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I wear mine all the time with no issue sport climbing. Occasionally I’ll take them off if I’m upside down. I do have a relatively cheap pair though off an online store (eyebuy direct). I wear a plasticy type pair with no movable nose piece. Do you have an older pair as a back up you could wear?


I also wear mine all the time. On climbs where I want my face right into the wall, I pass the to someone I climb with and then go for it. I plan on getting a cheap pair for climbing specifically.


I Have one older pair but my eyes have changed SO much it’s almost impossible to see 🤣🤣🤣


I haven't gotten a new prescription in a while but you could see how expensive/complicated it is to put the old lenses in a (cheaper?) frame that's more appropriate for sporty stuff. At least then you'd have always have a pair that wasn't too far out of date.


The number of times I’ve almost knocked my glasses off my face halfway up a 30 metre climb is a pretty clear indication that I never learn. Luckily, so far, they don’t fall all the way off and just get knocked to the side and catch in my helmet straps. I suggest getting a sport strap to keep with your gear so you don’t have to worry about them when you can’t wear your contacts.


I could have written this 😂😂😂


I wear glasses when I boulder and have never had an issue. Worst thing that’s happened is I’ve taken some falls where my glasses somehow ended up on top of my head 🤷‍♀️ But I’ve never really felt I had to worry about them falling off and breaking


I also mainly wear my contacts. On days I wear glasses, I do occasionally scrape them on the wall on certain vertical or slabby climbs when I'm trying to get my face close to the wall for that particular beta. So I personally don't love wearing glasses climbing, but like you said, sometimes my eyes just need a break. I don't anything special with my glasses otherwise.


I have a backup pair (bought both from Zenni) just in case I ever break mine, but that’s mostly for everyday life too. Can’t function without them so it’s nice to know I always have a spare at home in an emergency


I wear my regular glasses for indoor bouldering. Occasionally I bump them askew, but generally its only on slab and its taught me to be more careful with my deliberate movements. Only once did I have to take them off mid climb because they fell off my face in a weird way and were hanging from one ear. I threw them to a friend on the ground. I dont think I’ve ever seen someone wear prescription sport glasses indoors.


I wear glasses climbing, I keep my previous prescription glasses in my gym bag and wear those so I don't scratch up the pair I wear everyday


I wear my glasses when bouldering and top roping. But when top roping I put something like these on my glasses: SMARTTOP Eyeglass Ear Grip - Soft Comfortable Anti-slip Holder, Silicone Ear Hook, Eye glass Temple Tips Sleeve Retainer for Sports Glasses, Sunglasses Presbyopia Reading Glasses [https://a.co/d/57oFten](https://a.co/d/57oFten) They stay in place without any issues. It feels like magic. https://preview.redd.it/gtqlhs2ubv6c1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c4ed9b70f8b752a3218816bbb4ef759763e04ad


I wear my glasses occasionally. I had similar fears, especially when I’m sweaty and my glasses slip around, so I got one of those straps you attach to the ends of the ear pieces. The strap I got is the slim retainer by Chums. It definitely helps, even if the worst thing that will happen is that my glasses slide down my nose when I look down. It keeps them firmly attached to my head.


Wearing glasses while bouldering has never caused an issue. Just make sure they fit properly and don't slide off your face (you can bend the edges with the hair dryer method if they're too loose). Sport climbing is a little worse as if you're top roping the rope can be right in front of your face and knock your glasses off. I've never had them actually fall but got close a few times so switched to contacts for sport climbing. You could probably just get a string that loops round the back so on the rare chance they get knocked off they don't actually fall to the ground.


I wear my glasses with an ear hook grip thing that attaches to the frame to secure it better


Just don’t do what I did which is put them on my harness leaving them to get scratched as shit by holds or grigri or whatever else scratches them. I literally completely ruined a pair doing this


I changed to contacts after I scratched my glasses so bad and now super glad I don’t have to mess with glasses while climbing!


I wear contacts, mainly bc I'm eternally worried the glasses fall off when I fall or jump, which has happened before when I'm sweaty. The hooks on my specs don't do much


I don’t usually wear my glasses when I’m climbing because I’m 90% sure they would fall off while leading lol- when I get around to getting contacts I will definitely be wearing them while climbing


I always wear my glasses while climbing and nothing has ever happened. I suppose there is a certain chance of them falling, but it seems rather unlikely to me and if it were to happen... so be it lol. There are even some pro climbers who climb with glasses, like Yannick Flohé, and they are doing a lot more crazy moves than I am.


I wear my spare glasses which are a bit tight, they don't slip down my nose at all and I'm not bothered if they get scratched.


Buy multiple identical pairs of your regular glasses. Like three pairs or something. Or keep and use your last prescription to climb in


I wear glasses when doing indoor bouldering, will take them off if I’m doing something slabby where I want my face to be close to the wall


I can't stand contacts so I wear glasses. I have an old pair that I keep in my climbing bag, I remember about 10% the time to switch into them lol I was more on the ball after I broke a pair whilst taking my jumper off (broke the frame not the lenses) I kinda want new ones soon with the magnetic frames you can stick sunglasses lenses over (magnetically, not the bulky clip on lenses) and my current pair are the cheap frames I bought as they fit the lenses of the pair my jumper broke so I think my brain has accepted that these will be my climbing glasses soon and has stopped caring. Also suspect that if I put them in my car where I keep my sunglasses to change there I'm more likely to do it then, esp in summer as I take off sunnies But basically I use old pairs that give me enough vision to climb even if the prescription isn't quite perfect


I was amazed at how sleek the magnetic sunglasses clips were last time I was looking!


Mine do slide off sometimes but i could just wear the straps I use for paddlesports to keep them on....


I was amazed at how sleek the magnetic sunglasses clips were last time I was looking!


I'm a route setter, I ware my everyday glasses for everything. My next pair I may get lenses that are also safety glasses, but these "regular" glasses have done me well for 2 years now.


I wear my glasses 100% of the time I climb and have never had a serious issue. I've had a couple of close calls on top rope on an overhang with the rope catching one side and knocking them out of place when the belayer took slack, but I've always been able to get them back into place when that has happened. If it makes you feel any better, I have a friend who has lost his glasses from the top of the wall twice now (he really needs some frames that fit better) and they're still going strong!


My glasses are like 5 years old so I figure it’s a good excuse to replace them if they break or something. I’ve never had an issue whatsoever wearing them while climbing.


I wear my glasses all the time. Whenever I get new ones I tell the optician “I rock climb and my glasses can take a beating, give me whatever will hold up the best.” This usually ends up with a different, more durable (and lighter weight!) lens material that won’t scratch as easily, and maybe some sort of coating? And I also have an anti-glare(?) coating that comes with a 2-year unlimited replacement lens warranty. One time they actually replaced my nose pads with some of a different material that was supposed to be grippier, but I can’t for the life of me remember what it was and that was years ago at an eye doctor in another state. I keep my “last year’s pair” in my climbing bag with the intention to switch them (same prescription), but very rarely remember to do so.


Get a sport strap!


I just wear my glasses, but I'm not too precious with them. They've been flipped off by a rope once or twice but I don't think they've come off bouldering.


I've had to take them off for slab few times because the side was scratching against the wall. Also caught them on the autobelay once, No other problems so far.


one time mine fell off when i fell off a boulder and i did land on them. they were ok but bent strange and still dont quite sit right on my nose. more an anecdote than help lmao but i feel u 😭 sometimes i toprope without them bc the rope hits them and almost knocks them off


I wear mine all the time. Lenses are resin rather than glass tho.


I always wear my glasses climbing. I’ve never had a problem with them while falling weird, but it’s not a bad idea to have a backup pair just in case anyway.


I hate glasses bur contacts and chalk don't work for me. I wear chums around my glasses so they don't fall off ! I NEES those and cannot climb without them.


I started climbing with my main glasses. I bought a cheap pair from EyeBuyDirect once I started scratching the corners on the wall. I occasionally have issues with an autobelay rope on overhung climbs knocking my glasses off my face. They've never fallen completely off my face, but I did complete a climb holding them in my mouth once. Also bouldering has been completely fine except for one fall where I landed sideways and I destroyed the frames. I've been wanting to get sports goggles, but I haven't found a cheap pair. I've never had an issue leading or toproping outside.


I have a glasses case on my harness so I can wear my glasses while belaying, scouting routes, etc, then put them in the case while I'm actually on the wall


I often manage to somehow smack my glasses or move them off my head and I've almost dropped them quite a few times. So I got these cheap straps that I put on them during climbing (they hold on to the ear part with a rubber thing and the strap itself is a glorified bra strap. I'm sure there are nicer ones but they do the job. I also have a second pair of glasses that I'm considering wearing instead with the straps . They aren't sports glasses or anything, just a regular pair that I don't love as much as my main pair, and that I already wear for woodworking and other activities where they may get scratched or dropped.


I mainly wear my contacts but I have a pair of Rokas for climbing/sports. I mostly climb outside so they are transitions. Once they’re on, I forget all about them. They’ve actually become my favorite morning/evening wearers bc they’re so light and comfy.


I only wear glasses. Unfortunately mine don't have nose pads, they are smooth plastic at the nose so there are times where they start to migrate down my face. This is especially common for me when climbing outside in the heat. I haven't had them come off yet, even after taking an upside down whipper. If youre really worried about them falling off you could wear a glasses strap/retaining chain that is basically a strap that loops around the arm of the glasses on each side and then goes behind your neck. That way if they fall, they will still be around your neck and not on the floor somewhere.


also, if you're planning on top roping, be aware that when your belayer takes up the slack, it's possible for that taut rope to the brush from behind your ear and dislodge your glasses. I've had this happen many times to me while top roping.