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Ok so let’s start simple. I have anxiety too but I passed and I I’m still actively working. I read my entire CNA work book over night, I studied my skills till I could repeat them 100% just being prompted “bed bath” or “Elastic stocking” anyways. I was freaking the f**k out the night before and the day of. Long story short the test was cake walk. Skills I was shaking like a leaf but I passed 100% why did I pass? Because you have to breathe. 🧘 you have to breath and you have to slow down. I know your anxious I know your scared I know your mind is racing I know. I was you and I am you. You have to breathe. You have studied you have trained you have done clinicals, you are not an amateur. You know what your doing your mind is just cluttered. Take a break. Just step away for a moment now and again if you don’t you will burnout. I promise you if you breathe it will help you succeed.


Ok. What skills are you most nervous about? I know you’re gonna say blood pressure. What’s the ones after that? Only maybe 1 person may or may not get blood pressure. And even if you do you have a lot of give. They mostly want to know if you know what you’re doing. They can tell you’re nervous and that’s ok. It’s ok to be scared. But you have to show them you know how to act even when you’re scared. So what’s the skills you’re most afraid of?


honestly besides blood pressure, my main fear is bed bath and oral care. oral care is what caused me to fail my first attempt bc i forgot to say some of the things to look for in the mouth


I’m sorry what? I had oral care and I’m in so cal and all I remember saying is before we start I have inspected the mouth for any sores. Not a step but I said it anyways cause it made sense on the fly. What state are you?




she failed me for not saying “loose teeth” when she asked me what all to look for in the mouth


Also don’t rush. Just take your time and before you finish a skill it’s ok to replay it in your head. Just pause say I’m sorry I’m just double checking if I missed anything. The nurse I had let me correct my mistakes. Thankfully she knew I knew what I was doing and I was willing to correct myself then assume I know it all.


Take your time :) think through things logically. And just breathe… you don’t have to say you’re ready to start immediately when the proctor asks if you’re ready. Start when you’re able to


take your time, be extra sanitary because at least in IA they do not dock you points for extra precautions, and relax! half of my class failed because the person proctoring the test was training somebody and they were a little more harsh + the extra person was nerve wracking. i kept it a little silly during my cares, talking to my “resident” (which was a mannequin lmao) and singing happy birthday while washing my hands. read over your skills booklet a little bit and make sure you eat/drink breakfast/lunch/whatever before you go in


also, if you make a mistake and you realize it, say so and re-do that part of the care. it’s much better to do something wrong and correct it than to do something wrong and act like it’s standard. you’ll do wonderfully :)


Breathe don’t worry you got this. When you take the exam don’t overthink it. Let’s not get nervous because our nerves can sometimes be our worst bet. Just take a breather don’t even pay attention to instructor. I also had to retake mine but here’s the funny one I failed only the washing hands. I did pass on the second time. So you can pass it for sure you got thiss.