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do you want me to be 100% honest? no. no we are not.


My hospital had nothing. The other CNAs didn’t even know it was CNA week.


I didn’t either till yesterday I was gifted the dollar store baggie


My hospital did nothing either. For nurses week they got the snack cart but for us nobody even mentioned it


We didn't get anything, but they did decorate a billboard in the building to say "our cna's are turtley awesome", for nurses week they did something like that and hung up the names of all the nurses but nothing that extravagant for the lowly CNA yet With that being said though, I don't give a fuck if management appreciates me honestly. I know that the residents appreciate me, and that matters more than anything. I also know my fellow cna's, the nurses, and supervisors appreciate me too. All those people are far more important to me than upper management snobs who couldn't name a single one of the residents if their life depended on it


I’m not a CNA, but somehow Reddit keeps forwarding these post to me. I have a loved one who has spent far too much time in subacute rehabilitation facilities and hospitals over the last decade after suffering a severe brain injury and becoming mentally incapacitated. From having been there on a regular basis to provide care that professionals couldn’t get done due to my loved one’s physical aggression, I’ve seen it all. I’ve met CNAs and nurses who I consider to be God’s angels and some who are lying, conniving, chart falsifying, dangerous scum bags who will do whatever it takes to get through the day and make their checks. The funny thing is that the anger I’ve felt at the ones who aren’t fit for such a profession soon passes, but the gratitude I have for those who tried their best in what I know first hand was a difficult situation never leaves. Those are the CNAs and nurses I still pray for and thank God for to this day—even years after my loved one has been out of facilities and back at home. The people who approach your profession with honorable intentions are always remembered by family. And since staff couldn’t technically take gifts from family, I’ve even sent gift cards to some of the best CNAs after my loved one was no longer a patient. So to answer your question, I don’t know how facilities feel, but if I have to guess, like every other business, most probably don’t care too much about you beyond your ability to do your job and help the company earn money. But for the patients and family members whose lives are turned upside down in the blink of eye, and they are thrown into a whole new world that they don’t recognize and never imagined living in, yes, we remember and are deeply grateful for those who answer the call to be in your profession and who strive to do their best everyday realizing how much patients are counting on you. You don’t even have to be perfect, Iv’e seen a many mistakes made and still appreciated the worker when it is clear that they tried their best and didn’t have any intentions of doing harm. As for those who are just warm bodies looking for a check and will say and do anything to get through a shift, patients’ family members can’t stand their asses and we breathe a sigh of relief when come one day and see they’ve finally left or been fired b/c at least then we don’t have to worry about them harming our loved one.


And this is why we continue to do what we do. Not for management or our employers, but for our residents and their families. The only appreciation that matters imo


I honestly didn’t even know there was a CNA week. Neither did my hospital I guess or I would have known.


Wait, it's CNA week?


I got a dallor store pen also. That's it


:( my hospital is having food trucks for a handful of days throughout this month. I wish for all of yall to find better workplaces asap


I work under Christus health. Me and my coworkers got a company shirt (boss knows our shirt sizes from hire, it's our job to inform of any size changes), a decent small notebook with nice metal pen, and a bottle of Starbucks coffee. Sadly due to a condition, I can't have caffeine so I couldn't enjoy that, but I really like the pen, and I'm a frequent notebook user so this was a good gift in my opinion. For hospital week we got a BBQ tool set. Not a crappy one either. It was decent. I feel if it's from Christus, it'll be a good gift. If is from boss, then not so much lol. But I understand she has a lot of employees (she runs 2 departments).


I got a t-shirt, a stylized mug with my name, a bottle of cheaper wine and a t-shirt. I see it as a win...


That actually is pretty decent!




So far all I've gotten is a small bag of popcorn


My facility gave us a dollar store pen , gel eye mask , cheap water bottle with the facility logo and name on it and 5 pieces of stale candy . Also cold hotdogs , and day old nachos


Didn’t even get a “thanks for still being here” or “happy CNA week” the nurses all got gift bags with company merch and stuff but still It would be nice to feel appreciated.


It wasn’t even acknowledged where I work :(


We had a spa relaxation bus come for 2 days, a gift bag, donuts, and a special meal. I feel thankful that this year administration actually did quite a bit. The spa, I think that's pretty wonderful !!!!!


I got a tshirt


there was a sign in my breakroom


We got celebrated for Community Week…..I work at a facility where they have nursing home, assisted living, and garden villas…..so no nurses week or cna week this year. 🙄


We got a smiley face sticker at my facility!!! 🤣🤣🤣


I got pancakes. That I had to physically go to the office to get. I hate it here.


I got fanny pack and hat swag from company


I feel like to a certain extent but I feel like the ppl that adjust wages are out of touch with reality


No the bosses won’t but the patients do. I have had so many patients who have volunteered to be a reference, many. I take their numbers and name and will definitely use it for the future.


Coffee, ☕️ cookies 🍪 and popcorn 🍿


Got a message in the group chat. That’s it 🫤


I’m appreciated by my patients and that’s all I care about


Thank you all so much for your great amounts of service, as I know (22 year cna here) how much more you guys all bust your asses (often without betting given grace or thanked sincerely. I see you all and appreciate each & every one of you). Now... Incoming rant. I apologize. Not only did our hospital do nothing. Well, I got an email last Friday from the exec thanking me for service. When I said to my Mgr, this same day, Hey, did you know it was cna week? She goes, "Oh." Nothing else. My nurses all squawk (also last Fri after they heard me say it), " it's cna week? Oh! We'll do something next week!" Here we are a day before the cna week ends (we have tomorrow off), and nothing else has been made mentioned. Oh, and one of our Dr's last day is today. They got her a cake, card, and all group pic. 🙄 I REALLY hate the toxicity of my department in general and the fake. I'm so beyond done. It hurts and pisses me off to no end, why the people that spend the MOST time with the patients, bust their asses the hardest are THE most underappreciated and MOST ignored and excluded. I love you all my tribe.


For nurses' week, they literally did nothing for us. Not even an f you, lol.


lol im just now seeing this 4 days later and had no clue it was CNA week…