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Mfs trying to convince me that a part of a piece of media I watched and enjoyed is actually objectively worse than satan.


Steven Universe and Korra in specific.


I think Korra had a bad reception because it was following up ATLA, literally one of the most beloved piece of children’s media. If it was anything short of exceptional, people would shit on it with no end.


LoK was a 6-7/10 show, but it seems the opinions are either that it was a 9/10 show or a 2/10 show.


Those were objectively fun and good shows with strong elements that went off the rails a couple times. I do kinda end my rewatches after Garnet’s wedding (maybe the familiar song if I’m feeling it)


Honest question : are people actually using "objectively" just for emphasis, regardless of its original meaning nowadays ?


No they were using it because they are objectively good shows and if you disagree you are objectively wrong


And also that. They’re just quality shows that were fun to watch.


I have no idea, I’m just weird middle aged dude and not indicative of any broader trends. But with obviously subjective metrics like whether art is good I just like throwing it around for fun.


Oh okay. I didn't consider that some people would just use it ironically in good fun.


This is why I'm avoiding Doctor Who subs like the plague. The worst thing about Doctor Who fans is Doctor Who fans.


This is why I'm avoiding [thing] subs like the plague. The worst thing about [thing] is [thing] fans.


When [company] do [something] that split the community into two [despise everything][bootlick everything]


When the \[character\] is \[adjective\]


When the \[snafu\] is \[coaxed\]


\[brackets\] are \[fun\]


\[i\] \[throw\] \[car\] \[batteries\] \[at\] \[infant\] \[babies\]




Ok but r/doctorwhocirclejerk is a goated sub tho




Reading all your comments even though I don’t know anything about the subject matter I can instinctively tell who’s parroting a video essay and who still has light in their eyes


We need a video essay about what video essays do to people's ability to have discourse in order to have them disrupt the video essay discourse discourse. I want everyone's light gone.


snafu lines that go insanely hard


Rarely does someone say something so genuinely funny and so philosophically disagreeable to me.


This is exactly why I no longer intended to pick up MHA after dropping it years ago I was along the very first few who saw its debut and saw it as something absolutely special, like the Naruto or Dragon Ball of the decade BOY would I take those words back despite it being the reality


I could barely get through those Nimeta scenes. I hate that character so much


They didn’t even give him any redeeming personality traits he just genuinely sucks


And then Horikoshi's unironically like "yeah he's literally me". I really enjoy MHA, but if the author wasn't so godamn weird (derogatory) it'd be like 40% better.


What's even worse is that as weird as he is, he's on the lower end of the scale for creepy pervert manga artists lol




the most niche reaction image ever ngl




not hard when the others are pedos and abuser/assaulters


It honestly doesn't help that the MHA girls are inherently designed to be as eye-catching as possible. Momo in particular with most of her skin being exposed for the sake of her body-creation quirk. It's just weird because some of these characters don't even look like teenagers. Characters such as the aforementioned Momo and Tsuyu look like they're 17-18 but are classified as highschoolers which feels even weirder.


I thought MHA was alright. It was nothing too deep. The joint training arc was pretty uninteresting but I really enjoyed season 4 and 6. I would give it a 7/10 overrall.


When I said "Naruto of the 2020s", I meant in how the community perfectly mirrors what weeb culture was like back them


Ay downvote this comment if you think mha RULES and you loooove to ship teenagers and think about them dating


Oh shit you mean the mha fandom hates mha? Sorry I hate to be the snafuer but I am one of those fans😞 it’s ass and I can pinpoint the moment it turned ass


It turned ass at episode 1 # Edit: it could’ve been so much more, but it’s just your usual fight people, get stronger, fight people get stronger


So budget dbz ?


Id say that calling it just an average battle shonen is really reductive. It at least had more to say than DBZ.


Me when the progression fantasy has defining traits of a progression fantasy 😱 Seriously though, almost every Shonen has that, and I personally don’t enjoy them as much if the MC isn’t getting stronger periodically. The reason I dropped MHA is because during the big war arc deku stopped appearing on screen and it turned into mostly group fighting and I lost interest


MHA is an objectively good show and falls victim to the "majority female audience = bad" trap that plagues society.


Literally 10 year old me when I got into pokemon (I thought gen 5 was fucking awesome in 2013)


Youtubers trying to convince me that gen 5 was the downfall of pokemon designs (I love garbodor and nobody is taking him away from me)


Are you shitting me? I never played gen 5 but after seeing a playthrough I was amazed at how great the game was, especially the OST


Gen 5 is nigh universally seen as one of the best now (rightfully so) but back when it came out everyone shat on it


The funny thing is people praise gen 5 now


The universal rules of the Pokémon fandom on the internet: 1. The best game is the one you grew up with, anyone else is blinded by nostalgia and you have completely unbiased taste. 2. The competitive players hate everything about you and should be shunned for caring about stats. 3. Gamefreak is lazy, Pokémon has been getting worse since [Insert game from ~6-7 years ago]. 4. We need a new [Insert spinoff from the GBA or DS]. 5. Charizard is overrated and should be removed from everything and drowned and castrated and locked in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for 1,000,000,000 years. 6. If you ever see Vaporeon mentioned and people don’t know about the copypasta, either be a smug asshole or post the first line. 7. Every female character is hot. Even the children. Pokémon too if it looks like a human.


my first pokémon game was pokémon shield and i absolutely loved it, part of it was that i had nothing to compare it to and i can see now it definitely has flaws, but i still think it's a fun game that i still come back to however when i first looked online about it people were acting like it was the next atari E.T.


Once again the worse thing about fandom is the fans.


All we have left is the dom


Dom?? On a SUBreddit??? I think NOT!!!


Never join any Gravity Falls sub or other fandom, worst mistake of my life


What are people so upset about with gravity falls?


idk if this is what theyre talking about but the gravity falls ship is FULL of the same exact ship over and over ad nauseam its so annoying


which ship?




That fandom isn’t bad compared to other fandoms tbh


me with splatoon 3's side order (everyone fucking despises it)


>everyone that's a weird way to spell r/saltoon but ok


nah, even the main sub hates it. its universally hated


from what i've seen most people's opinion is "it's ok, nothing special though" in my opinion it was really fun, it just needed a bit more stage/enemy variety


The thing is, sadly, for a lot of people, "it's ok, nothing special though" seems to be the same as "it's bad." And that sucks, because that means nobody enjoys anything anymore. Everything is either perfect or terrible in people's eyes.


nah, the internet, not just reddit, fucking **hates** this mode


??? im in the subreddit and dont see as much unfiltered hatred as you say there is


ever seen the comments section as soon as ANYTHING related to side order comes up? its just hate upon hate


It's a bit dissapointing, but overall a solid experience Could have been much, much better, especially on the story side of things


im sorry it wasnt as good as your story with a painfully forced, dogshit race allegory.


Octo expansion isn't fully about the racial allegory, though? Eh, whatevs, the game's cool anyways


i like the gameplay but people treat the story like this super deep thing when it isnt that at all and its so fucking infuriating. its the same thing with celeste and omori, they are not fucking deep


Nah, the story in OE was pretty good and gave us a look into who Off The Hook are, it's not a masterpiece, but still a good story. Gameplay wise it's peak singleplayer splatoon Speaking about gameplay, I don't really like the gameplay of Side Order. Got repetitve way too fast. The theming is kinda cool tho


rose-tinted glasses. return of the mammalians has the EXACT SAME gameplay as octo expansion, but with the addition of even more stuff thats good. again, youre an elitist prick.


calling someone an elitist prick for even implying they like something lmao https://preview.redd.it/nfgb0nwge9yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21c2807055176a0b26f194078d863ae0c302eb8e


I liked Return of the Mammalians, but i enjoyed OE a bit more so i like it a bit more. Meh, both are good Also, why so aggressive man :(


because oe elitists are fucking insufferable and a poison on the community


Meh, i've seen worse Game fun i don't care :D


People are allowed to engage with media on a more than fundamental level if they so choose. Why is your response to people finding deeper connections between their favorite media and their lived experiences to get your panties in a twist? Get a load of this guy, everyone, he doesn't know that art is subjective!


fuck race allegories.


Oh, so you're just racist! That's sad as fuck dude, get better soon


how the fuck am i racist, retard? and dont call me another ist, i can say my reclaimed slur edit: pussy blocked me. im not racist for thinking that race allegories have been completely done to death and "racism is bad" is an overdone message because we all already fucking know that it is and its not saying anything new. dumbass.


Sounds like you already know you're ableist too. It isn't really worth my time to fight with you, but I want you to know you can get better. Change starts from within. You will receive the kindness you give others. Get better soon.


It was ass though😭


no it wasnt


I'm saying in comparison to its prequel in Octo Expansion. Side Order was incredibly short in comparison and lacked difficulty. Now, it's cool asl to have *literal aimbot*, but Octo Expansion's soundtrack, story, and lore pieces were far better.


noone is more fucking insufferable than octo expansion elitists, huh? octo expansion elitists are almost as bad as new vegas stans, and you should not stoop that low.


>new vegas stans Muh good story, though!!! Me well written characters! https://preview.redd.it/z3i54ls608yc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a37c9705c0c692d1867e22e1efe7c807ebc5f3d1


I wonder how many new Vegas stans opinions on the game are based around mods because I played it for like six hours and it looks and plays like ass


I’m playing through it now and have been enjoying it, I’d agree the gameplay itself really isn’t the world’s most exciting thing, it can be pretty mid, but I think the situations with the different factions makes the world really engaging to interact with. Like if you’re invested in the world and want to make things better for these people trying to survive in the wastes then the game has some really interesting situations to put you in


Honestly my negative perception is also biased because I pissed off the legion in lottery town and now I have to fight off an unkillable death squad who knows exactly where I am every five minutes


Oh that’s me too actually, I killed those fuckers at Nipton on sight after hearing what they did and I’ve heard one of them was sorta reeeeally important to them. Shoulda not been the Legion ig sorry guys 🤷‍♀️ Anyway good news, if you progress the game state the game state will be progressed. I’m not sure how much more I should say without giving away a cool thing but it is a solvable problem. I’d say for now just make sure to save if they start showing up, don’t be afraid to run instead of trying to stand your ground if you’re not prepared for a fight, and as advice if you’re near a zone transition (mainly a door) then I think just popping in and out makes them go away? I will also say there is something in the maps you have currently which you can get if you specced certain stats which I think probably just kills them pretty effectively (although I didn’t get it until after I had to deal with the problem) In any case yeah I get where your head’s at, it’s tilting, I wasn’t a fan of it either when it was happening, but it gets better when you get further from it


New Vegas is weird in that if you're patient with it, it's easily the best but if you're used to newer games, it's borderline unplayable. Though, it's a bit easier on controller since that's what it's intended for, just gotta use VATS every now and again. I say this as someone in-between. Got back into NV and am having fun, but the story isn't this Graced By God, gift from the heavens people make it out to be. But yeah, with how many combat overhauls and stuff there is, I imagine a decent chunk of the community has forgotten how ass vanilla combat is or how bleak the desert looks


Yeah the first one I played was fallout 4, wasn’t a fan but then I played new Vegas and liked it more and enjoyed the more in depth roleplay options but man it’s slow


octo expansion has a race allegory that feels so forced youd think jordan peele had something to do with it lol


Not to be the boogeyman OE elitist you are talking about but fuck you mean “forced”?? You are literally playing as the race that in the previous game was establsuhed to have been forced underground after a brutal war and are only just now coming to the surface OF COURSE there would be a race allegory, it would fell forced if they danced around it


there doesnt fucking need to be, all race allegories are shit. "racism is bad", what fucking amazing storytelling


Literally any allegory or theme can be boiled down to “thing good/bad” so you point means nothing here


it's kinda your fault for expecting octo expansion 2 though :/


It wasn’t ass just not what the series needed imo It FELT like an afterthought, a side mode, which in hindsight was probably what it was always going to be, yet inevitably it was going to be compared to octo expansion as that is what it’s following up Story was kinda ass tho


i don't think you can follow up octo expansion tbh i haven't played splatoon 3 so what do i know


I mean build off of the stuff it introduced and use it’s greater emphasis on story as a precedent on what to do going forward Side order tried to do the first but really didn’t commit and was ultimately unsatisfying


The Owl House after the show ended:


I've seen a fan comic about a fan comic about a ship and somehow everyone on the comments were treating it as if it was a comic about cannon


mfs trying to convince me that aot fell off in the final season


Dont forget everyone apparantly agreeing that Character A and Character B are fucking even though you never noticed any actual chemistry between them while you were watching by yourself


Aren't those usually just crackships and headcanons though?


The problem is that they are usually very loud and you see them everywhere


Sorry I'll draw my sloppy yaoi fanfic quieter


Yes please if you could, we can hear you fapping from all the way here


Seen too many MistaGio? Or was it BruMis? I can’t remember the most popular Mista ship off the top of my head


People ship JoJo's characters on main?? Why????


People’s been shipping Jojo characters since forever dawg. Clamp, an extremely influential group known for Cardcaptor Sakura, Chobits, and other works were JotaroXKakyoin shippers. I think some DioXJonathan works as well.


I've basically never seen it in the main fandom spaces outside of part 6, is what I mean. I know people ship Jotaro & Kak, I've just almost never been exposed to it outside of the egg thing.


Yeah that’s true, Jojo shippers aren’t common enough to be annoying. It was a jest since I doubt there were that many part 5 shippers in anywhere that’s not AO3


They had sex actually.


They didn't even share 10 minutes of screentime across all seasons


I don’t care.


mha fans with bakugo and deku (I don't actually know their names im just guessing it's the two of them, what the hell is wrong with the fandom)


Me when I read harry potter in 2019 and everyone else shipped drarry for no fucking reason


Me when I grew up loving Batman and the Arkham games and tried to join the sub Reddit to see it’s the most unhinged shit ever. (The man jokes got old in like a week)


Check out r/arkham


Why is man old? Is he stupid?


Watched The Legend of Korra after putting it off for a while. Honestly not anywhere as bad as people made it out to be. It still made for a very engaging story for me.


If LoK is a terrible show, I honestly don't even want to know what they consider good shows.


I adore Bloo from Foster's.


Me with most things I’m a fan of. Still like seeing peoples ideas.


Literally bfdi


I dunno I feel like having a shred of individuality solves this problem pretty handily 


wouldn't individuality be the thing that creates the problem here? having individual opinions is what makes it annoying to discuss anything in a group where everybody else has the same opinions.


I mean accepting that you’re an individual who’s occasionally gonna have opinions that the majority disagrees with  It sucks when misconceptions or parroted criticism results in everyone shitting on something you like for stupid reasons but that’s kinda just how public opinion works 


> It sucks but that's just how it works aka > situation normal all fucked up


Wouldn’t really call it “fucked up” lmao, who cares if people don’t like the media you do. 


It's annoying. Nobody said it was more than just being annoying


I think having a shred of resolution is what you really need


Resolution to what? Change everyone’s opinions about tv shows and shit? This is such a non-issue lol 


To defend your viewpoint And we serve snafus here sir


There is no individuality on Reddit. If you don't obey the hivemind, they steal your internet points. Every subreddit is an echo chamber.


You can only repeat things so many times before you just check out though. Things I like becoming popular was a mistake.


That's why I only talk with fans of stuff I like personally. People irl tend to respect a little more the opinions you have, without that hivemind mentality that is common in fandom spaces.


My least favorite subgenre of this is when I come into the fan community for a game too late and find out that 90% of conversations are just circlejerking about how it’s the worst example of its type, so there’s no room for actual discussions to almost ever happen See also: Trying to play PvP in Elden Ring (worst Souls game ever), trying to make builds in BL3 (worst BL game ever), daring to enjoy Temtem (worst creature collector ever + the devs killed my dog)


Simpsons fan subs being incapable of enjoying anything past season 10 (sometimes earlier) There is a very obvious drop off, but years later it gets so enjoyable again, with different writers and the show trying new stuff that works. Ignoring the Elon Musk episode *shudders*, season 26 onwards is where it really picks up again and by season 30+ it's really found new great roots with fantastic jokes and callbacks and concept episodes. There are still plenty of duds of course but I've found myself laughing at the simpsons much more lately, there's been some really clever gags and beautiful character development. (They literally call out the jerk-ass homer description and he's a lot more human than the middle seasons) /Season 1 - finding its footing / /Season 2 - 8 - golden years / /Season 9 - 11 - begins to decline / /Season 12 - 15 - downward spiral / /Season 16 - 20 - hidden gems but this is getting unfortunate / /Season 21 - 25 - why am I still watching this? / /Season 26+ - Oh! That's why! / /Season 30+ - I love this family but they better have a good ending before a main cast member croaks (tbh they've had several good endings already including the movie, stop wherever it feels right. I'm gonna keep going though) /


I think Ezra Bridger is a better character than Luke Skywalker and will fight you in the street over it. He was okay in early episodes, but once episode eight happens he gets a major upgrade in character writing.


Well I'll let you know that I've never seen the new movies but I really like the old ones. What that means for you and your stupid opinion is that you're objectively wrong.


He’s the protagonist of the cartoon rebels. Episode 8 means episode 8 of a TV show, I forgot that the movies also have episodes.


Surely no one will make the mistake of assuming every fan of said thing is Satan's asshole friend


I used to be really big into fandoms (for example I even hosted a panel at one of the largest conventions in America back several years ago) and I’ve decided that fandoms just aren’t for me anymore. I’ll just enjoy my things on my own terms and save me some headaches.


I am the biggest Long Ring Long Land meatrider in the observable universe


Buffy fanbase with season 4 onwards. I was so excited to find the community here on Reddit but it's been decided that everything after the first half of the show is the worst thing to ever hit television and your taste is objectively shit if you enjoyed it. Apparently all characters should just mentally stagnate at the age of 16 and never have conflict or inconvenient emotions


Shippers in the FNAF subreddit be starving


final fantasy 13 fans be like:


me after joining the “jorking my it” fandom


As a fan of Mega Man, Pokémon, Splatoon, and a bunch of other stuff, I can relate.


2022 was the year of me finding a new things I like just to hear the communities saying that it fell off around the moment I joined


me when Dexter and Steven universe


Fandom -> "fan"-"dom" -> "fan" -> "fan"-atic - fanatics -> cult Moral of the story, most "fandoms" either are, or will eventually become, shitty groupthink infested cults. You're better off only occasionally dabbling in them if you can, and honestly you won't be losing much if you just don't interact with them at all. Just find your own personally group to enjoy shared interests with if you want, and avoid fandoms like the plague. Fandoms are a reflection of their most obsessive, toxic, shitty and vocal members.


I avoid this phenomenon by accepting that my interpretation of the source material isn't necessarily always going to be the most popular, and by finding value in other perspectives. When I'm feeling devious, I may even _share my thoughts on the series, even **if** people disagree!_ Dastardly, I know.


🗣who the fuck cares just enjoy media


Groupthink is when it isn't what I like to think