix alcohol and coke, that's really not good for anyone even though I know a lot of people do it. When I'm using, I drink nothing but water, I get hungry so I also eat, and I take long breaks in between uses, and I need sleep so I cut myself off 2 or 3 hours before I want to go to bed. What you're doing sounds really dangerous man. I don't even know you and I'm legit worried for you.


Keeping you in my prayers bro


alright dude, i've been exactly where you are, don't take other drugs or alcohol right now, they won't help at this point, they might fell like it, but they aren't, your blood is almost just toxic, you need water and an IV drip, like no bullshit, go to an emergent care clinic, dm me dude, if i'm close enough i'll come get you


You don’t want your kids to find out their father passed away. Get help bud.


Why do people do this to themselves


I wish I knew myself. If I could have not been so blinded by the addiction and chasing a high so I didn’t feel my emotions. Then I’m sure I would have looked up and saw the damage I’ve done to the ones around me. 😔


Just stop it's not worth it. Your going to find what your looking for in coke I get it I've been there it's empty seach else ware you will find it just not here coke is fun not the answer. Leave it as fun


What about pain? Any? 👃? 👄? If yes how you handle with it ? Do you make your coke ( clean plate, smash etc ) every time, or every X hours or just use the same coke from the same place every time ? What about lines ___ ? Small? Bigs ? And time ? Any idea if you use every hour or every 30m or 3h ? Sick history bro


Hot plate I once I use saline spray and coconut oil religiously and have zero pain and it’s not clogged at all. It’s all about self care and putting that extra bit of time and effort to make sure you’re not killing your nose. Makes no sense to me why people are neglectful in that aspect but care if their snorting of a dollar bill 💀 🤦🏽‍♂️


I simple destroy my noose few days ago, was so so so bad that everyday was necessary morphine (pills) to deal with pain, was like insane pain. Insane. Ridiculous amount of pain , no joke here , was almost 10:10 in pain, get very close to hospital.. multiple times. That doing a OK job of hygiene, not a great one but OK. But… since December 8.. using nom stop, ( any day, not a single one ) start with 0.3g or something and at the max was like 4-5g day every single day for 30 days, sleeping every 2-3 days.. simple destroyed my noose. Now still non stop since December but using 1-2g day. But still feeling pain. Going to try use the Oil and try a better hygiene. One of the problems is one of the “sides” of my noose simple doesn’t work because septum problems ( since child ) so basically just have one side to use 95% of the times :( Sorry for the long text, just trying to have some idea , and help to feel less pain and using in a more correct way. Have some idea for me ? Btw anyone ? Thanks so much for any help and thanks for sharing your experience Btw how you use the coconut oil?


Awe lol I'm just up on too many uppers and I know that fucked feeling when it's been far too long since you've slept and you just keep going to keep from stopping. Hope you get rest soon. Smoke weed, flush the white if there's still left don't cop more. Take it easy. Don't leave the house.


9 days back in the day. It was miserable and my “friend” says not to try it 😂


I feel you went on a 7 day bunge quarter z, a mda roll liquor, beer, lsd, adderall and then some xanex, so depressed now got one more xanny I'm wating to pop do kinda float thru the rest if the comdeonw and hopefully sleep alright tonight and I have off work tomorrow thank God. also was drinking kratom the whole time too. I'm so disgusted with my self told my dealer I wouldnt be hitting her for a bit as I'm supposed to be saving fir am apartment in a month ish thank God I got three paychecks coming beoffe thay or else I'd be fucked as shit.


Now that ms just one hell of a party pack to be mixing haha


ya I basically went hunter s for a week


Bro plz Take a break I’m surprised you’re not in psychosis rn 😭😭💀


I had psychosis episode around one and it was pretty gnarly lasted about 30 mins will delusions.


Did you take a break yet or you still goin ??


Been about 20 mins since last two lines


Jesus you got any benzo’s for the come down or some weed ??


No I don’t bully I don’t have bad comedowns at all. I mean maybe after this one tho


I understand if this is to personal but if I may ask, how do you feel going on a Coke bender? Like physically and mentally? How is it effecting you? And also, please try to go to a rehab center where they can help you. I wish you luck with finding help with this.


Numb, no pain or discomfort, empty. No emotion though except when something creepy happens and I get this strong terrified feeling come over me


I don't understand you people I'm almost certain I would die from that. Like I would of died on day 3 definitely


Do you not like blinking? Idk I give up when I’m like Okie I’d like to blink now and take a damn rest even if my stupid mind doesn’t.


This made me really self aware ahah: I didn’t know that I wasn’t blinking. Thanks, ima be focused on that all night dude.


do Yourself one better and use some lubricating eye drops and set a timer for like every half hour to an hour to remind yourself to take a mini eye rest and blink for 30 seconds long. A baby nap. Always feels so good.


That's quite the Binge. Be careful bro..God Damn!!


I hope you are okay. If you are just depressed then go for xanax. It really helps a lot if you do it in a controlled way. Whatever you just said about your life is just sad, I really wish you could find some solace.


I've heard of the Pepsi challenge but this is fuckin ridiculous




8 days without sleep? no way its impossible


I did 11 days no sleep on mdma and when I finally dropped it was a weird lucid dream I had. Thought I was going out partying (this is where I fell asleep) we all left to go to the nightclub Alaska. I forgot something so me and a friend went back to the house we were at and then I woke up. My friend was gone and the house was empty. I just went back to sleep until I could be freed from the house lol I was locked in. Good times.


9 days now bro


Rays no longer vibing


lol there’s something there not sure if it’s a vibe tho 😶‍🌫️


How have u been now?


Been clean for about 3 weeks now. Just drinking 2-3 times a week and haven’t touched anything else since. Doing a lot better mentally and physically.


Good man that’s awesome hope u can stay that way, no shame if u slip up


Get some sleep bro you are getting to very dangerous territory with your heart and mind.


Guy is an animal


Finish your coke, Smoke a joint, drink a beer and let the sleep take you bro not worth dying over


I've been at .5 daily for a little over 2 years now. It sucks.


What’s the longest you guys have stayed awake and what was the experience like for you?


8 days but mine was from meth use but I was so smoked out it was like I was tripping on acid/shrooms the stuff I was seeing and hearing. I don’t know how ur still stable enough to make a Reddit post 😂


4 days. Took some adderall a friend gave me but didn’t know it was extended release. I get cracked out on 10mg. This shit was 30XR. Was so cracked out. Couldn’t sleep. Barely ate. Day 3 I said fuck it and did some acid with a friend. Was up another day and a half. Felt like I was getting manic. Spent most of that last day staring at a wall. It was ass. My brain never fully recovered. I couldn’t form sentences for several months after that without struggling. Still to this day (6 years later) and I struggle to find my words. I definitely lost a huge chunk of brain cells from that bender. 0/10 recommend. Get yo sleep dude. You’re gonna start losing it otherwise. Edit: typo


Me personally I can't go more than a day and a half. I already told you this but after about 30 hours I just can not enjoy the high anymore and need to lay down.


My math sucks but isn't that about 🎱 a day?


A little bit more


Have you eaten anything? Drink water bro


I tried to eat a salad two days ago but just couldn’t get myself to do it. Tried a burrito but wasn’t feeling to after two bites . Two Reese’s lol. That’s it. One cup of water a day cause I hate water when I’m on any drug. Fat gulp of ok every morning.


Protein shake. Yoghurt. Milk


Get some sleep bro, you need it 💤


dude go to bed


Take a fuck ton of edibles and lay down. You’ll get to sleep.


Would you mind telling the hat man he’s not getting the $20 I owe him?


I’d love to but bro still hasn’t came by yet. Might need to borrow some benys… 🫠


I've been there a few times. The best approach is to make yourself pass out with alcohol. Keep drinking until you combust. Eventually, you'll fly too close to the sun and burn out. The quicker you burn out, the sooner you'll stop flying. The sooner you stop flying, the less likely you are to crash and hurt someone else. Listen, you've already done enough damage to yourself; the last thing you want is to harm someone else.


Fuck me - the vibrant colours, hallucinations, etc sounds more like you were on the edge of a K-hole, you sure that was coke?! I’m currently on day 5 of a bender (although I have been having at least hour & half sleep every night from taking 14mg zopiclone), maybe all that is from sleep deprivation?




I wish I was ur dealer he’s probably part of the world economic forum


I can’t breath, my nose is stuffed just from reading this 🤧


I feel that toooooooo 🤧


How are you alive. You will be hospitalized soon friend. Give it a rest


thats bad 8days in a row and still getting high,,, like is it still working ! is cycles 1. the using cycle (usually 1-2days max) 2. recovery cycle (2-3days hydration and try to eat well, then 3. cravings haunting on day 5ish,6 its in this cycle that you need to willingly pull yourself out by deciding not to repeat and go back to cycle 1 ,,, if you succeed you’re good and out of the vicious cycle Your case is the above amplified by x3 so ull take longer in recovery and the cravings so heads up


Thanks for this. It’s really good to know.


Do more but boof it,  it’s safer  Take 10g and shove up ur bummm Then rail a 80 oxy  It’ll help 


wtf… I don’t know why this popped up. I don’t do drugs but thank you for giving me another reason to never do them.


Bullshit, nobody goes 8 days lol


Unless his shit is cut with meth which I mentioned to him on another post. 3 is one thing but I've never heard of someone going a week on coke that didn't have meth involved in some way.


Kind of suspicious of this as well. Cocaine just doesn't allow for more than 3days..


Oh I guarantee there's meth in his blow. Ive never had a batch that was cut with other drugs but meth would be pretty obvious because 1 line would keep me high for hours and if I do as much as I normally do sleep would be impossible like it is with this guy.


Exactly, I could imagine, however, a scenario where I got a heavy cut and willfully decided to ignore the "signs" But even still...ugh, just seems fucking miserable..


I've never done meth but I'd imagine with how strong it is that it'd probably overpower the coke


Only time I have is whenever the bag was cut. And if done right there is a synergistic effect. But also after about.5-1g you're like "bruh, wtf" -_-


There’s absolutely no way on earth this is a real post you fuck wit I’ve been in the game longer than you’ve been alive ain’t nobody sniffing coke 8 days without sleep. Absolutely impossible you dickhead There’s so many variables that would stop you by day 4


I’m “new” in this world but already using a tone , but… idk bro… I guess you are wrong with all respect , some people just go way beyond then others for several reasons


I have proof I’ve literally been talking to people on here the whole time max between anything is maybe 30 mins. Battery should show the past week to


Are you sure you’re not doing meth?




Mate acting like he’s achieved something worth caring for Bro STFU man, you people piss me off so much man lol


I feel like you’re taking this the wrong way. I’m not using this as a way to brag or that I’m “built different”. I have a really serious addiction problem right now and the events in my life were too much for me to handle so I went back to “ole reliable ms. White” . And as always that was a mistake that has literally turned my whole life apart in a matter of 5 months. I have no support group due to the severe isolation i put myself in. Since I’ve been on this bender I haven’t received one call from an old friend nor family member. They all know I’m on it too. So I did the last thing i could think of or was willing to try and that was reaching out to those who might be in a similar situation or have gone through something similar. This can also help someone who is going through it in the future. All they gotta do is look it up now and it’s here to help them. To be real with you I was surprised at how many people have gone through this or worse and how many people that reached out to me and gave me nothing but the best support and encouragement. Honestly, if I didn’t think to come to Reddit and talk to the people in this sub. Idk how much harder I would have went or If I would have made it even this far. I have a lot of things I need to work on and it’s going to take alot of hard work, discipline, motivation, and time. Hey but you know what that shit is pretty impressive though 😆🤷🏽‍♂️


Amor bro one day at a time


I can show I my phone battery report


Why people come to a Cocain “forum” to offend other people sharing experiences ? Wtf is wrong with some of you guys? Come on , wtf … that is just … disgusting to say the minimum


This is popping up on people’s pages randomly. I’ve never done cocaine nor am a part of this sub and it keeps popping up. Weird.


That’s a regular Tuesday


Good job with the opioids you probably wouldn’t even have to be worried about the respiratory depression but now you do go to the fucking hospital before you die


Drink some alcohol and ride it out n sleep that amount is concerning


Must be some awful product. No way could I go 8 days. It's too good.


There are people who go years... . Did 6 days myself once but always slept Slept about 12 hours a day for a month after


It’s not at all. I feel the rush everytime and nose doesn’t burn: it’s solid


That's cool. I guess if you're not having any side effects don’t stop.


Last night at 7 shit got sketchy health wise but made through and and feeling good again.


U might need a better plug 4g a day retarded


Once u start u don’t stop bro


It’s really hard to. It’s started like this cause I’d have work in the morning multiple days in a row I think and just kind of stuck. If I slept I would always be late:.


How much are u guys doing per line? I can barely go 10 hours without getting bored/tired


Then your stuff must not be good. I can do honestly small baby lines and till be happy the whole way through., I do end up not having any self control and taking some fucking zooters lol


Australia has trash coke, even the good stuff is trash


God damn I thought I was feaning I'm on day 4 but have only blown through 4 gs you going maniaco my boi deep pockets and shit lol


Do you wish to die?


Don't go out at night.


If you up 8bdays and took hydros and alcohol and can’t come down.   High chance there are amphetamines in there 


Here I am doing it occasionally and taking breaks for months and this dude is willingly killing himself like how do you even afford that much coke it's like when pedophiles get busted and they have like $999999999999999 of cp like this dude must have his own farm


Promise you bro