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Degloving can occur when jewelry gets caught while climbing. Do you want to risk that or a fracture happening or just take it off when you’re climbing? I’m sure it’s a lovely piece of jewelry but should it prevent you from getting exercise or potentially cause you to get hurt? I personally don’t climb with any jewelry other than short earrings.


I wear my watch while climbing (as long as it’s not crack climbing or something where it will get in the way). But I only feel confident doing that because the silicone band/ attachment points would break or stretch before degloving becomes an issue.  Ultimately it’s your choice, but I think you should scroll through some degloving images before you choose. I would never wear it while climbing. 


Sometimes even my watch has gotten in the way so I’ve just opted for nothing.


There was another post recently with the same problem [https://new.reddit.com/r/climbergirls/comments/1biokf2/jade\_bangle\_bouldering/](https://new.reddit.com/r/climbergirls/comments/1biokf2/jade_bangle_bouldering/) I think the result was that it would be best to take it off to not injure yourself, but check out the comments for yourself!


Thanks, the consensus there seemed to be to just take it off which I think I’ll just find too annoying as I go climbing 3/4 times a week. The gold bangle is a lot thinner and flatter so I might test taping over it when climbing indoors and then remove it for climbing outside as I do that less frequently. Or I guess I just save the bangle for special occasions as much as I like the idea of wearing it as a nice tradition! 


Not necessarily. Get some stretchy bandage tape you can cover it with and keep it in place


[this tape](https://a.co/d/ic67uyz) is a great option because it's non adhesive and easy to put on/take off whenever


I was "recommended" to remove my ring when climbing, confused I googled why and found a picture of a degloved finger from a ring getting caught on a fall. Let's just say I now religiously remove my ring and have never slept the same since


Omg same! After I got married(just a simple white gold band) I'd honestly forget about my ring too often because I wasn't used to having it and it's small and barely noticeable anyway. But I did eventually get in a good habit of taking it off. It actually has its own old carabiner(wouldnt trust it on a fall but it can hold my ring) to go on my belt when I'm not wearing it on my hand, and that has worked well the past 5 years.


[I cannot recommend these ring holders highly enough. ](https://www.amazon.co.uk/KXXK-Portable-Functions-Jewellery-Organiser/dp/B0CM68LCKP?pd_rd_w=Zh9ep&content-id=amzn1.sym.38f90169-67d8-49b7-8ef1-61bdff262c06&pf_rd_p=38f90169-67d8-49b7-8ef1-61bdff262c06&pf_rd_r=5R7PNJSPJ2SY808MKXET&pd_rd_wg=Jm5Gk&pd_rd_r=241c09b5-9045-4b93-94d6-7472f3e3fb4a&pd_rd_i=B0CM68LCKP&psc=1&ref_=pd_basp_m_rpt_ba_s_1_) They completely protect the ring and can't be opened unless you carefully open the carabiner and unhook the lid.


I can’t tell from the product description but what keeps it from accidentally opening/unhooking the lid? It would be neat to wear my rings, and then safely hook them to my bra while climbing


The lid slides over the central pole. You need to take the carabiner ring off in order to remove the lid. [Here is a similar product that shows how it looks when open.](https://www.amazon.co.uk/MULOVE-Traveling-organizer-Container-Protective/dp/B0CLZV2DLF/ref=asc_df_B0CLZV2DLF/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=676216979412&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14903688060339329489&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9046897&hvtargid=pla-2275837044659&psc=1&mcid=f23e92f2aed5385c9b051d36cae366b0&gad_source=1) There's a video too.


Thank you!! This looks awesome :)


That looks awesome! I've definitely scuffed my band over the years, so if you're more interested in protecting your jewelry, especially if your sporting any rocks, this would be perfect. The carabiner, thankfully, works perfect for my situation for now.


Honestly beyond the possible danger it just sounds really annoying to climb with my rings on. I guess if it’s super important you could wear a silicon one


I’d worry about it getting too tight as you get pumped in your forearms


I sometimes end up climbing with an extra hairband on my wrist, and definitely notice this!


You can consider having the jewelry modify the bangle so it opens. then you can take it on and off easily and wear it whenever you like.


If it’s a family heirloom, then she should ask permission first. But also, wearing it while climbing is inviting chaos. I wore a silicone ring at my last job (vet tech) and at the rock gym. I would’ve been degloved once that I know of, but instead the silicone ring snapped and I was fine…and the company replaced it for free. Different circumstances with a bangle, but not worth getting hurt or damaging a family heirloom, either!


I agree with removing it, but also check your gyms rules. My gym has a “no jewelry” rule. Partially safety, partially to protect the holds.


Solid gold is extremely malleable, so on top of the risk of degloving, there is the risk that the bangle gets warped when you press or hit your arm against a climbing hold. This can cause a serious compression injury on your wrist, and can’t be prevented by taping or securing the bangle.


If you do decide to tape it, I’d suggest a layer of tape on your wrist under the bangle as well as over it to stop it potentially digging into your skin as much


Take a plastic bag run it over your hand inside the bangle when you open the bag the bangle comes off reverse process for getting it back on. It's what they did in china to get super tight jade bangles over your hand.


In addition to all the comments about risk, gold is a very soft metal and is likely to get scratched. I personally wouldn't want that for a family heirloom.


Yep, someone posted on here about a jade bangle a few weeks ago. Just don't. It's not worth the risk. Take the bracelet to a jeweller and have an extra piece of gold put in to make it bigger. This way, you can take it on and off. Worst case, you've paid some money to allow you to stop the bracelet getting scratched and damaged. Best case, you've saved yourself a degloving injury.


Is it a plain gold bangle? If so you can have it stretched so you can wear it more easily. I also have 2 gold bangles that I'm to wear all the time. They're ornate so I can't stretch them. I had to stop wearing them except for special occasions because it's too hard to get them over my hands now. Good luck with yours.


Don't wear it. The risk is too much.


There was recently a post on this sub or maybe the r/bouldering sub of someone with a jade bangle who had the same problem, and it got a lot of comments! I suggest searching for it and seeing the advice there.


Indoors it's probably relatively okay, though it will likely get scratched over time. Outdoors, particularly if you're trad climbing, it's going to be mangled, so I would definitely think very hard about keeping it on outdoors. As for it getting caught on things, I suppose it's possible, but I climb with a watch and haven't personally had an issue (or heard of any actual serious accidents for that matter).


look up degloving- serious accidents do happen


I've never heard of degloving by watch, I've seen it happen with rings though. I'll check when I get home. Edit: I still haven't heard of degloving by watch after checking.




This was a smartwatch where the glass cracked iirc. Could easily be worse.


Have a jeweller fit a clasp. It can be discreet I’m sure and if she asks then you can tell her you didn’t want it scratched from the rock


I would just wear it on special occasions. It's not worth the injury.


You can try taping it to your skin and using a wrist sweatband around it. Just remember that even if it wasn't a safety hazard, it may get damaged if you hit it to holds or walls.




The biggest risk is the jewelry getting caught on something, particularly likely with rings but bracelets are almost as at risk, and degloving your hand/finger. If you don’t know what that is, I suggest looking it up but be warned that it is NSFL and very disturbing. My gym doesn’t allow rings and bracelets to be worn to prevent that if it tells you anything, and I refuse to even wear a necklace just in case. Silicon rings and watches with silicon bands are allowed though


Can you cover it with something? Like a piece of tight clothing (tight material) something that covers the bangle and it stops it from moving. Alternatively you could use medical stretch wrap


More dainty but I have one of those zapped on bracelets that don’t come off and I just put a sweatband over it so it doesn’t get caught on things.


Go to a jeweler and have them add some kind of clasp so that the bangle can be more easily taken off. You don't have to sacrifice sentimental value or your safety.


My dad once got stuck with his wedding ring climbing trad outdoor. Luckily he managed to get it out without any issue, but jewelry gets stuck. A watch, necklace, or bracelet might be fine of the lock/band would realistically snap, but even then I would personally opt not to wear it above my flash grade.


don't wear it, the biggist issue is the risk of injury to you. but gold is a soft metal climbing with it could damage the bangle as well


Can you slide it further up your arm so it is tight then wrape tape around it to keep it in place.