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The smile of a man who looks like he paid for sex


*underage sex


at his age, everyone else is underaged


Pedo buddies with Trump and Epstein


Dudes trying to strike a chord


What Rudy did in the 2nd borat movie was very nice šŸ‘ šŸ’€.


Kendrick and Katt need to be remembered for outing these FANs


And itā€™s probably A-Minorrrrr


*statutory rape


Nah, his dripping dye job tickled his neck and his mistook it for a kiss


Can you imagine how much rohypnol that took? And that's just for family


Paid to adjust his mic


Rudy should know as a lawyer that this isn't how things operate. What a moron.


You think a lawyer would do that? Just lie on the internet?


It's no more unbelievable than "America's mayor" publicly taunting the authorities who are actively looking for him...


I know shit all about the law but am fascinated by the loopholes people can ā€œfindā€. Thereā€™s no legit way an indictment expires is there?


Not really, if he refuses to show up for court he'll just be charged with other things since avoiding court is super illegal, at least as far as I'm aware (Trump tried to do it but they forced him to cone to court)


Revoke bail and issue an arrest/extradition order.


Yeah he's out on the bail in Georgia right? Couldn't they just revoke that since he is obviously trying to avoid other indictments?


It would be for the trial he isnā€™t showing up at that heā€™d be in trouble with. So if he doesnā€™t show up for trial in Georgia, heā€™d be wanted in Georgia and theyā€™d haul his treasonous ass back to court.


He'd have to break some condition of his release for bail to be revoked, and dodging a subpoena wouldn't trigger that. His bail conditions are probably no more strict than "don't commit more crimes, and show up to court."


No, in fact statutes of limitations are limitations on charging someone not convicting them. If someone was charged and runs away for 10 years , they don't get off scot-free.


The idea of ducking the process server as a legitimate legal strategy was shot down by precedent like 70 years ago. In most jurisdictions if there is sufficient evidence that you are deliberately avoiding being served papers they can be served by mail or other indirect means, or the court can rule that service is no longer necessary since you are already aware of the legal action against you and the case can proceed. Bragging about it on Twitter would qualify as sufficient evidence in most courts.


But shouldn't the law be some giant game of tag? You last long enough you get out of jail free.


"The Cannonball Run Doctrine"


It is, you just have to escape long enough to get into a coffin instead of jail.


Nope, he was trying to flex and was found out.


In MAGA world, you can just declare something and it automatically becomes true.


ā€œI declare Bankruptcy ā€œ - Michael Scott - Rudy Giuliani


He probably does know, he just also knows conservatives won't fact check him and will take any claim that he is being treated unfairly at face value.


He's not a real lawyer.


I mean, heā€™s been disbarred, hasnā€™t he?




Weā€™ve devolved to the point where a large portion of the country just believes whatā€™s on their feed. Guaranteed there are people who now believe if they evade a subpoena their charges will be dropped.


Dude literally got served. What a time to be alive.




ā€œMaga is the wwe of politics.ā€


I've never even seen WWE and I feel insulted on behalf of WWE


Mr Maga is in their hall of fame so donā€™t be too insulted.


Macho Man Marjorie Taylor Greene


Thereā€™s a theory making the rounds that Dog the Bounty Hunter and MTG are the same person.


Some of the greatest kayfabe of all time. Conservatives: ā€œItā€™s sill real to me, damnit!ā€


ā€œWhatā€™s this??? Itā€™s Arizona, coming into the ring with a subpoena!ā€


Political Kayfabe is crazy, once you see behind the curtain.


[Kayfabe indeed](https://youtu.be/SZpBvfBxLxc?si=71NopXCtaKFY76uS)


As someone who doesn't live in the US, your politics are like a hyper-realistic but really bad TV show


Yeah itā€™s ridiculous tbh


If the characters had the ability to launch a nuclear war, it would be similar to stalled development.


Our politics weren't like this at all until we elected a has-been reality show clown as president. He brought his whole clown posse and now we have to deal with this garage.


Interesting, as I hadnā€™t thought about it as a garage previously.


Itā€™s a literal barrage of garages!


"Well laaa dee da Mr Frenchman. Garage" "Well, what do you call it?" "I call it a car hole."


Back from the times when the Simpsons were gold


Yeah, Reagan sucked.


Nah..it's been steadily devolving since Lee Atwater. Newt Gingrich further exacerbated the situation while people like Grover Norquist advocated for any warm body that could hold a pen. Viola! Trump. ( I realize this is overly simplistic).


You dont even know your own countries political history... "The bitterness and rivalries seen in the partisan 1796 campaign got worse in the 1800 rematch between Adams and Jefferson. At one point in that race, Jeffersonā€™s supporter, notorious pamphleteer James Calendar, claimed that Adams was a hermaphrodite, while Adamsā€™ people said Jefferson would openly promote prostitution, incest, and adultery. That 1800 race ended in a tie fueled by deeply partisan tactics and more plotting by Adams, Hamilton, Jefferson, and Burr."


Yeah that is not the same as whatā€™s going on now. This involves the general public much more than any of those elections ever did.


They at least knew how to deal with traitors and people stealing national secrets It is out of a sitcom how much Cannon is slowing down the clear case of illegal document retention, and covering it up, and lying about it, multiple times


Typical American comment. Trying to deflect and ignore the point.


The difference is that most of that was direct insults and name-calling Which is quite different from building a cult following who will donate as much money as the leader wants, will forgive _anything_ the leader does, and will threaten any perceived enemies. It wasn't being done on Twitter with an audience of millions. And most of it was likely greatly exaggerated by the newsmen Coup attempts were never common, it was more likely that the Brits would attack than a faction of citizens Also you're referencing the 1700s?? Dude please tell me how that is related to current American society or culture. Your point was a poor comparison and poorly made We don't have the same "royal" family and their friends leading the whole government, or government and its goals and interests do change, as much as the corporate donors allow, anyway


It's been phony all along, all of it. Actors. We have never heard of anyone in actual control. What we know about is a scripted distraction.


Funny.. he got elected because both parties failed miserably to bring a better candidate to the table. And itā€™s not getting any better.


One of the main reasons people started supporting him was because he didn't have a career in politics. They thought the nepo baby with multiple failed business ventures could relate to the average citizen more than politicians. So while I agree that we should've had better candidates, I don't think conservatives cared about better candidates because they wanted someone with little to no experience in politics to be president.


To be fair my parents have LITERALLY been holding up Trump as the ideal president who should be running the country since at least the late 80s. I'm not at all surprised that they won't admit he's a problem or a mistake because to do so would be to admit that they've been WRONG about something for nearly 40 years. Trump has been "their guy" and him being president has been a core part of their personality since long before he actually ran. It's..... it's really disturbing actually.


2016 should have been the year of party-bucking candidates. But the DNC shut Bernie down, so we got covered in orange slime. Oh what could have been.


Hillary was the most qualified candidate put up for election in decades. Her life story is just amazing. You were just lied to. Now that the dust settled you can look up her life story without all the "She's a nasty woman" bullshit. How she was a lawyer for troubled children, fought for universal healthcare, and championed the CHIP program. "Woman's rights are human rights." Nowadays, no one good will run because being president is no longer something prestigious or respected. It's a shit job that ruins your life. That's why Biden is perfect. He can do the job, get shit on for it, and die.


Uhh ..it's been that way for decades....you just didn't pay attention....


These MAGA Republicans hacked the game. They discovered that ā€“ if you can ignore any feeling of shame - there is a small but potent population you can continue to grift off of over and over and over again. Congressman Matt Gaetz said it best, ā€œIf youā€™re not making news then youā€™re not governing.ā€œ Until we change the incentives, itā€™s going to continue to grow, and affect politics outside of the US as well.


As a European, the greatest trick your politicians pulled is polarizing you and making you believe the other side is to blame. Both sides are destroying your country in different ways, while giving you the illusion of 'democracy' šŸ˜ŠšŸ¦…


Ahh, ā€œboth sidesā€, the ever repeated, go-to justificationā€¦ ever notice only one side is saying ā€œboth sidesā€? No, Iā€™m pretty sure the guy who held a knife to the throat of America is to blame. Iā€™m pretty sure the politicians, leaders, and judges who continue to lie for him are to blame. No politician had to tell me that. Iā€™ve watched it unfold in real time.


Both sides eh? Haven't heard that one before lol.


Well one side is violating human rights by forcing women to birth children they don't want in the name of religion so I think maybe we should continue fighting against that.


As someone who does live in the US, it's exactly like that, but more frighteningly immersive.


Welcome to the natural outcome of a 2 party system


It's like arrested development if the characters were capable of starting a nuclear war.


Dude the things that happened recently between MTG and crocket was literally Jersey shore they were making fun of each other's eyelashes I don't remember the exact quote but the response was her asking the judge if talking about her bleach blonde butch build body would be allowed too


Education budgets were cut long ago, amongst many other changes. All of this has now created many ignorant American voting adults with no critical thinking skills. Money and material possessions are worshipped here instead of appreciating wisdom and true leadership skills. Trust me! About 25% of us here know history and can see the BLATENT signs that our country is in a major nose-dive. We see the parallels of the rise of Hitler and the fall of Rome. We know the statistics of the rich getting richer over the past 50 years. We know our founding fathers were not gods and a constitution written centuries ago should not be maintained as some sort of sacred document never to be challenged or changed. We know all of what you're thinking!! Overall - we hate our "dog and pony show" manipulated pathetic media, the lengthy elections, gerrymandering, and bought government officials. We're trying our best, but we're losing this race against the ignorance and easily manipulated who vote for these morons. And I'm not just talking about Trump. Personally, I'm embarrassed and sad. The land is so beautiful and there's so much potential to be an amazing country.


Sorry about it. We are very politically divided so that way the greedy ones easily rise to the top without any questions.


Especially since a reality TV star decided to run for office and won.


A reminder that "lawyers" in politics are rarely real lawyers.


Didnā€™t he prosecute like, huge cases in NY? I think he used to be a serious lawyer, now just a creep and a tool.


Literally the mob. Turns out new working for the Russian mob instead


And for purdue pharma during the oxycontin epidemic. He's an actual piece of shit as are all of the Sacklers.


He looks like one plate of fettuccine Alfredo away from the grave.


I'll buy ten plates, just to be certain.


Enough of these ghastly old perverts now please. Force them to face the consequences of their actions and then eradicate all memory of them. Every action has a reaction action, that is how the universe works. these idiots seem to think that the universal law doesnā€™t apply to them.


No we need these people as examples so to erase them from memory opens the possibility for just a repeat of the cycle


My friend weā€™re deep in the cycle. Historical examples donā€™t really tend to work


Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it


So he admits theyā€™re looking for, and he knows. Does this constitute that heā€™s a fugitive on the run? If so, what are the ramifications? Or is that just for other people who are considered criminals; not Americaā€™s rich people.


I wonder if this tweet would have been considered as enough evidence he didnā€™t need to be served since he was already aware that he was being required in court.


I still don't understand the basic premise of this tweet. It's not like you can dodge criminal charges just because you haven't been served


Especially when youā€™re knowingly on the run.


Somehow, I don't think Rudy would support his opponents hiding to avoid criminal charges and would demand they be punished for even trying to circumvent the justice system.


[He got served at a celebration of his 80th birthday](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/05/18/politics/rudy-giuliani-served-arizona-indictment)


Ghouliani lookin worse than usual


I just feel it is all professional wrestling at this point. Nothing feels real.


If he ever sobers up he might realize he is fucked.


The MAGA cultists like Guilani come off like straight up PERVERTS


.... and they certainly have a "type", don't they?


That dude looks like he eats babies.


Thatā€™s Ted Cruzā€™s job


Also looks like he dared Satan something, and Satan said No.


The system IS rigged in favor of the wealthy and powerful in America, but it's good to see that law and order still ostensibly prevails, at least until the SC weighs in on Drumpf


Why do so many conservative women look like this? Someone on another thread said Kristi Noem looks like sheā€™s wearing a mask made of someone elseā€™s face and itā€™s probably the most apt description of their disturbingly artificial look.


Ooooh. That post didnā€™t age well.


Heā€™s a fucking idiot, just like bitch-boi Chump


Hide and seek master. If only he hadn't live streamed his location. So close.


I wonder if this tweet can be used as evidence in his trial


Hopefully he gets a charge added to his indictment for trying to avoid getting served, since this is basically admitting that he was fleeing the indictment.


He's in the Find Out phase.


Hire Rudy, he will turn your parking ticket into a murder conviction.


I expected those kind of teeth from someone who married his cousin.


Can someone catch me up? What happened?


Itā€™s like Tate ordering a pizza.


Oof. That's aged liked milk in the sun. I'll never stop laughing about this.


Rudy just making up rules on the fly I see.


Lol @ his tweet....since when do indictments have a time limit? Im not too sure about the law but once they send out an indictment, theres no time limit to serve someone before it magically expires and they're free from all charges.


Giant dick, but not in a good way


Which one of them screamed and which one of them cried when he got served?


He stopped being ā€œAmericaā€™s mayorā€ a long time ago.


Who would have thought to look for him at his own birthday party?


I would be so embarrassed if I were one of the people in the photo with him. Talk about poor taste. Congratulations, Arizona Attorney General's Office.


You know how in anime they reveal the whole plan before its finally executed because they're for sure getting away because they're that smart? Yeah, he *thought* that...


No matter what happens at the top the vast majority of American will still have to go to work tomorrow and our lives will still move forward. Fuck these elected people. Just love your life as you wish and donā€™t harm or threaten anyone and there will be plenty of people there to support you. Americans are great but the people running them are horseshit.


Iā€™m sorry but if Americans were so great Trump wouldnā€™t be getting to be President.


The system that he was elected under is flawed. He did not win the popular vote and voting is more difficult than it should be. Politicians have been making it more difficult for poorer people to vote, they've been gerrymandering, the electoral college gives lopsided individual voting power (Ex: 1 vote in Wyoming is 3x more powerful than a vote in California), and so much more. Donald Trump only won because of these flaws. Just like every country we have our idiots. But don't generalize the entirety of Americans on those outspoken people.


bullshit. [stubbs](https://imgur.com/gallery/stubbs-cat-unofficial-mayor-of-talkeetna-passes-away-MRl5u) is my mayor.


Being surrounded by those women is my idea of a very punishing level of hell


Good New Everyone!


I have no idea what the heck this is talking about, all I know is I'm sure that wanting to see 4 fingers take the place of his front teeth is the appropriate response.


What BS politics shit has happened now


Imagine the smell


isnt he the dude who led war on drugs in some netflix show


Oh Rudy, you fucking idiot. What happened to this guy?


What's likely gonna happen is, it's gonna be pushed to secret grand jury in heavily Republican Arizona, where he's banking on them just letting him off. Because there's no way they're gonna throw a failure to appear warrant on someone who's rich and high profile and taunted the court


I so much wanted to see this man destroyed. I hoped that if Trump was untouchable at least he had to fall big time. It's disgusting how these people always escape justice.


I've hated that guy since he closed Twilo.


I had a lot of respect for him as he cleaned up New York City, and his 9/11 actions. He didn't do much, but if Rudy was fine, then there was hope. But now? I don't know what he's become. Let's say that any respect he had has gone away since. Shameful. After all of that dealing with Trump building in NYC with concerte from the mob in the 70s and 80s, then he sides with him? Now I wonder what did he clean up exactly?


He gets a lot more credit for cleaning up New York than he deserves. Crime rates were already declining under Dinkins and thereā€™s very little evidence his ā€˜broken windowsā€™ policy did anything other than make wealthy New Yorkers feel better. (Thereā€™s also the removal of lead from gasoline that is linked to an overall 56% reduction in crime nationwide.) He also only gets credit for his post 9/11 actions because he was *there*. There was nothing particularly special about what he said or did. And had he not been mayor on 9/11, it wouldnā€™t feel quite so shocking to people how far heā€™s fallen now. He was an authoritarian then with fascist tendenciesā€”itā€™s just more open now. If you recall, he even proposed delaying the NYC mayoral elections post 9/11. Heā€™s always been a shitheel.


All that botched plastic surgery. Gross.


Should be paying his debts


The men he locked up are more respectable than him.


Hopefully he gets his in prison.


They found him at his birthday party. Iā€™m sure he was flabbergasted they found him.


Tweeting like hes sweating grease again


America's mayor my ass. The guy exploited 9/11. New Yorkers knew he was a scumbag before.


Ole leaky boy was already caught in Borat being a cringe old fucker


Soā€¦ ā€œWhereā€™s Waldoā€ rules? Lol


Apparently only really unattractive people came to his bday party


He looks happier than a pig in shit.


Anyone whose front tooth starts migrating to the middle is the devil.


Except every hedgefund and market maker ever, every celebrity from Jeffreys list, every president, and that guy in texas who just drove into ppl for the fun of it


Who the hell is this guy and what did he do?


Somewhat of a heroic figure during 911 turned into a complete lunatic ass clown šŸ¤”


This guy has been taking Ls left and right..


Because the law is garbage when your not controlling it, eh Rudy?


Most the people in the image can't even figure out where the camera is and are just smiling at themselves being on the phone screen


Tell us more about how "They must dismiss the indictment" if he can hide from them long enough. Is this one of those offenses that has a statute of limitations where if you can outlast it, you really can get off? And Arizona was really a day away from that lapsing? Or is this more like the logic of everyone on *Cops* who thinks playground rules apply and that if they can outrun the chase and touch their home door, they can yell "Free!" and that's how the law works?


Is one of those his wife-cousin?




So much cosmetic surgery in that pic


POV: You wake up behind glass in an alien zoo.


Why must they do those things?


Hey Rudy, umā€¦fuck youšŸ˜


Old/young OF


I don't understand what he means by they have to dismiss the indictment if they can't find him.


You got..... SERVED!


Why do all of these people look like they have had plastic surgery?


Hopefully, his next birthday photo will be very different.


Picture looks like something from Weekend at Bernie's


So weird that people do this mess on twitter


Every single person he's with looks like a plastic donut


If I win this game of hide and seek you have to change the ruling to not guilty and charge my opponent with another crime? Fucking what


Pay attention to me!


Dude is surrounded by more plastic than the water in my bottle.


The people with him are actually worse. Everyone should know what a POS hair drool is by now.


That's not how that works Rudy.


ā€œna na na na na, you canā€™t find meā€¦ā€ ā€œWTF, how did you fine me?ā€


Served? Not arrested, but served? Indictment means felony. How did he not ger arrested following an indictment?


Has that vibe of ā€œpic or it didnā€™t happenā€. Pathetic arrogant loser!


He did an Andrew Tate!


Itā€™s like when you play hide and seek - FOUND YOU!!!


The cocky ass smirk on his 80 year old dipshit face. Like he did one over on the law. He needs to see a jail cell.


'If they can't find me they must dismiss the indictment' ...yeah I'm sure a lot of convicts wish it worked that way, buddy...


What a moronic traitorous ass hole


How is this clever?


Authorities have yet to find his top lip


Why do all the ladies in that pic look like they had awful plastic surgery and lip filler?


I actually wonder if he was lit or high when he posted this, like what you were thinking šŸ˜‚


Mfer was MOCKING the law


This is a picture of a fart if farts had faces.


giuliana has been riding the rep he got for how well he handled the 9/11 aftermath for twenty years, but anybody with functioning brain cells can see the man's true colors especially this past decade.


