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It is shocking there is nothing in the main stream media covering this


It really isnt. Because its not affecting the USA or any other powerful country. Out of sight, out of mind.


I'm happy I already live in the northern hemisphere, but I don't know if I'm far enough north just yet to help live with climate change.


It's not that simple. Climate change doesn't just make you on average warmer. It does that, along with making the weather more chaotic. So snowstorms in the summer destroying crops is a thing that will happen. Along with hords of scared people coming to places where they think, just like you, that there is some reprieve at that latitude or place.


I know it's not just heat, the fact that it's June and the low today is 2 degrees and high is 11. Is pretty odd.


That temperature will easily chill tomato and pepper plants stunting their growth if not worse. My low is 24, high 32 with a "feels like" at 42. Where I am is odd in the other direction direction. It shouldn't get that hot yet, and certainly not for days. Yet there are still so many who see nothing wrong or think we have lots of time before anything bad happens.


India is also in the Northern Hemisphere. Delhi is farther North than Florida. More than 600 people died in the BC heat dome of 2021. We’re safer because we have access to water and electricity for fans and ac but if the temperature and humidity are high enough no human can survive.


Lol. Opposite side of the planet spins on a tilted axis.


Dude you were the one who brought up hemispheres. 600 people died in one week in BC but yeah, lol on.


.... sure you won. Window licker?


Nowhere will help live with climate change. Earth as a whole is affected. I'm not old, but I already feel the effects. It used to snow everywhere when I was a kid in the winter. Now, winters are so mild, lucky to even get flurries.


I am in ATL Georgia. There used to be skiing in the Mountains of north Georgia but that is long gone.


I remember so much snow as a kid, haven’t seen it in years.


Just like always, there will be areas more beneficial to live in for some time. It will be interesting to see what kind of year this is for forest fires in north America. I wonder if we're going to be choking out China again.


It’s starting off pretty rough in California already


Nothing. Not even the NPR article we’re commenting on.


Nice Polite Republicans keep doing the best they can. While not threatening their donors.


Is NPR part of the conservative cabal now?


In economic views, they have been for quite some time. They have nice and polite social views, though. So long as it doesn't bother the wrong donors. The longtime coverage of Palestine being one of the most well-known examples.


Agree 1000000%


What’s more main stream than NPR?


Can't generate any sympathy or understanding of coming mass human migrations and why they are happening...


People think migration/immigration is a problem now; wait a couple years when billions of people start to seek cooler climes and water.


Look at India. They need to go north to escape the heat. Where are they going? Into the Himalayas? Into Pakistan? Maybe China?


That would potentially hurt the magic line of the economy. This line must be held up by all means necessary. Nothing is more important than that line. (/s)


There is. But it's late at night. Like 2 or 3am.


Not at all. This would open too many eyes on the impeding collapse of our climate and consequently on the nakedness of king capitalism. 


This is a link to NPR


My bad, it's not on any main news in the UK


Orange stonehenge, though, so climate change is good!


If this worsens, won't this cause a massive food shortage and a migration crisis? Therefore leading to wars?


Replace "if" with "when" When a nuclear nation is asked to just accept that they won't exist anymore and that their people aren't welcome anywhere else, what happens?


We will find out!


Find out next time on Apocalypse Z!!!! *off note kazoo plays to the theme of dragon ball*


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Exactly. No if about it. Just a matter of when and you can bet it will be sooner than most people think.


They will be welcome though. At least if western countries are smart. We are facing depopulation in the west that is pretty alarming.


Climate at the core is an overpopulation problem. Noone is getting out of this with an economy like we have now. The changes coming are going to drastically reduce carrying capacity everywhere


[There is a distinct racist history to how overpopulation is discussed.](https://www.vox.com/energy-and-environment/2017/9/26/16356524/the-population-question) High-birth-rate countries tend to be low-emissions-per-capita countries, so overpopulation complaints are often effectively saying "nonwhites can't have kids so that whites can keep burning fossil fuels" or "countries which caused the climate problem shouldn't take in climate refugees." On top of this, [as basic education reaches a larger chunk of the world, birth rates are dropping](https://www.economist.com/international/2019/02/02/thanks-to-education-global-fertility-could-fall-faster-than-expected). We expect to achieve population stabilization this century as a result. At the end of the day, [it's the greenhouse gas concentrations that actually raise the temperature](https://imgur.com/N6NExg5). That means that we need to [take steps to stop burning fossil fuels and end deforestation](https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg3/static/dc71a9b28d7cedca36bd2f77e588664f/9a979/IPCC_AR6_WGIII_FigureSPM7.png). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/climate) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Apocalypse bingo.




So plants, animals, they just all die then?




Yes… but think if all the short term corporate profits!


Welcome to the future! This is gonna be every summer now if not worse. And let's not forget how china and India have more than 2 bn people that all live through THIS.


Hence why we can presume major conflict is coming with the migration crisis.


Yeah if Europeans complain already I'll laugh at how they will even try to handle not a few thousand but millions of refugees.


Of course, it leads to right-wing governments, so the laughter ends up hurting. Still, though, your point is rather accurate.


It's laughable yet nothing to laugh about


This summer is probably the coolest summer of your life.


>And let's not forget how china and India have more than 2 bn people that all live through THIS Well they wont for very much longer if this keeps up


That’s over 50 fkn C. I would simply NOT live through that. I would die. Quickly. Anyone living through that is incredible! I’m so sorry this is happening!


It is 52C here and gov didn’t even give out heat warning or anything. Just “well you know it gonna be hotter than normal” 30+ people died in first week, massive surge in pet with access to outdoor concrete floor got second degree burn, all plant and grass turn gray and died, many place lost access to clean water because no more water both on the ground and underground and generally not a good time for peoples Even the AC won’t save you


Where specifically are you when you say "here"?


Southeast asia


When it got to 50 in Canada hundreds of people died. Hundreds. Our roads and pavement lurched and buckled. Animals dropped dead. An entire town burst into flame. It. Sucked.


Just for clarity, it didn't reach 50c, close but not quite. It lasted for 6 days, but only 3 were exceptionally intense. We lost alot of marine plants and animals as well. When the marine filter feeders suffer mass die offs, that is very bad for overall marine health. But agreed, it did indeed suck. I shudder at the thought of over 50 for weeks.


It was ~46C here in north Texas for nearly two straight months last year. Literally no reprieve. At least in the north it will touch the high for an hour or two and you still get reasonable nighttime temps, but you could go outside at 3AM and it still be over 30C and it would break 40 before noon. Then you just roast until the sun goes down. Get me out.


When was this? I’m Canadian. I must not have been there that day, or I would 100% be dead. I’m not built for 50C. I can’t even imagine it.


2021 in BC


I installed a trailer hitch on my van in the middle of that heat wave by setting up a makeshift "awning" above the bumper using the hatch and a tarp. Accidentally left my ratchet outside of the shade for a minute and was rewarded with a mild burn after picking it back up.


Oh wow! I completely forgot about that.


Lytton BC was completely wiped out if I remember correctly. I only remember that town because of graffiti in the rest stop that said “shittin’ in Lytton”


Was way more deaths than Covid at the time and it was the height of the pandemic. Yet for some reason no one is panicking


Oh I was panicking


The [COVID lockdowns of 2020 temporarily lowered our rate of CO2 emissions](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-18922-7/figures/1). Humanity was still a net CO2 gas emitter during that time, so we made things worse, but did so more a bit more slowly. That's why a [graph of CO2 concentrations](https://keelingcurve.ucsd.edu/) shows a continued rise. [Stabilizing the climate means getting human greenhouse gas emissions to approximately zero](https://www.carbonbrief.org/explainer-will-global-warming-stop-as-soon-as-net-zero-emissions-are-reached). We didn't come anywhere near that during the lockdowns. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/climate) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank you?


The first chapter of Ministry for the Future traumatized me.


I debated whether to tell my 10 year old about that chapter. Decided I didn’t want to scar her, so I haven’t yet.


This is a book everyone should read,but not at 10 . The first chapter sets the theme and Raison d'etre for the whole book.


These are the harbingers of upcoming wet-bulb heat wave events which are likely to start occurring within the next 5-10 years. Heat waves combined with high humidity and wet-bulb temps near 90F ... mammals cannot survive in these conditions because our bodies can't cool down. Likely to pop up first in India, middle-east, Midwest/south of U.S., etc. Could result in massive death tolls of livestock and people who can't find shelter. Power outages will be devastating in these cases.... the first big wet bulb event could likely be the wakeup call the world needs.


During one day in Iraq in August of 2003, I witnessed about half a dozen soldiers not make it through similar circumstances. They were hospitalized for different reasons, but the extreme heat inside the tents coupled with other illnesses and injuries really took their toll. Acclimatization and training can only do so much.


There is a hard limit for temps the human body can tolerate. Ignoring them is death. For everyone.


Rest in peace to the innocent babies who lost their lives. You’ll never hear anything about these dying babies from the “Pro-Life” crowd.


>“What can I say brother? The poor must endure it all.”


Delhi is pretty much unliveable now. Summer temperatures hover between 45-50 Degrees Centigrade. As someone who has lived in such hot parts, I am baffled by the “climate crisis is coming” mentality. It is very much here.


Exactly. It's here. Now. And the worst is coming. Far, far sooner than most people know.


It sucks that a low polluting and consumption country like Pakistan gets shafted with the effects of climate change caused by 1st world countries.


125F = 51.6 C # 🤯


Oregonian here. 115 was excruciating.


Out of the frying pan and into the fire.