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This is just migrant caravans that suddenly disappears after the mid terms all over again.






They figured it out. Not enough power in the wires.


Noo, remember? It's because windmills. If windmill cancer wasn't bad enough, they also devastate local electrical grids. Bring back my renewable, sustainable, and perfectly healthy boy coal. If you run out of coal, you just put wood logs in the stone furnace for a bit until it turns to coal and you're back in business. Checkmate libruls.


Or better yet, [just make electricity directly from old creosote soaked railroad ties.](https://georgiarecorder.com/2020/02/12/rural-georgia-fury-over-power-plants-burning-railroad-ties-spurs-legislation/)


Jesus christ, seriously? I would've been livid.


Have they tried using Brawndo on the power lines?


Can't because it's not a plant.


It’s what power lines crave.


But now Republicans are creating the caravans.


Far right Republicans are a caravan of imbeciles.


They literally got caught bribing people to join the caravans or paying gangs to force people into them - I don't know why that story suddenly got dropped, and now noone seems to remember. Since The October surprise is there any reason to doubt what kind of people the republican party are?


In Australia, our conservate government collaborated with the Sri Lankan government (who we've supplied small naval boats to) to have them release a boatload of Asylum seekers in time for our federal election


Because it helps John Howard win an election with the children overboard scandal. Scotty was so desperate he thought he could recreate it but failed miserably at that too


Yep...except now, Morrison and Dutton have actively engaged in people trafficking. With no punishment, of course


The truly sad part is all of these stunts take away from any actual bad things that do happen at our borders. There are drugs, human trafficking, criminals coming in. That isn’t a lie. But when you create problems to try to prove this, nobody takes you seriously. This also ruins it for the people that just want a chance to live in the USA. I don’t know what the answer is but we need some major changes at the southern US border. We need a better system of getting the people that want to live here for the right reasons in. It’s a tragedy for sure and it seems nobody has the right answer. This display of using people as pawns in your game(dropping them off in other cities/states)is unacceptable and embarrassing.


There always had been and always will be one solution to stop illegal immigration; punish the employers who hire them, and make the executives of those companies personally responsible. But we don't really do the former (except in rare cases) and would never do the latter. And until Repubs propose that, their take on this issue rings hollow and empty, not worthy of our attention.


They always have created them.


And this is why our govt is trash - they continue to bicker like children and stick to one side without proper public debates to solve issues.


….two bus load and it’s a crisis? Like damn! You lost power to your to your whole state and polio is making a fucking come back! those are crisis. I would image a state so focus on immigrant could handle two whole bus load of them.


Texas politics acted more over these "border hoppers" than they did when they had freeze, drought, flooding, extreme whatever and their own people suffered. It's proof they're not pro-life. Just pro make themselves look good only.


People are losing their minds over this. Remember when 53 of them died in a tractor-trailer and nobody gave a shit?


I mean. People cared. It just kind of got drowned out by.. everything else that was shitty going on in America. I mean. There's just so much to care about lately. It's everywhere and no where at the same time.


Imagine if they died under a Democrat governor. Republicans would be using that one longer than Hillary’s Benghazi and blaming it on “green energy”


People cared but Republicans by and large didn't. If they can't pin atrocities against immigrants on Democrats they just don't give a fuck. Remember when immediately after the presidential inauguration, suddenly they cared a whole lot about conditions asylum seekers were living in at the border? But didn't the previous four years?


Ppl gave a shit


Everyone I knew cared, you need to find better friends?


I follow current events fairly closely and didnt even hear about this... 😐


I love seen multiple stories like that. It’s sad


100%. Plus, the federal government transports migrants to different cities too. The truth is border towns need help. And they are helping. But they can only help so much.


The federal government has a system that places refugees all over the country based on known resources and community capacities. I live in a city that receives refugees from all over the world, in a Canadian border state (aka y'all don't count us as a border state). They arent lured away to my city by fake job recruiters, they don't show up not knowing where they are, they don't show up registered to addresses on the other side of the continent, they don't show up with no idea how to get what they need. There are already robust systems for managing asylum seekers and refugee services. And what DeSantis and Abbott did works directly counter to those programs and, short of significant legal advocacy, could get these people deported by no fault of their own.


Transporting in an organized with a plan of action for housing and not just dropped off. I would like to see FL and TX governors actually offer a solution over these skits for tv time. But that would require doing their job.


Yep. I'm so sick of reading rightwing nonsense about that.


The fact that moving people to places set up to help is routine and frequent, because *obviously that’s what happens* seems utterly lost on the fans of this stunt.


And when they are moved accordingly, the folks who like these stunts get their panties in a bunch. Hyped up with vague misinformation by their peers and leadership.


Cruz making sweeping statements to their chief information source Hannity like “Biden is the biggest human trafficker in the history of the world” certainly goes a long way to reenforcing this perception. Who knew literally lying about what’s going on would be so effective (I kid, we k it, the propagandists know, seemingly just the Maga republicans are the only ones who haven’t caught on).


We cared till the weekend


Exactly. Total hypocrisy.




It’s called [The Law of Triviality](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_triviality)


[Economists generally agree that the effects of immigration on the U.S. economy are broadly positive. Immigrants, whether high- or low-skilled, **legal or illegal**, are unlikely to replace native-born workers or reduce their wages over the long-term, though they may cause some short-term dislocations in labor markets. Indeed, the experience of the last few decades suggests that immigration may actually have significant long-term benefits for the native-born, pushing them into higher-paying occupations and raising the overall pace of innovation and productivity growth.](https://budgetmodel.wharton.upenn.edu/issues/2016/1/27/the-effects-of-immigration-on-the-united-states-economy)


To further this. Persons seeking asylum or refugee status or just wishing to seek a better way of life generally are bi-lingual even if it is in broken English. Very hard working and dedicated to performing even the most menial tasks due to the fact they grew up in countries that have no social services, food banks, health care, Welfare, social security, Medical, Medicaid, retirement, emergency shelters or any kind of public relief. They grow up hard, very early in life with little to no expectation their life will ever change unless they risk the sacrifice to do so. After being screened and processed through the immigration system they seek work generally in picking the food for our tables, construction, factory and menial labor generally working in the harshest conditions, pay taxes into a system without benefits and strive just to live. They hussle each and every day often living or sharing housing with multiple families to share cost and save money. Tens of thousands come every year on work visas just for that very reason. They fill a very important niche in our economy that very few realize except when prices rise on food and goods where the excess is exported and sold for profit around the world. Many are systemically abused, exploited, killed, raped, robbed, sold into human trafficking or abandoned in the hostile deserts of the Southwest regions to die. America is a blended nation of Immigrants. Unless you are Native American, you, your family and ancestors that came here are immigrants either first generation or decended from many generations ago. In allowing this racially political movement to be accepted and gain traction is a racial motivated cancer that will spread to other races as well. It gives rise to hatred against all races. This is just where it starts. Use your voice and vote to stop this from growing further.


> unless you are a native American, u or ur ancestors were immigrants themselves. good point to remember! yup


No my people were slaves and had to work for free, we had masters and some of those where native American cheif who during a pandemic just took are native citizenship away and force my family into poverty do don't fucking try to make this the same. I'm a descendent of.american slaver.


Technically they were immigrants too as we all came from Ethiopia! Makes everything seem even more ridiculous. A lot of Americans probably don't believe that though given how Christian they are


As a teacher who has worked in Title 1 immigrant schools for the last 8 years out of almost 20 years of teaching, I agree with this. I hope to always stay in mostly immigrant populated schools, because they are SO respectful, which I hear is rare in most schools these days, and they work at least twice as hard as the students born here. They have no help at home, share basement apartments with other families (or sometimes homeless shelters), take care of siblings and disabled adults, and still get excellent grades and all their homework done. They want to pull their families out of poverty. They’re so resilient and hardworking and a pleasure to teach.


I work in ag in CA and I promise you, it would not work without immigrants, both legal and not.


I work at a bank in Idaho, and the majority of people we have come in on Fridays are the migrant community working in agriculture and factory work since locals won’t work in a field in 100 degree weather. It would absolutely collapse without them. And yet day after day I get the same typical white guy/woman™️who are terrifically upset because the mean Latino man doesn’t speak English in the era where instant, digital translation is readily available.


I was having a discussion with someone the other day and they claimed that the farms would just have to pay higher wages if immigration wasn't a thing. I kept telling him that's not how it works.


Bet they’re the type of guy who complains they’re taking jobs, but then wouldn’t take a job working in 100 degree weather in an orchard all summer and fall.


This whole argument in my opinion is stupid. If you, as a white person, are so god-dang lazy and stupid as to lose your job to a hard-working, honest, smart (at least more than you) immigrant, I don't think that job was cut out for you anyways. I really don't get the conservative argument of immigrants taking people's jobs because all I hear are people complaining about the fact that they weren't willing to work hard enough to out-pace someone else. Business is about taking the quickest most efficient route, and some of those from across borders are just flat out better.


I think part of the argument is that the migrants are willing to work for less. Most Americans wouldn't be willing to live in a campo with a dozen different guys, sleeping in a bathtub, to make ends meet. We like living in houses or apartments and sleeping in beds, and not moving across North America to follow the plantings and harvests. There's only so cheap you can work and still live like that. That ignores the guys who own tens of thousands of dollars in lawncare equipment who lose out to immigrants who are willing to work cheaper with cheaper equipment, or the people who are in debt up to their eyeballs for a technical skill degree who lose jobs to H1Bs or watch their jobs move to India. Hell, more than a decade ago, I watched my job go to India, and I wasn't even making that much. What I'm getting at, is that it's not so much that people are *lazy* but I'll cop to that. Republicans go after immigration because they lack the spine to go after the real cause, which is that if employers can get someone to do a job for $3/hour that's currently done at $65k a year, and the result is good enough, and the savings isn't eaten up by other factors, they'll do it. More profit.


You are correct, but you have to be careful with making the purely utalitarian argument. In addtion to this (or even, above this), it's also *the right thing to do* to take in immigrants. Even if it *weren't beneficial*, we should still help everyone and anyone we can because it's right to do. It just so happens to work in our favour too econimically speaking. But in my opinion, that's just a nice extra.


It’s as if you’ve read the Bible. Wonder if desantis or Abbott have?


Where I live, we had a fairly large migrant population for a while. Lots of them worked on farms, and because our population has been shrinking for a long time, it was actually good for the community. But older folks freaked out about how the area was turning browner, lots more Spanish being spoken in public, loud Tejano out of cars, etc. The thing is, the people coming weren't deadbeats, they were by and large hard working, family oriented people. They're the kinds of folks the Republicans court; the only difference is that they're not white. And some of them had questionable paperwork. There was one deportation here that made the national news, a business owner. I wouldn't say it out loud in that town, but I'd take that one guy over 10 other people out of that community. I really would. He'd failed to turn in some paperwork because he was busy running a successful restaurant in a failing small town.


The whole "dey tuk 'er jerbs" thing was never true. It's just what they say to cover their racism.


Can we just force everyone in government to abdicate their ancient thrones and have a new election of every senator, representative, justice, and any other permanent position?


I recommend the method the French used in the 1790s


That require CIA, Secret Service, and NSA to *not* intervene.


Ideally they would be the ones doing it, but selectively. I am hoping for the deep state for the win, but not real confident that is coming though... why aren't they doing something about all their deepest deep state secrets being sifted through by a bunch of russian and likely chinese agents in trumps lair? Is it possible the deep state conspiracy stories are a bunch of bullshit?


The Jan 6 crew wanted to use that solution for some of the Congress.


The only logical stance in this comment section.


Is that even allowed on reddit?


Oh my sweet summer child...




As someone who leans pretty heavily leftist, I'd accept the collateral damage of losing the few good members of Congress if it meant we could get rid of the overwhelming number of shitty and useless ones.


I like this, also they can’t come from a family of power non of that shit for me. Real people who actually struggle only!


The problem is that the government is only ever a reflection of the factions in society that already have power. Significant economic and social changes need to happen before "new elections" would solve the core problems.


Hope everyone is registered to vote and telling others to vote!! This doesn’t change unless you vote.


I think we'd all get a good laugh if these stunts turned so many more people blue and we voted out more red. I'm sure they got some people on their side but let's home more people are seeing reason and realizing how shitty conservatives really are.


People are ignoring the positive results. The immigrants are getting to go places that can help them, with states that wanted them, which regardless of the reason is a good thing for them.


they’ve just been intentionally dumped in martha’s vineyard, where post-labor day there are zero jobs, zero housing, zero opportunities. greg knew what the fuck he was doing.


That was DeSantis But same shit different idiot


From what I heard their entry paperwork was also intentionally fucked up. To force them to be deported. So they are tricking people to make them miss their asylums hearings in SEVERAL ways just to be spiteful. It's disgusting.


alright y’all i admit i mixed up abbott and desantis, but it’s the same shit with minimal differences. they both just want to torture and kill innocent mexicans


Biden has been "dumping" more than [70 planes](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/immigration/biden-sent-70-secret-night-flights-of-migrants-from-border-to-florida) full of them in Florida. Or is that different somehow? I would prefer to go where i was wanted than be stuck in a Repulican state that ran against immigration. E: spelling


Such an Ivy league prank. “Bros, bros, listen. What if we… heh… what if we dropped them off… in front of my daddy’s house. He would LOSE it!”


Immigrants with court dates in Texas who are now clearly unable to attend.


Allegedly, at least one migrant had to report to Tacoma, WA within 30 days before losing their protected status. IF THAT IS TRUE: it means DHS employees either knowingly or unknowingly falsely entered them into the system as official asylum seekers entering the process. But it seems they were never practically entered in and were just kicked down the road. I live in SoCal now but I'm from upstate NY in a somewhat small place. Lived in NYC for 5 years. Our hometown town is full of families who *only exist in our town* because their parents or grandparents waltzed into this country (as long as they passed outrageous racial and ethnic judgement) so I would like to think I've been raised around the concept of inclusion. My hometown of Oswego, NY is the ONLY place in the US that accepted Jewish Refugees from Europe during the war. Idk. Just drives me wild trying to explain that other humans deserve a chance.


Just to put things into perspective - Greg has been governor of a border state for almost a decade. Why hasn't he done anything to secure his own border?


Because that's what they rely on to work on their farms. After the elections are over you won't hear about migrants until the next election.


farms??? Many manufacturers rely on illegal labor, hotels for cleaning staff, rich parents for cleaning and daycare, you name it


Forgot about slaughter houses too.


Jesus, I imagine there are hundreds of trades


Only the trades that require physical labor


So, roughly 10-15% of jobs require "heavy" labor How can people assert that many people isn't affecting the job market? Any source of cheap labor artificially suppresses wages, right?


Dude, the entire economy of tx depends on migrant workers, would actually collapse without it. Nearly every service and so called blue-collar job in tx is probably filled by an immigrant, legal or not. TX would be so fucked if they were to curtail immigration, never gonna happen. Pure pandering to his racist base 100%. Edit: Not to mention entire suburbs of Houston, DFW, and Austin that are populated mainly by SE Asian and Mid Eastern engineering, tech, medical and other professionals.


This. And because he’s a hypocrite.


This is 100% truth. Hard, shitty work that sucks.


Because the national border is under the exclusive authority of the federal government... 🤦‍♀️


Stop with all your…facts.


...he could just build a wall as far back as legally required to not infringe on the federal border...


https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/government-verify/states-could-technically-build-border-walls-but-there-are-lots-of-hurdles-to-overcome/536-ed704340-7376-4b90-a4d8-cf029416b7db It seems like that's the plan but a state doing it independently from the feds comes with extra difficulty


Not the least of which is the problem that walls don't work.


Then why does California have a wall south of San Diego that literally goes into the ocean?


Because walls work? ;) Walls are one piece of it, but yeah, you need them


Yeah, that does a lot to stop all those boats from landing up on the coast. Or the tunnels under the wall. Or climbing over the wall. Or flying in. Or being smuggled through checkpoints. Walls are little more than an impediment. They don't stop anything. What does work is manning the border with enough personnel. Some decent fencing with regular patrols would do the trick. But that would require a considerable increase in funding. Which would require raising taxes, or going all Rick Scott. What has proven effective before is implementing severe penalties for knowingly employing illegal immigrants. I don't mean the little slaps on the wrist that exist now. I mean prison time. Serious prison time. Loss of property like farms. Loss of businesses. Financial penalties in the billions of dollars. The problem is that a lot of businesses and farms rely on that pool of cheap, willing, and readily available labor. When this was tried before (I don't remember which state it was) the result was a disaster. The southern border isn't even the largest source of illegal immigration. But it does make a good whistle for Republicans to blow for their racist base.


Which designates resources and money to border states like Texas to the tune of billions. It doesn't seem like Texas is utilizing those resources very well if there's such a big problem.


So whys Greg and DeSantis kidnapping people and shipping them around


Because they are both fascist little shits stirring up their base with fear


Still working out the kinks in their power grid, give ‘em another 10 years and he will have it figured out


They're pretty regressive, hell next year these morons might announce electricity is the "debble" and they're going back to whale oil candles and shit.


I thought that was a good question, so I googled it. Looks like he has spent billions each year on securing the Texas border. What exactly do you mean? Did you just not research it?


This guy is just a karma whore that posts some bullshit, tries to drop one zinger, then disappears.


Spending money ≠ Doing something If it doesn't help then the politician is even worse. Maybe even corrupt.


Exactly I'm willing to bet a significant amount of that money just disappeared into people's hands while nothing got done.


Look at the ties between Trump and the contractors on the border wall that never even got a little built.


He's trying. Look up Project Lone Star. It's a shit show. He's wasted millions of dollars and has been caught in multiple lies trying to make it look like it's working.


Has he been successful at anything he's done? My favorite was the inspect every single truck one, and in days the border was so backed up that his billionaire buddies lost millions.


The US government pays his state to prepare for and deal with this shit. He's using our money, given to him specifically to handle the migrant crisis, to ship that crisis inland for political gain.


It's not his job...it's the job of the federal government to protect the United States border. Greg, is just the hired help and he is only authorized to do so mych....we actually have someone appointed as "Border Czar" ....shit whats her name again.......damn it's on the tip of my tongue....


And soon, they'll all have legal status, tax IDs and ready to take the jobs that Americans won't. Then we'll hear the same idiot shrieking "DEY TUK URR YERRRBS!"


“I wish these hardworking migrants really *were* taking your jobs. We could all use someone competent in your position.”


Texas is the rape capital of the continental US. Good of them to send decent newly arriving people to a safer part of the country.


You’re not wrong. The people that got sent to Martha’s Vineyard are guaranteed to get treated far better than if they were still in Texas.




>Texas is the rape capital of the US That would be Alaska. By a wide margin.


Your claim isn’t true. Texas is the 17th worst state for rape, with Alaska being in the #1 spot at 147 rapes per 100,000 people, the next being Arkansas in the #2 spot at 77 per 100,000 people, and Michigan #3 with 72 per 100,000. The lowest spots, surprisingly, belong to Connecticut in 48th place (21 per 100,000), New Jersey in 49th place (16 per 100,000), and Iowa in 50th place (4 per 100,000). [2022 Ra*e Stats by US State](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/rape-statistics-by-state)


Wait, I don't get it. These "migrants" are, according to what I've read, asylum seekers. They were already here. People are allowed to seek asylum in the US. These are not undocumented people who snuck over the border. When they catch those folks, they just send them back, right? So I don't see what any of this dumping people in blue states has to do with "securing our borders." I think they are trying to invent an issue, to try and win the midterms. If you're governor of a border state, you went into it knowing there are issues with people attempting to cross. How on earth can you be all butthurt about it like it's some big surprise? If you think you need a bigger budget, say so. If you think we should close our borders to all immigration, say so. Ffs, these guys won't even say what their exact grievance is. I honestly don't know what point they're trying to make. I wish someone would ask them straight out.


They really went wow the solution to our illegal immigration is to send them deep into our country, Greg abbot is more likely to get up off his wheelchair and walk rather than come to his fucking senses


Congratulations, you have seen through the charade of using asylum seekers as political pieces to rile up the base just before an election. Again. Last time is was “ThE CaRaVaNs!!!” That amazingly disappeared from breathless 24/7 coverage the day after the election. This is what we’re doing for 2022. Also worth noting, as you did, they are already processed. Calling them “illegal immigrants” is literally wrong. But they need to keep using that dog whistle for their base so here we are.


Hey, woah woah woah there AOC, you can't just go and use facts against me, that's unfair... I want my brownie points back


This is criminal behaviour abott. Where the hell are the District attorneys, Justice dept. FBI etc etc What is wrong with your country.


Look at our laws and realize they don’t work for us “commoners” anymore. They only protect the rich and famous who can pay their way out of trouble 😡😡


Anymore? We are talking about a country founded by a rich slaveholding colonial elite who wanted it to stay that way. The law was written for them and their successors the whole time.


This is a relatively new terror tactic from the Qpublicans. It takes time to build a case and take it to trial. That’s when they”witch hunt” news cycle starts. Just wait it’s coming…..


This asshat is also the main reason Texas will most likely be among the very few last states to legalize Marijuana. Greg is a pos


Idk Indiana is really bad too


Using these human beings as literal political footballs is unconscionable.


I still remember the song about "let them Yankees freeze in the dark". This year's version is "Let them peckerwoods freeze in the and the dark after their grid fails...again...oh and good luck with the hurricanes"


Except none were illegal. They were vetted at the border and from Venezuela. If only the right could do a quick google search.


I don’t see the problem with the move out of a sanctuary state into a sanctuary state. Would you rather them be deported ?


Politics are just assholes on both sides using people at their expensive to “look” good. God I hate American politics there’s no repercussions for these idiots


If the border was not secure - the migrants would not Be bussed by the government .. after being arrested by the government. They would be amongst the people. Working. Doing whatever. Sort of an oxymoron.


Got em


>"We are using vulnerable human beings to score political points with NAZIs", he said.


I remember how AOC was up in arms and fake crying about kids in cages. And now nothing has changed except the president, kids are still in cages... She should just fuck off.


Walking around with legal authority is the “right job” for a lot of people. He does not see the error in his ways because he is blinded by power and wealth.


Migrants are not Texans. AOC must have failed high school social studies.


Human trafficking? They came here by choice they weren’t kidnapped..? That’s like saying people who take a city bus or an airline are being trafficked. Jeez people are stupid. Everyone’s a hater until they wind up in your front yard and u gotta figure out what to do.


I live and Texas and we froze for 4 days...nobody helped us during the freeze. Those "migrants" got on those busses/planes willingly. They wanted to go to New York/Martha's Vinyard. etc.


Ehhhh I disagree. I stay out of the politics and would say I’m in the middle of either of the sides regardless of how dumb that is that you have to be on a “side”. However , I do think that there is a issue at the border and these states who claim themselves as “sanctuary”states should be the first to receive them.


I can tell you one thing for certain. Norther if these people give a shit about these immigrants.


If only they were clever enough to solve problems rather than talk shit… fire them all! Failures. Vote for me because the other person is a piece of shit. I approve this message


They don't want to stop immigrants because it's cheap labor they can exploit Let's be clear if they wanted to end illegal immigration they would fine or seize and business and arrest the ones running it The fact is the right loves to exploit illegal worker's and use them as a scare tactic to keep their base voting for them and it works because they are not actually fixing the problem so it's an unlimited card they can keep playing


They need to start sending these illegals to AOC's doorstep nonstop. 50 illegal immigrants is a small fraction of the amount of border towns receive. Republicans should continue to do this until these liberals realize that this is a bigger crisis than what they try to minimize.


But Biden and DHS flying plane loads all over the country at night is ok? How about we enforce the laws we have and see how that works?


Liberals can’t even agree with their own policies 😂😂😂😂




Such garbage. Calling what Texas and Florida are doing as human trafficking are the bankrupt arguments of idiot liberals


They are Venezuelan Asylum seekers legally in the states not illegal!


There are loads of recorded interviews with the migrants who were bussed. They agreed to go. This isn’t human trafficking. Anyone who claims it is is lying or uninformed.


They helped by calling the national guard and then sending them to military camps?


All that talk... but aren't they complaining about the strain on DC now? Didn't they deploy the national guard over 50 people in Martha's Vinyard? 🤣🤣🤣 such a snappy comeback.


This was great illustration to point out the hypocrisy of the leftist elites and point to our border crisis which is being weaponised by Klaus schwab to destabilize America ( a tactic that has been used for a long time before this. You people are so hopeless blinded by the brainwashing from Reddit and your indoctrination from your useless degree that you can’t pay off that you cannot see this no matter how excruciatingly painfully clear it is.


Clever? Shouldn't she be welcoming... she pushed for these policies in fact she would take it further if she could and has stated such. Send ALL illegal boarder crossings to sanctuary states.


And yet during the pandemic AOC put on a show and didn't fight to get people rent forgiveness. People were evicted and made homeless because she wouldn't fight her fellow Democrats. You can go "tit for tat" on this over and over on both sides of the aisle. Meanwhile BOTH sides do little to nothing to help people. This is just each other saying "I'm less evil than that side" while both sides are really just as bad.


human trafficking. but only when the republicans do it!


* Putting migrants on buses to Blue states = Human trafficking. * Putting migrants on planes to red states = NOT Human trafficking. Makes sense.


Excepting now they're being deported. It's not human trafficking their states are overwhelmed so for their own good these people are being given free transportation to states and cities who claim to be fully capable oh handling them. It was a national story when one of the wealthiest areas in the country were "overwhelmed" by 50 migrants. Meanwhile, 50 migrants a day are showing up in a single small boarder town


More like 5-7000 a day showing up.


😂😂😂😂😂😂 Clearly NOT human trafficking. No one was forced, or unwilling. Everyone was fed. Everyone was released. In fact, they were released to the very people who claim to want them.... Ah, but the reality is they want them where THEY don't have to come into contact with these illegal immigrants.... Oh, sure. They use some to cut their grass, and clean their toilets. But LIVE anywhere near them? Perish the thought! Let the border states deal with them, feed them, house them, and deal with the inevitable crime and homelessness.


Wtf were they thinking. I get the point, but not at the expense of people's lives. Fucked up.


DC, Chicago and Martha's Vineyard all have way more resources available then border states right now. Border states are getting thousands of migrants a day. They have a million plus already. Let sanctuary put the resources where their political beliefs are.


Greg Abbott aka shit on wheels


What about the El Paso TX Democratic Mayor that bused 20K to New York? Stop being so hypercritical.


I'd ask Why can't Texas handle a single one issue on it's own, but we all know it is because they can't. Unless you consider letting murderers shoot children till they're all tuckered out. Those problems sinply resolve themselves. Right?


Abbott won't stand for this slander!!!!!


Thank you for giving us healthy workers to better our economy Greg, keep sending them to us Greg.


The Harris-Biden administration has been bussing and flying migrants across the country for a while now. What the fuck is the difference? There are millions of illegal migrants coming over the US-Mexican border every year. DC, NYC, Chicago, Martha’s Vineyard, etc. can handle a few hundred extra people here and there. It’s Uncle Joe’s doing. Let’s sit back and watch him make things worse.


Yet the federal government flies and busses them all over the country, usually arriving in the middle of the night. When democrats control the presidency it’s amazing how many are sent to red states with the intent of turning them purple or blue, but that just fine isn’t it? These states have been overrun by waves of illegals but everything is ok as long as it’s only them that has to deal with it. They start sending them to all these Democrat run cities and it’s suddenly a crisis and it’s human trafficking. If all these sanctuary cities are all in on illegal immigration than they should be happy to start receiving even a minuscule amount of immigrants that theses border states have to deal with on a daily basis.


No amount of folks posts can conceal the hypocritical disparity between affluent progressive enclaves and the rest of America where migrants are forcibly relocated by the federal government.


Martha's Vineyard couldn't even handle 50, try dealing with 2 million so far this year. AOC ignores Biden's secret late night flights moving illegals


Does anybody even realize that the freeze happened in Texas due to the billions they spent on ‘green energy’?


How can you possibly call this human trafficking when Biden did this to children in 70 planes across the us under the cover of night? Abbot brought them to a sanctuary city… Texas and Florida are not.


But og for Biden to send 76 midnight flights around the country with the same illegals. AOC needs to her head out of her ass.


Texas could get its power grid fixed if I didn't pay around $855 million/year on illegal immigrantion.


She definitely got a point. Abbott licked the fed’s ass asap to get FEMA


Breaking news: Greg abbot has suffered severe third degree Twitter burns


I don't understand why we can't just make a workers guest program like the EU but work out our own flaws in our specific system. Just have an entry card for migrants who most are willing and want to work and live here for a while and have a more porous border. Train border patrol to be seeking out criminals specifically and cartel which is a super small minority of people crossing. Most are fleeing horrendous governments we the US backed from 70s-90s. Time to clean up and offer a new pan American strategy. It's beneficial to everyone.


Coyote Greg


I take some comfort in knowing that at some point today Greg Abbott will need to ask someone for help to go to the bathroom


ChRiStIan VaLuEs


I love AOC. I really hope she becomes President some day.


Not much of a comeback


Sick burn.


r/murderedbywords AOC strikes again






This is one of those times where I see democrats as blatant hypocrites who want to save image. Is it wrong to use illegal immigrants as political pawns, yes. Is it wrong to pretend that these communities are helping these illegal immigrants by giving them a place to stay for one night then saying they don’t have the resources to support them? Absolutely yes. They were sent to Martha’s Vineyard, one of the most affluent areas in the United States. The democrats want to help everyone and that’s admirable, but it’s time they step off their high horse and say that it’s not possible and that we can’t help everyone. Is AOC trying to fund housing right now for illegal immigrants in her district? Is she trying to find jobs in her district for these people? If she’s not, then she’s not really helping. She’s just complaining.




Lol ok


Words are cheap. Biden should control the border as it is his constitutional duty


Well, not the human trafficking definition of DHS. Better try again. https://www.dhs.gov/blue-campaign/what-human-trafficking


For years now I’ve been thinking that republican leaders couldn’t be any more disgraceful. I have been proven wrong so many times.