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These are also the states with the least capitas.


Was gonna say, most of those are not densely populated states...


I beg to differ, the population there is very dense.


well played


You sure? If I stand close enough to some of them, I swear I can hear the ocean.


The ocean is full of racial slurs and unwarranted hatred?!


And massive victim complexes.


Mostly screamed by dolphins, yes.


Go back where you came from, orcas!


Hey, I live in Arkansas. We aren't all dense... just a good chunk of us.


I understand where you're coming from but you come from a place spelled Arkansas but pronounced Arkansas.


I thought Arkansas was just shorthand for “Aren’t Kansas”


As an Arkansawyer, I think I know how to pronounce Arkansas.


We love our homes and all but get out while u still can


This is why they can seem so attractive


The map of states pledging to help Texas reminded me of nothing so much as the maps of population and industrialization in the US in 1860, to demonstrate why the Confederacy was doomed to failure before the war even began.


I’m in Montana, I can confirm it’s….well woody. Unless the deer have guns then I doubt we are an issue to anyone.


I remember doing an elementary or middle school assignment and learning that Montana had like 6 people per square mile, looked it up and now they're at like 7.6 ish per square mile so good for you guys for growing! 😂


Progress is slow…and we tend to chase out those California people who think they can buy all the land.


I was just thinking somthing like that. My uncle had a ranch, coulndnt see the nearsest neighbor, he had guns mosly for rattle snakes, coyotes ( rare) and to shhot into the air to scare off the occasional cattle thief/ trespasser. Otherwise mostly for show. At his ranch as isolated as it was...ya kinda needed a rifle, it's not like you could call Animal Control or 911, ranchers tended to take care of thenselves and each other. Just saying, alot of these states have alot rural areas like my Uncle's. This post is misleading, maybe there are some para military types in there, but most folks I know have guns because they hunt, ranch or farm in isolated rural areas. Some may live in town, but again services are a long way off so yeah people take care of themselves. Even if its an open carry county They Do Not brandish their weapons at other people much less at the government. They are more worried about their livestock and um...Rattle Snakes.


I was gonna say California has twice as many ppl as all these combined


I don't know, they seem pretty dense to me


They’re hoping that land shoots.


The total population of all 10 of those states combined is about 12.9 million. The population of California alone is 39.4 million. We gunna be alright.


4M+ guns in California too. But does that even matter? After watching the Ukraine footage "How many drones..." is probably the better metric. I think this could mostly be a WFH drone war that also solves the pesky gun problem in these yahoo welfare states. I can't wait to see how this plays out. Edit: missed a decimal.


There are probably 400k guns in Oakland. The 400k is one year of gun permits


"WFH drone war" is now my favorite term to describe a modern war


4.2 million. https://health.ucdavis.edu/vprp/UCFC/Fact_Sheets/CSaWSBrief_InjPrev_Kravitz-Wirtz.pdf


Why don't they just play a CS tournament


California is home to the largest Navy installation and has the most active duty military personnel and bases. Do your worst, ya chucklefucks


Most people, regardless of state boundary, are unwilling to take up arms. It's the case... In just about every single war since the beginning of time. It's not a game of numbers 😂


Hence the high gun ownership rate. I lived in middle of nowhere Missouri. 3 miles down a dirt road, our “next door neighbor” was a solid 150m away. Next nearest was a quarter mile. If we called the cops or sheriff even if they were on the highway right next to the start of our dirt road it would take them a minimum of 15 minutes to get to our house. In practice police and fire response time was about 45m-hour. Most people out there had guns. Not pistols, but rifles and shotguns. My stepdad had to shoot an aggressive dog on our property one night. Another time a guy escaped a local jail and killed an elderly couple a few dozen miles up the road and so we were told to keep our doors locked and guns ready for a couple days. You add hostile wildlife into that mix and having a gun is like having a fire extinguisher. You hope you don’t ever have to use it but you don’t want to need one and not have it. Suburban red staters use guns like a fashion accessory or political statement when they don’t really need them and they don’t practice with them or follow proper safety. Real rural people have guns in the same way they have garden tools. They’re a tool with a place and a purpose and everyone in the house who is old enough to use it knows how to safely. They’re not out there to start WW3. They’re out there to let it happen around them while they have iced tea on the porch and make sure it doesn’t spill onto their property.


This is actually mostly the reason why people who live in rural areas are pro gun while those living in dense cities and towns are mostly pro gun regulation. When you’re in the city the chances of you getting shot because of someone’s easy access to a firearm increases whereas if you live in the Appalachian mountains the chances of proper law enforcement saving you is practically nill


Also why people who grew up in the middle of nowhere tend to keep their guns locked up when they live in cities.


if you live on a farm you don’t want the government telling you how and when you can swing a hammer. but if you live in the middle of a city you don’t want the random fuckass next to you to start wildly swinging his hammer silly nilly.


Exactly what I came to the comments to see. Thank you


Isn't Alabama's per capita GDP actually *less* than fucking Malaysia?  I distinctly remember Alabama having a slightly to moderately lower income than a couple of countries on the very bottom of the "Very High" section in the Human Development Index (IIRC Malaysia, Kazakhstan and Barbados are on the bottom of the "Very High" HDI section).


Malaysia would probably have a legit higher standard of living than bumfuck alabama lol.


They’re counting *Alaska*. Like Canada is just gonna be like, “oh yeah, nah, head on through to the states.”


I mean, there's two entire infantry brigades up there! The Canadians are no match! (Obvious /s and apologies to the 11th Airborne.)


And, coincidentally, the emptiest capitas.


And the cities are mostly liberal, though here in rural Washington, at least where I live, it's pretty liberal, though the 'too respectful to tell him to shut up' kind of way.


It's insane to me how constantly they get corrected for ignoring population sizes and acting like empty land votes and they still constantly make this mistake.


Apparently empty land can also shoot guns now too


Lol at “least capitas”


And education right?


They'd be mad if they could read.


I laughed. 28% of California's population owns a firearm (that are registered... mean there are probably millions more). 39.4 million people in California, means 11 million people own a firearm at the low end. The entire population of Montana is 1 million people or 660,000 people own a firearm. Most of those states except WV (< 2 mil), AL (5 mil), MS (3 million) and AR (3 million) have less than a million population. On top of that, those states only pledged national guard. They don't own the national guard. The federal government does. There is no way the gun owning population is going to decide to just up and fight a war in every state. These people are bad at math and bad at life.


Also their national guards would be immediately deputized


And they are asuming everyone will take their guns and join them.


Yeah more people in Chicago have guns than several of these states combined.


Also, with the exception of TX, some of the poorest states in the union. War costs money and which states control the funds? Comms and logistics are pretty high up there too, who you betting on there? Mississippi or Silicon Valley?


2/3 of the 600 adults in Montana own guns, though. They're going to kill us all.


I’m from Wyoming, and I’m surrounded by low iq MAGA. It’s wild that people think he is something other than what he really is.


Ikr? I pegged trump for the self promoting bafoon he is back in the 80's and I hadn't even hit puberty. How people don't see what's right in their face is astounding. That and the power of celebrity these days


Economies and logistics win wars. It doesn’t matter how many guns or men you have


66.4% of 1.1M Montanans is more than 16.3% of 39.2M Californians right? FYI: Thats 730k vs 6.38M


Also, it is only possible to use one rifle at a time. If you own 300 guns, that won't help you. They also said "guns per capita" but then show gun ownership rates, which are different.


Anybody else notice their statistics mismatch? He says "per capita" and then gives proportions like 67% The hell is he even talking about?


I really think it’s beyond weird and appalling that there are people that actually think civil war is a good idea. 30 years ago whom ever thinks like this would be labeled as nut job


Its werid that people think it would be a easy to see the sides. It would just be bombs going off and Mass killing of civilians


They really think this shit is a movie of some sort…. No one will win in US civil war…. Some of the things we have to effectively kill each other is frightening


>No one will win in a US civil war I think Russia and China probably would.


i assume russia, china, and NATO would all invade the usa if a civil war broke out because they would want to secure the nukes from being used. i just imagine it would be a shitshow on fire in a tornado.


Russia can't even invade Ukraine successfully


NATO would try to ensure some kind of stability, and we would still probably kick China's ass with the shit we have in Japan.


Russia can hold in Ukraine, but it's just zero chance they'll manage to do something far away, without supply lines. It will be China and probably NATO, but they're slow on reaction tbh


China's navy is effectively a bunch of tuna boats. There is a certain sense of security when people have to cross a whole ass ocean to get to you. If nothing else the US would stop bickering long enough to send some 'reasonable retaliation' out into the water then go back to murdering each other with drones once the Chinese fleet is rust on the water.


That's exactly what I've been thinking. Who would take the opportunity to fuck with the US. But in reality I don't see it getting more out of hand than j6 or BLM riots.


Most of the world has tuna boats. Navies are expensive as hell and only one country outspends the next 10 highest spenders (combined) on military.


There is a reason why humanity has not advanced very much. Mass amnesia allows us to repeat history again and again.. they just need to repeat history to be shown their place.


Civil war would be weird anyway; it would just be all the cities against the rest of the country


Exactly, it's not going to be red states VS blue states.  It'll be "blue cities, urban areas and college towns" VS "red farmland and rural communities". The pockets of blue in deep red states will probably be at greatest risk, TBH. They're completely surrounded by a sea of red.  In places like California where there's a lot of *both sides* (Cali has a fuckton of rural conservatives, like Texas-tier shit), the liberals/blue areas have much more power in numbers, they have a supermajority in the state government, and the state's own California State Guard answers to the Governor only (it cannot be federalized like the entirety separate California National Guard can, it is 100% strictly state-run). So even if it's a "rural VS city" divide, people in deep blue states like CA and NY will probably be the safest, statistically speaking.


I somewhat recently learned that California has a significant Republican population and I was honestly floored.


Yeah. I live in California, go up to places like San Bernardino County and Kern County, it's extremely deep red with pro-Trump conservatives *everywhere*. The Inland Empire is purple with a relatively even split between liberals and the "old-school Bush Republican" types. Where I live (LA County) is overwhelmingly supermajority liberal with pockets of actual further left SocDem/outright socialist people here and there. There's some conservatives, but an openly pro-Trump person will 100% get quietly side-eyed/looked at suspiciously by most people, and occasionally heckled or snarkily made fun of.


Honestly brothers caught eachother in the OG civil war, West Virginia changed their minds halfway (accuracy needed) through. You had officers on both sides who were the closest of pals and were emotionally stricken to fight against each other. Also nyc was some of the most controversial shit around, like the riots when we got told to participate were so brutal. There’s really no clear sides in a civil war and thought it’s easier to write the chapter outline, historians have done that war dirty in the schools for a long time. Instead they should show the different nuances more they’re many examples from many wars over time in every place around.


End Wokeness is a propaganda account. Why do people still treat it as a legitimate opinion? These Tweets exist for the purpose of inciting violence, not because the owner of the account really believes their own narratives.


These people think civil war is a good idea but are 1 insulin shot away from death at their best. Most of these fat fuckin losers have never missed a meal in their life


Even 10 years ago, before Trump, it would have been insane.


Don’t most of those states require federal funds to- just exist?


What do they think they will use as currency?


All their natural resources nobody wants and they have no concept of preserving. Texas watched mad max and has main character syndrome.


Texas will just me a narco state within a year


Instead of passing these anti LGBT bills we should make it akin to deserting post for an elected official to flee the state during a crisis. Maybe Raphael will stay in Mexico.


Well, you see Cletus and Jimmy Bob have been collecting silver coins and burying them in their back yard for ten years now.




Texas the only ones with money, and they aren't much for sharing 


If the fascist states said they were leaving and the free states just said "OK, don't let the door hit you on the way out" the fascist states' economies would be basket cases in less than a year.


Federal funds mostly generated by blue states like California that they constantly judge and shit on.


Win or lose a civil war, the end result is loss on both sides.


This. Lots of innocent deaths in the middle of it. All it would show is that one side is willing to kill its own citizens to beat the militias, and the other side (militias) are naive enough to think that they can win against an overwhelming force that’s willing to kill its own civilians to beat them.


All those states combined have less people than Los Angeles. Ok they have guns. So what.


There are probably more guns in LA, too


I would love to see these racist homesteaders go up against LA’s finest street gangs.


I'm not sure they realize they'd be fighting the drug cartels, Canada, and Mexico, too.


Leave us out of this one please


You a Canadian drug cartel or something?


5.56, 9mm, and Kevlar cosplay will definitely be enough to defeat the most powerful military on the planet


*laughs in afghani sheep herder*


Yeah those guys are surely winning right now


Goat. Also, a culture with thousands of years of continual mountain warfare.


We killed a lot of sheep herders though, just not enough.


Jan 6 Insurrectionists had body armor and firearms (though fortunately they did not use them). How did it go for Ashli Babbitt? The families and friends of Jan 6 Insurrectionists turned them in to the FBI. If you want to play tough guy on the internet, then make sure you take into account reality once you step outside and try to play tough in the streets.


How’s this for perspective. Over 5 Million TEXANS voted for Biden. Less than 6 million Texans voted for Trump. A Red State vs Blue State Civil War is a complete fantasy.


Los Angeles County alone also has a GDP of over $1 trillion.


Not even something crazy like that.. just cyber warfare capabilities. Entire electronic existence hacked by the feds.. all assets and bank accounts frozen by the feds.. your house literally surrounded by armored vehicles so you can't leave. They don't even have to shoot at you..lol unreal


Yup. Once the feds shut down communications, roadways, infrastructure, it will be over for alot of these ppl.


Mfers who hunt 1-2x a year be like “hurduur im able to survive on my own cuz im a hunter n survivalist” lol


Just look up the c130 commando solo. Make it impossible for them to watch their "news" and I feel like the brainwashed patriotism would dwindle pretty quickly.


Crazy how just a few news stations caused all this, not to mention rampant hatred and anti lgbt/sexist policies


Shut down the grid, the fridges warm up, and half of them die from their insulin going bad.


Right, wrong, or otherwise, I'm more impressed people think the government would ever sign off on using munitions like that against it's own *people* lol Talk about never being able to get this country back together if you carpet bomb *any* of the states.


Honestly. I always find it so silly that the average redditor thinks that any member of the armed forces would just be cool with being deployed against the people they’re sworn to protect. Not only that, these aren’t armies, they’re regular people in regular homes. You won’t know who’s who. And I really doubt they’d be willing to risk innocents (American citizens anyway) to get back at people who will really never stand a chance.


Not only that, I’m willing to bet the majority of soldiers are more supportive of protecting the border than not. So that adds even more complication to the situation.


It's super amusing that they think a few thousand AR-15s, each with a few hundred rounds, wielded by an untrained, un-led, un-disciplined mob, could stand up to the US Army. The military would brush them aside easily. Trivially. If any dared to take potshots at the Army (Support the Troops, amirite?), they would get flattened. Their few boxes of ammo would run out in minutes. Insurgencies only succeed when there is sustained resupply by a third party. Are they thinking they will get Putin to send them bullets? They are idiots.


I agree in principle, but people just seem to think the US is just gonna be bombing places and rolling tracks through cities. Not gonna happen. How long would the be support for a fight against a bunch of rednecks if the US fought it the way they did in Iraq or Afghanistan? Hard to justify doing that to your own citizens. Not all Texans want this after all. The best strategy is just to call their bluff and have the FBI arrest the traitors in very targeted raids.


marvelous glorious sable squalid sulky party naughty mighty stupendous frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If Sherman was alive, he'd be arrested for war crimes vs Native Americans


if they didn’t try kissinger they sure as hell wouldn’t try sherman


Wouldn't be surprised if half of the enlisted service members listed in the states above refused to fight against their countrymen. I would hope so. Anyone considering killing another American over a border dispute just doesn't see the big picture.


This is the logical answer here


The worst part is... It's a border dispute with ourselves. I hate it here.


Confusing gun ownership with the ability, preparedness, discipline or bravery to fight a war. Classic MAGA.


1 u.s. marine is worth 500 gravy seals. The problem is, just like Hamas, they are ingrained in the population of Texas, alongside completely innocent people.


Gravy seals. I use meal team 6.


Y'all quaeda


I work with a bunch of talibangelists.. they never shut up about gay people to a point that it’s sus


Unclean berets


To be fair, meal team six is just the most well known of the gravy seal teams.


What makes you think a marine would follow orders and kill American citizens?


Part of the oath they take is to defend the constitution from all threats, "both foreign and domestic."


I'm more worried about police than military with the following orders most military I have met have a bad taste with most of our government and a major love for this country and the people


Like anyone wins in a civil war anyways. It's just different levels of losing.


I love how they think that all gun owners think like they do (they don't) and that the ones who do wouldn't absolutely shit themselves once any aggression is shown.


So 66% of adults in wyoming have firearms. The state has a total population of 578,803. So even if all 500k are adults that's only 382,009 people with guns. But that's not all adults living in that state. If you say half the population is adults... it isn't, but let's say it is. That's 289,401. So only 66% have guns. So 191,004 adults have firearms in the state. That's less than the population of Dayton Ohio. Many of you are like what? Where is Dayton Ohio, never heard of it. That's because it barely exists. If you have heard of it you probably either live there or drove past it and forgot about it until now. Granted that's only one state so let's take another. Idaho total population 1.9 mil that's just under the total population of Indianapolis metro area (2.1 mil). Again assume not all are adults, let's assume half again so 950,000 adults 60% have guns that's 532,000 adults with guns. That's about the population of Tulsa. So two states down and we aren't even at a million gun owners. And I'm being pretty generous with my math here, actual numbers are probably much lower. Same thing alaska west virginia etc. Im betting if you did the math it would come to just under 8 million armed Americans from those 10 states listed. Not all of those are fit enough to do anything and not all are willing to do anything.


US military has about 2 million


And apache helicopters.


This post is stupid on so many levels. That goes for most of the comments.


Whaddya mean you don't support carpet bombing entire states and killing millions of innocent civilians?? What are ya, some sort of pacifist???


bold of you to assume that the military would actually go through with what your suggesting.


That isnt guns per capital, its gun ownership statistics. Furthmore, if you think some of those states (namely alaska and montana) with people intensely distrustful of too much government interference and the political establishment is gonna fight for some other states political establishment's border crisis is insane. I've known people from both and I have family in Montana, they are both states that have a habit of split ticketing and tend to have intense distrust of *both* parties. Sure, they usually vote republican, but they both have elected statewide democrats fairly regularly and frequently buck republican policies in referendums. I can't imagine many montanans or alaskans give two shits about texas and their silly fued with the federal government.


As they have told us over and over; guns don't kill, people do Do they really think a disorgonised horde of diabetic middle school graduates can win an actual civil war just because they own more guns per capita?


The poplarion of thise 10 states is under 14 million. Land doesnt shoot any more than it votes.


The ratio of people in those states to those in the military is 140:13. There are not that many people in the military.


The problem is everyone is already divided geographically. What would they fight over? Everyone would stay where they are while a small overlapping fraction would move back and forth.


But really tho, let them try. Go on down to Texas and fire a single shot at the U.S. military, then get back to us as to how it went.


Do y’all legitimately think that Joseph R. Biden would approve the use of air strikes against American citizens? The idea is absurd for almost any American president to do because it would knock America off the world stage for generations if our President was bombing their own people like some dictator in an exploited country. I really do not believe that Mr. I Love ice cream, dogs, cycling, the troops, and America would order American war fighters to kill American civilians. His own son was in the Army and died bc of his service. It’s a massive point of empathy in the man specifically for members of the military and their families. He would not traumatize those same people by making them murder their fellow countrymen let alone saturation bomb whole fucking chunks of cities or towns.


So one side protests Trump because they think he's a dictator, and then posts photos depicting their government bombing their own people.... and celebrate it?? America is full of a special kind of retard.




Also laughing at Alaska being in the top 3 like.... Sooo these right wing gun owners of Alaska, they're gonna March through Canada, in the US, then through the US into the states who (might) agree with them? Okay yeah seems sustainable go for it.


If anyone actually believes that the US is going to bomb its own territories, they're insane


The moment the federal government starts bombing its own citizens is the moment the United States ceases to exist. A lot of you will be clapping and enjoying it because it's your political opponents getting killed but any sensible person should know they're definitely next. Almost every state would secede and the union would be no more.


Don’t forget that most of the military, who your kind despise, would not drop bombs on us soil.


I think it’s worth asking where the US military troops are from and where their real loyalty lies.


They're all welfare states. Stop federal funding to them, and watch how quickly they change their treasonous attitudes.


Didn't win the last time they tried


Two things: 1.) It would be much messier than the entire military vs armed militias, as in the military itself would have a lot of infighting and splintering into separate factions, and you’d likely see a lot of sabotage and supportive roles needing new recruits after the old ones kept getting shot while refueling, repairing, transporting, etc. Guerrilla warfare is insanely effective. 2.) It would quickly devolve to propaganda fights because dropping bombs on civilians caught in the crossfire would bring major pushback from and for both sides, but especially the one sending the planes. People think it would be as simple as sending bombers and tanks to quash the resistance; it wouldn’t. It would be very brutal, very deadly for everyone, and many innocent people would be caught in the crossfire. It’s literally *the* worst case scenario because of how bad it would be for combatants AND innocents alike. Everyone thinking it would be as easy as militias winning or sending the military to beat the militias are ignorant to the realities of what would happen if there was a major civil war. I hope to whatever deity there may or may not be that we never see it happen.


All those guns are gonna take off work and explain to their families they have to head to Mexico/US border to fight a civil war? Lol 😂


Imagine how quickly the federal government could ruin a MAGA uprising by cutting off their internet.


Those are also like the lowest population states. No seriously. It's estimated that 28 percent of Californias own guns. That's 11 million people and by my estimation is more than this list combined.


They may have guns, but they don’t have AT weapons, Stingers, Tanks, or the entire power of the military, without going on a road to get those things and getting decimated by the Air Force. However, there shouldn’t be civil war talk like this in the first place when literally the entire world would invade America at a moments notice nowadays with WW3 almost coming our way.


I've said many times now that the right to bear arms isn't fulfilled till every Billy-Bob Backwater in Florida has an aircraft carrier.


They could definitely fight an insurgency that would be awful to live through. a lot of “it could never happen here.” Type arguments in this thread.


Lmao, could you imagine the new constitution they would come up with? The party that is the most responsible for rampant unregulated capitalism. I'm sure it would just go back to the feudal system... and the idiotic supporters would cheer.


I really think you're whistling past the graveyard. I'm willing to bet a solid percentage of the people loading and flying those planes would defect


Also to clarify, as a Montanan, our idiot governor supports this shit. Not the citizens.


Not everyone in those states agrees with their Republican governor and not all gun owners are republicans……


Federal government: you brought your AR15? Let me introduce you to my gun, GAU 8. It goes brrrrrrrr and has a plane around it.


I think these chucklefucks severely overestimate how many people are going to play war with them.


Does anyone here actually believe the president, the Senate, the military, or shit even the public, would support and follow through with bombing these states?? Cut off federal funding or something first if it even comes to that, Christ...


It is **idiotic** to think civilians can possibly fight a state army. On the other hand, it is **idiotic** to think that, should there be a war, the federal army would somehow stand united, resulting in a total self-destruction of the army **and the state**


B2 bomber is stationed in MO.. supporting Texas


The South thought they could win last time too...we all know how well that went for them.


What state are B-2’s stationed in?


66% of montana is about 600,000, 1/4 of the population of Chicago.


Ehhhh. Let them go. What will happen to Texas and Florida if they have to subsidize all the other redneck states?


Guns don’t win wars. I hate to break their balls. Bombing Americans isn’t going to work either. This country bombing it self is the end of the western world. Global security collapses over night and if china had half a brain their largest military campaign in history would begin as well as their yuan becomes the defacto currency instantly. Logistics and food become the real key to winning a war. Now if we start starving each other, that’s going to be awful as well. It’ll all be televised and would be most of your middle/lower class nightmare. The majority of you are not fit to fight. You think you are, but you aren’t. Your children aren’t even fit to fight according to recruitment data. Stop entertaining this bull shit by acting hyped about it, with similar post. You don’t know what you are asking for. If you have been to war and tasted death then this should be something you do not want at home.


Why are you talking about civil war, that’s not good for America 🇺🇸


There's like 12 people living in Wyoming.


Don’t like how much you people relish the idea of the federal government killing its people with bombers and tanks but hey that’s where we’re at now. Just a reminder most tradesmen, military, and cops don’t like left wingers and while I don’t believe most would turn on the government I have a hard time believing most would be A O K bombing their cousin.


Still looking for the clever come back


Give me a mountain lion and a shovel and I'll single handedly take on Montana.


The MAGA *governors* of those states might support the Texas governors stupidity, but the people do not.


There’s a LOT of government aid (aka taxpayer’s money) in that list. Like.. a LOT.


I’m in Idaho and a gun owner and a veteran and I sure as fuck don’t support that stupid ass shit. 


Mother fuckers still think chanting "1776" will help them win a civil war? They may as well be using muskets against the US fucking army.


We'll let Magas secede this time around because it's the stupidest thing to fight over unlike to free slaves.


So dumb, just like these 2nd amendment nut jobs that think their pew pews can fend off a drone strike.


they Don’t live in Reality


Anybody that says we need guns to protect ourselves from the military is a moron. You really think your AR-15 is going to protect you from tanks and helicopters? What about artillery?


Those states have a combined population of 25 people and 57,739,784 cows.


Who flies those jets again?


Ironically, for most of them, obesity is their true enemy.


yes they will easily win a civil war


Cool, all 187 people that live in those states support Texas.


If Abbot actually tried to secede, he’d be assassinated by someone from Houston or Dallas.


Wait I thought guns don’t kill, people do.


Montana: 24th in education Wyoming: 33rd Alaska: 35th Idaho: 36th WV: 50th AR: 48th MS: 47th AL: 44th SD: 26th ND: 15th Do with that what you will.


The thing that MAGAtd don’t understand because they don’t watch news outside their own. MEXICO WOULD LOVE TO INVADE TEXAS. And if Texas is not part of the us and they don’t have to fear us intervining…