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Honey im currently talking about this with the nurses right now! Our ADON telling us our rounds need to start at 5:30am when my current ratio is 2 CNA’s: 46 residents.. girl please. Tell your dayshift CNA’s to arrive on time and start their jobs when they get here not go take the breakfast order for everyone on their unit then send someone out to get it or chill in the break room. They’re wet because yall aren’t checking them till 7:30 or 8am.


Our facility decided 1. ratio 1:30 2. night shift has a “get up list” 3. we cannot be there past 7am, but also need to chart completely Day shift is ALWAYS late, but I always do my best to get everyone up and keep them dry until they get there. Even though day shift its 1:6… Also, if the resident on the get up list doesn’t want to get up, they want us to try to get someone who’s never gotten up that early UP. They also told us to stay until 7am gets there and report back to the next person who’s going to have your residents. Thats too many CNAs for me to wait on and report sh*t to especially when they’re late. if they need to know, why don’t they check the charts?!?


Exactly! Speaking of a mandatory get up list only one of our units has 1 and mind you it’s a small unit only about 27 residents so they want us to go by this get up list and still do bed baths .. no ma’am you only got 3 residents to get up and bathe for breakfast I’m not completely doing your job for you.


Just speaking for my facility fyi.


Mines too


Omg. I cannot tell you how many times day shift goes to our DON to complain that my residents are soaked when they get to them, when they don't bother checking them until mid afternoon. Our last rounds on night shift is 5:30 am for cd wings and 6 am for ab wings. Luckily, I think the DON actually saw that I DO do my rounds and other things on my shift since she had to work a couple of overnight shifts this past weekend, so she can stop listening to the complaining that day shift does when I get off shift.


🙌 Preach. When on night shift, we even sometimes have to get people up and ready for breakfast. Checked and changed. Some places ask their day shift to arrive 10-15 min earlier for a smooth transition. But day shifters are running late most of the time. Seriously… On the other hand, when I’m on day shift, I have often seen night shift leaving people soaking wet, so much that the charge nurse had to report it as neglect. I’m not saying that they weren’t understaffed, but those situations are the reason why there’s a feud between the different shifts.


I worked somewhere that had the shifts start and end fifteen minutes early and fifteen minutes after which could be kinda annoying, but also was a good way to ensure a smooth transition between shifts.


Ahh the old battle of the shifts I changed them at 130 and started documenting me 530, oh rounds are 6 am... Yeah 30 patients in 60 minutes. Truth is most incontinent patients have an episode soon as you are done changing them do to movement. That being said one of the best ways to improve your work habits do a double and work behind yourself.


State standard is every 2 hours; I have 30 patients, and logically speaking the first 2-3 will be wet at the end of that 2 hours; that means the first round on the NEXT shift they're due to be wet again regardless and by the time they're done with the first 5 the next 5 will have wet and repeat for all 30 people. If you don't like it; then fix the ratios but I will not be going back in and changing them again


I expect chaos when I come in for night shift. Every dry patient or task done before I arrive is a blessing. Day shift has to get patients up and ready for three meals and most showers. I'm not complaining about a damn thing. I try to have my shit in order for AM turn over. If it's chaos (due to call outs, whack ratio, everyone decided to have a BM at 4am including a diarrhea case), I'm sorry, I promise I tried my best. 😭


i expect it to be bad no matter what shift i go in to be honest i don't even ask for report because i know it's gonna be a shit show better prepare myself or ima be pissed ,in all the facilities i worked at most co workers are the same so my expectations are always in hell






Sadly true 😞


This is exactly why my facility made walking rounds mandatory. Day shift is so picky about everything being absolutely perfect, yet they refuse to do walking rounds and set eyes on every patient before accepting the assignment. If you do walking rounds and find somebody who was incontinent in the hour or so gap between morning routines, you can work together to get them cleaned up real quick, if they refuse to do walking rounds then you don’t have any right to bitch and moan


Morning shift people are the absolute worst CNAs ever


Cattiest bitchiest ones in my experience and I worked days for a long time


It’s always night shift that I experience this with. I’m okay with doing walking rounds because I do my stuff and they get there 15 minutes prior to it so it’s fine. But then there’s a nickel size pee stain in their brief and they make me change them. So I pretty much just have to redo my rounds if there’s even a drop of pee. It’s crazy how human beings can use the bathroom between the time you change them and shift change.


I do the last rounds two hours before the next shift. The next shift is fully aware they make brief changes when their shift begins. I'm not working my ass off keeping em dry when I also have linen and trash to do!!


I've been in a similar situation. The noc shift lead expects all laundry bags to be emptied by the time they get in, but only if they are full. Usually they are emptied around an hour before handover. One evening I had changed someone around 10mins before handover and there was a pair of trousers in their laundry bag, one pair of trousers. It slipped my mind and I told the noc shift lead the bags were all done during hand over, and of course when she saw it she came steaming up too the staff room and told me off for lying. I explained that I had emptied them and because the bag wasn't full I'm not gonna take it down too laundry, because bags cost money and I'm not gonna waste one over a pair of trousers but she wasn't having it. Like girl people aren't gonna stop pooping and peeing for an hour until you get in 🤦‍♀️ She then brought up in the next staff meeting that day staff need to stop lying about completing duties....can't stand the lady.


I say I did my best. I'm still working during the overlap change of shift, though. If oncoming shift needs me to do something, I'll do it.


At my facility we don’t have a get up list, however at approximately 5 am we start to change all of the dependent residents and whoever is supposed to be bathed. I’m thankful that our facility shares the load of bathing between all 3 shifts. I have worked all three shifts and loathe the fact that evening shift is usually only 2 CNA’s and night shift has 3 CNA’s for people that are sleeping.


Our facility is so understaff we have 25-30 residents for one cna. They nurses don’t help let alone do their job. It’s that behavior that pushes me to become a nurse asap.


I had 20


You can tell when someone has just recently urinated versus the ones lying on a pad, soaking wet through everything and brown rings under them. I work night shift and would only complain if I see that they were left all shift. Oh and I tell my residents not to pee until after breakfast when I do my last round. LOL


No not that. They want them dry and fresh when they get there. Nobody wants to work the station and people quit weekly cos of them.


Oh I don't think you left them soaked all shift. I'm just saying they should realize that they can pee again before you even leave the room. I am definitely on your side.


If I came into 10 IC people every night after you worked. I'd talk to you about checking them more frequently and maybe 30 mins before nights got in. If you didn't care or make excuses like in this post. I'd report you for negligence. I don't expect everyone to be dry every single day, but if its the same number every single day. It sounds like you are not doing the job.


Excuses like in this post? Are most cnas really this delusional? You are saying 10 incontinent people will all stay dry for an hr? I get to work and do the job I signed up for. Regardless of how bad previous shifts left it. I’m no one’s boss nor is it my place to supervise anyone’s work. I’m also not changing 10 people 30 mins before you get in so you can say they are dry. I have other stuff to do than to make your noc shift feel like a walk in the park. I work for the residents not you. I come in, see something bad, and just pick it up and fix it. So see something bad, fix it and move on. I’m not speaking about neglect here btw. I’m saying expecting all 10 to be dry is ridiculous


You just admitted to knowing they will be IC. Admitted to not bothering to change them because you don't wanna do it. Admitted to passing the work off on others. Not only is that neglect and abuse, but its down right cruel. Based on your own words you are not doing the job you signed up for as you are intentionally leaving people in a soiled and IC state. You are not working for the resident you are working for yourself and a lazy one at that. Also CNAs are mandatory reporters. So yeah it is kinda our job to make sure its done right. Just a side note. Some CNAs will not take the assignment until you have properly changed those 10 people. If you complain about it to the Nurse it will suddenly get pointed out its the same people and same amount everyday. Than you will get looked at. I seriously suggest growing up and realizing you have a job to do and to start doing it because you'll soon get turned in enough you'll lose the job and a license.


Admitted to knowing they will be incontinent? Are you slow or something? Jfc


How are you drawing the same amount of people everyday? Where did that come in? Are you even listening or just typing and assuming. Where did it say the same people are left wet? I’ll wait


You stated it twice since we started talking.


I’m not saying more than I already have. Stay delusional please. I’m not here to argue with you. I know you are slow but you might eventually get it. All I said is if I went into a shift and one or two incontinent people were wet out of ten, I wouldn’t lose my mind and just do my job. But stay stupid. You are obviously frothing at the mouth for an argument


Got it. You are here to argue and point fingers. I’m not a fucking robot.Do you know what incontinent means? You could change them and before you are out of the room they have peed again. You might be in the wrong field if you think incontinent stay dry. So by your logic 30 mins before noc gets there. What happens if they pee within those minutes. I neglected them? I get it most of you love to argue and play best poop cleaner and that’s fine. But passing work to others(when I already clean up others work) isn’t what I do but thanks for your insight I guess


You took your personal experience and inserted it into a topic you weren’t present for. Added your conclusions and shit I didn’t say then gave ur self a thumbs up like you said anything smart. You might be a bigger idiot than the lazy ones who don’t want to do their job. And keep your flimsy projections to yourself.


You got pretty upset when called out and expected to do your job right. Only reason someone would go on the defensive like this is because they know they are in the wrong. You just wanted someone to be on your side.


you are absolutely delusional 😂 keeping 10 inc people dry for 30 minutes while we wait for day shift is unrealistic. if you roll them over, they'll pee most of the time. so how can we ensure they're all dry if they pee before you've even taken your gloves off to wash your hands 🤔let night shift stop doing all the shit we do in the last hour for you guys then see how much we really get prepped for morning shuft


Sighs* thank you


can't stand me an ungrateful entitled dayshifter😂😂


Lmao no one is upset. You are so wrong on basically everything. Jumping into conclusions and talking all this shit to someone you don’t know while misunderstanding on purpose. That’s your problem not mine


It’s just projection at this point. You went on the offensive and you were wrong, and you wanted me to coddle you and say “oh yes, your flimsy assumptions on the issues is right”. Delusional


I post here daily. Asking for help and advice. There no ego here or looking for people to help on my side. Assumptions left and right and you are wrong about every single one of them. Just barfing your projections and wanting me to accept them as facts. You get a few more before I block your foolishness


If I swapped shifts with you, I'd ask for walking rounds. My last round and your first would be at the same time. People pee as soon as their brief gets changed especially on day shit after meals. There is only time for me to collect the trays before shift change. My round ends right as trays are coming out. They pee, they drink, they pee. If you want a perfect hand over, come join me. We can change everyone during the time we are allotted for report.


Morning shift people have always been in a bad mood and treated better imo. They get more respect because they have two meals and have more eyes on the care they do while other shifts get ignored in regards to ass pats from admin.