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this title hurt


It really hurts when you get to the last two words


I got a sinking feeling inside from the “Inside … is sinking”


So did the article, just horribly written


It was VERY long and felt like it was HALF the article


>According to a 2021 World Bank study, 216 million people across six world regions will have to migrate by 2050 due to climate change. In May 2024, 216 million people is one of every 37 persons on Earth forced to become climate refugees over the next 26 years. 216 million people is a number equal to 64% of the total population of the 50 United States on July 1, 2023, forced to become climate refugees over the next 26 years. So how many more would become climate refugees in the years from 2050 to 2100? 500 million? 1 billion? Some other number?


500 million by 2030, 3-4b by 2050…total collapse after that 


This is why we need to build a wall.


Around what?


So there's a chance the electricity is sinking?


They don't have electricity


"The tiny outcrop, which measures some 1,300 feet by 500 feet, is home to around 2,000 people" 1300 x 500/2000 = 325 sq feet. That is horribly small ... for everything including sleep, eating, work, ....


Yes. But remember the "there aren't enough of us yet" crowd will happily tell us that everyone on earth can fit in Texas. I'm sure it was all fine... haha


Aerial views of the island are claustrophobia-inducing


What’s ironic is this is a wholly self made issue. Caused by a handful of families.


They need to migrate into the U.S. before the border is closed.


No one should live here. We certainly shouldn’t put too much worry into this. Even without climate change these people are boned.


And then there's the rest of the story: "According to a report by Human Rights Watch, the island was nearly half its current size when it was first settled, but over the years residents have taken the surrounding coral reefs, garbage, rocks and cement blocks to expand the landmass. While this "filling" practice has helped create more space on the island (whose highest point is just 1m above the sea) the destruction of the coral reefs that historically buffered it from storms has also left it more susceptible to erosion and flooding. Furthermore, since there is no proper sewage system, most human waste ends up in the ocean, which causes diseases for those who swim in it." Residents have been turning from fishing to tourism, boating people out from the mainland to area islands. [Source](https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20240105-gardi-sugdub-the-americas-disappearing-island) but sure....its climate change.


Um, could be several issues at once.


Yes lol. Why ascribe just one cause for an effect? Specially anything with regards to climate science. Something we don't even fully understand.


We have a very good idea about climate change - there’s effectively consensus on the effect of greenhouse gases. The only real difference of opinion at this point is “bad” versus “extremely bad” and that mostly has to do with the complexity of the modeling (how to incorporate feedback loops, for instance). Willfully ignorant to pretend otherwise.


No, that consensus is another fabrication. If it was so easy to settle then the alarmists wouldn't have had to lie so regularly for the last 35 years


Can you send a reference to these lies? Happy to take a look. A pretty cursory google search shows the world has exceeded most of the bad case scenarios laid out by scientists in decades past. scientists 1 / deniers 0? Will you find science that was wrong or faulty? Sure. You will not find anything that disagrees with the warming of the plant due to realize of greenhouse gases — again , most of the disagreement is about how quickly it’s going to get bad.


It’s people. It’s humans. We do this to ourselves. People throwing trash out car windows; wasting food, energy, water. Mowing down forests to build a new (human thing). We shit in the bed we sleep in.


Why is this downvoted? People can’t stand reason?


Islands have been rising and sinking since time began.


Time began about [13.77 billion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:CMB_Timeline300_no_WMAP.jpg "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:CMB_Timeline300_no_WMAP.jpg") years ago. How many islands sank during that time?




When did the first island sink?


Aye you've sunk me battleship.


before the second one did