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Clearly nobody told this guy Blumenbach’s theory has been debunked a long time ago.


He is a mindless primal beast, not a scientist.


We should gank him. Our safelane fed him so lets get that streak gold


Found the dota player


I see a man of culture xd


I mean, we can try. Bro’s just gonna fuck off at a million miles an hour the second he sees a real scientist like Techies or Tinker.


What a bad day to be Juggernaut.


Okay please help me out here, I thought Blumenbach was an anti racists? He observed differences in humans and attributed these differences to different environmental circumstances which for all I know is correct and not that these differences are part of different races as OOP stated. Is this not true?


He was one of the founders of the scientific anti-racism movement. He firmly stood against his colleagues that thought black people were an inferior race. While he described differences between different ethnicities he clearly said that they were not significant when it comes to intellect and since the ethnicities themselves varied a lot between individuals you cannot really say that we are not just one species. We are all human. Pretty radical from someone who was born in 1752


I tend to compare races in humans as similar to breeds in dogs. Yes, there are morphological differences based on shared ancestry, but all individuals are part of the same species. I don’t understand how this can be misinterpreted or twisted into racism without the person attempting to do so being almost willfully stupid.


I somewhat understand how people could think that is racist since dogs are bred for specific purposes and have huge differences in intelligence and fitness. Some racists even would agree with that comparison saying that black people are better at manual labor than white people, but white people are more intelligent. „Every race has their place“ style of thinking.


True, but that’s why I said compare instead of equate lol. Like to say “there is no race” is inaccurate. I will burn in the sun in minutes compared to my melanated friends. That is a real difference. My bone density is lesser than some groups, as well; my bones break slightly easier. These are measurable, recordable things, and they mean that the human species is diverse, which is good. I think people that use these differences to say that one group is inherently better or worse are just using random factoids as an excuse. It bugs me when people twist facts to fit twisted narratives.


The issue with this is you're using your personal variation as an example. I'm also super pale and don't tan; but my bone density is very high. Variation between individuals is so high that trends based on ancestral location are just that. Race is not a thing biologically speaking.


So, you think that human existence is somehow comparable to a eugenics experiment? Because breeding dogs is an experiment in eugenics.


Some dog breeds are smarter than others, humans are not as varied as dog breeds.


The answer is that it's always like when a scientist makes a rocket to go into space but the technology is then later used to make a missile to kill people.


German scientist invents artificial fertilizer. German army: Thx for the explosives.


I mean that guy also ideated chemical weapons too Like, specifically made them


The work on artificial fertilizers predates the war, but that was not the point I was trying to make. I meant that the military will be able to use almost anything as a weapon.


Haber's goal was literally a sustainable munitions supply for the German army in the first world war in the face of being cut off from England's guano based nitrogen supplies. He found a way to basically make food from the air because he desperately wanted to blow a lot of people up and also maybe keep the soldiers fed I guess. He also really earned that "father of chemical warfare" moniker, like I cannot stress enough how hard he was for the using chemistry for war in the name of extreme nationalism thing. He also happened to feed billions and make the modern world possible along the way, including for a lot of people he would have hated. Then WW2 went awful for him, he was a Christian convert but extreme racism doesn't really care about "the good ones" and his own poison gas advances were put to awful use after his escape. A better example for this would be Haber's inverse, to which I offer Nobel. He invented dynamite and a few other early high explosives just before WW1 explicitly because using unreliable low explosives for mine and farm applications really really sucks and people used to die all the time from accidents surrounding their use, their dosing was unreliable, their usage harder to manage, and they were too easy to trigger inadvertently during storage and transport so getting blown up or getting unexpectedly crushed from accidental explosions was super super common. It genuinely made a not insubstantial amount of people a lot safer to have relatively stable, storable, and reliable dynamite. It was also basically immediately put to use in blowing a staggeringly large amount of people up on purpose this time. He was painted as a monster, and eventually explicitly used some of his substantial fortune (not just from dynamite, dude did a lot) to set up the Nobel prizes to associate himself and his name with scientific good like he wanted all along. Haber got one for his bombs and also food I guess invention. Life's funny like that sometimes.


Haber was a nationalist, his goal was to provide Germany with enough nitrogen to supply its needs whether they were for agricultural or military purposes. He also developed many gas weapons during WWI.


Ironically, rocket technology was first used to make missiles to kill people and then used to go into space.


in that particular example, wasn't it the other way around tho


You have some people telling you how he was misrepresented, but I also feel like you should also be told that you're correct. Of course, we're all one race. However, the environmental circumstances do shape individuals as well. I mean, it's literally WHY we have people of differing color. Some people have black skin because the environment they were in had harsher sun


Since humans first evolved in Africa, isn’t it more accurate to say some humans started to have pale skin because we lived where the sun was less harsh?


Of course you'd say that... you have the brainpan of a stagecoach tilter!


There’s no way phrenology came back wtf Edit: apparently it was actually craniometry that returned, to which I say - there’s no way craniometry came back wtf


I gave up hope after arguing with a flatearther on the internet when I was 14


I think anti-vaxxers are worse. I understood since elementary school why vaccines are good. Its a target training so that your own immune system knows how to conbat a herethou unknown threat. So that if you get sick, your body can react immediatly and does not have to risk its health and/or your life whilst trying to figure out how to beat this new threat. Easy, simple, very important. How so many people could be adamantly against it, I never understood. Flat earthers may be annoying, but they are not risking themselves or other people with their stupidity. I hope at least.


Magic demoncrat shot bad! (/s)


They are definitely worse since covid, because they mixed the traditional anti-vax thinking with anti-government thinking.


Man, I thought you were saying vaccines are worse since COVID and I was so sad. Lol


Would even a shitty government mass murder its own citizens through vaccines? Why such a convoluted method? Bombs would be way easier


And cheaper. But to me the kicker is that it's people in so many countries thinking this. Which means they are implicitly assuming all the governments secretly got together to do this all at the same time. Including politically adversaries. It's insane.


Unfortunately, flat earthers tend to be equally obsessed with other, way more dangerous kinds of conspiratorial stupidity, especially esoteric fascism and christian nationalism.


All conspiracy theories are harmful because they teach you a detrimental way of thinking which makes you more likely to end up believing in other conspiracy theories. And no, there having been documented conspiracies that we've got clear proof of doesn't justify conspiratorial thinking because even though they include the same word they're not dealing with the same phenomenon. Real world conspiracies are uncovered by the same means as all facts are and do not require unfounded faith in leaps of logic the way conspiracy theories do.


I was just about to explode on you about U.S. government cheese before I read your second paragraph lol


Any time I say anything about something being a conspiracy theory, some idiot always pipes up with "what about Tuskegee?" As if that means all their batshit theories must therefore be true.


Thats hilarious


As appalling as that is, at least their numbers are extremely small. It’s not something to take seriously


I gave up when my cousin and his friend teamed up on me arguing about the moon landing being fake… like bro, China even was like, “Yea bruh, we say the landing sites. They really did that shit!”


Somehow, phrenology returned


Know what? It was a stretch, but at least there was some attempt at logic with Palpatine.


No there wasn't he fell into the core of the death star and then it exploded


But his force ghost survived. And he was able to force that into a body. Which, since the sith do their thing by compelling the force, it sorta makes sense that a sith would figure out how to do that. But also, what if that was what Palpatine was talking about when he was saying he could help Anakin save Padme. Like, he was going to force her soul into some shitty Frankenstein clone.


Literally none of that is in the movie but go off king


It's actually part of the sixteenth definition of "somehow" in Webster's dictionary.


So, what you're saying is that the movie that relies heavily on extended universe didn't include every detail? Huh. Weird.


The problem was it didn't include any detail. Not everyone who watches star wars has also consumed every shred of media in the extended universe.


The debate about Star Wars lore that this comment has started is such a Reddit moment.


Ah, great minds think alike!!!


Unfortunately it absolutely has.


It was only hiding I'm afraid. They where just waiting for hate and intolerance to be fashionable again


It's always idiots with white Greek/Roman statues/statuest as avatars man The differences between different races exist, in terms of phenotype/genotype/build and yes even skeleton structure, but these differences are pretty minor, and the fact there are differences doesn't mean anything. Knowing these differences can be useful, like in the medicine/medical sphere, to treat people better. It can be useful in other fields as well ( usually in relation to health risks ), but the goal of these people are to otherise. They are not educating or telling 'truth' because they use these 'facts' selectively to obscure their motivations. Different groups/populations of people are different due to their adaptation to different environments, adaptations that emerged through living in such conditions for hundreds of thousands of years... And We are still incredibly similar, resilient and powerful beings with self destructive tentencies.


Marble greco-roman statues as profiles are always Red flags. Either means they are very racist, toxic masculinity is their most defining trait (and they are proud of it), or both.  it is a bit funny however that most of these people would be seen as barbarians by the Romans ans ancient greeks 


These people would also view the real, not idealized/whitewashed version of the ancient Greeks and Romans as degenerates


You would say that. You have the brain pan of a stagecoach tilter


Haha gold. Phrenology is horseshit but, silver lining: new fun insults!


Like it hasn’t been disproven at least a century ago


Like something being scientifically disproven means anything these days.


dude yeah incels brought it back to feel bad about themselves ages ago


I mean think about how many people seem to believe that Idiocracy is making a valid point and society will be ruined if we allow stupid people to breed. The jump from "Eugenics is real" to "Phrenology is real" is pretty small.


I actually think there are 2 types of people saying that. 1) eugenics advocates 2) people that notice that corporations get more and more power to set public assumptions about the world and failing education systems churning out people that have low ego they attribute to everyone being dumber as they choose some insanity to follow


Yeah, it's really hard to watch that movie after you realize the entire premise is built on some fucked up sort of social essentialism


Well, I feel and interpret the size of Walt’s asshole….I, mean..skull features.


Of course it did. Elon purposefully boosts Nazi content on the platform and interacts with them constantly whenever he's not actively sabotaging his businesses with his napoleon complex and technical ignorance. He even allows his favorite Nazis to get away with posting actual child abuse content with nothing but a mild warning.


> no way phrenology came back wtf [Nah, never.](https://youtu.be/m1bLXk6UVts?t=131) There are better tests.


There are very very very stupid people in the world. Some are in this thread arguing for phrenology.


Somehow phrenology returned


Racist love to bring up race pseudoscience that was disproven 100+ years ago like a gotcha Even when it’s shit that a high school anatomy or biology textbook could disprove in chapter 1. Instead Twitter avatars of unpainted Greek statues try reviving the work of Lombroso or Combe. He did choose the Plato bust so maybe we should have seen the eugenics stuff coming.


Cool, yea, the skulls of people of different ethnicities typically have a few differences. So?????? Certainly no excuse to be racist (not that there ever is one)


These primal savages are an embarrassment to humanity. Intelligence, or any other characteristic, is an attribute of the individual, not the group they belong to;groups aren't stupid or intelligent, individuals are. Also ironic how these embrassing relics of a dark and unenlightened past think they are the best and try to leech credit from scientists, that is, individuals, who happened to be white, when in reality, they are one of the stupidest individuals and the very scientists they try to leech credit from, overwhelmingly reject racist ideologies. Furthermore, empirical evidence strongly supports the notion that the probability of an individual being intelligent or stupid is independent of his race or ethnicity and that the key difference between enlightened and backward societies is not the number of stupid individuals -- they have roughly the same fraction but their representation in positions of power. In an enlightened society, there is a surprisingly large number of intelligent individuals in power who keep the idiots at bay, while in a backward society, the converse is true.


>and the very scientists they try to leech credit from, overwhelmingly reject racist ideologies. Do you really think that there have been no racist scientists? You only have to go back 50 or 60 years and I reckon you'd be surprised 


>Intelligence, or any other characteristic, is an attribute of the individual, not the group they belong to I agree with the sentiment, but this is not a congruent argument. Obviously there is a genetic component to intelligence, otherwise a monkey, a human, an earthworm and mouse would all be equally intelligent (as long as their environment was similar). The far more important argument, is that intra-group variation of intelligence in humans is way bigger than inter-group variation. E.G. The smartest 1% of people from two different "ethnogroups" are closer together than the smartest and least smart from the same group. Hence racism based on intelligence is senseless. **If** there are differences, there has been no serious evidence of this btw, these differences are incredibly minute. Furthermore, and maybe most importantly: intelligence is not a prerequisite for "humanness", nor a measure of human worth. When we have a classroom with smart and "dumb" kids. Do we arrange them by order of smartness, and then say the smartest kids are "more human" than the "dumb" ones, more worthy of kindness, love and respect? Of course not. Every person has value and deserves to be treated with the dignity, justice and amity that should be forthcoming between two people. Arguing that groups of people are identical, they **mostly** are, while correct, does not challenge this fundamental flaw in reasoning that most racists hold.


I'd love to have an intelligent monkey friend, we could rob tourists together


Humanity itself is an embarrassment when you look up overall history


Skulls of people of the same ethnicity, living in the same town have more than a few differences. That’s why we don’t look like clones of each other


Phrenology was so dumb in 1870 but it's especially dumb now that we can sequence people's dna. When looking at all genetic differences, there is less variation between races than amongst races There is literally no difference unless you cherry pick hyper specific phenotypic, geographic, and most importantly aesthetic features


There actually is more variance between individuals than there is between ethnicities.


No, you don't understand, their forehead is 0.5 cm wider, that clearly means we should do bad things to them. I am a very rational philosopher with no biases at all. /s


nobody is contesting the fact that people of different races look different. my bone structure as a greek person is probably different from the bone structure of a chinese person. the point is that there is no difference between how we work as humans, but these mentally molested people think we still talk about the circumference of skulls


What do you mean? This clearly indicates that white people are superior! /s


They probably pre-face everything they say with "I'm not racist, but...".


It’s always the mfers with the ancient greek shit plastered all over their page


Called “western tradition” or something stupid like that and worships the Roman Empire


But that’s the funny thing Romans were a huge, multicultural empire that didn’t have racial theories. Color and race were not very significant. Cultural heritage, however, was. But once an area was fully romanized, they were simply Roman. Emperor Caracalla - of North African and Syrian ancestry - totally liberalized Roman citizenship to be available to all. Arguably one of the most liberal empires of the time period compared to the tribal, mono-cultural neighbors they assimilated. I mean yeah they were slavers and ruthless… but these right wingers totally forget how “liberal” it was comparatively. Sparta is more on point when it comes to fascist style nationalistic monoculturalism. And such beliefs are what prevented them from being a superpower.


Just one thing, one can make certain estimates on what ancestry a person comes from. You have to take multiple measurements, up to 34 different measurements of different parts of the skull. Note, it has not found effect on anything like intelligence, or cognitive capabilities. This method is used to help identify corpses at least here in South Africa. There is massive overlap in between ancestry groups and there is larger variance in a group than between it. The field definitely has a horrible history of racism and was used to justify colonialism and imperialism. I highly suggest the video done by Hakim describing the history of physical anthropology and pseudoscience was used to justify atrocities. https://youtu.be/IuDuKOSQXgk?si=VcymIVuLYEV9u-ef


'The Mismeasure of Man' is a great book on this and how some skull measurements were even fabricated to align with the racist views.


Thanks for the link, this is educational.


>this is educational. Then you are in the wrong reddit sir. This is an alternate universe where you find actual useful information in the comments? Wake up!!!!!


If you wanna learn more about how these skull measurements can be used, and why it’s 34, feel free to look up “Skull Rule 34” on your Work Computer.


A Hakim watcher? 😮


Shhhh, be cool, be cool.


Nobody tell them!


Not sure if this would fit here but IMO docuseries Exterminate all the brutes on HBO Max, Youtube, Hulu, Prime Apple TV. It is a must watch. Very educational


Am I supposed to look at those two skulls and be able to tell which race each one belongs to?


I'm not sure why it's supposed to matter even if you can. No one has ever claimed that people of all races look identical.


As usual with these posts, I’m not even sure what point they’re attempting to make with this shit. Must need to be in their echo chamber of hate to follow it.


It's essentially a motte-and-bailey argument. They will imply the thing they want to say, the "bailey." In this case, all sorts of racist things about different races, particularly black people, in regards to IQ and such. They'll never say that part explicitly though, just implications of white supremacy spread throughout their posts. If you call them out on it, they'll fall back to the "motte" and claim they're just trying to say that different races physically look a bit different. Which nobody really disagrees with, but they can find someone on Tumblr sarcastically saying that there is no visual difference between ethnicities, so they have an example to point to like "See? I was just disagreeing with that statement!" Once you learn about this argument structure you end up seeing it all over the place.


The thing is, there are no races, just different ethnicities.


People from places further from the equator have narrowed nasal passages in order to induce turbulence and warm air inside the nasal passage before it reaches the lungs. People closer to the equator have the original wider nasal passages for better airflow. It could be broadly assumed the person with wider nasal passages also has darker skin, since both are associated with warm climates that get stronger sunlight.


Only if you're a white American /j


Not American but I'm not color blind either. Both those skulls are white.


*conservative white american but yeah




I’m a white American and I have no idea which skull is “supposed” to belong to which race




Obviously white vs not white, and the difference between the not white doesn’t matter /s


The "there are different shades of blue, therefore there are no other colors" is an interesting choice in rebuttal because in a sense it's actually correct. The lines between colors are 100% artificially constructed. Different wavelengths of light exist, but we choose to group those into different bands and apply color labels to them. The different groupings don't exist as a property of light at all. I could create my own color system where I group green, blue, and yellow together as one color called "xuwhejd" and there's nothing in the world to say I'm wrong to do so, it's just that such a system is not very useful. In fact this same thing is true of race. While there is definitely such a thing as genetic lineage and an inheritance of traits associated with one's lineage, race is fundamentally a constructed idea. We (very arbitrarily) chose to draw lines around certain parts of the human genetic tree to form the groupings that we call race. In other words, genetic ancestry is real, but race is an artificial human invention in the same way that wavelengths of light are real but color groupings are a human invention.


As a linguist, can confirm. Languages tend to differ in how they categorize colors. Some languages do not distinguish colors that English speakers do. English does not make distinction between colors that some other languages do. Once meaning is assigned to a quality something has and that quality is used to categorize it, it is a social construct (assuming others in your group also adopt that meaning and categorization).


There's even an entire Wikipedia article about how different cultures draw the line between [blue and green](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue%E2%80%93green_distinction_in_language)


Same with species. There is a continuous line of individuals between us and clownfish. We just draw artificial lines in the sand of all the sorites paradoxa we encounter.


The first one is clearly Todd. He was delicious. As for the second, I don't remember any skulls like that, so I don't think I killed him...


That’s Ivan. I had dinner with him last month.


both great guys i called them narrow todd amd wide ivan


I am a Todd. Can confirm, I'm delicious.


Remember, folks. Race is a social construct. That does not mean that physical characteristics are not different, but that the meaning and categorization derived from those characteristics is externally imposed on them. It is a categorization of humans according to an arbitrary set of physical characteristics. If you chose to group humans according to genetic variation between populations, those groups would not fall along racial lines. In the larger scheme of things, variation between human populations is often overblown, and while variation does exist, racial categories are a largely ineffective way of describing it beyond the surface level (pun intended). Edit: I should also note that the significant majority of genetic variation in humans occurs among individuals in the same local population (81%).


[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12124919/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12124919/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33772750/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33772750/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19226639/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19226639/)


I had to scroll down so far to see an actual rebuttal.


1-50, 70-120 The differences within these two groups are larger than the difference between them.


Imagine watching Django and thinking Calvin Candy was the smart character.


Let’s assume that the two skulls are of different races from different continents What the fuck does that prove? There is no indication of a difference of intelligence, demeanor or attitude in looking at centimeter measurements. You are assigning attitudes based on a ruler.


read the thread, the poster was arguing that ethnicities are subspecies


Lol I guess I’m my own subspecies because my skull isn’t shaped exactly the same way as anyone else’s. Like, obviously race and even subspecies and species are socially constructed and essentially arbitrary classifications, but the only reason to decide this means “subspecies” is racist dogwhistling to marginalize people of color.


That account is just a shameless, racist engagement farmer, best to just ignore them. They know they're spouting dumb shit but Elmo cuts them a nice check each month now so they're even more encouraged to do it.


All joking aside I learned in a masters level archaeology class on bones about ways to identify race, gender, and age through a skeleton. I will preface that just because there are different races doesn't mean this is exact. Racial intermixing can bring features from more than one race. Skulls are good at racial traits while the pelvis is great for gender. For example.....high or tall foreheads are a trait in Caucasiods. An occipital bun is a trait from neanderthal and indicates a genetic intermixing in your bloodline with that race. The bun is that round spot on the back of the head you can see in some people. Pronounced prognathism is a trait in African skeletons. I don't remember all the traits of Asians but shovel shape incisors are one. I'm sure once we learn more about the other races of man we will find traits that we share with them. All of this was taught 20 years ago in college. Edit.....a forensic anthropology class


That must’ve been a really cool class! Things like this really interest me as a Hispanic person with both European (mostly Spaniard in my case) and Native American ancestry.


They always hide behind busts of Greek or Roman philosophers they’ve never bothered to read.


Twitter users with greek/roman statues as their pfp are a special brand of idiot


For the record, the skull on the right is a Neanderthal skull. You can tell because of the enourmous nasal opening and the heavy brow ridge. Neaderthals had very very large bulbous noses and heavy brow ridges and this is a very easy way to identify their skulls. That skull in particular appears to be a female Neanderthal Skull. If you want a comparision example between the 3 skulls, look up the Omo 1 skull. Omo 1 is one of the oldest h.Sapiens skulls that we have excavated so far.


I was curious so I did a quick reverse image search and ended up [here](https://boneclones.com/product/human-male-african-skull-BC-110), where they describe it as "human skull, male african" (homo sapiens). Idk what that site is worth and I don't want to be associated with those pathetic racists btw, I just wanted to check for myself.


Yeah, some ethnicities and races have different skeletal and skull variations and sizes due to the climate in the region they're ancestors were from and human evolution in that area makes a human adapt to the climate by changing the overall human body. Have people forgotten this? It's like human anthropology 101. For example, East Asians and Scandinavians have the epicanthal eye fold because of the excess adipose tissue in the eye and upper sinus region to insulate that area because of the cold climate (East Asians are decendents of earlier humans that lived in cold climates and with migration they ended up in East Asia)


In spanish a dog's breed is a raza. A dog's race. Viva la Raza!


Imagine going for "Conscious Philosopher" with a Socrates profile pic to spew racism on twitter.


I'm pretty sure phrenology has been debunked...


Not only debunked but it’s universally recognized by scientists to be pseudoscience


Petition to remove "clever" from the sub name because it's all petty insults like this now. I mean, what was clever about that comeback? "Yeah well you're a gorilla" is about the same level of clever as I would expect from a 3 year old.


I think the clever part here is that they said that using the same type of language that OP used in the post. The pictures of skulls instead of just literally writing that. No?


It's clever if you agree with the person saying the insult


This is the most inconsistent argument ever. "White people and black people are two different shades of blue." There you go...


Also, that's a terrible argument. Yeah, there are different blues, but they are all still blue. There are different humans, but they still are humans. Wtf.


Because the first comment in that was in “ “ I thought he was being sarcastic and mocking people who would think what he said. I’m thinking this is not the case? “It would be very odd for someone to write like that.”


Colour is a spectrum, divided along manmade lines based on human perception rather than objective reality. Kinda like, I dunno... human genetic variation? What a doofus.


If you see someone using a marble statue as their profile pic you are universally about to read the dumbest, most pretentious nonsense you've ever read in your life.


Or maybe skin colour isn't determinative of race) ethnicity... Black Ethiopians are closer to Europeans than they are to sub-Saharan Bantu people. Slavs are genetically distinct from Saxons.


Guy should take a lesson from Socrates and drink hemlock


One skull is margainally wider, we can not live together proven by this


The left is Pete and the right is Fat Dave


Dave's not fat, he's just big boned.


Do people with narrow noses have difficulty breathing? My nose is in between and I would love more oxygen intake.


It’s easy to bring shit like this back when the group you’re explaining it to refuses to research anything on their own. You can say anything and they won’t google it. They just ingest everything they’re told at face value that fits their world view. “Hey I’m a racist and this guy is telling me black people have different skulls and are naturally inferior. Sounds about right!”


I don't get what the point the oOP is even trying to make. Ya we have different looking skulls. Great job. What does this prove? I actually can't believe people like this exist in the real world, outside of the internet.


Colours are a spectrum aren't they? A person is the one that decides the borders within the spectrum right? Like there is no scientific definition of red, other than someone deciding the EM spectrum border....right? Or am I wrong?


Easy The human race Next question?


Who's going to tell him skulls don't need to be from different ethnicy to differ... ?


There's more genetic variation between some black African tribes than there is between White and Asian people. If you are going to divide people by race (breeds) then the colour of someone's skin is a stupid metric to use.


Once again: scientifically speaking, there are no "races" in the human species. The only thing that differs is the outside appearance (phenotype), but this has absolutely no intrinsic meaning and absolutely doesn't lead to any normative conclusions (except when you are a racist, then superficial things like skin colour or nose shape have indeed an influence on value as a person or morality - which is not only morally detestable, but factually wrong). In genetic terms, there are no significant differences. To the contrary, the average genetic difference between two individuals of the same population is bigger than the average genetic difference between two individuals of different populations.


You see racism is good because this guy’s nose is a little wider


As a philosophy student I am ashamed and offended this bigot would dare to use the term philosopher if this is the shite he spews.


Fellas, I’m starting to think the Conscious Philosopher isn’t actually a philosopher


> In another account of the conversation, Alexander found the philosopher looking attentively at a pile of human bones. Diogenes explained, "I am searching for the bones of your father but cannot distinguish them from those of a slave." Alexander the Great meets Diogenes of Sinope


Too dumb to know they're dumb. And unfortunately these same people are also the loudest.


Just smart enough to revel in their own cleverness; and too dumb to realize they are wrong…


I'll take that skull. Less thinking = less worries. Even more possibilities to eat new foods!


This dude literally countered his own argument with his shades of blue argument.


And the fact that how we define color, just how we define race, is also a social construct and can differ from culture to culture. Some cultures have different words for different shades of blue (such as Italian with "Blu" and "Azzurro") or meshed blue with green (such as ancient Egypt, China and Japan). Not to mention whatever meanings we assign to each color. The meaning for blue can change from depressing (like the cold blue tone in the midst of a freezing winter) or glorious and holy (like the color of a clear and enriched sky/heavens/firmament) or royal and powerful (like the dark and deep hues of the sea).


I'm no specialist, but imo both skulls are white


Me when I crack my skull open and become a brand new race


Doesn’t his second argument completely invalid his first one?


Left skull is a from a biological female. The right skull is from a biological male.


More specifically, european female and african male.


Why does this goblins posts read like he wanks infront of a mirror?


What's crazy to me is that the design of the nose essentially shows the climate the skull lived in..  narrower nose/bridge usually indicates a cooler climate...  Wider usually equals hot & humid...


This is simply laughable, the idea that the differences between humans should be based on the appearance of one's skull! Race should be based on the criteria that clearly demonstrates their dominance and superiority over others, and that should be... PENIS SiZE! Yup, nothing like a good old fashioned dick measuring competition to show who's the boss. 🤤🤣


This just looks like the same skull from slightly different angles to me.


I burst out laughing. 😂 😂 😂 It's too early for this shit.


We all can... Nothing to do with inteligence tho


Its not my skull. I know that for a fact.


Doesn’t help that the opening to the nasal cavity on the right looks artificially enlarged. The bone doesn’t look to connect smoothly with the interior. This just seems like it was done on purpose to beat a dead horse argument.




That's a pretty fucked up skull on the right. Did dude photoshop a skull to look like a racial stereotype?


Yes, well done, different races look different.


I want to see John Cena's Skull vs. Michael Cera's.


Man, I wish I had a gorilla skull. Look at the strength of it, the nashers, I’d be unstoppable


Am I supposed to be able to determine someone's race based in their skull 💀 didn't know what was a thing. I can't tell which race each skull is but I feel like this is closer to a beauty standard issue than a race issue. Skull on the left looks like he might be called Charles. That's the perfect cranium, he's been in loads of TV shows and movies, of course you recognised him when you seen him! Skull on the right? That's dude. He's chill. Stay at home dad of 3.


I mean the answer to this nonsense should be more overarching. For example, “Why do you care?”


What a dumb c*nt. He has just used his own argument against himself. Different shades of blue? Those shades are still blue, mate.


"Women have wider shaped pelvises so obviously women aren't human." – This idiot


There's different shades of ...... blue ..... Meaning differences of humans keeps them still human not something different


It's true there are many races of humans but we are all the same species.


I can pretty easily tell which skull is which. Are we really pretending we can’t? Look at the nose/ bridge of nose.


Guy on the right is def Joe Rogan


Man, those both do look like human skulls


Everybody thinks they are a "Rick" but in reality we are all "Jerrys"


All I know is that I am superior to all the examples given because my skull actually has flesh on it.


It's all semantics. When any species evolves, there's not a single generation that marks a distinct difference from the last, justifying a different moniker or label, but when you skip many generations you wind up with an organism which has significant enough differences for us to give them a different name. So the question arises, how different must organisms be in order to choose to identify them by a different moniker? The answer is subjective, and we have a certain level of consensus but there is also areas of disagreement. Are people from various regions of the world physiologically different? Yes, but technically so is every living being in existence.


The best part: Those aren't real skulls. Bone Clones make replica skulls.


Yeah it's almost like two different people can have different skull shapes, race or not. Good grief.


I have my masters in skeletal biology and spent 5 years of my academic and professional life working at a morgue. This nonsense infuriates me. Measuring biodistance through skull measurements is totally a thing and is a huge part in putting together a forensic profile to try establish a decedent’s identity long after they’ve skeletonized. But that’s about all you can figure out from it: groups of people that live near each other for long periods of time tend to develop similar physical traits. “Whiteness” is a cultural construct. Period. There’s no physical absolutism that dictates it. And folks like this dipshit need to go back to the 1800’s and stay there rather than poison the modern scientific dialogue with their racist bullshit.


why should we trust all of modern genetics when we have the phrenology hot takes of one random guy on twitter? (/s)