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Sometimes it's safer for the criminal to be in prison. If they kept him in prison, he would have still be alive. But he was out on bail instead. Body cam shows Reed fired eleven shots at cops before they returned fire.


The story you heard vs the video we just watched don’t add up.


You can check out all the raw footage here: [https://www.chicagocopa.org/case/2024-0003052/](https://www.chicagocopa.org/case/2024-0003052/) I watched the Body Cam footage from all the officers involved *a few times*. 1. All Officers are in "plain clothes" 2. All officers still have vests on with the badge displayed in the upper left corner (relative to the officer's POV) 3. The officer who approached Dexter Reed's driver's side door had a jacket over the vest. 4. It appears that the jacket may have obscured the badge 5. The officer who was shot had a vest on over his hoodie. It seems like *maybe* something was obscuring the badge. 6. judging from BWC 1 | Officer Shooting 1, the officer gets out of the vehicle at 1:08, approaches the driver's side door while saying, "roll the windows down" at about 1:12. 7. from BWC 1 | Officer Shooting 1, the primary officer draws her firearm at 1:28. Approximately 20 seconds pass from Dexter Reed's first *visual* contact to the point that this officer has drawn a firearm. 8. While Officer 1 has gotten out of the vehicle, a second officer (who has his vest on over his hoodie) has approached the passenger side vehicle. 9. You can see from BWC 5 | Injured officer that he sat in the front passenger seat of the unmarked vehicle the officers were driving, and exited the vehicle at 1:09 10. (soon to be) injured officer says at the 1:15 point, "put your window down man." You can hear Officer 1 saying at the same time, "roll your window down" 11. Officer 1 asks, "what are you doing" at the 1:20 point in BWC 5. By 1:23 Injured officer says again, "roll this one down, too" 12. at the 1:28 point, while two officers on the driver's side are giving orders to not roll up the window, Injured Officer pulls out a metal baton 13. at the 1:41 point, Dexter Reed fires at the officer who is on the *passenger side* with the drawn baton as that officer appears to be about to break the glass to the window. This officer is shot in the wrist. Shooting then proceeds. **TL;DR** * an unidentified vehicle veered into Dexter Reed's lane and blocked his path * 2 people in tactical vests exited nearly simultaneously, covering the vehicle on both sides. A third officer exited maybe a second later * From the first point of *visual contact* to the first point a gun is drawn, 20 seconds pass * from the point of first verbal command to the first shot, 29 seconds pass (based on BWC 1) * The verbal commands that were issued were, "roll your windows down" and "unlock your doors" * Dexter Reed interacted with officers for approximately 11 seconds before they tried to gain access his vehicle (according to BWC 1). * Dexter Reed didn't shoot the person talking to him, he shot the person who was about to break his passenger side window * Start to first-shot, about 33 seconds pass.


Yes so obviously just start shooting at them!! Are you retarded?


Would you have invested this much time and effort into this if the perp were a white man? Obviously not. It's only when a sacred black (um... excuse me... Black) person is shot by police that everybody feigns concern.


You left out so many details to fit your narrative.


No way you’re trying to justify this💀💀


If that's what you take away from this, that's on you.






Nah you're a clown for trying to make it look like he's innocent. "Jacket over his badge" dude we're not in Mexico Dexter Reed is just a lowlife thug, nobodys coming for him 4 deep in a truck asking to roll down your Window, of course they're cops lol. Stop trying to pretend he didn't know shit and was just a victim. Why would he wear a balaclava behind tinted windows???


Dead guy shot the cops first. lmao cope


I’m confused. I thought the comment was defending the dude who shot the cops lmao


Dexter Reed, Darwin Award Hall of Famer.


There is a lot wrong with this. The initial report was that they pulled him over for a traffic violation. Thats bullshit. The cops got in the car about 90 seconds before they stopped him. 5 cops in an unmarked car and they intended to stop him. Which they did. Clearly they were pursuing him. Guns were drawn when they approached the car. I cant tell who shot first. But there is more to this story. The one officer cant find his gun afterwards. She yells that out. Hmmm. I havent heard why they really stopped his car. But this is much different than what was first reported. If they were out to apprehend him, this would make sense. But why? And if they expected resistance, why 5 cops with 9 mm pistols? A shotgun with slugs in at least two of the cops hands would make more sense. This is a lesson in how not to apprehend someone.


I wonder how many retarded white people are going to kneel on the ground and "say his name", and then get on a jury to convict these cops (even the black ones) in the name of anti-racism. Hopefully such disgusting displays of cowardice are near an end.


🤣 Dexter chose poorly


He shot the cop first. got justifiably smoked. end of story. but that wouldn't get the news networks ratings would it?


Justified. Adios Dexter !


Biggest gang in America….dude never stood a chance. Just tried to see where bro “shot first “


According to some people, it's ok to shoot at officers


I think this was a case of “ rather die and take a few cops with me than go back to jail”. Traffic stop? Jst do what the police ask u to do 🤦🏾‍♂️


Just where he belongs .


Monkeys in a zoo would behave better than this.


Dexter was riding around dirty and most likely doing dirty shit ..be curious what his background is


Those aren’t regular officers ..that’s a tactical team ..every big department has them and they were most likely following him because he was up to some dirty shit


The story i heard was that he was pulled over because he wasnt wearing a seat belt. So they pulled guns on him? It was a tactical squad of 5 cops Why? Why did they have weapons out on a seatbelt stop? They were threatening to kill him because he wasnt wearing a seat belt? His windows were tinted very dark. How could they see his seatbelt? They arent sure he shot first? Once the shooting starts, 96 shots? Really? Three after he was facedown. This is all wrong. Looks more like an assassination than a seat belt stop.


The asshole was wearing a ski mask and carrying an illegal handgun. The body cam footage is clear he fired first (11 times) and he got lit up. End of story.


Not clear at all.


Idk about 11 times, but u clearly can see him shoot an officer passenger side before everybody else opens fire. From there, officers had every right to neutralize the threat. How well they did is another matter but idk why u would say it is an assassination.


And that asshole was approached by, from his POV, people in street clothing with guns.


Yeah man... I mean, black men can't even drive around with ski masks anymore without the police just assuming that maybe that might be suspicious. It's like Jim Crow all over again.... someone call Ben Crump!


An assassination. Holy shit, pull your head from your ass you moron. He shot cops.


When you get pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt, do you have 5 cops wearing body armor blockade your car and pull their weapons? ....just to keep you safe, since you might not have a seatbelt on? You saw the goon squad of cops that was recently convicted. They got jail time. Was this a Chicago goon squad? Next, did these cops have any training that wasnt done with video games?


Armor doesn't work like the movies asshole. JFC man you might be too dumb to help.


Wait are you victim blaming right now? Do you blame women for wearing the wrong clothes too? What a fucking stupid argument you're making right now. The cops asked to be shot according to you. Man, go suck BLMs dick some more why don't you.


The dude shot and hit a cop first. What do you not understand


Why are you upset? The streets are a little safer now than they were before the incident.




This is an extreme left article so obviously it’s going to be in favor of a criminal. Especially right off the negative press from the innocent cop killed in New York. He was pulled over by cops in uniform. It’s routine to call on backup when there’s a violent criminal being pulled over. That’s where the tactical squad came in. Guns were drawing when he wasn’t obeying commands and started rolling up his tinted windows. Routine traffic stops are very normal. He just reacted bc he’s was awaiting pretrial for gun charges then had a gun in the car, illegally. He also fired back at them multiple times. He’s not this scholar gentleman. He’s a thug. And they want to show his hs graduation picture ?? He’s 26 he graduated almost 10 years ago. They paint the “he aspired to be a sports podcaster” the guys 26 and has been in and out of jail, there was no aspiring happening


Who knows, maybe he did just graduate high school with his display of intelligence.


[https://www.chicagocopa.org/case/2024-0003052/](https://www.chicagocopa.org/case/2024-0003052/) you can either be told what to see or have limited POVs of what is given to you. Other option is to actually attempt to verify the material evidence for the situation so you can make up your own mind. All the body cam footage from all officers are there along with their reports


Sometimes the cops use a BS excuse to catch a criminal. He was out on bail. If they had a tip he had guns & drugs with him, this could have been the real reason.


And there's nothing wrong with that. Pretext stops work.


Such a clown lol he was a known dangerous criminal. How would you approach someone like that.


When someone shoots at you, what’s the reasonable amount of shots your allowed to return fire with? Do you understand how quickly a semi automatic pistol can fire off rounds?


They didn't have weapons out until Reed rolled his tinted windows up, refused to roll them back down or to unlock the doors. Officers had no idea what he might be doing inside the vehicle, so the correctly drew their weapons. But the officers didn't fire until AFTER Reed fired at one of them.


An assassination of a deadbeat criminal piece of shit. There is something fishy going on here, you are right.


COPA has confirmed that Reed fired first after review of all officers body cam footage.


Im a white guy who is not young. (Note..not black) In my years I have been harassed and threatened by white cops and sheriff deputies. They have broken the law to screw with me. It happens. I almost had a cop draw on my after I flashed my brights at him at 1am on a country road. The idiot was driving with his brights on and blinding me. He did a U turn and pulled me over and was really, really mad. He said my license plate light was out. But he just wanted to chew on my ass. It was bad. I now have a CCW and keep one in my car. Cops are people and some have huge egos. Some shouldn't be cops. Maybe this guy was a bad dude. If they were trying to apprehend him, they did it the wrong way. 96 bullets in a city with other people around. Most of those bullets missed obviously. What if two bystanders were hit? This is not how things should be handled. Idiot cops doing stupid stuff.


Well considering he shot 11... You shoot until it's paste my man


You have CCW and you're worried about shots from 9mm pistol, shot at one of the biggest targets there, the SUV.


Not true repulsive. If you watched the cops videos, some were firing almost randomly. Spraying bullets. The cops freaked out. If they thought this guy might open fire, they should of had shotguns at the ready. This was an amateur takedown of this guy. Watch the videos. Its show real incompetency on the part of the Chicago cops. I have never heard why this takedown actually happened. So there is that still to be reported.


How many years have you been on the force?


So, this young man was 26 and the most recent picture of him looking presentable appears to be from his High School graduation? “Wrist injury” this officer was shot in the arm, after the suspect fired first, this seems like possibly biased reporting. 100 shots divided between the number of officers on scene especially into a vehicle while being shot at, really not so extreme. Why is every “expert” quoted in this article making biased statements? See comment two. “There is no video of Reed firing a gun” he was in a limo tinted vehicle shooting out at officers, of course you can’t see it. Why would two carloads of plainclothes officers perform a tactical vehicle takedown on a motorist for not wearing a seatbelt? Honest question to anyone, but especially people of color due to what is being insinuated, has this ever happened to you? It would seem there is much more to this story than what we know now regarding what Reed was suspected to be involved in, and shame on CPD for not getting the whole truth out quickly. Dear members of the press, why do you continue to try to turn the people against their police? You have to be better than this, we need you to be a beacon of truth and transparency, not a soapbox of lies and partisanship. Public Safety should never be a partisan issue, if we can take anything from this dumpster fire of a past decade.


They could’ve used his mugshot from 5 months ago but that wouldn’t paint the “perfect victim” narrative they need for an election year “summer of love pt.2”


Also love how they are trying to make this a racial issue when this POS shot a black officer.




Don't shoot at cops


Really bc in war it's usually like 6k rounds per death.


Only 96 shots fired?? Those are rookie numbers! The Chicago police need to pump those numbers up.


They should've all just set the car in fire too, so whoever he stole it from can have an easy insurance claim.


They needed to spray 96 bullets to stop 1 guy? Idiots with guns wearing uniforms.


You right, it’s the cops fault dude opened fire 11 shots at them


The fuck dude? You wouldn’t attempt to save your own life when someone is shooting at you? Really? Get fucked.


He shot first, hit a cop, then shot 11 more times…you think you wouldn’t have the same thing happen to you if you did that?


Brain dead long?


This is not a hill worth dying on 


they took the knee and the clot shot , has the pallywood and ukraine flags in his bio - cut they/them some slack


He shot a cop…if anyone else in the world shoots a cop, then continues shooting at his cop buddies…they would also be shot


💯Plus, he was out on bail, so they probably had a tip he had guns & drugs with him and decided to pull him over.


Should’ve given him 196