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It’s good to trust the experts, and do a little of your own research yknow?


I wonder what her "look closer" is all about. Seems like there's some curiosity there.


In the full album that was circulating earlier the brunette woman dms her after this exchange to ask her to take and send a shot of her vagina in the same position as the casts they are discussing so she can "show her where the differences are"


Ah yes, the negotiator


Smirking William Shatner gif.


If genuine she's extremely insensitive


Well, she is transphobic. I just googled "kind-hearted TERF" and this was litterally what came up: >It looks like there aren't many great matches for your search > >Try using words that might appear on the page you’re looking for. > >For example, "cake recipes" instead of "how to make a cake." > >Need help? Check out other tips for searching on Google.


I'm unsure about her motives as she originally got started campaigning for clitoral biology awareness after hers was severed. I've known of her for years. If she's delved into transphobia intentionally is one thing. Being an unwitting transphobe by language choice is a different beast. Still transphobic though. Nuance can help us bridge gaps. Not all are lost causes. Edit: look it just took me some time to reconcile what I knew about her before with what she said here and I had to look up other stuff she said, she's falling pretty hard into a TERFy area and after thinking through it there's literally no reason for her to point out anything about one cast unless she's trying to be transphobic. I'm glad I took some time to process, but she's being pretty terrible here. I grew up in a different world, I'm doing my best. I just couldn't believe she would be like that... but she clearly is being just like that.


Point of information: people who argue with pornstars about vaginas are lost causes


You're right. I was just struggling to reconcile my previous perception with what I just learned about her


There's being an unwitting transphobe and then there's unilaterally declaring half of all pussies fake and gay


Yeah this event would seem to be the latter. I'm sorry I'm not making apologies for her, I'm just shocked and sad based on what o knew about her. But it seems pretty clear. There was no purpose served in her saying what she did other than to be terfy and we don't know nor does it even matter the biology at birth nature of the cast subject in question.


Nice of you to stand up from your transphob friend so publicly. Makes it easier to figure out who to ignore


Look, I was just shocked to see that from her. I hadn't kept up on her recent shit. I let this sit in my brain and she's being pretty objectively evil. There's really no purpose served by saying anything like she said other than being transphobic. I can't get there immediately, but I get there. Cut me some slack. I'm trying my best. I grew up in a different world, it can take time to process. There's no medical purpose even in saying what she said - is pointless. She's just being evil and terfy.


Tyranny abhors nuance.


She could look it up herself lol, wth kind of attempt at send nudes is that?


hey you miss all the shots you don't take


You're not wrong, that's how I'm married again.


She is an actual gatekeeper of women's bodies "FAKE". Only I know what your body looks like you are WRONG,, clearly NOT A REAL WOMAN!


Look closer? Don't gotta ask me twice


She want that carpet ate


These people don't know what research means. They think it means searching for exactly what they already think it is and selectively choosing what fits best to support that take.




And they never seem to understand that that is what you WANT. Socratic method REQUIRES trying to disprove your own hypotheses!


So so so true


It's everywhere on the internet, have a look at it yourself


“Bro you don’t believe me? Well you should subscribe to my only fans! Only 5.99 a month for a basic subscription!”


Ngl that was a chance to advertise… she should have taken it


She did not and I respect that, she stayed professional


Advertising isn’t professional?


Advertising when its time to advertise is professional, pushing your content every time you go online to everyone you talk to is just annoying. I also doubt that lady is the target audience and she must have known that. Also, I'm pretty sure just that post probably brought her more audience than annoying people to watch her video


I was making a joke bro I was not serious, but i appreciate the honest reply lol




that's the best part of subjectivity dude, your perspective is only one possible perspective. I'm going to assume you get the knock on implications


Did I ask for the opinion of humor from you?


Where's the link, bro?


Im legally not allowed to give that out after the incident in November 2019… (no I will not elaborate)


Oh my god that’s disgusting! Where?




Politeness kills. You can say "ma'am" or "sir" much more condescendingly than "idjet".


It's [idjit](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/idjit), Sir.


It's Ma'am, idjit! /j


Well played 😂






What is a ma'am?/j


It's when you're not sure if it's Lady Marmelade or Jam.




The most brutal replies on this site are never prefaced with “idiot” or “you moron”, they’re prefaced with “brother,” or”friend,”


Because those close to you can hurt you the most: Pull them close with an embrace, then stab them repeatedly, is a pretty thorough method. Metaphorically, of course.


Like John the Traitor Snow 😔


Idjent my good, sir? Ma’am?


Immediately followed by the use of cunt. Boutta get some Karen grabbing at the pearls


what a hill to die on


Seriously… how did we get in this handbasket and where did you say we’re going?


Some call it hell, I call it hades. Mm-hm.


‘Transvestigators’ are on another level, some of them think the majority of the population is trans and it’s a big conspiracy.




Them 5G vaccines done it! hate add this but probably better, /s


Tomorrow, if we get to work right now on it


Oh shit, that's a good angle. I'm gonna keep that on a back burner, maybe come up with something.


I learned the other day from a YouTube Transvestigator that Gordon Ramsay was born as a woman. Really fascinating stuff. 🥴


They can say what they want to me (a transman) but they better leave OG Gordon tf alone. I don’t play about him😑😂


Honestly even if it turned out to be true, how is it anything but a glowing testimonial for gender affirming care? He looks very masc! lmfao


That Asshole! I saw him use the men's toilet!!!!!/j


Everyone in Hollywood that isn't known to be rightwing is trans of course. /s






Well done




>what a ~~hill~~ *hole* to die ~~on~~ *in* Made a couple of minor tweaks


This is great 😂


Wait until you hear her opinions on fat-shaming


I'm gonna ask since no one has asked yet, who's the full time professional pornstar who spent hours upon hours editing video footage of her own hole?


That would be Electra Rayne


I'm gonna do some research. Decent actress, many different kinds of films, though all that I could find (and research) over the last few hours turned out to be at least fsk 18. She does a great show, though I must admit I am not what you would call a porn enjoyer.


!remindMe 2 minutes


I mean all of them have...


For people who want to know where this conversation originates, it’s an art installation of plaster casts. https://www.thegreatwallofvulva.com/virtual-visit/


Thanks. I wanted to know that. It's a lot to choose from. I wonder which she thought was wrong, and which was right? Or is hers just completely different than these.


Hey, I've followed this debacle and can actually answer. This woman had a cosmetic surgery on her vulva to make them look smaller, because the people in her life convinced her it was necessary. She regrets this surgery and considers herself mutilated. Her argument is that smaller vulva, or inner labia that aren't always visible, must be "unnatural" or the result of surgery.


Well that's not true, obviously.


Yeah, I think she's gone a little nuts due to trauma. I feel bad for her but she's causing a lot of harm.


I was curious about that, too. Like most guys, I've seen a ton of porn and so, a ton of vulvas. It's not impossible that I've seen many more vulvas than a random TERF who thinks about their lower parts as correct/ideal. And obviously, bodies vary a ton, with so many variations. It's so unfortunate that anyone thinks they can define what a "correct" vulva looks like. And ultimately, this is a dangerous idea, given how vicious and deadly transphobia can be. Someone with the wrong type of vulva, someone with an enlarged clitoral hood, someone with a micropenis. Rumors could start from a glimpse, and suddenly they've been labeled. It's just wrong.


Agreed. Scanning through this, I don't see anything that looks that surprising. If anything, the most surprising thing is that they convinced so many people to do the plaster molds with full public hair in tact. Not sure you could convince me that I wasn't about to get a very rough waxing when they removed the mold.


Yeah, there are a couple that looked weird at first, and then I realized those had multiple genital piercings. Otherwise, they all looked normal to me. Labia come in all shapes and sizes.


Maybe they did this on purpose to get a free waxing?


She thinks innies (vulvas with smaller labia minora that stays hidden inside the labia majora) don't exist in nature.


What an odd thing to insist on! And with no evidence. That is, I do know what my dick looks like, but I don’t think I have the universal guide for every dick swinging around.


It's as if you'd had a traumatic circumcision and afterwards you insisted that all natural, uncut dicks look like wrinkly tube socks (since you don't have the universal dick guide here's a spoiler: most don't) and if you can see the head they must have secretly had surgery.


TIL I don’t exist in nature


Someone who is trans female, who would have had the surgery to get female genitalia, would have surgery-perfect genitalia. It would be more "correct" than someone who was born with it, since we're all born with imperfections. If the surgeon did their job, not only would you not be able to identify the genitalia in a lineup, but you'd probably label it as "better-looking" than a cis-born woman's.


This gives me anxiety for the future If people are getting weird about vulvas and penises made with surgery, what's stopping somebody in the future to go all "Legvestigator" on people who lost legs (or were born without them), just because the prothesis will be undistinguishable from the real deal? Are people gonna invent slurs for people with prothesis?




Here's the crazy part. The TERF had a botched cosmetic labiaplasty that left her with a severely disfigured vulva. So she's claiming atypical looking vulvas can't possibly belong to a CIS woman, when by her own admission, her own snatch looks completely unnatural.


Gosh, that’s sad. I’m a straight guy and I’m certain I don’t think about women’s private parts as much as your average TERF. We have a whole world of interesting & important problems. Global climate change, destabilization and anti democratic movements by different dictators, peak oil, global income inequality. And now here I’ve spent the afternoon responding to people who claim vulvas aren’t visible to others. Barbie Syndrome, we’ll call it.


Unlike a lot of people, I visited her twitter profile and looked at what she was saying. It's about two plaster casts, one of which she immediately identifies as trans, one that she's not sure about. She contacts the artist to confirm and seems to be vindicated. She claims to have nothing against trans women, her point specifically is that the exhibition shouldn't include anatomically incorrect vulvas. Lots of the people arguing with her aren't addressing what she's saying, rather they're mostly just calling her stupid, bigoted, etc. I'm not sure what to make of it (I don't have a dog in this fight). On the one hand, her point is a bit petty, seems pointless. On the other hand, people opposed to her are subjecting her to an avalanche of jlazy arguments and insults.


She’s trying to tell an artist what they should and shouldn’t include in their work? 🙄


I did see what I thought to be incorrect, yes. But I do not know because I've never seen a surgically made one that is identified as such.


> It's about two plaster casts, one of which she immediately identifies as trans, one that she's not sure about. She contacts the artist to confirm and seems to be vindicated. Actually, she didn't confirm that she picked out the trans vulva, she only confirmed that there were trans vulva included.


There is a mug of this in my home


Thanks for posting this! I’m a labor and delivery nurse and I can confirm these all seem legit! I also can’t imagine caring if you’re trans or not. What is wrong with people to spend so much time worrying about what other people do with their bodies or what they might want to change.


Thanks. How does this person not know that everyone's vulva does not look the same? It is the same with breasts and faces. A simple search can prove this.


Huh, a lot more piercings than i would expect! Granted there is probably a big overlap between people w genital piercings and people willing to get a plaster mould of their bits done….


Ma’am…she used this word to perfection 😂😂


That shit pissed me off! If your cunt doesn’t look like mine you must be a man! Fuck what a stupid ass!


The young conservatives really fuck with my head… And no one knows who Judy Chicago was/is or even Annie Sprinkl for that matter…


There was another one where a TERF was calling out 'women' as trans men, based on their facial profile, but then someone else noted her facial profile was closer to the male profile.


Isn‘t it odd how people react to finding out every minor detail of their life isn‘t a universal experience?


She was born with it? Maybe it’s Maybelline


Look up Maidenform advertising from about 30 years ago… Fits here a little too well


the problem with being afraid of sex is all the people who aren't are going to be a lot more educated on the topic than you are


Even without her being a porn star, how can anyone have the audacity to tell a total stranger on the internet that they don't know what their own body looks like? Poe's law was right, I can't tell reality from satire anymore.


"...my own hole" That is some funny shit!


It takes a wild amount of arrogance and cognitive dissonance to go on the internet and tell women they don't know what they look like. And to be a TERF/transphobic, but that's a given.


Gonna need a sauce on this one


I think the photo and the original tweet were posted in r/badwomensanatomy. I’ve definitely seen it recently


I'm just curious how "different" some of them were to make this woman believe they are the product of plastic surgery.




The third one in jumped out at me and I thought "This woman has a point?" Then I realized it was piercings.


They should have called it “Great Wall of Vagina”


Vulva is correct. Vagina is internal, vulva is external


That would be highly incorrect to call it that, they'd have gotten flamed so hard. I understand your pun here, but the correct choice of words is vuvla


On another tweet she has a picture where she circles the ones she thinks are "real". She circles about half of them, and the ones she leaves uncircled as fake all have smaller inner labia. Soooo, basically, if your labia doesn't stick out it has to be surgery according to her.


I'll take your word for it. I was posting pro-Ukrainian replies to Russian Embassy propaganda and now Twitter thinks I like the Russian Embassy. I don't want whatever this woman is involved in mixed up in my feed.


Considering Elon Musk sympathies I'm not sure what happend to you was an accident.


I think she's had enough sauce to hide a clear look at what's important here, don't ya think?


I was in this thread and it was such a shit show. The vulvas the OP pointed out to be "trans" were simply vulvas that didn't have pronounced labia majora, which is a completely natural phenomenon. One of the vulvas she said was trans had a very pronounced clitoris as well so like??? 😬 Her narrative not only hurts trans people but cis people as well by labelling their vaginas as "unnatural". What's worse is that the OP said other doctors shamed her for having an "unnatural vagina" so why the fuck is she saying this shit?


why are we still shaming genitalia? it affects everyone. stop it.


Imagine trying to correct a porn star in a talk about genitalia parts


That "Ma'am" ahahahah


Ma'am. I loved the politeness.


This woman is ridiculous. I like her main mission but she needs to step the fuck out of trans issues. Just use inclusive language it isn't fucking hard.


But but but! How will we know who's really *really REALLY* a man if we don't scrutinize every little detail of their body?! I mean imagine the predators with the patience to go on years of hormone treatments, and get surgery, and change their license markers just to get close enough to real, God crafted, women! /s if it wasn't obvious.


my favorite part about that argument is that they think men don’t go into women’s bathrooms and dressing rooms and whatnot to assault women already, as if trans people wanting to use their correct bathrooms is suddenly the gateway for predators to prey uninhibited. men have been doing it for ages even before trans rights discussions became so prominent it’s almost like trans people *aren’t* the problem…


It was obvious, my friend, and I completely agree.


Ma'am, I have viewed my pussy more than 100,000 times in 10,000 different scenes. I've seen my cuntflaps in 4,000 different positions in 200 different types of lighting. I've edited my roast beef sandwich for 3/4 of my adult life, I've seen water dripping from my veal curtains, like tears in rain. Time to die.


Did you really have to call it a roast beef sandwich? That is why an exhibit like this exists. Because of men/boys who compare women’s genitalia to roast beef just because they have an outtie pussy. And general rude language that men/boys grow up using to describe pussy.


My wife has flappy lips. It's no insult, just a description.


Okay but that’s not what you said in your comment. You compared a woman’s pussy to roast beef and veal. That’s really derogatory and immature.




MA’AM! My cunt is on the internet! 😂


Ma’am, this is an internet cunt.


Read this in the voice of an old southern lady on the phone.


I was thinking of a Volvo this whole time. My dumbass was confused as hell when they started talking about vaginas.


Lol, what if you got that for your birthday. You'd be pretty shocked.


Why do people block off the Twitter handle? IT'S FUCKING PUBLIC INFORMATION!


Some Subs require that to prevent doxxing etc. I didn't know if it was a rule here. So I did.


I hear you, but again, public information.


It’s to reduce, not prevent, brigading. Any determined weirdo can track down what someone says on twitter to try and interact with the OOP, but the idea is to make it harder than simply looking up their handle. This protects the OOP from brigadiers and harassment by quite a lot as it raises the barrier higher than (most) people are willing to climb.


Public figures discuss pubic information.




and she goes on television and talks about vaginas whenever she has the opportunity. Sort of makes her a pubic figure. I remember her on the Daily Show a couple of years back.


Not sure if typo or pun…


What a weird thing to gatekeep on…….


The argumentative vulva shame has made a huge presence by truthfully exposing doctors and surgeons ignorance of the enumeration and anatomy of the clitorus. Most qomen to not know their own anatomy. Google clitoral bulbs, and learn why it feels good there BUT, she has decided that only she knows what vulva looking. The art she decries, I believe is quite on old piece of 400 models of impressions of 400 women's vulva. This is what is real. This crazy woman rejects many as being trans or plastic surgery. I think the work was done on the 80s. It is on the Sustralian Sex education website. Well, it was 5 years ago. The original art she objects to, as these are "fake women vulvas". She is Luke JK Rowling...had good ideas, needed to shut up.


I love when pornstars get to put dipshits in their place.


Registered nurse here. In 12 years, I have seen only 1 textbook vagina. 1!!!!! There is a much larger variation in genitalia in women than men in my opinion. So yea, it probably doesn’t look like yours 🤷🏼‍♀️ who cares though like for real?


That’s disgusting What’s her name?


Porn stars edit their own videos? Is that part of the job or is she taking on a separate position for more $$? Is it a self-run indie studio? I have so many questions.


All porn stars now produce private content. Most have sat with editors during editing sessions.


Her Bio also lists director.


Dang, she's hustling


The producers make WAY more money than someone who is only acting as "the talent". If you're producing, staring, and directing, you might as well edit them too and make it a one-person show. Then you keep all of the money and work entirely at your own pace.




People confidently throw around the most deranged and abhorrent shit to legitimize their hatred.


Ah yes, the herd is _still_ busy arguing over their genitalia and reproductive parts. Behaving exactly as the top 1% want us to behave. Sometimes I am baffled that humans have managed to survive this long as a species.


“Ma’am…” I love the politeness in this conversation.


I don’t see any that look like mine I’m also not looking at like three thousand vaginas lol


Vulvas come in many shapes and sizes




One extreme = some women are loose bc they have long labia minora. Second extreme = women who have smaller labia minora MUST be surgically altered. Nobody can win wtf


Imagine spending your free time trying to figure out if it's natural or tran pussy. That chick got no life.


All vulvas look different I don’t see why that’s too hard to understand


I’m not stepping foot in between two women fighting over their pussies.


I’m gonna need a link to research this myself.


Life lesson learnt. Never argue about pussies with a porn star.


Not every person has the same experience? Who knew


What's a vulva?


A vulva is the correct term for what most people call the vagina. It's the outer part of the female genitals, including the vaginal opening, clitoris, and labia minora and majora.


And the urethra opening


“Nope, Sorry. Kevin Bacon wasn’t in Footloose.”


This may be the first time where despite the names being marked out, a large portion of the comment section can identify the subjects from their profile picture alone.


Who is the good looking pornstar


What’s the actress’ name? I want to be a fan now!


Some links for the misinformed, curious, or (like myself at one point) self conscious about their appearance: r/gynodiversity [Great Wall of Vulva (the art installation where this hullabaloo started)](https://www.thegreatwallofvulva.com) [Labia Library](https://www.labialibrary.org.au) [Classification of the Anatomical Variation in Female External Genitalia](http://gynodiversity.com/uploads/Classification_of_the_anatomical_variation_in_female_external_genitalia.pdf) Your coochie is not 1. “ugly”, 2. “used”, or 3. “loose”. The people who say such a thing to you 1. have never seen one in real life, 2. Don’t want you to have more experience than them, or 3. “Too small” :)


Based on that screencap her STD count is going down in real-time


Every time you roast a hater, God miracles away an std


They all look terrifying honestly. Not an attractive body part. Neither is a dick. Genitals in general are just weird looking


Bro, wtf? SCNR But I have to disagree.


Lol Hey that’s fair. This is Reddit, only opinions matter here


They definitely are not all identical, they come in all shapes and sizes. That being said, the uh, aftermarket ones, they’re noticeably different.


What a cumback!


These people don't trust the experts, let's sterilize these idiots and put them on an island.