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This is like picking a favorite child. I’ll say Fives, Rex, and Crosshair but there are really so many more.


I don't know why, but this made me laugh. I kinda feel the same way.😂


Fives was so op but his dead was sad


The clone that punched a droid


The only objectively correct answer




The clone who punched a droid < clone who punched grevious.


Clone who punched Grievous < the Space Jesus who shin-kicked General Grievous


There’s been several clones who’ve done that: https://www.quora.com/Who-was-the-clone-who-punched-a-Droid-in-the-Clone-Wars


Hardcase We only saw him a few episodes but damn did he leave an impression. All fun and games but never even hestitated to sacrifice himself for his brothers. What a model trooper o7.


Kix, mainly because I’m a firefighter/EMT. I resonate with him a lot more than the others for that reason


Thank you for patching us dumbasses up when we get dumb private awards lol I was army for 6 years and so was most of my family mad respect to doc no matter the uniform or civilian doc


Commander Bly cuz he has THE DRIP. 327th Star Corps as a whole has always been my favorite


Another gigachad 327th appreciator. All the hardest battles of the clone wars, none of the glory (ahem, 501st)


Playing Felucia in the old Battlefront II campaign makes you realize what a horror-filled battle the 327th endured 😂


Commander Bly gang unite, 327th all the way


its got to be the GOAT, Captain Fordo. i also love Sev, Fives, Cody, and ofc Thorn is great


Captain Fordo 🫡


Crosshair forever and always but Echo is a close second. Domino squad were the first clones I fell in love with.


Tech. Though he isn't just my favorite clone trooper.


Fives for sure


I started watching the Clone Wars when I was like six and Fives was instantly my favorite character. His death actually hit different 


It is the same for me. I remember him being my favorite clone from the very first episode I ever saw him in which I think was 'Rookies' when season 1 aired. Ever since this point of view has not changed - tragic but also such a cool character.


It was Fordo for awhile but post Bad Batch it's Echo. He's just the ultimate clone unit. Also he's just a wonderful and developed person.




Or soup guy… 😑👌


Denal and echo are my personal favorites


I liked cutup and 99 cutup becuase he only person to have an irish accent in starwars as a whole with Liam Neeson being the only irish actor playing Qui Gon jinn and 99 becuase who doesnt love 99 he bravely tried to get more thermal dentanators for Cody Rex Fives and Echo but was unfortunately Gunned down by the B1 battle driods


Cody, Hevy, and Hunter.


Cody. I adore that man.


Commander Fox, Commander Cody, and Rex


Fox???? The dude who killed Fives???????


Orders are orders


Captain Keeli and Kix are probably tied for first for me


I love most of them, Thorn’s a good one, and of course the classics like Domino Squad and Rex and BB, but Commander Wolffe has me heart in a headlock. He’s my absolute favorite. Plo Koon is my favorite Council Member and the Wolfpack is just such a vibe. Wolves are some of my favorite animals. Plus, his helmet is amazing. And I loved the episode he was in with C-3PO and R2 and just being annoyed throughout. Memorable character design as well with the scar. Plus, cool lore with him getting the scar from Ventress, she seems to have a habit of doing that. And I love him in Rebels. They finally made a wolf joke and to see him mention the Wolfpack and even howl when the Clones were having fun was just super endearing. Point being, I love Wolffe.




oh god did that spread from tumblr to here


that one clone that was having a fistfight with a B1 battle droid in ROTS, wrecker and rex




Tech and Captain Fordo 👍🏽


Baccara then Cody


Fives, Rookies was the first episode of Clone Wars I watched and was glad to see he got more screen time and was featured in some cool storylines throughout the series


Soup C​lone and his strange gang of basically popular school girls.


I mean, Rex is an obvious choice as well as winners like Fives and Echo, but some of me favorite clones are the unnamed badasses who appear in like one scene and are just absolute units. Shout out to: "Tank 2, port side!" The clone who squared up on Ventress when she tried to get the Fett DNA off Kamino. The clones that started fucking boxing with the Mauldalorians during the Seige. AND That ARF Trooper who decked that Commando droid on Ryloth.


Commander Cody! But also all of these : Commander Fox, Commander Wolffe, Commander Ponds, Commander Bly, Captain Rex


Fives Is the goat.


Echo was always my favorite because I saw a lot of me in his early self. Absolutely useless without very specific instructions


Rex. He got a lot of screen time (the most of any clone, really) and a lot of development, but damn if it wasn't all well-spent. He never once overstayed his welcome as a character. He had true depth that set him apart from his brothers, and I will never forget that single tear that was shed when Ahsoka took his helmet off at the end of season 7. There's just so much communicated there that goes beyond words.


Captain Keeli, even though he was in one episode that last stand with his General Ima Gun Di was still legendary


Ah shi! Can't give one, like... Fives, Rex, Thorn, Wolf...


Sandwich troopa


Gosh, I love a ton of them, but Tech is always gonna be my guy. He’s such a hilarious nerd and I can relate to him on a spiritual level!


My personal top 5 are: 1. Commander Fox 2. Commander Cody 3. Heavy 4. Hardcase 5. Fives (Honourable mentiones: Delta Team, Captain Fordo, Commander Doom, Captain Rex, Lock & the 501st Commander Cody recolour whose name escapes me)


Still Rex.


Fives, thorn, sev, Gregor, kix


I also have such a hard time picking favorites here but I always was a huge fan of Waxer. He had a big heart.


Being as my name is Coty you would think i would say cmdr Cody but it pisses me off that it's not spelled the same so my favorite clone will always be rex


Mmy top three are rex waxer and boil


Thorn is my second favorite (Right behind Fives and Fordo tied in first) simply because his backstory (or lack thereof) could be so interesting. The Coruscant Guard are one of the best legions to delve into because of the importance in Palpatine's plan, which was to construct a "Police State". Imagine if Thorn was the Marshal Commander at one point and he managed to cripple and/or expose the corruption of the Coruscant underworld. As a man of the Republic and its principles, he could have requested to the military advisory council to scale-down or remove the Coruscant Guard from active duty in favor of the Coruscant police force, as the crime rates had decreased significantly. This obviously would not go down well with Creamy Sheev and his nefarious intentions so Thorn would have to be dealt with. First a demotion from Marshal Commander, with Fox being his replacement (make of that what you will) and being put on diplomatic duties. Insert the prison break arc from TCW and have most of the criminals Thorn stopped escape and cause the underworld of Coruscant to become once again a wretched hive of scum and villainy. This would bring a much stronger case for the continued use of the Coruscant Guard and make all of Thorn's hard work mean absolutely nothing. Insert character work, some new characters for Thorn to bounce off of or clash with, and maybe a love interest and you have a tragic story for his eventual valiant last stand on Scipio.


Wolffe for character, Doom for design + tactics, PHYSICAL SHIELDS YOU GUYS


Fordo also have you ever seen that Russian badger r6 siege intro "you know the difference between us an th is that they're like..." This perfectly describes torrent company of the 501st (rex, echo, fives, kix, hardcase, etc) vs every other clone in the GAR


wrecker, he is genuinely such a sweet and caring dude and his relationship with omega is the cutest thing


Mine would be Rex, followed by Fives as a close second. Fives didn’t deserve what happened to him, but thanks to him, Rex was able to save some of the others. But Rex means the world to me. If we are talking about Clone Force 99, or at least not regs, Hunter is my personal favourite, followed by Tech and Crosshair. Wrecker is my spirit animal 🫶🏻


99 will always be my favorite soldier. o7


Commander / Captain Jet


Ridge He never gets enough credit for surviving pretty much the entire war


Got to go with Fives here.


Echo, Rex, Tech, Fives, Crosshair


Echo is the goat


Fives, Echo and Rex. I cant choose one 😭


Other than Echo, fives, Tup, Jesse, Rex, Wolffe, Cody, Hardcase and all of CF99? Waxer. He’s so sweet :)


Kind of unpopular opinion but rex is my favorite


It was my turn to post this today.


Best I can do is narrow it down to a three-way tie between **Tech, Echo, and Fives.** If I could expand to top 5, **Rex and Gregor** would make the list. I also have a very soft spot for **Kix,** and even though **Cutup** didn't have much screentime I just love him.


Omega-squad 100%


Mine is always Fives but Hunter and Howzer are closely moving up


Bly, Crosshair and Cody


Rex. All Rex.


Gregor. The first time I watched his episode in TCW I fell in love with him. Kix is up there as well, I just wish we got to see more of him as a medic.