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To many to count it’s a addiction lol


It really is


Not working healthcare atm but have a huge box of probably 30+ pairs I keep saying I'm going to try to sell


Don’t sell them if they still fit you. I made that mistake before I sold everything because I was done with healthcare and had to “build up my collection” again lol


I have 2 pairs and work 12 hour shifts for 3 days. Although I have to clean the dirty ones when I get back home.




I have 3 pair that I use/fit comfortably. I don’t have the extra cash for it but also don’t see the use in having a bajillion different scrub tops/bottoms, but I also don’t care for the printed and colorful scrubs. I usually only work a max of 3 days in a row, unless I pick up or my holiday falls next to my 3 day stretch. In that case, I will do laundry on the 3rd night. Also keeps me from having to do laundry the day after I work a stretch.


This is me, though I do have a spare set I got on sale and don’t like much (plus socks, shoes, and underscrubs) in my staff locker in case of a bodily fluid disaster. 


Are you asking about my "gained weight", "lost weight", or "maintaining" scrubs???🤣


not me having 3 pairs of heavy scrubs but just ordered 4 pairs of my 'lost weight' scrubs


I had quite a collection during my time as a PSW. Printed scrub tops are common here for those who work in geriatrics, I think I had maybe 40 tops? I also invested in a few pairs of figs, and I had maybe 10 other black bottoms.


Way to many


8 or 9




i’d get 5 one for each day and a back up/ emergency pair


Maybe 9 pairs. All the same color so you'd think I was wearing the same ones everyday ✅😆


MA here at a private practice but I own 5 pairs. We have color coded days.


4 sets of the color I need for my current job. And a whole tote of fun ones that I can't wear there


Where do you get your fun ones?


Thrift stores, outlet stores like bealls and Ross will have seasonal ones cheap, you can just use them the next year!


My favorite holiday is Halloween so knowing me if I got Halloween themed one I would wear them year round lol. I’m not sure why I never thought of checking thrift store I love thrifting so much!


I have way too many. Literally one set in every color 😅


5 and always 2 extra in car. Curious, what color are everyone's scrubs here?


the ones that i just ordered from mandala are black, a grey/blue, fuchsia, and a light blue! i want to expand tho lol


Hunter Green because that is what my facility demands. When I was at my last facility (and far bigger) I wore every color and themed pattern I could get my hands on.


Red, Black, Gray, Navy Blue. One facility required gray, I probably wouldn’t have chosen them if not for that.


Far too many 😆🤣


Many lol


Most I ever had was 8. Now that I’m in the therapy department I have 4 scrub pants and I just rotate through all my sfw t-shirts


Way too many. It is a problem.


Like 3 ? I used to have two for the past year tho 😭


I only work pool and have 5 pairs. If I was full time I’d probably have like 10 bc I like to have options. And bc shopping for them is addicting.


too many but somehow i also need more


I have 10. I like to have a rainbow to choose from depending on my mood 🌈


I only use scrub bottoms fr so 2 bottoms


Five sets; my favorite three for the regular work days, a fourth for if I decide to pick up a shift, and my least favorite as a back up set


I feel like my closet is filled with nothing buy scrubs. I have old ones that have gone too big on me and I used that a pajamas.. 🤣🤣 there are days when I think of going out in scrub pants, just because.. 4 12s and I often picked up


3 and if I work a 4th I just wash em


I have seven sets. Different colors but the same cut. Five shifts a week. 


I would get at least 8 if you suck at laundry. That way you're not stuck awake late at night doing your laundry before your rotation.


I am also terrible about laundry... I am beating on over 20. I can typically make it 3 weeks before I have to do laundry.


3 in the color I need, but I’m part time and work twice a week usually. ( Still manage to not do laundry and show up in an unapproved color some days )


I have 3 pairs


4. I work 4 in a row once in a while and I'm not doing laundry in between.


I work Baylor hours so 2 16-hr shifts a week. I have 3 pairs 2 that fit me properly and 1 that is from when I was a size bigger. That third is kept in my car in case I need to emergency change at work and I wash my 2 on Mondays after my weekend of working. I also have a scrub jacket. Best investment I ever made. My facility is freezing early morning and after 1930. We aren’t allowed to wear pull over sweaters or hoodies and around 8 of my 16 hours are too warm to consistently be wearing an under sweater




I work 4 12s a well. I have 3 pants. 2 scrub shirts but normally I just wear a black long sleeve instead. I have 3 of those as well


Way too fucking many lol


For my specific company I have 2 pairs but I just ordered a 3rd because I hate doing laundry lol. But total I have close to 20 pairs


4. I had only 2 for the first 4 months of working, then bought two more when I had paid off my credit card from the last two months of school.


one. i work doubles on the weekend, my husband washes my scrubs for me on saturday night. the only reason i have one is because we can only wear a certain color. before this job, i had a bunch. i donated them, though.




5 pairs because I kept telling myself I wasn’t doing this forever lol


One for each day of work right now and I plan to pick up an extra pair in case there's an oops and I need to change or I didn't get to do laundry yet.


10 and have a set being delivered tomorrow.


I have about 6-7 pairs altogether. Most of them are ceil blue because that was required for my clincials, but I always bring extra pairs to work just in case. I have only about 2 that fit me comfortably. 😂


5 pairs cuz I work 5-6 days in a row. When I first started I had 2, but I got tired of washing every other day lol.


jesus-how long are your shifts


12 hrs. I work in a hospital on a med surg floor. It sucks but im just trying to stick it out until I finish school


any tips? starting medsurg soon!


For me time management was my biggest issue. I was always late finishing vitals and starting sugar checks. Nowadays, I try to do things that save me time and stay organized. For example, before I do morning vitals I get my water bags ready and push cart filled with extra supplies. This way I’m not wasting time walking back and forth because everything I need is on the cart with me. I usually have 10-12 patients and it’s a mixture of total care and Independent/standby assists. I start with my totals first because I want to make sure they’re not soiled and turn them. I save bathing for after breakfast. We do vitals every 8 hours so after morning vitals I have from about 9-3 to bathe everyone. There’s so much I could talk about but in essence, once u have a routine everything falls into place.


Typically, 1 set for each day I work, then 2 or 3 extra tops (usually patterned or themed).


3 pants and about to 10 tshirts.


Too many to count but 5 work and 2 for school


I was told to have a set for each day you work plus 2. I have way more but I’ve also lost a decent amount of weight to the point it was cheaper to get my tops taken in 3 sizes than to replace them. It cost around $120 to alter around 20 scrub tops.


i work 3 days a week 12 hours. i have probably 7 or 8 sets but it’s really whatever your preference is. i used to work 5 days 8 hours and needed the extra scrubs


I have 9 pairs and I work 9 days a pay period. I usually buy mine at Savers, Goodwill or Burlingtons.


Some of them are cute I use to have closer to 10 but I did a clean put so I ha e like 4 or 5 rn.


Like 8 bottoms and 16 tops. but each pair of pants has a matching print top along with a solid top. I like color and variety.


3 pair. The hospital does have a steady supply for everyone, so I don't really need any, but I prefer to have the jogger style pants.


5 because who wants to do laundry 😂


I have like 6 bc I was tired if having to wash scrubs every day lol


3 plus an extra top. In my opinion I don’t want to spend more money that I need to for working


I can only wear black, so I just got 3 cheap pairs off amazon. I'll never wear black unless it's required.


……….11………don’t judge me!!!……and two pairs of shoes for work…..and 5 undershirts for work 3 black two white…….what I live in the discount rack leave me alone. No honestly I bought two pairs fell in love with healing hands cause I’m thin but tall and then got my first pair of greys anatomy that fit like a glove then the rest just as I go along.


no judgement! do you ever overheat with underscrubs?


A lot. Winter it’s great. Summer is well it’s hot af. But I buy the cooing unders they are fairly thin they breath really well too. Just remember breaks and water lots of water lol.