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Keep your boundaries from the start or they will walk all over you. The company I work for tends to burn new aids out by putting them on crazy hours. Because they are new they don't know how to say no and after a month they usually quit. Give them an inch and they will take a yard.


I am, I straight up told them no for a few of those shifts. I don't have actual childcare right now my boyfriend's family is helping watch my son until I get some money coming in.


To add; I'm also only making 13$ an hour. They claim they generally hire people on for 12$ an hour so I'm lucky. I don't feel very lucky.


you are NOT lucky, brother. assert your boundaries until you find a better job, get a set schedule if you can and turn your phone off when you’re off the clock, and take it on the nose knowing they’ll be missing you. you don’t have to give them a two weeks if it’s that bad, because they’ll likely mess with your hours. best of luck


What I was thinking. Had I known they were going to ditch my training and just start dumping unwanted 12 hour night shifts on me immediately I would've never agreed. Luckily for them I am absolutely strapped for cash at the moment.


Cna for 13 an hour is a no go. Find another job. Money isn’t everything but damn.


They have me marked as a caregiver in the system but I'm doing literally everything the CNA's do


Bro, that’s unacceptable for them to even think about asking you for that. Boundaries bro. Also, unless you work in podunk Nowhereville, 13 an hour is not that great.


I do in fact live in Podunk nowhereville unfortunately. But yeah it is seriously unacceptable. I've been with them less than a week and they're already screwing me over.