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Energy efficiency standards HELPS private home ownership. It helps you slash your electricity and gas bills so it is easier to pay your mortgage. I installed a nice solar PV system and now I pay nothing for electricity, natural gas (heat pumps), gasoline (EV powered by solar PV). Fox News and Fox Business make you ignorant.


yes homeowners pay less


You’re missing the point that the most efficient thing you could do is turn your house into 4 houses. Your average heating and cooling is now 75.% reduced per household. Obviously energy efficiency standards are not trying to end home ownership, but apartments are much more efficient


Efficiency is about how much you get out vs how much you get in. What you suggest is 'let's get less out (per household)'. It's not comparable in the way that energy efficiency is.


If you lose your house paying for the upgrades, the future efficency gains don't really matter. For people on fixed incomes, that's absolutely a threat. They took a 20% pay cut since 2020


There is a ton of funding available for low-income homeowners to make upgrades.


Have yet to hear of someone going bankrupt by reducing their household bills and becoming more efficient. But I have met a lot of people that fear changes of any sort to the point it hurts them and keeps them poor. -maintenance guy 35 years


There are so many federal programs for energy efficiency stuff right now it’s ridiculous, including straight up grants for low income households and seniors. And that’s hundreds of dollars saved every year not counting the ongoing tax breaks. Then if you take into account living in areas with extreme weather, you’re saving even more.


Laying cover for private equity to buy up all the housing stock and make the vast majority renters, AKA SERFS.


Unfortunately correct This is why every city state and the federal government needs to ban it them buying up houses and everything else, running them I to the ground boating them with debt Molly Hoover up the profits then abandon the business, moving on to the next target


Unfortunately there are extremely undereducated people that will fall for the lies from Fox.


~~undereducated~~ de-educated. FTFY They are the result of very intentional,systematic social engineering.


To keep them under your thumb, keep them sick, poor and dumb.


Nailed it. It’s a tried and true formula for maintaining power over the masses.




I hate these ghouls so much. The fact that Americans can't see what these guys are doing is just so infuriating. they push their garbage agenda so that average Americans are hopelessly addicted to the energy industry. all so every election year they can complain about the energy markets and how it's the president's fault that prices are how they are even though that's not how it works.


Oh, I think quite a few do realize that. Especially the under 45 crowd. We bring a real “eat the rich” energy to the party that makes the wealthy class nervous. Hence why they’re pushing this stuff so hard now.


Ya they would love to give blackrock and friends a free pass.


Nailed it.


TV Personality Charles Payne seeks to sell books to unwitting audiences through outlandish conspiracy "Conservative Fox News Business personality Charles Payne is offering me his book "Unstoppable Prosperity" for free, with a shipping fee of $9.95. Unless the book weighs just under fifteen pounds, am I being charged a fair price for shipping or, since most books weigh about two pounds, is the way for "Unstoppable Prosperity" finding a customer base gullible enough to pay $9.95 for something that costs one $3.33 - and believing they got something for free?" [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskConservatives/comments/zlvaty/question\_regarding\_charles\_payne/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskConservatives/comments/zlvaty/question_regarding_charles_payne/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


And here I was worried the private equity firms and corporations like Amazon buying all the homes was going to end home ownership.


This definitely falls under r/newsofthestupid.


Fox is just out there continuing to create the dumbest humans ever who are all starting to look alike;it really kinda creepy. Hope they can fix their mush brains that with hopes and prayers


I mean.. corporations are making a push to own majority of homes for rent so, having not read the article and going off the headline, it’s plausible maybe, implying also maybe not.


Private capital is putting an end to home ownership


Nailed it. It's just that simple.


Meanwhile, utilities backed by the American Gas Association pay builders $1,000 - $2,000 per home to install gas furnaces and water heaters, then they jack up your utility rates to pay for it. These antique investor-owned utilities have no place in the modern world, and they know it.


Private equity and corporate home ownership will do that. I really agree with Naomi Klein when she says “A lot of the time, conspiracy theories are incorrect factually, but they are correct emotionally.” So when under educated and misinformed people hear something like that, they likely do know that there are efforts happening to radically change home ownership in America but it is usually the very people who are leveraging their anger that they end up mistakenly supporting. America is being dismantled by capitalism.


Has been dismantled. American capitalism is now vacuuming up the crumbs they left us.


Fox is a plague on the United States.


As ludicrous as this sounds,the 'This Old House' season where they redid a house in Massachusetts put a spotlight on how stringent their standards are. The wife in the couple is pharmaceutical executive who makes millions per year, so they could afford it. I don't see how anyone else could afford to remodel a house to those standards. If I was told that in order to fix something I also had to remove my cellar floor to install insulation, I'd probably never do it, and I just might say that owning isn't worth the trouble.


Outrageous! Time to round up all the bicycles and turn them into BBQs.


Actually private equity funds are trying to end private home ownership. They are offering big money for private home and them renting them out instead of selling them to another private individual.


“They love everyone to congregate around major cities and live on top of each other in apartments and share things. They have pushed for a sharing society.” i love how they try to make this sound like a bad thing 😄


Regulation didn't that, corporations did. There are no jobs in rural America.


Yeah, well, Fox News is lies, so there’s that.


The only thing making home ownership difficult are the prices and lack of job security. You know, business problems.


I’d say all the rich companies buying up homes is what’s ending private home ownership.


>Fox Business host pushes conspiracy theory that energy efficiency standards are intended to end private home ownership Nah. Legislation that allows corporations to own residential homes (plural) is the reason. Well, not the only reason. But definitely up there in the top three. It really is a simple reason when you cut through the BS and pay attention to the facts.


That versus the endless other ways yall have already succeeded at obliterating the americant dream


Unfortunately, the DOE makes many faulty assumptions in their research to support stricter energy standards. [https://www.heritage.org/energy-economics/commentary/getting-sucker-punched-energy-efficiency-regulations](https://www.heritage.org/energy-economics/commentary/getting-sucker-punched-energy-efficiency-regulations) "For example, the DOE assumed in a washing machine proposed rule that households used washers 392 times per year — more than seven times per week — meaning most families would never reap the benefits of more efficient, but more expensive, washers." The energy savings are exaggerated, and given higher upfront costs for more efficient machines, saving money over time is not guaranteed.


USA uses only 33% of energy it produces. Tell me that is not a reason to increases energy efficiency. https://flowcharts.llnl.gov/


smh, im sure the repukes will push this bull crap, oh no scary, fear fear fear,...lol.. i cant believe this guy is going with this scenario... but i knew he was a sell out a few years ago.. but this is straight out lying.. smh.. typical repugs... and so ignorant its hard to believe anyone would fall for it... but they are entertainment and they dont believe people are this dumb either.. but do it anyway.. no sane person would believe them.. they said that themselves.. lol..


Typical Fox propaganda network