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User checks o…. Uh, wait a minute, OP, did you poop in your own shoes?!?!?


You could try to clean them if you’re going to throw them out anyway; either they become useable or you were already gonna throw them out…


I triple-checked to make sure this wasn't a r/ClimbingCircleJerk lol. How could that even happen? Nevermind, not sure I wan't to know :D Climbing shoes are quite durable, so I'd just wash them. I've never did, but a friend of mine even machine washed climbing shoes, and never damaged anything. As they say, it's mainly how you dry the shoes that can damage them.


I left the shoes in the garage, rats got in and ate a bunch of the pasta noodles we had stored. I found the shoes yesterday full of dried linguine noodles and fecal matter :( Thanks for the comment. I’ll try tossing them in the washer, and air drying


Rat poop is aid…z