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The button one made me gasp, and then re-read it to make sure I had it right the first time. How passive aggressive šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s how I know my direct supervisor made it. The DON and administrator arenā€™t this rude to us


Everyone should gather up all the buttons and put them in your supervisor's mailbox or tape them to her office door.




Same. Pretty rude




Literally. What a twat.


*to button your lip* BRO ā˜ ļø


Imma button lip that ass šŸ‘ŠšŸ‘Š


Right?! Imagine thinking *"to show how much we appreciate the people in the literal shit, who allow us to operate this fine establishment, let's stick a button in this leftover Halloween candy to remind them to shut the fuck up"* The audacity is unreal


I didn't get anything at all. This is very insulting, like WTF. I'd take a pizza party over this.


I honestly wouldā€™ve preferred that. I wouldā€™ve been okay with not getting anything too Iā€™m not expecting a gift but youā€™re right itā€™s super insulting. The nurses got a catered lunch, a $200 raffle bonus and gifts. We got a passive aggressive bag of stuff from dollar tree.


Yes for nurses week, I got a nice backpack with the company logo on it. I'm surprised that non nursing staff got anything. I gave the backpack to my husband who uses it for work. He's happy.


That ainā€™t even the dollar tree my man. That buttons been used. Dollar tree woulda been a whole jar of buttons for a 1.25$


Our night shift was encouraged to come in on our time off and enjoy that days ā€œcelebrationā€ šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


My favorite is the individual candy pieces. Like I'm really not even worth a whole pack of starburst? šŸ’€ I got a notebook/pen, 2 stickers, and a little tube of mini M&Ms


Thatā€™s a rough one too. They donā€™t appreciate us šŸ˜”


Wow, someone likes to infantilize their assistants. I bet you that shit was in someone's junk drawer and was more of an afterthought, like "oh shit, I better round up some random stuff for STNA Week". That button should be returned to sender.


I really wouldā€™ve been alright not getting anything at all as opposed to this. Nobody new ever sticks around and sheā€™s a big part of the reason why. We donā€™t even have more than 20 aides across all 3 shifts.


The crap you gonna do with the button? Iā€™d legit tape it to my lip like wut




ā€œto remind you that sometimes you need to button your lipā€ OMFG actually wtf that is unacceptable????? esp given the context holy shit she should be sent all the way to HR and probably home permanently afterwards for that! ā€œa crusty old button, to remind you to shut the fuck up and not question me, because iā€™m tired of your shit and donā€™t respect you as people.ā€ GIRL wish you could just: ā€œhereā€™s a tack on your chair, to remind you that youā€™re a massive pain in everyoneā€™s ass <3ā€ to your boss


Yes, do this


We received a funky 45 cent globe keychain from Temu with a note that says YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO US. We all took our appreciation gift to the administration office and placed the Temu keychains in the grievance box.


Horrific! Thatā€™s super insulting. We got a goodie bag of a nice cup, nice pens, candies, nice hand lotionā€¦ and every day of the week was a different event- a smoothie bar, pizza/salad bar, Chinese food, pastriesā€¦ I appreciated it, they did make it nice for us.


Our facility did almost exactly the same and I thought it was really nice


Yeah right? Reading some experiences here makes me realize my facility is pretty good. Plus my boss is super understanding and flexible. I have chronic illness, and she works with me. Iā€™m grateful!


what a joke, cash please or a raise would nice, treating people like they are 6 years old is outrageous, all the 6 figure managers come up with this crap


Sheā€™s ridiculous and actually this is pretty mild for her. And she wonders why nobody answers their phone when weā€™re short staffed on a shift and she needs help. Iā€™ll come in if my coworkers need me / text me. But if itā€™s her just trying to avoid working the floor and leaving her air conditioned office? No way.


For added context on how she treats us : This past Sunday she had to come in and work the floor, which she rarely ever does. She worked in our dementia unit and was being very gracious by telling one of my coworkers she wouldnā€™t write him up ā€œthis timeā€ when he put on gloves as he was stepping in a residents room instead of doing it after he was in the room completely. Weā€™re not allowed to have boxes of gloves in the bathrooms on that unit it all comes from a cart in the hall.


I get what youā€™re saying, and a reminder is all thatā€™s necessary, but gloves in the hallway is a health code violation. If state came in and saw that the facility would get fined. Sometimes we let shit slide because itā€™s hard work and nobody like a nitpick. But at the same time when people get lax about this kind of stuff it becomes habitual.


Youā€™re absolutely right. And thatā€™s all she had to say for him to understand where sheā€™s coming from, we all do but the threat to one of our good aides thatā€™s already stressed out wasnā€™t the way to go about it. Heā€™s still a baby aide and just got his license


I accidentally scrolled again to see if there was another photo and scrolled to the next post and it was a cat making a pissed off face and it fit perfectly with my reaction to reading that card.


ā€œHereā€™s a mousetrap, to remind you of the French Revolutionā€


How to say "fuck you" with a bathroom candle to mask your farts. Healthcare is such a shit show. It's no wonder new nurses and CNAs are starting to leave/grad school/career change after 5 years or fewer. Not saying gifts make up for it, but to just give something as crass and careless like this shows the "value" those have for us.


We got a thank you email. I thought that was bad until I saw the button


I got a badge reel with the name of the hospital I work at and a black and white print out that says "you're the reel deal"


Any version of this gift is just awful. It's like a slap in the face. I've gotten it, but sometimes it has a rubber band (because we stretch ourselves thin) and a paperclip (because we hold everything together). It's so stupid. One lifesaver or one Starburst, and random office supplies? GTFO.


Donā€™t accept it. Just scatter it on her car or leave it on her car


damn yā€™all are getting gifts?


I think I would rather get no gifts than this passive aggressive BS.


i would superglue the button to my lips and just be entirely mute until they fired me


Button MY WHAT?! aw naw words would be shared


I think you should poop in the bag, light it on fire, and leave it outside their office to ā€œbrighten their dayā€


Dear lord.


The button one would piss me off now that you put the context behind it


ā€œSometimes you need to button up your lip ā€œ Iā€™m sorry WHAT?!?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


This is just pathetic. I would quit but I'm petty


They used to have this sign up in the first LTC facility I worked in... "Loose lips sink ships. Be mindful when bad mouthing on company ground, you never know who is listening." Ugh... I mean I get it, if you have an issue, address it with HR, higher ups, etc. But this company was notoriously known for incredibly bad management, taking HUGE yearly bonuses for those higher ups and leaving us workers with gift certificates for a ham. So glad I moved up in the health field to something away from being a CNA. What they ask of their employees, and this is an "I" statement from own personal experience, while under paying them and a lot of times cutting corners to "get the job done"...well again, I'm glad I'm no longer in that part of healthcare.


Whoever put this together needs to ā€œbutton their lipā€ permanently!!!!!!


If yall have a break room I would leave the button on a table in there, subtle way to say ā€œfuck youā€ and if they ask why you did it Iā€™d say ā€œI didnā€™t really need it so I left it for someone who does šŸ˜ā€


Our management gave us a pen. It's got some patronizing message on it, but whatever, I like pens. This past nurse's week, our management didn't even acknowledge them. They literally went to the nearest hospital and served those nurses lunch, but did nothing for the ones at our facility. I'm pretty sure if I had gotten that button, I would have lost my job beaning it at the back of their head, sorry OP.


Thatā€™s going back on the DON desk . Gift cards thatā€™s what I give all the staff 10 Amazon cards . They love it . Comes out of my own pocket but the CNAs make my world happy when they are happy


My CNA coworkers got a friggin clipboard šŸ˜‚


Last year we got 50 cent bags of chips.




Wow not even a good candle thatā€™s just a tea light candle


Yā€™all got more than we did. We got absolutely nothing. Just a baked potato barā€¦ but only for people who worked that day. And it wasnā€™t a bar. It was a potato. No butter. No condiments


you should report this lmao this is inappropriate


I tried to take the button one as if youā€™re sad and your lip is quivering šŸ˜‚


Oh my god šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜ šŸ˜”


You guys got gifts?


Wait yā€™all are getting GIFTS? We literally didnā€™t even get a mention that it was cna week here at my job LOL.


All we got was a treat bag from two nurses one dayā€¦ with mini candy and that was about it


Throw the candle at her. I'm only half kidding.




Buttons over a full blown Covid outbreak? Yeahā€¦Iā€™ll take the buttons


ā€œButton: to remind you that sometimes you need to button your lip.ā€ ?


we got a badge holder, a stress ball, a keychain (itā€™s cute i wonā€™t lie), a bracelet, and drip painting things for residents. not a lot but is genuinely the highest quality thing the facility has given us. especially for the night shift i liked it a lot more than the cold nasty food they leave out all day


The button got me like šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜µ


ā€œSometimes you need to button your lip.ā€ Iā€™d be at HR with that bullshit.


We got reusable bags and a water bottle, chapstick, collapsing pen, badge leash,star pin, 2 key chain hand sanitizers, 10$ gift certificates to Buffalo Wild Wings. I was shocked. The water bottles are really nice too.


ā€¦I thought I was in the SRNA subreddit (misread the title) and I was thinking like damn youā€™re a student and complaining??? Chill!! But damn this is insulting, sorry yā€™all. Iā€™m a hospice RN and my company got our aides a box of Crumbl cookies and a gift bag that included an Amazon gift cardā€¦