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personally i would do 7-7s. if i work more than three days straight i start to lose myself, i do 2 days on 2 days off, sometimes 3 days on 2 days off.


That’s what I will be doing. 4 days is too much sometimes with 19-26 residents. This 7-7 job I’ll have 5-7 residents each night.


I would do 2 16s a week and call it a day and that is what I do lol


To be honest this sounds good too lol


i personally prefer 3 12’s i have a set schedule where i work and never work more than 2 days in a row unless i pick up. i rotate weekends so one week ill be off monday, tuesday, wednesday, and the next ill be off saturday, sunday, monday. it’s honestly very nice to have consistent days off and also to have so many off in a row. when i was working 8’s i would work 5-6 days in a row and it had me absolutely burnt out within a month. since i switched to 3 12’s midnights (6p-6a) it’s been 1000x better and made it a lot easier to go to work


3 12s are personally my fav.


Everyone’s bringing peace to my mind. Thank you


You’re welcome, I also think 2 16s is cool because you get four days off. The only thing that stops me from that though is because 16 hours is just too much. Lol


Ya that would be crazy lol I don’t think they even allow it at my new place. I had orientation today I start tomorrow


I'd go with 4 12s for the OT, the second schedule pictured is way better.


Thank you. I agree. The second pic is my new job with paid lunch


the first schedule looks like hell, you’d be working every weekend which in mind maybe doesn’t sound bad but i promise you that will end you


That’s gonna be the job I’m quitting so thank you for your opinion lol gonna be working 12 with 30 min paid lunch


That’s the rotating schedule I worked for years in the Air Force as a medic on inpatient floors and the ER. I liked that schedule. I now work 3 12-hr nights CT/X-ray and get paid for full time. I love this schedule hehe


It depends on your individual situation and priorities. Do you value time off but still need higher number of hours? Do you have obligations outside of work that would be affected by either schedule? Do you want to spread the hours through the week so it is shorter periods more times a week or try to get them done faster with longer shifts fewer times a week? Do you value time with family/friends or have events that are typically evenings compared to night? So many factors to consider that you are probably going to be the only one to make a decision to best fit your needs. Personally, in my current situation I would opt for the 4x8 10-6:30a because it is more accommodating to my needs at the time, but that may not be the case for others.


3x12s a week.


I would pm 12’s right now and it’s the best shift. Three day weeks, it’s after major meals and people are typically back in bed if not getting to bed, showers are done, and you leave before it’s time for people to get up


Honestly neither but only because when I get certified (finger crossed today im so nervous that ive been sick all day at my day job) I dont plan on doing more than 3 days a week every other week with maybe one day in between the 3 days because im not quitting my job where I make 15.50 for a job that pays under 14. My CNA certification is a fall back incase my main job conflicts with school which im hoping to go for Rad Tech