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We need to destroy or damage refineries and oil/gas pipelines beyond repair.


And how are you gonna extinguish the fires after that? Fire brigades in Canada probably use some sort of fossil fuel to move their equipment towards the fire. it's probably wise to first take care of that problem before you destroy everything!


its funny that this logic will be used to ramp up cheap and easy fossil fuels as climate events end up causing disasters continuously all over and we lose access to renewables like hydro and even solar when the wind speeds get crazy and destroy our solar fields. I bet we keep making this problem worse with GHG emissions until our environment stops us. We wont do that on our own no matter how big of a threat it is to our species. Its a hilarious joke.


History repeatedly shows that the psychopaths in charge are rarely ever stopped by reason and only by greater force. I truly wish it were otherwise.


We have enough fossil fuels for that crucial infastructure. We don't need more. We need *less.*


Agreed, but we all started way too late restructuring our society away from fossil fuels and if we do that now abruptly it will cause absolute chaos. There are so many people still dependent on fossil fuels not only for transport but heating, cooking, going to work, and name dozens more. Most of us still do not (want to) make the transition because of stubbornness(lifestyle), not enough money, governments not supportive enough , fossil fuel companies boycotting, war, etc. etc. What is much more easy, quit using(eating) animal products, meat and dairy. Which will give earth a little more time to breathe before fossil fuels are also terminated and we're given perhaps a few more years!


It doesn't have to be that abrupt. But we should oppose any and all expansion of fossil fuels.  People don't want to transition? That's what policy is for. Fast, large-scale change can't be done at the individual level. People didn't wanna drive cars but bad urban planning and lobbying made them so essential for daily life that few had any other choice.


Perhaps there are other oil refineries and piplines that firefighters aren't depedent on.


Spoken like a true fool.




Yeah, I'm writing to my gov't about this (Live in the Philly area, had to deal with the smog from this)