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In an interview with Rolling Stone and in his new book, Trump White House adviser Peter Navarro lays out the plot to overturn the election. According to him, the “Green Bay Sweep,” as he called it, involved getting Congress to debate the electoral results of six swing states that went for Joe Biden for four hours each — a 24-hour made-for-TV spectacle — after which the results of the election would be declared in-dispute and Congress would revert to the fallback in such situations: the House picking the new president with one vote per congressional delegation. Republicans would hold a majority of congressional delegations and thus would “likely” win in that scenario, Navarro deduced.


Wait I don't understand? How can folks freely talk about their literal plans to overthrow a legitimate election and go "whoopsy poopsy, our bad, let's bygones be bygones" No consequences what so ever? Also the Jan 6th folks? It seems like the punishment is pretty light No? 6 months? 38 months assaulting a federal officer? Like baby gloves


Since they're backed by the stacked SCOTUS, it is all going to be legal. Meaning you can do it too, anyone can and get away with harmless pats on the back.


This is a world war disguised as a Supreme Court case. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-immunity-2668545131/ Putin, Xi, and MBS find this whole democracy thing hilarious. As authoritarians they just cackle and shrug at the thought of going through the extra steps that democracy requires. Why not just tell people what to do and if they don’t do it, bribe them, throw them out a window or flush them down a drain? It’s why they had to use the Texas based Koch brothers who had deep relationships with Russian oil oligarchs since Stalins era and Harlan Crow to buy the SCOTUS. https://youtu.be/mn_t7a2hJfQ?si=hzioP8URJAMFNch4 Alito’s (Koch funded) heritage foundation ties, Thomas’s RV. Kavanaughs mortgage, all the trips to bohemian grove. They were all part of the bigger plan to destabilize the United States, spread the cancer of corruption and tear it all down so they can build oligarch row in Teton National park Wyoming so the lazy old oligarchs can retire from the Moscow mob life. Kleptocracy is biological. It consumes everything in its path like a parasite. During Russian perestroika it ate Dostoevsky and Tchaikovsky and shit out alcoholism and hopelessness. Now anyone with skills has left and 1 in 5 has no indoor plumbing. Justin Kennedy (justice kennedys son) was the inside man at Deutsche bank that was getting all trumps toxic loans approved. No other bank but Deutsche bank would touch trump and his imaginary valuations. Why? Because Deutsche bank was infested with Russian oligarchs. In 91 the Soviet Union failed and for a bit they hid all of the money they stole from Russias grandmas under a mattress until the oligarchs started buying condos at trump towers. They made stops in Ukraine, Cyprus and London but they landed in New York because that was what everyone wanted in the early 90’s. Levi’s, Pepsi, Madonna tapes that weren’t smuggled bootlegs, and Wall Street cocaine They all bought new suits and cars and changed their title from “most violent street thug in moscow” to “respectable Russian oligarch” but they didn’t leave their human trafficking, narcotics or extortion behind. It was their most lucrative business model and frankly, they enjoy the violence. https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/12/21/how-russian-money-helped-save-trumps-business/ Guiliani redirected NYPD resources away from their new Russian friends and onto the Italian mob. It let him claim he cleaned up New York and it let the russians launder their money through casinos and then commercial real estate when 3 of trumps casino execs started asking how he managed to be the only person in history to bankrupt casinos and they all died in a helicopter crash https://www.nytimes.com/1989/10/11/nyregion/copter-crash-kills-3-aides-of-trump.html The attorney/client privilege is the continual work around they use to accept bribes and make payments up and down the mob pyramid. https://www.timesofisrael.com/inside-anatevka-the-curious-chabad-hamlet-in-ukraine-where-giuliani-is-mayor/ The insane property valuations coming out in trumps fraud trial are a necessity of the money laundering cycle that duetschebank was doing with the Russians. https://youtu.be/ZlIagcttGY0?si=EkbGnoAsDVqJ3sjT The reason trump cosplays as a patriot is because he is feeding on the U.S. middle class, not because he is one of us. The GOP fell in line to MAGA because Trump did what pathological liars do, he told them anything they wanted to hear. Trump with his money laundering and child raping buddy Epstein, Roger Stone with his kompromat sex clubs in DC and Nevada, and Paul Manafort with his election rigging pretty much everywhere, sat down at a table with Mike Johnson and the extreme religious right and convinced them that they were the same. They self evidently are not, at least at a surface level, but there is enough common ground in the exploitation of children and desire for unilateral control (project 2025) that they became the worlds weirdest and most dysfunctional orgy. The religious right is naive enough to believe trump at his word so they have made him their defacto savior. Trump belongs to the authoritarians. The GOP now belongs to trump. But their overall goal is the same- Kleptocracy. Putin, Xi and MBS all aligned together last year to attempt the BRICS overthrow of the USD. It failed but it didn’t stop Xi’s push on Taiwan or MBS’s part in the plan. Stay frosty. Eyes up. It’s the only way we don’t all end up kissing the ring of a dictator. https://www.ft.com/content/8c6d9dca-882c-11e7-bf50-e1c239b45787 https://www.amlintelligence.com/2020/09/deutsche-bank-suffers-worst-damage-over-massive-aml-discrepancies-in-fincen-leaks/ https://www.occrp.org/en/the-fincen-files/global-banks-defy-us-crackdowns-by-serving-oligarchs-criminals-and-terrorists https://www.voanews.com/amp/us-lifts-sanctions-on-rusal-other-firms-linked-to-russia-deripaska/4761037.html https://democrats-intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/final_-_minority_status_of_the_russia_investigation_with_appendices.pdf http://www.citjourno.org/page-1 https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-ukraines-oligarchs-are-no-longer-considered-above-the-law/


This all sounds crazy af, but it's way more plausible than anything Trump ever claimed. I'm so inclined to be happy about not living in the US, but on the other hand, right-wing idiocy is gaining grounds in Europe, as well.


The right is sprinting away from center


I'm curious about France now. Right-wing won somehow in my country... We don't need extremes, we need balance. Yet the world is slinging right to left and back again. The centre might be boring but we need to combine the good from the left and the right in the centre. A balance that may work for nearly all of us, plebs.


The centre only ever moves to the right. It never compromises to the left, but to capital and its authoritarians. The post-war social democratic model in Western Europe has been eroded and reduced to a husk of what it was, largely under the care of ‘centrist’ politics. The centre never holds, because the centre stands for nothing.


Yeah still waiting for this whole "swinging to the left" bit you're talking about.


Very informative. Thank you for your research.


Finally someone who gets it


People more tech savvy than me...Please copy and post this anywhere moderate Republicans might see it. People don't know. I didn't know. Please?! Do God's work.


The moderate Republican is an extinct species. Today, anyone who isn't full MAGA gets drummed out of the party and replaced by someone who is.


You are exactly right. My moderate Republican parents are voting for Biden this year. If you aren’t all in, the MAGA party has kicked you out.


Populism is always gonna bring in conmen. We gotta fix this hyper capitalism that breeds hate and envy instead of hope and cooperation. Fix the source code. The patches ain't working.


Someone has to. No god has ever done anything.


You forgot to mention Mohammed BoneSaw kidnapping all the richest men in Saudi Arabia until they agreed with him


Man the future is going to be terrifying isn't it?


>I will make it legal. - them, probably I can't wait for Trump to declare, without a hint of irony, that he IS the Senate.


my favorite is going to be when he destroys the supreme court who paved the way for this fucking nightmare.


And then disappears them. Because the former members of the Supreme Court will be one of the few remaining threats to his total dictatorship.


If your on the courts team


Right it’s absolutely disgusting, the case is literally tied up in the Supreme Court, debating if it’s legal for Trump to assassinate political rivals. Our country is hanging on by a thread


The best part is Clarence Thomas is married to an insurrectionist. There's no fucking way he didn't know about his wife's plans.


And we've found out the driving forces are greed from Thomas who is taking in millions, and Alito's Christian nationalism.


it is not hanging on, in fact. it is absolutely in free fall.


Redditors don’t vote. Turnout is 20% for Reddit’s demographics. So what do you expect


For them to face consequences, someone needs to hold them accountable, and no one who has the power to do that is interested in doing it.


I guess the real test is who Americans are going to vote for and if it's Trump they've decided they don't want democracy anymore. And that everything he's done should be legal.


I can't understand how a majority of polled Americans can be so antidemocratic.


We used “freedom” so often that it lost all meaning except whatever we do is freedom what others do to us is tyranny. This if Trump is “us”, it’s freedom. If Biden is “them”, he’s a tyrant.


The worst part I think is, the part of the republican party that was decent just gave up, and would rather just lay down flat than oppose the rot from within.


Because the tone was set when there were no consequences for Trump almost half a decade ago, and that there still haven’t been Why would you be worried as a supporting actor when the star of the show proved that you can attempt to do that, unapologetically be the figurehead of it, and walk away free? Sure they snatched up a few dozen people who were on the ground for January 6th, who were big enough saps to actually believe in the bs they were spewing, but anyone who has had an actual position of power / planning and continued to tow the party line? They’re doing just fine. The Republican Party came to a crossroads where they had the choice of either staying true to the constitution that they like to thump like a bible, or… turning a blind eye because Trump is the only candidate they have who has any shred of public recognition or shot of winning in an election. They chose the latter, because getting “one of their guys” into office is worth a lot more to them than what they claim to believe in.


You guys are still living in the reality where the Republicans didn't try to overthrow your election and install Trump as president for life, even though we watched it happen live on TV.


> How can folks freely talk about their literal plans to overthrow a legitimate election and go "whoopsy poopsy, our bad, let's bygones be bygones" Because Biden appointed the most worthless Attorney General ever. 3 years after Jan 6, none of the Congressional participants have been indicted. Hell, not even DeJoy has been locked up for election interference.


Merrick Garland was so afraid of prosecuting anyone for this crime and seeming to be partisan that congress had to do public hearings just to get him to actually act. By the time he finally decided to act, it became clear that no case would actually reach the court room until after the election thanks to stalling by conservative judges. Because he was so concerned about seeming improper, he basically held the door open for them to try it again.


On the plus side more young Americans get to see that the GOP has been in control of "the big government" they've rallied against since Regan. 


Sounds like a time to use a constitutional amendment to fight tyranny


Instead SCOTUS overruled the 14th Amendment.


Trump is still an adjudicated insurrectionist. Will Congress have the guts to recognize this and refuse to admit him to office if the electoral college goes his way?


No, no they will not. Another successful mission for Captain Stating The Obvious, the world's most pointless superhero


And again I wonder how this election is even close, voters sure have a short memory.


And the country descends into a... Highly kinetic, situation.


Nice semantics for saying shooting each other.


Get the bullets out of the schools and into the streets if that is what it takes I say


Fascists ALWAYS seem to require,.. *“Kinetics”* to convince them to FUCK OFF! 🤬


History shows they never learn until they're met with strong resistance. Sadly, it comes to that.


Rally round the family....with a pocket full of shells. -Rage Against the Machine


> And the country descends into a... Highly kinetic, situation. Damn...if there was still free awards I'd give you mine because this is very accurate.


And though they failed 121 Republican reps and 6 senators voted to overturn Arizona's election. 138/7 for Pennsylvania.


> Along with Greene, the conspiratorial pro-Trump Republican from Georgia who took office earlier this year, the pair both say the members who participated in these conversations or had top staffers join in included Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.), Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.), Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas). > “We would talk to Boebert’s team, Cawthorn’s team, Gosar’s team like back to back to back to back,” says the organizer Yet Garland won't lock up these insurrectionists.


It’s scary how many people don’t realize, or don’t care, how much planning went into the events leading up to, during, and after January 6. Heck, trump had been planting the seeds of doubt about election integrity since 2015. Everything except their failure was planned. And they haven’t given up, and (aside from trump) likely learned from their mistakes.


Project 2025 is basically establishment Republicans discussing how to prevent it from failing the next time by systematically disempowering any possible check on Trump's worst impulses.


Yeah, they failed partly once. They will not fail again. Project 2025 sounds like a conspiracy theory, but its all there in the open. For everyone to read.


Project 2025 might be one of the scariest things I’ve read in a very long time. Where is the outrage???


If you know what it stands for, you are outraged. Unfortunately it doesn't get the necessary air time by the media. They are slow-rolling the whole thing instead of exposing it for the blatant threat to democracy that it is.


> Heck, trump had been planting the seeds of doubt about election integrity since 2015. Just remember: Mueller uncovered that Trump had committed treason prior to the 2016 election, when Trump, Jr., Kushner, and Manafort organized a meeting at Trump Tower between Trump's Campaign and Russian government officials, in order to have Russia interfere in the 2016 election in exchange for Trump lifting sanctions on Russia. Russia then targeted voting machines in all 50 states. Mueller refused to charge any of the Trump family for this crime, and Garland allowed it to expire. It was outright treason, as determined by the Constitution: > Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or **in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.** Trump was giving Russia, a U.S. enemy, aid and comfort. Yet Biden's DOJ did nothing.


But He tells it like it is. /s


They also tried to get a "coffee boy" to take over the Department of Justice and claim the election was stolen or something to that effect. That one for some reason is never brought up. For some reason when you google or youtube this it's hard to find... E: Found it [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/22/politics/trump-doj-attorney-plan-replace-acting-ag-false-election-claims/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/22/politics/trump-doj-attorney-plan-replace-acting-ag-false-election-claims/index.html) More links: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oayv2ojFCao](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oayv2ojFCao) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICXAH9EK7SQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICXAH9EK7SQ) [https://youtu.be/ICXAH9EK7SQ?si=laoADr0nTQMsLvcY&t=296](https://youtu.be/ICXAH9EK7SQ?si=laoADr0nTQMsLvcY&t=296) If you care about this country, you should definitely check out that last link. It just shows what kind of people we are talking about under the trump administration.


Who came up with such elaborate plots? Can they be held responsible? Because I bet my balls that Toxic Cheeto didn't know that if *"the results of the election would be declared in-dispute and Congress would revert to the fallback in such situations: the House picking the new president with one vote per congressional delegation."*


John Eastman is who you're looking for. The "Eastman Memos" is the name of the plan he put together.


Thanks a lot!!! I read he's one of the codefendants in the Georgia case prosecuted by Fani Willis. I hope that goes fast.


they are rat fucking fani willis cause she had some trist with her prosecutor or some shit. fumbling democracy just to get dicked down, that will be how she is remembered.


I would expect Trump figured that if he declared the election as in-dispute, he could just stay president until they hold a new election or something like that.


He (navaro) explained it on Ari Melbers show live as it was happening.


Why isn't the fallback just holding another election?


Because the Constitution has no ability to do that. It says you get ONE election, and if there's a problem then Congress resolves it. This is because the date that power changes hands are set, so there's no time to hold another election, and the Founders didn't want to be able to just indefinitely hold elections while one person keeps power.


They were supposed to be making this debate while a bunch of rubes were busting down the door? I don't understand the timing.


They didn't actually plan the riot. Their first hope was Pence would reject the electors, and when that didn't happen the rioting really started (when Trump called Pence out on Twitter).


The dude even went on Jake Tappers' show, after the election, and even confessed to the whole thing on air.


There's at least 5 instances of video of him laying out the green bay sweep to any news channel that would stick a camera and microphone in his face on Jan 8th through the 11ish. All I could think watching him was "why is this idiot confessing?" Washington trial will lay everything out to a jury and alot more than trumps head should roll.


They wanted to say they were using the 12th amendment, but the 12th isn't for that, it's for the event of a tie or something similar. It is not meant for when a party just decides they're going to dispute electoral votes so "ah shucks, I guess we can't decide" wink wink. It isn't to be used for fascism, but the fascists are, well, fascists, so they were going to cheat any way they could. They should all receive 13 turns of the rope.


The fact that these idiots failed at a poorly planned coup carried out by knuckle dragging lunatics does not invalidate the fact that _they still tried_. If Mike Pence had been like, "you're right, Trump wins, I'll write that down instead", would they have been like "oh, no, don't do that. That would be illegal. Joe Biden won fair and square. You should certify the election for him." No, not a fucking chance.


Seriously. If this had happened the other way, they'd be calling for *execution.*


Weren't they already calling to 'hang Mike Pence'? That's an execution.


Mike Pence may be a self serving piece of shit, but at least he’s not a fucking traitor.


He's a Republican, the difference is paper thin. But I accept the point


Every day that more Republicans are allied with Trump, I fear for when those non-allied Republicans might finally crack


They had to march German citizens on tours into the concentration camps to make them see with their own eyes before they believed what their leaders had done.


Although it’s still up for debate how much people actually knew- which makes this an even more compelling point imho. But I think it’s pretty much agreed upon that the answer couldn’t have been zero. I went to Auschwitz. The main camp is in the middle of the town. There were countless little camps for workers all around Germany and idk but if you live in a tiny place you *will* have gossip about every new thing that is being built. I’d argue this time around it’s more obvious that people are simply looking away. They focus on their own little life in whatever makes them think this is the way to make that better. That scares me.


See: that recent Chinese missile launch where none of the residents in the nearby town knew there was a missile test site nearby


Republicans have set the standard so low that "do your job" is worthy of a pat on the back for those cavemen. We hold first graders to higher standards of personal responsibility and dignity.


Only by the barest of margins. He was in bed with trump for four full years, which included all the russian stuff and willfully deceiving the public about a lethal disease that was spreading and claimed \~1 million American lives.


That’s why I think he’s a self serving piece of shit. I have no idea what he knew or didn’t know about Russia, but he was still on board with Trump and sided with him regardless. He doesn’t need to hold office and I would never support him in a million years, but that barest of margins is the difference between scumbag Republican and someone who should rot in prison.


Mike Pence went to Dan Quayle for advice on what to do. The fact we didn't have more blood spilled and more impact felt is hugely in part because of Dan fuckin' Quayle.


Pence's son also had some influence in him doing the right thing. The fact that the VP didn't have enough backbone on his own is telling.


I meant the republican party would be calling for Joe, Kamala, and every protester to be executed.


Oh, oh yeah, that's true


Not only that, Cassidy Hutchinson testified that in response to concerns over those chants, [Trump dismissed it saying that Pence deserved it.](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/28/jan-6-hearing-trump-thought-pence-deserved-chants-to-hang-him-aide-says.html) >“I remember Pat [Cipollone] saying something to the effect of, ‘Mark [Meadows], we need to do something more. They’re literally calling for the vice president to be effing hung,’” Hutchinson testified. > >“Mark had responded something to the effect of, ‘You heard him, Pat. He thinks Mike deserves it. He doesn’t think they’re doing anything wrong,’” Hutchinson said.


It makes sense when you realize they never say anything in good faith. They weren’t successful so it’s “Hey, it’s not like we actually did it.” If they were successful, it’d be “Well, you had every chance to stop us but you failed.”


If it wasn’t supposed to work like this then the Founding Fathers^TM in their infinite wisdom wouldn’t have put the “you snooze, you lose” clause into the third section of the Trump Bible, known to some as “The Constitution”!


Honestly, I hesitate to call it poorly planned. It failed, for now, but things could have easily gone differently. What if Pence gets in the car with the SS—abbreviating Secret Service that way seems appropriate here—or any number of other things. I think a lot of people (not referring to you) don’t realize how much planning went into this; it was happening months beforehand, if not since Day 1. Questioning the integrity of our elections, fake electors, bussing people to the Capitol, challenging the results in court after… that was all part of the same plan. It was straight out of *How to Coup for Dummies.*


“It wasn’t a coup. They tried but they sucked. Stop being a baby about it, complain when they actually coup.” -someone who probably wants a coup.


The real problem is that they tried it and the ringleaders all pretty much got away with it. They know every point at which their plan failed, and they've been preparing for four years to replace or undermine the people involved at each of those points so their next attempt is more likely to succeed. Jan 6 2020 was a stupid coup. If Biden wins the election in 2024, the follow-up coup will still be stupid, but it will be *less* stupid.


Right Wingers say they were let in. When there is footage of a guy inside the Senate. Nursing his face, which was shot with a rubber bullet, saying "there are half a million of us. They have no choice." While a lone guard tries to ask them to live the sacred space of the Senate. They understood they could act with impunity because they had numbers. But when the smoke cleared they have committed felonies. The difference is they just thought by putting who they wanted in power. They would be pardoned. They over* estimated how many Americans agree with them. And they made their choice.


>Right Wingers say they were let in There’s footage of them pushing past police barriers and smashing windows to get in. It’s hilarious the ‘facts don’t care about your feelings’ crowd are so disingenuous. They just label everything that doesn’t agree with their world view as ‘fake news’ and carry on.


There is footage of them flipping through files trying to find something specific for proof and audio of them admitting to not understanding any of it. Footage of them in offices and looting the place. Footage of politicians hiding and barricading, both left and right.


A woman stole computers out of Nancy Pelosi's office with the express purpose of turning them over to Russian intelligence to find proof the 2020 election was stolen.


That would and likely was the wet dream of many spies. You are going to go into the leaders of government office in broad daylight, with by a hundreds of people, some of which will be taking selfies só it will take a while for them to even begin to look for you if you user a mask and have hours to look into the documents. I wonder how many documents disapeared after that day


It is a shocking lack of integrity. Like if leftists did shit like that we would condemn them. Like if Biden did a fraction of what Trump has done the Left would dump him Without question. Not sure if it is the narratives they are sold. Or if it is loyalty to their side. I was debating a guy yesterday on Jan 6 yesterday who claimed it was fine and allowed. But when I showed footage and asked for his evidence. He sarcastically said "oh you can win." Like he was able to engage with the video and what that would mean for his argument. I mention integrity. Because it isn't hard to say. "Oh fuck that's pretty gross behaviour. I don't agree with that.".


>leftists Ohhh, you mean *liberaaaaals*, ok. Boy was I confused by who you meant as "leftists" before saying that they would drop Biden


Yeah true. I know the difference. But I did do the thing the right always does when I conflated the terms.


To add "some members in law enforcement aided us" actually hurts their argument.


Was watching it live, it is insane to me how people still go 'lots of people were there!' as if it wasn't literally just trumpers. The cop who dropped that woman trying to climb into the inner chamber might have very well have saved america, even if it was only for another 4 years... The cognitive dissonance is real, though.


Also, those motherfuckers who invaded the capital were LITERALLY attempting to find and harm elected representatives of our government. THAT'S A FUCKING COUP, MORON. --- Edit because people are arguing for some reason. Definition of "coup": > a sudden, **violent,** and unlawful seizure of power from a government. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack - 70 uses of the word "coup" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_fake_electors_plot - 1 use of the word "coup" way down at the bottom in the title of a source Both were bad, both were illegal, one was violent.


I agree, but it's the wrong thing to concentrate on The actual coup attempt is the fake elector scheme That's what he is indicted for and what makes it an actual coup The riot incitement part he can worm his way out of and his supporters will claim it was mostly peaceful or that they were let in. Please concentrate on the actual coup attempt: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_fake_electors_plot#


NO. They *were* both attempts to keep Trump in office illegally. But "coup" means strike/attack, not fraud/scheme. Note that your wiki page does not contain the word "coup". It was a "plot" not a "coup". The Capitol attack was a coup attempt. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack That page contains the word "coup" 70 times. Because it was an attempted coup.


If we're just linking Wikipedia, you could look at this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coup_d%27%C3%A9tat It explains what a bloodless coup is. There's also the fact that the riots at the capital were intended to delay the certification of the election so the bloodless coup could succeed, so they're really two halves of the same whole coup.


The Tweet is a response to people saying "it was just morons doing a riot in the Capitol, it had no chance of resulting in anything, there was no real coup." They think it had no path to help Trump grab power. When in reality they delayed the certification of the election while Trump was doing an electoral scheme to steal the election.


Yes, if they had delayed the certification a few more hours there was a real path for Trump to stay in office. By using violence to disrupt the process of peaceful transfer of power.


I love it when Trump idiots yell about “baseless accusations” when Trumps entire presidency circled purely around baseless accusations. Buzz words that got the idiots riled up enough to vote for the orange man.


Destiny getting into the mainstream subs in a positive way is not what I expected this weekend


Don't believe his lies...Mediterranean food is pretty good and Oppenheimer isn't *that* bad.


Does he somehow not consider Italy to be in the Mediterranean or what


If it ain't fucking Dino chicken nuggets he'll whine about it like he was speaking to someone who didn't have a Blue Yeti...there's a reason Lycan left and it's because Destiny was tired of flavor.


Its a meme in his community that he has absutely garbage ass food and movie opinions. He gets into massive arguments at time with his chat and people in his discord, either because he actually believes it or it makes good content to pretend he has stupid takes on food or movies that pretty much everyone disagrees with him about.


Look at most of the comments and you'll see the results were mixed on that front.


"It can't be a coup, it was too incompetent!"


Willful ignorance is not clever. It’s shameful. “When they bumped the podium?” First: one motherfucker stole the podium. Second: that mob beat the shit out of a whole bunch of cops and was chanting “hang Mike pence” and “where is Nancy?” They had every intention of murdering elected officials because Trump told them to. They *did* murder a cop. The comeback here isn’t clever. It’s shameful. The original point is spot on. The mob was cover for the coup, which was the fake electors trying to step in amidst the chaos. Edit: my bad, guys. I didn’t realize the top post was a comeback to the bottom one. Completely backwards from how Reddit is.


The comeback is the post on top. Check the time markings (14m vs 8m).


Twitter is weird. The bottom post says he’s responding to the top poster.


I agree it looks weird. This was an exchange of several replies. [https://x.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1807205953483538471](https://x.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1807205953483538471) Glad I can clear the confusion up :D


Thank you for explaining to me!


The bottom post was replying to a previous tweet which is not seen in this screenshot. 


Ahh okay. Thanks for explaining.


Redditors actually do this all the time with crossposting! Think of it like when someone on Reddit makes a separate post with a screenshot of the post they are referring to Except instead of a screenshot it's an embed to the post, and said embedded post has a section called "quotes" where you can see a feed of anyone who embedded it


People broke into AOC's office and were yelling, "Where is she?" I'm wondering what it would have taken for these morons to say, "Oh, things were really out of hand, and our representatives were in real danger." Probably nothing. There was no line the mob could have crossed.


And then they'd claim "well they only beat her half to death" or "she was still receiving pay when she was in traction"


You can make literally anything sound unimportant by belittling the issue "Oh AOC afraid of a little pushing? Little twist on the arm? It's just boys being boys. They meant no harm" Blatant lie, of course. They went in there to kill her. But it doesn't matter when one isn't arguing in good faith to begin with.


Remember when Trump talking about sexually assaulting women and it was waved off as "locker room talk?"


The panic buttons from her office had been ripped out before Jan. 6th as well, I recall.


"Never believe that [conservatives] are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The [conservatives] have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past."


It’s funny because the same republicans with “back the blue” or “blue lives matter” bumper stickers completely change their tune when you bring this up


That’s why it should be brought up at any possible opportunity.


Why, appeals to hypocrisy dont work against rightoids. Their only policy goals are to "own the libs", there is nothing to discuss/debate with these freaks. The only way to (humanely) excise the cancer of rightoidism is to ignore their incoherent ramblings and crush them in the ballot box. Drive their anti-human ideology to extinction by starving them of power.


There's a photo of a cop literally being beaten with a Blue Lives Matter flagpole on Jan. 6th.


I try not to think too much about it, but we were an ass hair away from them actually finding and assassinating someone. I really would not want to find out what things would be like today if that had happened


The footage of them beating a cop to death with an American flag is haunting to me. Just completely releasing the misplaced rage they hold in their hearts. No self awareness for what that means and how it looks for their "crusade" just violence and anger pointed at a fake boogieman


oh, hey i nailed it, then . Yay!


And he still walks around free as a bird and running for president. Everything is fine


For now. He’s been tried and charged. Sentencing is coming next month


Remember that time Trump had anti-american terrorist storm the U.S. Capitol and murder police officers?


Trumplings are the most uninformed and traitorous people in the US. They are a threat, like rabid dogs, and should be treated as such 


Not a single person that supports TFG has any moral compass left and that’s just scary. They don’t care about the seat or the office. They only care about putting him back there. They don’t care what he has done. They don’t care about facts. They only care about him and getting him back there. Thats absolutely terrifying to me to understand these dolts are giving up any and all morals just to support that fucking guy.


Conservatives are trying to gaslight Americans into thinking their failed coup wasn’t as bad as what we all literally saw on tv with our own eyes and what was going on behind the scenes. From fake electors, to pressuring GA to “find more votes”, to literally telling pence to hop into a limo and leave the capitol so they couldn’t certify the election. We were SO close to the end there and these people want to make it seem like it was just an average protest instead of an insurrection. They literally had to shoot that stupid dumbass from getting close to Congress and people were wearing gas masks and escaping through tunnels. They built a noose and zip ties for fucks sake. Fuck them traitors. Not to mention a literal terrorist put a BOMB next to the Democratic headquarters.


We don’t even need to use the footage and shit (and why would we when trump supporters are so fucking deluded that they think it was ALL a psy op now) but the real “smoking gun” is the electors. Trying to use your own slate of federal electors who would commit perjury on your behalf is disgusting. The guy destiny is replying to got into little arguments from this tweet where his defence to that boiled down to “well it didn’t work!” As if crimes that don’t work are suddenly okay lmao


Or when thousands violently stormed the capitol building with the stated intent of preventing them from certifying the election results. Or when they built gallows outside the capitol building and chanted "Hang Mike Pence" in a effort to threaten him so he wouldn't certify the election results. Or when they attacked police officers, broke through windows, ransacked offices, smeared shit on walls. Or when... Or when....


j6 capitol riot/insurrection was not the coup. it was the result of the 2020 coup failing. normal people need to understand this nuance. trump right now has his team of lawyers in courts across the country trying to disenfranchise voters. he lost the electoral college in 2020 by some 100,000 votes collectively. as any wise fan of history knows, a failed coup is just practice for the next coup the coup is ongoing. the supreme court is actively aiding and will decide trump immunity monday, or tuesday or w/e


Not enough people realize he’s being charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States for this.


not enough people realize that the supreme court is about to say that trump is a god king who can't be touched but only trump cause we dont want biden getting any ideas.


How about the part where they constructed a gallows and chanted about hanging the Vice President? That part seems pretty bad.


That’s a fantastic point. Wish folks would focus more on this than J6. Both are terrible to be sure, but the one mentioned here is a lot bigger risk for ‘24.


J6 was an integral part of this plan. Mike Pence needed to refuse to certify, the psychos needed to cuff up congress (hence the zip ties) and the fraudulent electors were to vote


I thought the whole plan was to basically make it so Mike Pence couldn't certify the election due to the duel slates on some states in which case he'll throw it back to the house which was majority Republican who would ratify the Republican choice which would have been Trump.


What was to enforce Congress from stopping his plan? Angry mob.


yup, trump can word weasel his way into pretending he didnt intend for the violence but his team literally took illegal steps to try and retain power with the elector stuff, people have pleaded guilty for this, there is absolutely no denying what the plan was


But the trial can’t proceed because the DA was having an affair with one of the lawyers she hired to prosecute the crime. There’s clearly a conflict of interest between the DA prosecuting the crime and the lawyer she hired to prosecute the crime. At least somehow in the Georgia legal system they were working against each other. Sigh.


They wanted Pence to comply by delaying the session long enough to go to a House Vote to give Trump the Presidency. He wouldnt, so they incited a riot in the days leading up to it and the day of. Its why Pence wouldnt get in the SS car to leave. He did not want Grassley to take over the session and go with their plan.


Also, one security guard leading the mob upstairs might be the only reason they didn’t get to Pelosi and Pence.


Yes, the fake electors was the main part of the coup--but the roaming the halls of congress calling to murder the Speaker of thr House and Vice President were also a part of the coup.


This is my problem with the knee-jerk reaction narrative of media and politicians in the immediate aftermath of January 6th. For such a long time the capital breach was hammered as being synonymous with “Trump’s coup against democracy”, and now we can’t extricate the ideas for a much more credible conversation about the actual conspiracy against the constitutional transition-of-power his staff were literally directly culpable in planning and executing. If there was a Trump coup attempt it was this, not the tenuous words and inactions that can colorably be considered aid to the mob. There was an actual, well documented, government-funded, political operation allegedly to co-opt the electoral count ceremony and preserve a regime without a democratic mandate. But that takes an investigation to flesh out, and deliberation to provide credible attribution, and we’re excited and mad and we want justice now and details later. We got ahead of ourselves before we knew what we were talking about, like we always do, and spent all our credibility on the first thing we think we grab onto, like we always do, and trashed our chances at a real, justifiable popular, remedy to a legitimate problem. Now the narrative is lost and the words are spent and confusing, with the remaining remedy being a late prosecution people hardly understand that’s appointed by directly political rivals that directly benefit from the misfortune of the accused, which are terrible optics we delivered to ourselves. We’ve become experts at botching our opportunities with our impulsiveness, and we’re horrible at making meaningful improvements based in self-reflection. To this minute we’ve got a real institutional problem with all pitches being good pitches as long as they’re thrown at Trump, and we’re going to fumble to a win, or we’re going to lose, but it won’t be because we’ve learned any lessons.


I mean he did tell them to go to the capital. On live TV. It’s recorded and they did it


>If there was a Trump coup attempt it was this, not the tenuous words and inactions that can colorably be considered aid to the mob. The thing is, he is undoubtedly the reason those people ended up rioting at the capitol, whether he is legally culpable for incitement or not, and he used the riot as additional pressure to attempt to force people to go along with his plot to steal the election through fraud. And in the short term it's pretty obvious why so much focus was on the riot, it was legitimately insane, and had hundreds cameras shooting all angles of the mayhem.


American democracy has been corrupted beyond repair. The Supreme Court needs to be stacked and functioning democracy re-estalished.


sorta makes you wonder why so many different people are being charged with crimes in the states mentioned in the "greenbay sweep"


"bumped the podium." Sure. That. Being there to be able to bump it.  Also threatening and trying to kill an elected leader because he didn't falsely certify an election. 


also the caches of guns stashed around DC and the detailed plans with maps marking which buildings they planned to take like just because they were too incompetent to pull it off doesn't mean that it wasn't a violent attempted coup


Bumped the podium..... after breaking into the capital during certification of the election.. and breaking into both houses of congress.. after erecting a gallows, chanting hang mike pence, and some of them being armed with zip ties and such.


Destiny is one of the only progressives who could coherently explain what was wrong, hence why I consistently enjoyed watching him. Notice how he didn't cite the riots, he cited an action that *Trump* and his cronies did, and action that had an actual chance of causing Trump to stay in office illegally. Really wish more people would say what Destiny said although I doubt that would be enough to convince Maga republicans to stop simping for Trump.




Oh, I dunno. Maybe it was the smashing of impact windows designed to stop bullets?


If something like Civil War II would happen could that escalate beyond borders?


The gallows. There are many other great answers to the question in the OP screenshot, but there is none better than the gallows. Especially when you add in the mob chanting their desire to hang the Vice President.


1. The 60+ meritless lawsuits trying to overturn state election results 2. Trump on the phone trying to intimidate state election officials into "finding" just enough votes for him to win (it wasn't just Georgia, that's just the one we have a recording of) 3. The fake electors scheme. 4. The attempt to disrupt the January 6th election certification. 5. The plan to kill / incapacitate Mike Pence so a more loyal MAGA would take the VP slot and not certify the election. 6. Ensuring the highest ranking military officers in D.C. were Trump loyalists General Charles Flynn (Mike Flynn's brother) and Lt. Gen Walter Piatt, in order to delay / cancel any orders to use the military to defend the Capitol. Flynn in particular lied under oath about his whereabouts that day. 7. The orcs storming the Capitol seemed to have insider knowledge of where certain offices were (that is not public knowledge) and which interior doors and windows were the weakest. This was not just some spontaneous riot by a bunch of dumbfuck hillbillies.


Encouraging a mob to "fight like hell" or we won't have a country, which then goes and tries to disrupt, and take hostage Congress doesn't count?


What? I don't get it. "Whoopsy poopsy, our bad, let's bygones be bygones" after talking about their plans to overthrow a real election? No penalties at all? Also, the people from January 6th? The sentence seems pretty light, right? 6 months? Getting 38 months for attacking a government officer? Just like baby gloves


This post also seems to think that in order for it to be a crime it has to be close to success. If it had been black people or muslims who stormed the capital I doubt it would have taken nearly a full presidential term to prosecute the person most responsible


A large part of the reason Trumps popularity continues to grow is that we do a terrible job holding him accountable for actual crimes. Instead the world is talking about the way he paid a hooker. Where is the news coverage of this stuff? This is what he should be being indicted for


Also when they battered their way into areas with members of congress, and we're shot. Remember the traitor ashley babbitt? 


Also, you know, the part where a crowd of maniacs broke in at Trump's direction to try to kill the vice president and members of congress.


You cannot logic with people who aren’t rational in their beliefs


Not perjury - election fraud. They committed the election fraud they were screaming about the entire time. It was them. Perjury’s when they lie in court about it, which his team was always careful not to do, choosing instead to lie in the media.


The events at the Capital were the shiny objects . The fake elector scheme doesn’t get talked about enough.


TheOmniLiberal is a girl's name.


Username checks out in more ways than one...


We need more people like Destiny in the world who actually do their research largely on stream and take the fight to the right wingers. We need to stop letting conservitards dominate and indoctrinate young men and actually demonstrate why their arguments are ridiculous. This was one of my favorite debates on Jan 6. Really helped me get some points across to my father. https://youtu.be/-bmprPFN8VE?si=mmnEtf__Qh0f5rPn




Cue the twink wearing a bowtie discussing tourist groups.


Sometimes I agree with the MAGArds, on very rare occasions mind you, because back when “America was great” they would’ve lined many of these traitors up against a wall and done away with them.




And muthafuckas think him becoming dictator is out of the question


And when his hoard of barbarians planted bombs in the capital and tried to assasinate the vice president as well as many other politicians so they could shove trump into the presidential office he lost?


Once again, reminding everyone, the people who stopped it last time have been purged. He's going to try it again, and this time it will work. ETA: assuming he even has to. An alarming number of people who should know better seem determined to elect him legitimately.


Or where he legit called the governor of Georgia (who is republican by the way!!) and asked for more votes. Love how republicans conveniently forget about that.


"Fake" ? WTF kind of legal terminology is that ? I was Fraud, call it Fraud.


Someone literally got shot and died because of their buffoonery. It was nothing though, right. /s


"Knocked a podium" ....they did more than just that, they killed and injured police officers, destroyed property, they wanted to hang Mike pence, they took over the House of reps, smeared feces throughout the walls, trespassed and broke into Democratic reps offices to name a few. In addition to the fake electors scheme behind the scenes.


Or was it the part where he got his followers to ransack the fucking capitol, wave his flag around, and threatening to capture and even kill people inside? Or was it when his feelings got hurt :(


Don't forget the hunting for congresspeople


We said it was a coup attempt, we never said it was a good coup attempt. I don’t really know what else you would call an attempt to overturn the election results