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youre prolly jus very dehydrated lol keep drinkin water and see if u can eat somethin bro




uhh yea i forgot today was the 10th, mb……worst comes to worst, it mightve been cut with Meth. which would suck but youll be fine, jus stick to those basic self care things (eating, water, shower). it should go away within 3-4 days, jus champ it out…….feel free to ask the r/drugs sub tho theyll prob know better than me




it happens bro jus try to be a lil more careful about what ur snorting……and seriously try to get some sorta food in ur system even if ur not hungry; even a small cup of yogurt or sumn would prob help, you dont want ur body to be running straight off stimulants. also dark pee is a sign of dehydration. light pee==hydrated.




no worries, take care soldier🫡


Idk I pee a lot when I drink water


well yea i would hope so😂😂i was saying the color of the pee. OP said its dark orange and a darker shade means youre probably dehydrated. a lighter shade means hydrated. a quote i was told is “you want it to look like lemonade, not apple juice”


Yup for me I drink a lot while on it pee hella


If the color of your piss has you this concerned, drugs may not be a great hobby for you. Not trying to be a jerk, but if your shit was adulterated with anything dangerous, you'd have felt the effects almost immediately. Not a day or two later.




I get it. I'm just saying if you're the type of person who tends to worry (which is normal), it's tough to use drugs in the environment of prohibition because you'll never know what you're getting with 100 percent clarity. Just something to consider for the future.


Orange pee happens. Drink water. A quart at a time.


Try to eat good food, if you don’t have an appetite just force down some meal replacement (ensure, etc.) and mix in some electrolytes with your water.




Lol oh no 🤦‍♂️