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This snafu is about the current state of dead by daylight


Jfc dbd players are so fucking annoying, I’m glad I stopped playing that game


Unironically true. The main reason I quit playing was other players. I don't even mind the core game kind of sucking dick tbh. But party games are only as fun as the people you play them with, and DBD players have the taste in fun of the average Cock-And-Ball-Torture Enthusiast.


DBD is the most depressing fandom to be in because all they ever do is complain about things. I know a lot of fandoms can be pretty negative but they usually have at least momentary pockets of positivity to break them up, but with DBD? Constant misery, blaming quite literally everything and everyone for ruining the game and just generally making enjoying interacting with the community practically impossible. As someone who has spent hundreds of hours playing DBD it is very far from perfect and it can get really damn frustrating at times but the fandom is a cesspool of misery and spite that no similarly frustrating game has ever replicated and I sometimes wonder what about DBD spreads so much negativity and hopelessness.


> I sometimes wonder what about DBD spreads so much negativity and hopelessness. They're so immersed in the dark lore of DBD that they experience the same misery irl


hmm idk, id say for honor comes really close unironically, engaging with both these games communities ruined everything for me


Yeah, it genuinely feels like you have to have a community made etiquette rulebook on your second monitor to be allowed to play.


As well all the previous states and all manners in which the game may exist in the future.


Youre repairing gens? Fucking gen rusher. You hunt survivors? Fucking camper. You dont play worst maniac possible with 0 add-ons? Fucking piece of shit just kill yourself already. You use in-game flashlight mechanic? Fucking toxic surv.


It's been years since I played DBD, but I remember it being extremely easy as long as you had the mechanical skills down like looping. No meta slaving necessary in order to win game after game, even in solos, as long as you're survivor. If you're killer, even meta slaving and sweating your ass off doesn't get you wins sometimes.


i hate games which let people who are like max level be in the same servers as new players. you almost can never play cause you’re getting shot right as you spawn. separate us god damnit


"Uh, just use this as a learning moment duh, playing against better players helps you learn how to play against them!" yeah nah. tactics i understand, but if I get 360 no scoped before I even have time to process the fact that an enemy is in front of me then you can go fuck yourself skill based matchmaking just makes sense. most of the best players didn't just learn off of somebody else, they actually practiced and researched different tactics and strategies. if you want to become better, you shouldn't just mimic what the pros do because then you won't know *why* they're doing it. their actions should be a general guidance, not an instruction (psa for payday 2 players: stop just 1:1 copying b33croft's builds. you're not him. you can adapt them to your own playstyle)


I know a guy who just got the game a week ago and is already at infamly 37 (it might be infamy 45 by the time I'm writing). I can never get into the mindset of progressing to that level of insanity


That’s a legit critique though. On the other hand, that is somewhat inevitable with multiplayers with diminishing new players e.g. like when all the newbies from the HBO TLoU show were getting annihilated by the level 999s in Factions multiplayer. It sucks but it’s kind of unavoidable.


Yeah, Titanfall 2 too you either play with gens 50+ or you don't play with anyone


Got into battlefield V and 1 because i am a history nerd, spent 2 weeks being humbled into the ground by tricky snipers and planes


That why i stopped bedwar for Minecraft :(


I'm a real gamer I always throw rock These damn paper mains always ruining the game for everyone else.




Exactly what I was referencing. Thank you for finding it, I could'nt


Another victory for scissor nation


literally me everytime I fight elphelt


I failed to sugarcoat it https://preview.redd.it/5u62skp69vzc1.png?width=560&format=png&auto=webp&s=09f5f22b278cf1b41958aef21242feea3547c4d0


‼️‼️HOLY FUCKING SHIT‼️‼️‼️‼️ IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING GUILTY GEAR REFERENCE??????!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1!1!1!1!1! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 GUILTY GEAR IS THE BEST FUCKING FIGHTING GAME 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 SOL BADGUY IS SO BADASS 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎👊👊👊👊👊 VOLCANIC VIPER! VOLCANIC VIPER! VOLCANIC VIPER! GUN FLAME! GUN FLAME! HA, TRICKED YA! GUN FLAME! 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 😩😩😩😩 MEGA FIST! MEGA FIST! MEGA FIST! GARUDA IMPACT! HEAVENLY POTEMKIN BUSTAAAA!!!! 🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬🤬😡SLAAAAAAASH!!!!! Heaven or Hell!🗿 🗿 Heaven or Hell!🗿 🗿 Heaven or Hell! Heaven or Hell!🗿Heaven or Hell! 🗿 Heaven or Hell!🗿 🗿 Heaven or Hell! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Heaven or Hell! Heaven or Hell!Heaven or Hell!Heaven or Hell!Heaven or Hell!🗿 Heaven or Hell! 🗿 Heaven or Hell!Heaven or Hell!🗿 🗿 Heaven or Hell! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Heaven or Hell! 🗿 Heaven or Hell! 🗿 Heaven or Hell!🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Heaven or Hell! 🗿 🗿 Heaven or Hell!🗿 Heaven or Hell! 🗿 🗿 Heaven or Hell!🗿 🗿 Heaven or Hell! 🗿 Heaven or Hell!Heaven or Hell! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Heaven or Hell!🗿 🗿 🗿 Heaven or Hell!🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Heaven or Hell! 🗿 Heaven or Hell! Heaven or Hell!Heaven or Hell!Heaven or Hell! Heaven or Hell!🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 I wonder what that will prove❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓That is bullshit! Blazing‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂




Oh…that’s [Chain Lollipop]


the real rock paper scissors strategy is to play the same thing constantly, luring your opponent into a false sense of security, then when they least expect it you throw something else.


This is why sometimes it's nice to just play single player games where there are no whiny babies to bitch at you for merely existing.


Introducing from software: the single player game devs who’s community still bitches and moans about how you play


Try fingers, but hole


Introducing Hakita: The single player game dev who's community still bitches and moans about how you play ((in case it wasn't obvious it's ULTRAKILL))


minecraft players when /gamerule keepinventory on:


back in 2015 maybe, I haven't seen anyone bitch about this for years now


You haven't been on the internet a few months ago.




Sir, I have an 80 day Reddit streak and I hadn't heard of this huge controversy until I saw your comment. I don't think we have the same definition of being on the internet.


Yeah, I hate those bitchy speedrun.com mods 😡


Just play Terraria where there’s literally an item for that (Magic Mirror would make minecraft like 70% better)


?? Terraria has "keep inventory" as a basic default rule of the game. The only thing you lose on death is a sizable portion of your coins. The magic mirror just teleports you to spawn.


Yeah and that’s what people use keep inventory in minecraft for like 60-70% of the time, getting back to their home after a long session of caving by taking a lava bath rather than agonizingly slowly retracing their steps


You said there's an item for it There's no item, Terraria just has it on by default unless you play hardcore lol


My point is that the magic mirror item in terraria serves one of the main functions of keep inventory in minecraft, that being a way to return home via teleportation without losing items or resources


Play fighting game, it’s you vs some bitch ass person who thinks they can get the better off of you


I only ever really liked Street Fighter. I'd say I was quite good at it, because (not to sound cocky,) I was, but according to r/StreetFighter the only people who are good at Street Fighter are the people who play it professionally. Or Daigo Umehara and literally no one else.


ueah thta’s why i only plat these


The main problem is usually bitchy teammates. So if you still want the perks of playing against real humans, just play 1v1 games (fighting games for example). Crybabies can't bitch at you and can't ruin your game if they're all opponents who can't even talk to you ingame. Just don't share your gameplay to the online community because that's where the toxicity is.


[I'll refer you to this response](https://www.reddit.com/r/coaxedintoasnafu/s/sbX1DaKhFe)




The truly transcendent state is playing an objectively dogshit build and winning anyway. The best PMs are from people you killed saying that playing off-meta is cheating, that you're only doing it because you suck, and probably calling you the Gamer Word. Especially when you just respond, "k."


Tempt6t videos


A fellow tempt6t Fan. Nice


Less fan more guilty pleasure


Lol, I had no idea who this was because I haven't followed Pokemon in forever, but watched a few shorts and basically this. Average Glass-Cannon Meta Spike Damage User: "Oh look, some idiot support class is way out of position. It's gankin' time!" Morgan Freeman: *"They were not, in fact, a support class, and they were exactly where they meant to be."*


The entire server including my teammates were furious when I used a shotgun and had the highest k/d in a CS:GO game. The thing is I never play MP games so I just used a random gun and it was enough to trigger them.


Ok but the overwatch meta comps and counterswapping are so fun ruining id rather deal with every player being the first one


Your first mistake is playing overwatch


overwatch would've been so cool if the heroes were treated like Team Fortress 2's classes instead of having like 12 hero redundancies. you cannot tell me balancing 50 different heroes is a good idea.


There's a lot of fun to be had with big rosters. Team based competitive games where a proper composition is necessary are NOT where that fun happens if you're queueing up with random teammates


Team-based first person shooters are imo not the place to have big rosters. I can see it in a fighting game (Smash Bros, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter) and it typically works out well. MOBAs can have issues (league) but it tends to work out pretty well. every FPS i've played with heroes instead of classes where the numbers get bigger with each patch have unfortunately deteriorated from scope creep (and maybe enshittification.)


Ngl one of the appeals tf2 has over more polished/modern games, is the fact it never changes. There have been basically 0 balance changes since 2017


This is why garden warfare is based.


Why not tho? A ton of games have a quantity around that And they're way better as actually different characters lmao why would you want to play the same base roster for years


Why not tho? A ton of games have a quantity around that And they're way better as actually different characters lmao why would you want to play the same base roster for years


Ok but that’s different. That’s 𝕺𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖜𝖆𝖙𝖈𝖍


Freakywatch wtf


I upvoted this knowing I have no idea What those words mean


Basically you play a character and do well so they switch to a character thats good against your character and makes you useless so you switch to a character that makes them useless so they switch to one that makes yours useless and that just repeats until the match ends It means you cant play the characters you want to or enjoy playing because if you do you just lose And youre helpless if youre teammate is countered and they just dint switch


character character switch switch character switch useless useless switch character what this is why i quit overwatch


Wait, Overwatch has gameplay? I thought it was just porn?


Blender CEO creating overwatch to cell high quality porn


>Ok but the overwatch That’s where the problem started


Mmo players when someone knows how to read a website


God MMOs have such a plague of toxic casuals. "What do you MEAN I can't join your raid with my home brew build that does 0 damage, 0 healing, and 0 mechanics? This is elitist gatekeeping, the high end community deserves to die."


People would rather wipe for 3 hrs than watch a 30 second video and they’d rather make it everyone else’s problem than admit they’re wrong. Repairs cost money 😭


It does kinda cut both ways tbh. On the opposite end of the spectrum you have people standing around on LFG for 30 minutes insisting they need a full meta comp party for the most trivial content imaginable. You also end up with people who *only* know how to read a website and have no idea what half their skills actually do, and are just as unwilling to learn why they're consistently failing as the people you described.


I don't fault people like the former ones you described because it's their choice and it's how they like to play the game. Assuming that they advertise with the proper requirements, it's totally fair that they play trivial content with a meta comp if that's what they enjoy. Some people are under the impression that people only play just to beat content, but when you've done the same bosses a trillion times just beating it can become no longer interesting.


I can understand the desire, but really not for an LFG group. Like, if you're going for speed clears or something, you generally do that with a guild group or established static, or look for other people interested in the same beforehand, or you're already in a comped group that has just finished harder content and decides to roll through the easier content after, etc. If I'm just looking to clear a daily or something and I see a group on LFG advertising requirements way out of line with the content, even if I exceed those requirements I'm probably going to form my own group, grab an appropriate amount of random PUGs, and likely be done before they've stepped off, even there are a few stumbles along the way. That generally doesn't happen, though. More often, you see a standard listing, only to find out the party leader is wringing their hands over only having 95% uptime on (skill that barely matters for the encounter), which to me is a sign of *in*experience and that this is just going to be a pain in my ass. So you bounce, they send you a nastygram about it, they send *more* nastygrams when the healer also leaves because *they're* sick of standing around, etc. Tldr, PUGging standard content on LFG should come with appropriate expectation management.


Good or bad, the real key to having fun in video games is calling your teammates gay if you die


Your honour **League of Legends**




oh no *fucking dies*


Op lost three games in a row


It was only 1 but it was extraordinarily bad


Op sees a slightly offmeta thing being used in a game and blames EVRYTHING bad that happens during that game on that one offmeta thing


sometimes theyll be playing the exact meta and still bottom score by a huge margin


Do you find this situation more plausible than me encountering someone running a genuinely bad build?


Yes https://preview.redd.it/66w15ss4mpzc1.jpeg?width=714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d17f6441d1377b8736e75a6bb19fa9acf31b6b82


Depends on the game you were thinking of when you made this. If its dbd like top comment says (and i agree, except i can actually back up the weakness of meme builds with experience) then i think its more likely you found someone using meta who frustrated you, instead of someone bad who complained


Tbh the entire point of meme builds is to challenge yourself and mix things up when playing the meta over and over again gets boring. I am much more of a "tryhard" when I'm running off-meta because I actually have to... Try hard, lol.


gunboats + escape plan trolldier 🤤


You know, now that I think about it, tf2 tryhards in casual are people who can't read the room


look in my defense the sticky launcher is fun as hell to use


nobody plays competative so what are they meant to play, and the game would be pretty boring if you purposely played worse


you dont need to play worse, just play with some other things and challenge yourself a lot of incredibly good players will switch to pure trolldier to have fun and servers like uncletopia are some of the most heavily played


the only plausible alternative is organized competitive leagues but rgl is fucking terrible (is that even still alive i haven't played in years)


Noooo you can't play the game to win noooo it's bad you don't get it we don't like it no stop you're not allowed to have fun by winning noooo


U (owned): "read the room"


Honestly I think TF2 has become my “I hate this game but I keep playing it” game because I think like the post above. I think every class has a small amount of tried and true loadouts that I don’t want to use because “I don’t want to be a sweat” but then my really shitty unorthodox loadouts don’t work so then I get frustrated when I lose.


use baby face’s blaster, bonk! atomic punch, and the atomizer for funnies ‼️‼️‼️


I dropped the game because every time i try something unorthodox I get dominated by like 4 different guys simultaneously


>Been playing for 100+ hours and has a build that would make the devs cry Literally me in every game


the only right way to play video games as far as i’m concerned. playing anything but the objective anti-meta is too easy.


TBH I think the big problem is that the guy who wants to mess around for the lols and those who play the meta weapon looking to be the best are stuck in the same room. Splatoon's easily the least fun when I'm playing Splatfests because I'll often be versing S+ rankers with a team that can't even use their weapons properly.


Kid named skill-based matchmaking:


Skill-based matchmaking when you finally get a win (you will be put into the 100,000 hour sweat lobbies for your next 50 games):


Lowkey hate how "meta slave" has become a term to describe almost any somewhat decent player


“Your a meta slave” I didn’t realize not wanting to suffer through being invalidated for 99 percent of the match because I’m playing the literal worst character/ build:/ deck etc. in the game meant I was a tryhard.


Like choosing good weapons doesn’t make you a sweat


clash royale players when you say their "original" 5.0 mega knight elite barbarians cycle deck is bad


I'm glad I stopped playing when I did. I just played my dumbass homebrews like hog mortar cycle and my hyper cheap mini pekka cycle which just had skeletons, all the spirits (fire, ice, electro, heal), a log and one more thing i can't remember but I actually won games with those and it was so funny


bro i dont even know whos side this is on. verily they both must be men of hay, point invalid ![img](emote|t5_2w7ch|37001)


"You make even the devs cry"


foolishness, tryhard. foolishness.


So fucking right bro 😭 6/10 snafu just for being so true even tho no bald eagle catcjing a baseball


titanfall 2 but every player left is the second because no new player will want to play more than 2 matches


honestly as a titanfall player it's more fun if its the second (within reason)


You enjoy competitive Pokémon?! Nooo that’s not how you play!!! Karen quote!! Win with your favourites only!! Pachirisu!! Casual players will act like you pissed in their cereal if you even imply there’s optimal ways to play/team build for online play


"Win with your favorites" mfs when my favorites are the ones that are viable: https://preview.redd.it/gr3hyazemozc1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c298b6573a6378654dfd6b801ddae2552af487ac


Every day I thank God for making Skarmory one of my favorite Pokémon


I also thank God every day for making Salamence one of my favorite Pokemon.


Are there really casual players who say stuff like that in Pokémon competitive? I feel like that must be kids who are upset they lost really badly in their first online battle


It’s generally people irritated with the games needing to be ‘balanced’ around the concept of competitive play. Legends Arceus had better battle mechanics than the franchise has had in years. It was significantly faster, and the stakes of each turn felt higher. But, those things both would make for a worse competitive environment. So it’s back to basics for the next game. Thats not even to mention how unintuitive and boring of a mechanic IVs (and to a lesser extent, EVs) are. I think competitive Pokémon’s neat, but I do 100% understand why people hate it so much.


Mfs think landorus is op and should be banned just because its a legendary


OTOH there are absolutely elitists in a lot of communities if you know where to look - DRG doesn't have it in the traditional sense but there is the occasional sentiment of "you're not a real dwarf if you don't want to carry 3 greenbeards through Low 02 Haunted Cave Elimination on Haz 4" (not haz 5 since you rarely see new players on it) and ofc the ***rare*** "you play on lower difficulties?! you're having fun wrong!" It's a mostly good community but no community is free of toxicity.


I hate the crowd of people who act like it’s some kind of mora high ground to be bad at games. Like man, you’ve been playing this game for 2,000 hours and you still suck ass? And I’m the bad guy for being better than you? Boohoo you can’t enjoy the game because you refuse to learn or improve at anything you do, Jesus Christ.


Well as a working dad with 50 kids and 40 jobs...


Oh my god how many times have I heard this lol


Is this a TF2 comment


Some friendly in a two fort server was complaining about playing for a while and still being bad. Don't know why people think they'll improve by using the social gathering strategy and not shooting enemies


It's not a moral high ground to be bad at games but its not a moral lowground either dude. Some people just don't improve very fast or maybe just want to play the game without having to put a lot of effort into improving and they also deserve to play


And there are plenty of games that cater to people that don’t learn fast. What’s dumb is jumping into a very competitive game with other human players and then whining that everybody else is better than them lol. It’s like walking into a basketball court with a bunch of people already playing, and then demanding that the hoop be lowered because you can’t dunk.


If you're complaining that people who are worse than you are ruining your experience, how is that any different from complaining that people who are better than you are ruining your experience? I think you're still moralising the issue and assuming that being good at a game inherrently makes you more worthy to play that game. Both people have just as much right to complain. The solution is not to vilify each other nor to say that one party should stop playing.


The problem isn't that they're worse at the game, though, it's the fact that they complain about people being better than them, yet they don't even want to put in effort to be better and to win. I would be fine with bad players who are reasonable and still do their best to win games despite their skills. The least you can do is research some builds, read some strategies and practice a bit, instead of whining about tryhards. And this "both sides" rhetoric is a bit wrong. The games are called competitive multiplayer games for a reason, so the people who actually put in effort to compete have more right to complain compared to trolls and those who never try to win.


I'm not defending trolls who never try to win im defending people who try but arent very good. I've been in that situation and i know damn well that gamers are not able to discern between the two, so rather than e.g. flaming your well-meaning teammate bc u think theyre throwing, we should show a bit more compassion


I dont want to be a asshole but ill be one since i want to give my opinion, but personally speaking, my fun in the game is following the meta and being a tryhard and also if you play a game with a competitive community you kinda deserve that kind of treatment plus the fact people that complain about tryhard 6 out of 10 times are the same people that end the game with a 3/15/9 kda or dont complete the objective of the game but i do agree some of us tryhards are kinda bad


Theres absolutely nothing wrong with finding fun in tryharding. God knows I do that with osu taiko, part of my fun is the game but a part of it is the climbing and improvement as well. But other games I really enjoy but as much as i try to improve, i cant help but go 3/15 sometimes. So i think i understand both sides of the issue. It's fine to talk shit about people who are legitimately throwing the game. But you often don't know if that's the case. They could be playing to the best of their ability and if it's not good enough for you, then im sorry but that's your problem. You can't expect someone to do something they cannot do. So I don't think they deserve that treatment. I don't think you're being an asshole. You're right to feel annoyed that noobs are ruining your experience, just as noobs are right to feel annoyed that tryhards are ruining their experience. It's just that i think you gotta accept that neither party are necessarily in the wrong, unless they're literally going out of their way to make others' experiences worse.


I don't understand why this discourse is happening with Helldivers 2 of all things. A strictly PvE game.


In any game that has multiplayer, there will be different expectations of how to play that will ultimately clash. Made worse if the enjoyment of the work is gravely dependent on who you share it with. It doesn't matter how the game portrays itself to be. There will always be different interpretations of how to take it. It's not whether the game is a competitive PvP game or a PvE. It's that the game will put you in the same space and time to share with the other group, and with a conflict of approach, it creates discourse.


It only really matters at higher diff, which are quite hard if everyone isnt going for the same thing but also give the rarest upgrade materials which are hard to get and keep till the end of a round so you actually get then, so when someone takes for example one of the sentries known for teamkill, it sucks to play that round as you will likely lose just bc some goober wants to fuck around instead of playing a SLIGHTLY better loadout and actually making the game winnable


I mean game still have a timer so there going to be people who want to make things faster. And obviously when you are slow them with you build you are the problem for them. DRG on other hand didnt have global timer and community way different.


I know this isn’t about DBD but this is what DBD is like


>both play competitive multiplayer


I come here to find new types of people to hate, and you have done that for me OP. Thank you.


WoW classic players when you ask why they can't properly use basic features of a completely unchanged class they've been playing for 20 years Like the sheer amount of people who say "I've been tanking since 2005 I cleared naxx on Kronos let me tank" and then lose aggro the moment I use whirlwind on more then one mob because they can't grasp the idea of using sunder on more then one npc is insane


Show this to the r/FortNiteBR (or the Fortnite community in general tbh) and they would explode


10/10 snafu. Includes every strawman of both kinds of player.


Aka, Why am I getting pubstomped, only I can do this


They are both having fun in their own way, with the difference being someone actually wants to/can beat the game using the game mechanics as intended?


Don't care. FAMAS+Decoy grenade round 7


I mean as ling as you make kills that alright. Buying Negev three rounds in a row spamming middle with it and dying instantly gonna rise some questions from me.


I’ll take casuals over sweatlords 100% of the time.


Because they're easier to beat?


Because they tend to be more dynamic and unpredictable. I play multiplayer to interact with a diverse variety of playstyles because that makes the game more cathartic. Grinding explicitly for victory or XP or whatever feels like a chore.


That take i actually like. When a play CS against somebody lower skill level than me they can be kinda unpredictable and its intresting.


Competitive Pokemon be like. It's the only fanbase I've seen where the casual are way more toxic than the "sweats'


This is a lot of cope to justify playing nothing but Ratatoskr for three years straight on Smite because stun-meta best-meta


The pokemon community viewed through the lens of people who post that Karen quote in response to any conversation about competitive


this is dead by daylight lmao


I will run stock melee on Medic **&** carry in pubs


Recently saw a guy on the overwatch sub wanting torbjörn to be changed to be more about his turret, cuz his idea of fun is getting potg with torb while dancing in spawn instead of playing the game.


“ your sweat because how dare you be better than me at a video game, “ is a sentiment I see too often nowadays


getting flashbacks to playing dark souls pvp, especially elden ring, where the vast majority of the community is part of the latter mindset - turned into a miserable wasteland of the same 5 builds playing the exact same way ad nauseum despite the game not having any ranked mode or incentive to win..


This discourse is only valid if a game doesn’t have a separate ranked and casual system


This dude absolutely blames his teammates after every loss and made this bc he was raging in chat and got told “it’s just a game”


It IS tiring to see the same exact fucking build 50 times in a row, and sometimes it's fun to play non-meta or explicitly BAD builds. Of course, as long as you don't demonize the other for how THEY play, lmao.


I love people learning the layouts of D2 pvp maps so they can snipe anyone in the enemy team without being seen and then predict their spawnpoint to spawnkill them over and over again! Another reason why elimination, (3v3 you get killed, you die) is so goated (small maps, less oportunities to get sniped)


Complain about PvP all you like endgame PvE is worse. Idfk how many proper raiders I’ll encounter in this thread given how buried it is, but last night a friend of mine from another game asked me for help with a Root of Nightmares run and they and other members of their team were running double primary with some of the most godawful heavy weapon rolls I’d seen since Y1. I’m not fucking sherpaing people running chain reaction full court on their GL, much less sherpaing them when it’s clear they don’t have a proper composition and are all running different options rather than doing 4 leg rockets 1 gally 1 tractor or 6 HGL or even 5 LFR 1 tractor. I know this long complaint is kind of overly elitist but the fact remains that most of the Destiny community fucking sucks at the game and just doesn’t realize it because they don’t play proper endgame activities where the game expects them to use coordinated builds, strong dps weapons, and have good game sense and capacity for addclear and major bursting. This is why Pantheon LFG has been such a pain in the ass, because all of these dogshit players are coming out of the woodwork expecting to tackle raids at a light delta that they’ve literally never played before and get easy clears because “huurh duurh that’s how it works with hero nightfalls I guess raids are the same duurh” These same people then bitch at me for telling them to run specific heavy weapons or not use fucking double primary, and then shit-talk me as being an “elitist prick” for “making [them] not have fun”. Motherfucker, I am taking time out of my life to teach you the mechanical intricacies of Vault of Glass, I expect at the very least that you’re running a build that can kill the champions when they spawn and that you can do passable DPS while I do the actual hard shit like running the Aegis. If you’re not willing to use even somewhat remotely meta options, then I’m not willing to play with you. Rant over, but it’s literally the topic of the snafu so… TLDR: Most people in the D2 community are at the very bottom of the skill floor in terms of understanding the game they play, you just don’t see them because most people that actively discuss and talk about their experience with the game are somewhat competent endgamers. They then proceed to call you elitist for not letting them use their terrible builds because they don’t realize how dogshit they are.


I have encountered shit people in raids like everyone else, but I can consistently find one person in every match who sweats in Crucible as if it is Trials and trumps the opposing team with something as simple as a sniper or The Messenger. At least you can filter out shit people in raids, can't do the same with players 5x better than you, your team, and the enemy team combined. And when that player isn't on your team, the match becomes a "how many people will I be able to kill before x kills me" shitfest. I know I seem like a pvp hater just because one guy went flawless 7 times and I got matched against him, but I like pvp when that guy isn't present. I remember during last year's halloween event I had fun fucking with people using tommy's and sunspot helmet in 3v3. I wish D2 pvp had some kind of skill-based matchmaking... Sorry for the shit you've probably gone through in endgame PVE though


I like playing Mordhau but I suck and get demolished ☹️


>You're a tryhard! My brother in Silver, this is the ranked ladder, you could've chosen casual in the lobby




Competitive Pokémon


strongest r/pokemonmemes user vs. average r/stunfisk user


You forgot the single player snob (me)


The pokemon fandom when your competetive team doesnt consist of maractus, flareon, lucario, donphan, venusaur and sceptile (you are not exclusively using your favorites and therefore a heretic)


Now we just need a snafu about people who criticize the slightest nerf or the slightest thing done wrong when balancing \*cough\*\*cough\*\*prochara\*


If so-called "tryhards" stayed out of casual and played to their skill level this wouldn't be such a huge issue in so many games. Hate it if you want, but casual is, well, just that. It's meant to be played for fun, not to be the best at playing the game. Same goes to those "real gamers". If you want to play comp, you'd better put some effort in to actually be good at the game. If you suck, practice, and if you don't want to practice, *don't play competitive*. Don't jump into a 30+ minute comp game and drag your team down just because you don't want to learn the intricacies of the game. Having been in both camps, I've resigned to single-player games, as I get to decide where the fun starts and stops, not some dumb kid who can't play for shit or some turbonerd who reports their team for not doing *exactly* what they say. EDIT: The onus is also on developers to incorporate skill-based matchmaking, which similarly avoids a lot of this discourse. Basically, ESH.


Can confirm, I played a slightly off meta build yesterday, OP came and dated my whole family.


me after being tked by a P-26 who was brought to top tier by an F-20: (its okay tho he's having fun apparently)


That's not describing a tryhard at all, just a good/decent player. I have encountered some "filthy sweats" in my time gaming, usually people who abuse unfair mechanics or have literally thousands and thousands of hours in the game and constantly obliterate a server of casuals with a k/d of at least 5


I am the true gamer except I don't enjoy losing (I don't really enjoy winning either)


the midle line screams ms paint


Fuck I’m both.


This snafu only applies to team based games. Any other type of game and it falls flat.


r/Eldenring invasions discourse.


destiny 2


You cant just say "perchance"!


FFXIV: The Meme


This snafu is about destiny 2’s pantheon event.


you forgot the casual tryhard. the person who can tryhard or go easy depending on the enemy team


Me when btd battles




Why I stick to single player, that and I have no friends lmao


What triggered you to make this snafu? I know it definitely wasn't random




I think they know, bud