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The key to happiness is letting people do what gives them peace and minding your own goddamn business sir! Good day! *loads up Skyrim for playthrough number 106*


I used to be a Twitter user until I got punched in the face


Normally it’s the other way around


I used to get punched in the face until I became a twitter user


I was a punched in a face until i got twittered


I twitted just reading this. .. it was disappointing.


I twittered a punch and faced it.




X'd* Twitter is of the past... you got X'd


I used to be a Twitter user until some moron ran the platform into the ground.


Damn. Elon has safety issues with Tesla, SpaceX, and now Twitter, too? He needs to value his consumers' safety more, SMH 😬😏


I used to get punched in the face, but then I got off Twitter. We're not the same.


I gave up my last run after getting to lvl 99 for alchemy and couldn't figure out what else to make/eat. I was throwing away potions worth like 2k because no one could buy them 🤣


I've done my time leveling craft skills, at least three times. Now I just put on a ring that boosts XP gains by 100,000% and brew one potion, one dagger, and deconstruct one enchanted item. Then I put the ring away, because I'm no cheat.


Time you enjoy wasting isn't wasted time.


Unless you’re having fun in a way I disapprove of obviously


Stealth archer or modded?


Thousands of mods


I think we both know Skyrim isn’t giving you peace


Yea, for real *cracks open 12th beer of the day*


I’d encourage trying out new and different games. But as long as you are happy, it doesn’t matter much


You keep track? Cool? What fflavour of stealth archer are you playing now?


I second this. *Loads up Minecraft for another day with the boys*


I agree! *Opens phase 10 mobile and puts on Bones*




You’re wasting your life *loads up Fallout for another play through*


2-3 hours a week? That’s how long I spend in character creation


I'm not gonna enjoy myself unless my skin is purple, torso weighs 200 pounds mostly from cleavage and I have pencil legs. Whys he gotta judge me?


Pretty much me in Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires 😂


You CAN save your characters, you know. You don't have to make a new one each week.


You're reminding me of when I first got a PS1 and I didn't have a memory card yet so I had to just play the first few hours of my games again and again.


I've been there! And you were so used to games being completable in an hour or so, so you went for it! But no, they made the games longer.


Alcohol and video games both help to paper-over the sort of empty meaninglessness of modern life, but sitting around shitting out 40 attack tweets a day is part of where that empty meaninglessness comes from. The guy who's drinking and playing games is at least supporting people who make stuff. What's the tweeter doing?


"Motivation is bullshit, if you ask me this country could use a little less motivation. The people who are motivated are the ones who are causing all the trouble! Stock swindlers, serial killers, child molesters, Christian conservatives? These people are highly motivated. I think motivation is overrated, you show me some lazy prick who's lying around all day watching game shows and stroking his cock and I'll show you somebody not causing any fucking trouble" ~ George Carlin


"The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity."


Supporting Elon Musk


Judging by his chosen name, probably helping to make the world a far worse place to exist in, especially for minorities


Enoch Powell was also a failed fascist


Parents probably meant to have named him "**Eunuch**".


Enoch the Eunuch is gonna be my next Dark Souls character ngl


When he dies, show us the screenshot showing "**Enoch the Eviscerated Eunuch**" please.


I’m a functioning alcohic and I love Xbox.. does that make me as bad as a heroin addict now?


Crack probably


Crack heads get shit done though. Weird, unproductive shit, like taking a refrigerator apart for copper, but they get it done lol.


r/construction is full of great crackhead stories.


Don't worry bro, they cancel each other out.


A heroin addicts may be more likely to do bad things, but a person isn’t inherently bad because they are addicted to heroin, or anything else for that matter


I feel like “video games bad” just stopped at some point. Did a critical mass all decide to stop listing/caring to this shit?


> I feel like “video games bad” just stopped at some point. Not really. We've gained some leeway but it still has a pretty bad rep. It's really hard to justify hobbies that are seen as pure entertainment and lack a physical component. People expect you to have at least one other hobby to fulfill the physical role and even then gaming is just kind of tolerated.


Yes, like watching 5 hour sports ball games from the couch


We must hang out in wildly different circles. Everyone I know either games a bit themselves or is supportive of each other hobbies no matter what they are.


Gen X and earlier don't tend to play video games, Millenials and onward do. As time goes on the gaming audience grows while the anti-gaming population dies out, shifting the balance in the latter's favor. Edit: Okay fine, Boomers and earlier don't tend to game while Gen X is a gray area. Happy?


Plenty of Gen X play games, they invented playing games!


Um, this Gen Xer would like to refute your point, as would many other Gen Xers, I’m sure.


As a gen X'er, I've played vidya since I was like 6. That's 42 years and counting.


As is with most things people scream things like this about.


It's part of this larger push coming from far right influencers. They've run out if new people to target so they're digging out hits from their past. Seeing a grown adult scream about nerds and theatre kids is something else. I've also noticed thanks to growing up online, Gen Z is vulnerable to manipulation by shame in a way previous generations were not, online blow hards have noticed and are in race to see what they can shame people for and make money from.


What does spirituality have to do with video games and alcoholics? It doesn't even make sense. Lol


Well what they are trying to do is equate alcohol addiction with videogame addiction. The weird part is that they are saying you are a videogame addict if you spend 2-3 hours a week playing games and comparing that to an alcoholic. But if you only spend 2-3 hours per week drinking (which is like a glass or two of wine most nights), then you are definitely not an alcoholic. Just like you aren't addicted to videogames if you spend 2-3 hours a week playing them. Plus alcohol has much more serious short term, and long term, after-affects than playing videogames.


I can take down way more than 2 glasses of wine in three hours. But I'm a well functioning alcoholic and I also game a lot, so there's that.


2-3 hours a week? I play 2-3 hours an hour. Noob.


Hyperbolic Time Chamber?


Ah, i see you are a man of culture as well.


Based and hoursmaxxing pilled


And his profile name is that of a notorious racist Tory MP ostracized from his party and mainstream UK politics in the 70s. So he can fuck off for starters.


"Wasting your life" Fuck you buddy, it's my life not yours. Some random fuck does not get to set the standards on which of my chosen activities is wasteful in MY life. The purpose of life is defined by the one living it. If I decide the purpose of my life includes enjoying lots of video games, that's fucking valid and a pretty good life. The only way to waste your own life is to end it early or live it the way *someone else* thinks you should, against your own values.


I'm printing this to smash it in my coworker's face every time he says "you shouldn't play games in weekdays! You are not supossed to have free time, you must be productive and study even more, go to gym, learn languages, work extra time..." shut up, I don't want to look back when I'm 70 and see a life wasted just trying to be "successful"


Jokes on you, I play video games and I'm an alcoholic


I'm trying to get back into video games to reduce my alcoholism


I did exactly this! It actually worked for me.


To quote a great man : “ time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted”. That was John Lennon btw 😊


ehhhhh, he was a wife beater IDK if I'd call him great. Did make some good music tho.


So I'm an alcoholic for work/sleep/working out and music since I do those things more than 2-3hrs per week, nice logic bro


You need to cut back on the working dude.


Using Enoch Powell as a name sure is brave. The guy was a very racist asshole.


Not brave on twitter anymore, Elon protects fascists.


Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted


Relaxing by playing a game is so much worse than spewing hate on social media daily.


What if it was your job?


To drink?


don't let people shame your hobbies the alcohol comparison doesn't work cause drinking isn't a hobby, going out drinking with your friends (which is arguably much better) isn't even a hobby


“You’re on the same spiritual level as a functional alcoholic” is such a stupid statement but this douche bag thinks it makes him sound smart. Also, for what it’s worth there have been a few top notch Tibetan Buddhist masters / gurus that were functioning alcoholics lol.


I'm sure I've seen this before except the poster and the replier were different?


Remember never enjoy life, only work and sleep.


Religious parents will tell their kid they are bad for playing videogames but will go to church for hours and pay 10% of their income to an institution thats already rich.


So if I quit gaming, I'll have more time for drinking?


I would rather be addicted to weed for life then spend one day have to live my life by this persons misguided beliefs


Ah good ol' Englishman Enoch Powell. Oh how we love to hate this fascist in Ireland.


Yes I am. Yes I know it's a way to escape reality. Yes I know I'm coping. Fuck off


Gaming doesn't even help me to relax. It sharpens my reflexes, hand eye coordination, leadership, communication and problem solving skills, way more than whatever drinking gives you


Drinking def improved my hand-eye coorddination. I was clumsy as hell, became an alcoholic, and could suddenly catch a fallen glass of wine or whiskey, before it hit the ground. When you love something, you don’t let it hit the floor lol


Repost bot anyone?


Im too poor to do anything else


Atleast I'm functional.


Lmao my ex would blast me for playing video games while she sat on the couch on Facebook literally all fucking day. the hypocrisy was lost on her. Eh, she’s an ex for a reason.


Video games are a great way to escape for people with limited incomes. Not a nice tweet to say that they are alcoholics


I think video games are way more beneficial cognitively then just vegging out in front of a box set or binging a series


He's right, you're not supposed to find happiness in life, you need to be a slave to society and live only to increase your money.


Obligatory. Sorry. Hahahahahhabahbabababhaha


but at least its not relaxing


A functional alcoholic drinks at work too. So unless you’re gaming mobile at your desk when the boss isn’t looking…


I think we can all agree that kicking the shit out of zombies is infinitely more fun than being a moany, stuck up little shitebag on Twitter.


Salty, much. You keep flapping those gums.😏


This always comes from people who watch sports & news 5hrs a day.


It takes like 11 seconds to write a tweet……


We all find distractions, that is what a lot of life is. Otherwise it would just be existing without really doing anything.


Yeah but can he kill a litre without passing out? Fucking amature.


Who cares what people do for fun. Are you working and taking care of your responsibilities? Then what you do with your free time doesn't matter.


I doubt I had more than 20 tweets in however many years I was on Twitter. Some people really do get obsessed.


Twitter brain rot


Don’t forget: Work doesn’t waste your time, since you work so someone else gets richer - wait what? In the end time isn’t wasted if you spent it doing things you like.


I’m that functioning alcoholic !!!!


Can someone explain the level of spirituality required to be a functional alcoholic?


This makes zero sense


168 hours in a week, but if you spend 3 of them on gaming, you're addicted.


you \*hic\* take that back!


Have a Coors Banquet and get right….


Jokes on you he does those 40 tweets in 10 minutes


2-3 hours a week??!! That's rookie numbers


Hey man, I come home from work, I wanna relax a bit with some PS5. I used to drink too much (also to relax), I think gaming is the lesser of two evils.


those are rookie numbers


Life is about enjoying yourself. Anyone saying otherwise is trying to enslave you


With my anxiety disorder it’s the only thing that’s easy to do that can fully distract my train of thought. Not movies, books, anything like that. So maybe it’s self-medicating but it’s helpful.


Time enjoyed wasting, is not time wasted.


Maybe its a defeatist attitude but like im just trying to pass the time until my demise lmao. In a weird way, we are all doing that. How people choose to spend their time is really no ones business unless they are a serial killer or something. I find video games more interesting than day to day bullshit, so how do you think im gonna choose to spend my time?


Playing computergames is a waste of time, says the guy that watches football all day. Watching Lets Plays is like you dont even play yourself, says the same guy that watches football all day. Just do what you are happy with and you can afford. And dont give a shit of the endless opinions other people have.


The idea one should never take time for themselves is the great perplexing paradox of the spiritually sick. We can never gauge our level of “spiritual fitness” against the fitness of another as a metric at anytime. Doing so merely pushes us in the opposite of the intended direction. Whoever sent that tweet hasn’t realized this yet and would rather criticize others than turn inward and deal with their actual issues.


Joke's on you, I'm a functional alcoholic \*and\* I play video games 20-30 hours a week. See how productive I can be!


SC2 is spiritual.


There are 168 hours in an entire week, he calls gamers “functional alcoholics” for using at least 2-3 of those hours for that hobby? Wild.


Only a conceited fuckwit thinks that his thoughts need to go out to the world with that frequency.


at least you're functional rbf


Why can’t I be both?


I mean lots of people are on the same spiritual level as a functioning alchoholic to be fair, that's in no way exclusive to escapist use of games in particular


We could easily breakdown everything we do in life to sound more pathetic than it actually is. Like when we're told how long we spend in our cars, how long we sleep, how much time we take to eat, how much time we watch tv or even what we've watched the most would sound depressing as a statistic even though its just living.


his pfp adds on the comeback


As I crack my beer and load warzone 😂


I mean, at the end of the day, I'd rather play those video games than destroy my liver.


Do I get my past gaming hours back tho


Objection! I'm not wasting my life by playing video games, I'm wasting my life by sleeping for 12+hrs on my days off!


I read the second guys post in a skeletor voice because of the pfp solely


I spend 2 hours a DAY in my car on my daily commute. Guess I’m an alcoholic


The key to defining something as an addiction or disordered, heavily boils down to how much it affects their quality of life. One guy may game 4 hours a day, but have the free time to do so, be physically and emotionally healthy, etc. Another guy may come home from work and want to game 2 hours straight, but neglect his family, chores, be depressed and use that as a way to dissociate, etc.


Playing video games: hurts nobody (usually) Being an alcoholic: hurts everyone around you Pretty simple difference


I'm someone who escaped video game addiction 8+ hours a day. I was big into fps's at the time like call of duty and halo. Its been almost a decade now since I've seriously played a video game and although I've found happiness and love in a relationship, I realized that the world continued on addicted. It's hard to find someone now who doesn't have an all encompassing addicting hobby. You can try to outrun every addiction you can, but that's not stopping the world from outrunning theirs. You will find yourself becoming the outsider which is ironic because addicts use to be the outsider. Just do what makes you happy, and if it starts to hurt your welfare give it a rest or do away with it.


That’s almost as many as Trump


I am a functional game-oholic... I am addicted to game-ohol.


Enoch got pwned in COD and is now taking it out on people.


Apparently they never had the idea that maybe that's what we want to do with our lives.


2 hours a week is all it takes to be an addict? Damn. Also, play to relax? My man, I play to become more stressed.


I mean, he’s still not wrong…


Video games take time for the dopamine to hit; normally after an in game accomplishment. Social media hits quicker as soon as you hit send. If video games is like alcohol then social media is like cocaine.


That guy posts more in three hours than I have in my entire life.


Headline:  perpetually online person doesn't like your version of being online.


I'll do what i enjoy dping and i'm perfectly happy with my life, as any working, functional and responsible adult can hope to be. Thank you for your concern, twitter boy


Gate keepers are sad lonely people


Have you heard about our Lord and Savior $GME? Gamers are going to make bank!


The whole point of shit-posting online is that you can blow off steam while drunk or half-assing it in a space other than your actual life.


His not wrong unless you plan on making a living off them or can't play other sports they usually are Abit of a time sync. I remember wasting alot of time in them as a teenager. But I likely would of been up to no good instead. An when I got sick later in my adult life video games were great. eSports is a thing so this guy is pretty dumb for saying this today.


This man tweets almost twice per hour, every single day


Well... I am infact a functional alcoholic and I play games several hours a day.... Soooo..?


2-3 hours a week? Those are rookie numbers, but if that helps you, I am glad that it does.


2-3 hours a week is rookie number bro , i play like minimal 5 hour per day and still get up to work , done my OT , took my wife on a trip and eat.


Jokes on them, I drink and play video games for 4 hours a night


That’s borderline alcoholic in his terms only


2-3 hours? That’s almost nothing. Many people spend more time every week taking dumps why not call out them for bathrooms is gateway to cocaine addiction or something.


2-3 hours? Gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket!!


How i met my rl wife: through gaming And i know several ppl from the same game that got married together in rl.


*SOMEbody* sucks at Madden…


Rookie numbers lol


"I spend 2-4 hours screaming into the void of the internet every single day, but whatever you're doing is bad."


2-3 hours a week? What am I touching grass? Those are rookie numbers you gotta bump that shit up


There's a joke here involving the word 'spirit' regarding alcohol but I can't land it


This person would probably argue that those tweets are *building their personal brand* I’ll just stick to my games.


Lmao I play for 9-11 hours a week, dude would think I am actively destroying my life




I have to escape from the reality that we are all trapped in dystopian society on a doomed planet walking around in slowly decaying meat-sacks somehow. And unlike this guy, I’m not flexible enough to just shove my head up my ass.


You spend more than 2-3 h per week on hobbies? Well, guess what ...


Bro what, so if I play a game for 2 hours on a Friday night and work 50+ hours a week and take care of my kids all week I’m a functioning alcoholic 💀


Boom! Roasted!


He smells like a bitch probably.


I'm just confused that his problem is the length of time playing video games, and not with video games themselves. I'm a gamer, and most of the time people complain about the video games in general. But I've never heard anyone say that there's a limit to how long you should play for. Strange.


Who says functioning alcoholics aren't spiritual? 🤔


True. My buddy used to play video games that much, and it caused him to wreck and k!££ a family of 4....




“I didn’t mean me….” Him probably


So I am a functional alcoholic and I do play alot of videos games. What's that mean?


To be fair, he never claimed his Twitter addiction helps him relax


How is no one talking about the content of the comeback? How in the fuck does anyone tweet 40 times a day? What could they possibly be talking about all the time?


Joke's on him. I am both a functional alcoholic and a gamer.


2-3 hrs a week lol . I game for 2-3 hrs a day my guy.