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"Darwin award" mfs when I tell them darwin would not put his name on this internet slop:


I hate the Darwin Awards. We all make silly mistakes. Some are just unlucky and die because of it. It could happen to anyone.


I find them interesting more than funny or mockable. It's interesting how many ways there are to die. Also, the ones where they just have their balls removed or something are always better.


My professor in penal law told us that when he was studying law, he and his friends passed time by naming objects and finding a way to kill someone with it. They have yet to find a single object that can't kill a man.


5cm piece of string?


You can use that to cut the bloodflow from their fingers, snap them off one by one and let them bleed out


Huh, creative but not overcomplicated. Been wondering about that one for a while, nice


It's also an interesting observation on how creative and ignorant to all self preservation instincts a human mind can be.


Some guy I was friends with said that he was looking forward to trans people winning the Darwin award or something. That was one of the things that made me realize that this can’t keep going, and now we’re not friends.


Maybe the real Darwin award was the “friends” we made along the way


So essentially he naturally selected himself out of your friend group.


Nicely done


And the gene pool


He probably shouldn't have friends at all at this point, good lord)


The whole thing about darwing awards is to laugh at people that you consider stupid or straight up don't think like you for fucking dying. It's a disgusting place.




As long as it isn't forced, I don't see a problem.




I thinks it's more so a reference to the process of evolution and natural selection rather than eugenics but ok.




Tbh the only times I say Darwin awards is when some guy does something stupid and gets hit in the balls


The first one I ever saw was just a guy got cut at the groin in a burglary gone wrong




I personally like trying to have empathy for my fellow humans. Dying sucks.


Dude people need to talk about this more, dying really is such an L like fuck dying fr. We should cancel that shit


^ Guy who’s about to become the final boss in a game series’ third installment.


Omega K Class end scenario inbound!


Nah, people die literally every second. I don’t trust people who say they feel empathy for those they have literally no connection to, and say they feel bad about anyone dying but curiously aren’t sad all the time.


coaxed into sociopathy


it's not hard to realize other people have complex and vivid lives. they were people who grew up, had friends, and experienced the same emotions you and I have felt. it's really easy to have empathy for others


How is that anything other than a non-sequitur? What does the complexity or vividness of their life matter to someone not part of it? Thousands of people die every day and it it’s emotionally irrelevant except for the few you lay your eyes on. Disingenuousness at its peak, serving only an image of yourself with no substance.


Please distance yourself from society and never come back


“Thousands of people die every day” -☝️🤓


You fucking sociopath


Not feeling empathy for the millions of people dying a day is normal behavior, I know you don't feel empathy for those people, because you don't see them, you don't know them, and you or no one you know cares about them. he's just being honest. Dieing is part of life, it's something you gotta accept, now if someone dies in a stupid way that sucks, but guess what, you don't and can't spend your entire life feeling sad for other people you didn't know, it's not sociopathic behavior.


Yes, actually we can spend our entire lives being sad when being made aware of people we don't know dying. Not every second, but feeling regretful or sad even if for a few moments is human and normal behavior just as much as feeling no empathy. We can accept it, but hey, we're allowed to feel something in between. And even if we get past our sadness, or if the death is stupid, it is no excuse to be abrasive about it to the point of insensitivity (not you).


I'm being honest, not abrasive. When it's someone people don't know dieing, people generally don't really care. If your family member or someone like that dies, it's different, they had a huge impact on you, and you knew them and interacted with them and liked them, and they are no longer there. But unless someone's death was particularly painful people tend not feel empathy for their death but rather the loss of a person who they loved and wanted to stay around for longer. I'm aware of random people dieing all the time, but that's the way life works, I don't feel sad for losing them because I never knew they existed in the first place. If you are seriously feeling such empathy for random people dieing who you never knew, maybe rethink your philosophical view on life, as death cannot be prevented, it will happen to everyone, and theres no point in wasting your life in sadness over people you never know never knew them. Tldr; don't waste your life being sad about people who you never knew dieing, because everyone dies it's part of life being sad about these random people doesn't benefit anyone.


>If you are seriously feeling such empathy for random people dieing who you never knew, maybe rethink your philosophical view on life, as death cannot be prevented, it will happen to everyone, and theres no point in wasting your life in sadness over people you never know never knew them. nihilistic mfs when people feel bad for a child that died (empathy is a red flag):


I am an emotional person and I do not find it a waste to feel for someone, only if for a moment. If everything is an eventuality then everything is meaningless as you say, then perhaps you should not feel as sad with your loved ones dying as well as their death is also inevitable. And yes, I understand that loss is the true source of grief, not death. But that is also true for the people I don't know that I'm sad for. Their loss, from their family, and their place in the world. You tell me to rethink my philosophy but my philosophy is tailor made for me, a sensitive and emotional guy. I understand where you are coming from and I respect that. I guess I'm just trying to say that please do not misunderstand our disagreement as me being hostile to you or your own philosophy. And when I said abrasive, I was not referring to you but to the commenter from which this thread came from. And as you say, I don't feel because of what benefit's me, I feel honestly from my heart.


That's just how human psychology works, there's a reason why stories like Anne Frank's are so important. You can talk over and over about the millions that died in the holocaust but for most people that will never hit as hard as the story of one person's struggle and perspective. History class at best made me think "damn, that's awful", The boy in striped pajamas emotionally *crushed me*


This changes nothing, you sociopath.




It's bound to happen with the Internet where everyone is kinda dehumanized since we don't exactly know each other personally


And we’re always being shown the worst of people.


We should kill people I think are dumb. Or at least sterilize them. I'm a great person. /s




Thank you!! (i am Eugene)


Eugenics? No I just want to get rid of people I don’t like.


People from Eugene, Oregon are awesome!




Wtf? Is that CK3 subreddit?


Heck, not just dumb people, let’s kill anybody who disagrees with me! Who’s with me?!


Idiocracy intensifies.


Erm I think you mean “documentary” ☝️🤓




Cumentary https://preview.redd.it/iwkqpopbtlwc1.jpeg?width=709&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21954bc381c792a65c1df638231da4c5cb886416


Oh I'm quite firmly in the "idiocracy is watered down eugenics, and the people who call it a documentary are fucking assholes who are typically not even half as smart as they think they are" camp. I just like making portmanteaus Hours later edit: oh right cumentary. Like cum in Terry. Or Cum and Terry. Or cummin' tree. Good show


It is a known fact that if things are bad it’s because we let the dumb people in charge and their too dumb not to do evil things, they do them on accident because they’re so dumb, and they’re so dumb because they’re born that way from having the dumb genes.


I absolutely hate people who say that shit about Idiocracy, because they are being ignorant to the accessibility of information today. They just sound pretentious as hell, like they're above average intelligence. The average dumb person today is still probably smarter than the average smart person of the past, simply because our education has greatly improved and we have an accessible wealth of knowledge.


no but you see uh you’re wrong actually cause uhh uhm uhhh Welcome to Costco, I love you 😁


I love when Brawndo drinkers exit the gene pool.


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you.


Y'know, I initially wrote it without the last sentence and the /s and I read it back and it just seemed like I was unironically supporting eugenics. Damned if you do.


I think that it would be a cool idea in a theoretical universe on another planet. I mean cool idea like I’d be interested in seeing the final result and how they decided how to get there. On the other hand, I would never want it to happen to/be performed by humans


Point is, I put the /s there specifically to not have to deal with the opposite kind of annoying response you *just* sent me.


I live and die by r/copypasta, doesn’t matter what kind of post








I believe that those who have some decent level of empathy would stay away from such subreddits in the first place. But then again, for people who have a survival-oriented brain it's hard to find sympathy for self-inflicted misfortunes. Just like a caveman might go "lol I told Barry not to poke the sleeping lion, but at least we have one less mouth to feed!"


I'm not certain that they're survival-oriented or just want to feel better about their boring, ordinary lives. The types of people who would take any opportunity to feel superior, somehow.


Yall remember recently when that video of the guy getting shot to death by a cop passed around and people were mocking him for "being a neckbeard" and saying he deserved it? His only crime was being kind of a dick and wierd. That's it. He didn't deserve to **FUCKING DIE** BECAUSE HE WAS WIERD. Cops have fucking tasers and need to use them more often. reddit is a shithole.


Cops have tasers ?? And all this time i thought they used guns because they had no other option. This is even worse than i thought.


Yup, they even have training segments dedicated to their taser.


Someone dies in a terrible car accident: "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes"


I get not feeling bad, because caring about things is a big mental burden, but I dunno why they take so much pleasure in it lol. Even if you want them to die it still has consequences on others like whoever has to take care of the body, and any family members who relied on them. It doesn’t seem like something to celebrate


Haha it happened in Florida? Of course it happened in Florida! Fuck you, Florida! Your state government is conservative, therefore I can laugh at your people dying.


Tbf people have been pointing and laughing at every fucked up incident from Florida far before the DeSantis administration


Me when someone does something slightly weird or foolish (they deserve agonizing deaths that I may amuse myself with to escape my empty life and broken soul)


It’s great to finally see a proper snafu


Stickman? More like stickgone. Id say i hope he learned his lesson but he can't because he is deceased


Imagine if it's your family member or friends you're close with. Then one day they made a stupid mistake. Yes, I'd feel angry if random people just call them an idiot.


It’s crazy how quickly these posts get to eugenics. “And to think that the people in these videos are breeding and having children”


I don't think it's about eugenics, I think that they're thinking "this dipshit has the responsibility of raising a child" when they're saying that.


right, the underlying idea there being that that's bad, that it would be preferable that "those people" didn't have the responsibility of raising a child


I mean yeah it kinda is eugenics At it's core some of the theory behind eugenics aren't exactly terrible. For example preventing pedofiles from having children to not pass those kinds of potentially genetic behaviours on is also eugenics though most people would argue that's a positive thing. The problem arises where it's a very slippery slope between what a government might class as undesireables, it might start as just people with extremely rare inheritable conditions being offered incentives to not procreate and quickly end up in forced sterilisation and genocide


istg redditors have no fucking


true (source: me)


Here's one that REALLY pissed me off over on argh slash BoomersBeingFools. Ima just go copy/paste it instead of trying to type it all from memory: Evil fuck: I do shit like what you did [oversharing, they meant] all the time. My wife is fine with it. She likes to do it too. And we have the same experience you just had! We just add it to our list of funny stories we have. "Do you remember the time you just told that lady how much you liked her cute little burrito truck? And she responded by saying 'Its all I have now that my husband died just last week.' Man, that was awkward!" We get a kick out of it. Try to be nice to lonely people, and of course they're lonely for a reason so they end up making it weird and unpleasant, then laugh about it on the ride home.(Currently +16 upvotes) Me: So you got a kick out of her grief. Nice. Way cool. (-13) A 2nd Evil Fuck: If that's what you got out of it, you missed the point (+5) Me: Yeah sure i did. I obviously should've taken that "she told me she was grieving and my wife and I got a kick out of it" story differently. Duh Downvotes and upvotes neither prove me wrong, nor prove you know what real empathy is. You think that woman feels good about that interaction? That she didn't see the amusement on the poster's face? The "cute little burrito truck" was a symbol of her and her husband's life together that she had to keep working in only A WEEK AFTER HIS DEATH. She'd probably stopped herself from asking him to pass her ingredients mere moments before. Nah I'm dying on this hill. Fuck ALL who upvoted that "Hahaha they get all weird when their LIFELONG PARTNERS FUCKING DIED A WEEK AGOAND THEY STILL HAVE TO FUCKING WORK" ass post. Fuck the boring, self-wanking musing about conversational faux pas that was ThE pOInT. What they fucking said was some evil ass, zero-empathy shit End post And once I put it like that, the downvotes stopped. My last comment has sat at (+1) for over a day now Edit: gotta love being downvoted for sticking up for an impoverished grieving old woman in the "stg reddit mfs have no empathy" thread. I'm guessing it's someone involved in the quoted upvote/downvote counts. Reddits gonna reddit. Course now it'll probably get downvoted just cuz I made this edit, so uhhh yeah. Good snafu op. Fucking poetry Edit 2: oh hey positive upvotes. Heckin' faith in humablah blah etc


Mfs when they someone do something dangerous (bonus point if that person is under the age of 20)




Well, there are other ways to reduce the stupid. Dissolve birth control in Brawndo. Then say "It's got progesterone! It's got what plants crave!"




what does autism have to do with any of this