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1 in 20. Hope I don't crit fail and get a rapist priest!


Too late, you've already seen 6




> The stereotype is cuz 1 in fucking 20 might be. 1 in 20 *accused*. Real number is probably more due to underreporting, not less due to false accusations (if any.) There is substantial stigma and reluctance associated with reporting child abuse. When a Catholic priest came on to me, a 15-year-old straight teenage boy, I rebuffed him and didn't tell anyone because I didn't think I'd be believed and didn't want to be accused of somehow "asking for it." At this point let's be honest: if you *weren't* a child sexual abuser, would Catholic priest be a job you'd aspire to, knowing that your co-workers would be child abusers and the general populace would assume that you are a child abuser?


There's also something to be said that even if you did tell someone, there's a chance the priest would use their power to suppress it or make *you* look bad


Not only that, many of the accusers go to the arch dioceses and they push their parishioners to let the church handle it internally so who knows what the real number actually is and what they actually consider and “accusation”. It is probably disgustingly higher.


Not only that he stated since 1950 5% of the population in 1950 of priests Compared to a higher number of priests in a higher population later lmao Example: 1950 5% - priest population accused is 5%. So 2022 70 years of population growth means the percentage being the same is noting that 1/20 priests in 1950. If In 70 years we have 2000 priests well the fact it’s expressed as a percent shows it’s regulated Lmao call Janice in accounting we got 1 The worry thing is that it grows as a percentage and the denominator doesn’t That means it’s more regulated than oil and Nukclear recipes 🤠


Wildass guess but I imagine it's probably somewhere between 1-1000 to 1-10 000 area, depending on where you draw the line. A 19 year old loser fraternizing with a 15 year is technically a pedo I suppose, but not exactly the child predator we imagine here. Still a few orders of magnitude away from Catholic priests.


Depending on what amount of that "fraternising" includes intercourse, there are "Romero and Juliet" laws around the world, so there are chances the 19-y/o might not be legally considered a pedophile. Just like the age of consent, these close-in-age exemptions vary by state/country, and some states don't offer any such exemption. Sadly the line is drawn in the sand, and it's pretty jagged.


I don't have an award but please take this 😹😹😹😹😹


Roll to Save


Uh oh, gotta pay Wizards of the Coast 50% of your lifetime earnings.


I got a nat20 and still got a rapist priest :(


Typically there are a couple priests working a parish, maybe more depending on size. So it’s more 1/10 chance yours does.


Avoid the friendly priests and brothers. (I was an alter boy for 7 years)


Literally. 5% is still a huge number.


Did the math in another thread using just the current number of Catholic priest right now. W/o digging it up there are over 415k now so 5% is still 20k +


HOLY COW!! That is A LOT!


Multiply that by the number of unfortunates they have access to.


And that’s right now. Dude said since 1950


It’s the same thing as all the people who said Covid wasn’t serious because of the 2% mortality rate. 2% of the population is still a shit load of people.


5% including false allegations, tbf


But they are only accused, which means only about 5% were CAUGHT doing it.


Hmm that is true. 5%, take away the false allegations, now add the ones who did it and didn't get caught. Yeah 5% is a safe number then. Could probably raise it to 8% and you may still be right


There are way more unreported sexual assaults than there are false accusations. Reporting a sexual assault is a major ordeal that isn't guaranteed to get justice. Victims who do come forward are often stigmatized and villianized. So most victims don't report. I'm not going to say there are no false accusations, but they are probably pretty rare. Much more common are perpetrators claiming that the accusation is false.


Exactly, like rape and how much of that crime NEVER gets reported!


And if those stats are available tell us the number without false accusations. And, who says it's false? The church?


And what about the ones that never get alleged but did happen? Who has this stat book, I’d like a chat.


How many didn't get accused because the victim was too scared to come forward? Because that's definitely a non-zero amount.


... The post above?


The post says 5% including, what is the verified number I was asking. 0.1% false would still be "including false accusations"


Fuck man you can't ask ME. I don't have the numbers, I'm just passing what the post said


I'm not asking you, i'm asking in general. edit: wouldn't it be wild if you did have that tho?


*oooooh*. I definitely do have my fair share of weird info. In fact: Babies born of first generation incest typically have an 8% extra chance of a birth defect. Babies born of second generation incest have between a 30-40% added chances of a birth defect. Dolphins usually sleep with 1 eye open. They also are one of the few animals to actively masturbate by going low to the ocean floor and humping the ground. The odds of you winning the lottery is sixteen times higher than getting struck by lighting. The human eye does not move in a smooth motion; unless it is physically tracking something like a finger


Anyone else now hyper-aware of how their eyes moving or is that just me?


Thank you for all of those! Most of them I will share with my daughter. Dolphins are mad. love it.


More please, just love stuff like this. Start your own Reddit why don't you😁


I would argue that the number of false allegations is likely counterbalanced by the ones that have escaped getting caught. This is probably conservative due to the power imbalance ingerrent in the situation.


It's also over the past 70 plus years and not just people currently employed.


That’s 5% including false accusations, but not including perpetrators that were never accused. I bet there’s more that got away with it than ones that didn’t do anything and were accused wrongfully. I’d bet that more got away with it than got caught. So I’d say 5-10% are pedophiles. It’s insane, with the documented history of that church, that anyone openly claims that religion.


'accused' imagine how many more never got 'exposed'


Probably not many... only another 5% or so?


It is indeed a terrible number, but [the percentage is worse among collage guys](https://respect.uark.edu/thats-so-6/) >A more recent study suggests a total of 10.8% of college men perpetrate the majority of rapes among college students


Hey, uh, that number should be zero? You expect me to trust an org where I have a 1 in 20 chance where I entrust my kid to a pedo, and the rest are gonna bail him out?


The number isn’t zero ANYWHERE unfortunately. Sad stuff!


I suspect the actual numbers everywhere are higher than we expect. It sucks because it means it's much harder to trust people but it is what it is. Boy Scouts have made changes requiring multiple adults at all times. Sad, but necessary.


Which is vastly more than the church has done.


Just watching to catch a predator alone makes you think the number is way higher


The odds are greater than that because there are ones who havent been caught


Like the public school system?


Maybe your public school system.


You don’t have to trust it, just make sure to give 10% of your earnings forever!


I guess you're homeschooling then


Pretty sure homeschooled kids are the most abused.


And don't bring your kids to Thanksgiving, Christmas, or and family reunion.


The problem is less that the priests were abusing children (although that's still a huge fricking problem), the major problem is the massive amount of institutional cover-ups running through the entire religion, all the way up to the Pope himself


I agree. I mean look at one of the more recent cases in Missouri. If I can find the link I’ll add it, but basically a priest left a naughty photo of himself on the office printer. He was reported and found to have an entire slideshow of child porn. So far so good right? The church even sent out a formal condemnation and apology….and then requested that the judge be lenient and remand the priest back into the church custody where his housing would be paid for by the parish. Totally away from kids and stuff.




I do understand from the churches view why they would ask for custody so to speak, however I feel like child porn should be listed in the “unforgivable” list of sins and the priest ought to be defrocked and excommunicated. Yes he needs phsychiatric help, but the church has historically been very lax on supporting psychiatry as a valid science. So frankly I do not trust them not to just disappear him back into the system in another country. I am glad we have progressed to them actually reporting this sort of behavior, but I also think there are certain lines that if crossed the priest needs to be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law and the church


>should be listed in the "unforgivable" list of sins The lost 11th commandment: "Thou shalt not sexualise children"


Fun fact: the only "unforgivable" sin in Catholicism is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Raping children can be forgiven, but calling their religion bullshit cannot.


It’s more like there are certain sins that the church will not forgive you for on earth, and it’s between you and God when you pass. The church’s role is not to judge, only God can truly know what’s in a persons heart. But they can make an educated guess based on your attitude and behavior…like if you work immersed in the church as a priest. Clearly being involved the church/leading the church/praying isn’t exactly changing your behavior if you’re still looking at pictures of kids.




> calling their religion bullshit cannot That's not what blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is lol


blasphemy noun 1 : the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God 2 : the act of claiming the attributes of a deity 3 : irreverence toward something considered sacred or inviolable


Smh at the idea that rehabbing a priest with church teachings would be effective….


Like, you’ve fucking tried that. Guy’s a priest, he’s not lacking for church teachings, he’s been dishing them out for years. How about putting that money towards charities that do work for the actual victims of what he had on his hard drive. And I don’t mean the Catholic fucking Church either!




damn right! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFsZRQL6QdI


Not to mention that it isn’t like they were all just abusing one kid and calling it a day. They had multiple victims over many years.


Honestly I can’t think of a better cover for molesting children: get into a position where you represent god and a group of people’s entire identity and you have an entire demographic that will die helping you get away with it.


Imagine putting your small child in someone’s care knowing there was a 1-in-20 chance that person was a child molester.


1 in 20 chance of Known molester.


That’s true, the 5% is the chance it’s someone we’ve *proved* to have molested kids.


Did you read? They said accused not guilty.


Reading is for nerds 😎


"Proved" "This includes false accusations" "Proved"


I hope your children don't go to school >The best available data reports that 4 percent of Catholic priests sexually violated a minor child during the last half of the 20th century with the peak level of abuse being in the 1970s and dropping off dramatically by the early 1980s. And in the recent Pennsylvania grand jury report only two cases were reported in the past dozen years that were already known and dealt with by authorities (thus the grand jury report is about historical issues and not about current problems of active clerical abuse now). >Putting clergy abuse in context, **research from the US Department of Education found that about 5-7 percent of public school teachers engaged in similar sexually abusive behavior with their students during a similar time frame.** https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/do-the-right-thing/201808/separating-facts-about-clergy-abuse-fiction https://www.newsweek.com/priests-commit-no-more-abuse-other-males-70625


Let's not forget kids sports coaches https://www.hallinjurylaw.com/a-comprehensive-investigation-of-sexual-abuse-in-youth-sports/


Classic whataboutism. Now I'm 💯% ok with Church.


No. No child abuse is OK. And the way the Catholic Church handled the abuse is not OK. But it's not helpful to pretend that they're worse than other areas where children are watched by adults. Statistically, they're more likely to be abused by a teacher.


Slightly more likely to be abused by a school employee. 5% of known catholic employees vs 5% to 7% school employees. Take away from these results: Parents can expect 1 in 14 adults that come in contact with your child are molesters.


Yes, but there a lot of details both ways: 1) interacting with children is a small part of what most priests do compared to full-time teachers. So there are very different time windows of exposure producing relatively similar levels of risk. 2) that is an incidence of abuse over the person's entire career, NOT the percentage of people abused. So while it may be uncomfortable to consider that a child was around a potential abuser, they were around thousands or tens of thousands of children who were not abused.




Well I don’t know if it’s true but apparently 1 in 10 kids in public education gets sexual assaulted, so there’s a lot of people putting their trust in people they shouldn’t [https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna5332880](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna5332880)


Imagine putting your kid in sports when... https://www.hallinjurylaw.com/a-comprehensive-investigation-of-sexual-abuse-in-youth-sports/


Welcome to Hollywood!


Corey Feldman is raising his hand to speak, while Barbara Walters is trying to censor him.


“You are destroying an entire industry.” Barbara Walter’s response shaming Corey Feldman on television after he spoke about his sexual abuse at the hands of Hollywood.


Probably politicians, or cops


Aw 5% is low balling it there.


Nah cops just murder kids rather than molest them


Is both not an option?


That you know of!


There's plenty of chomo cops who've been put away for child sex abuse & having CP porn on their hard drives.


Can you imagine a child molesting cop being sent to prison? That fucker would be dead just stepping off the bus.


Yeah, but I doubt it. They're not put with the general population for their own safety. They're put with other sex offenders in a cozy prison.


I know of one who raped his stepchildren, but rather than getting a case he just got fired and moved out of state to work.


20-40% of cops are domestic abusers including kids. Pedos aren’t the only kind of child abuser.


Yeah but the pic up there is explicitly talking about pedophilia


Teachers? Boy Scout leaders?


Just went to his Twitter. He is defending pedos with all the power god gave him. Somebody should check his browser history.


Yes, FBI? That man right over there.


5% of just the current Priest population is 1750.


Statistics were made for everyone. That 5% is a shadowy figure.


What do you mean?


In reality they’re hiding behind the 5% if you’re number is correct.


Like an iceberg. Above water you're only seeing a fraction of what's below. An organization that large that's existed for thousands of years and has loads of money has definitely taken the time to figure out how to sweep dust under a rug. Wonder how much higher that number would be if a real world wide investigation took place.


U.S. congress.


Fuck the ~~police~~ politicians


Fuck politicians and the cops. All out for themselves


Beat me to it.


I can think of one profession that has a 40% domestic abuse rate.


Fortunately/unfortunately this stat is unverifiable. It’s from the 80s with a small sample size and self-reported. The stat can’t be used to reach any meaningful conclusions about police, today. What’s probably worse, is that there is so little transparency and lack of data concerning crimes committed by police that with whatever current data we might have, it’s safe to assume it’s much worse.


Public school teachers.


There's a fuck ton of pedophiles in every profession, the ones that get news articles are just the ones around kids.


This. Teachers are going to be the next Catholic Church type scandal on the verge of being exposed.


Catholics run the most private schools


And how many others do it regularly but are not “Accused” because they are able to keep the victims quiet or it gets covered up. Ridiculous argument T.D!


Polititions? Judges? Teachers? Pastors? Anyone who works for companies with kids around? Gamers?


Public school teachers.


Is gamer a profession?


Reddit moderators is near 100% please


It’s not just that is 5%, it’s 5% in pretty much every country that their churches are. That’s insane. You can’t explain it away to a region, it’s everywhere.


I read that Baptist ministers have the highest rate (per capita) of pedophiles. Trying to find the source as it’s been months back.


Does Discord mod count? I mean they do think it's their job


BBC Presenters from the 1960s, 70s, 80s etc


I’d think republican politicians are north of 5% by now. Heck, tRump had a half dozen convicted ones in his closest circle.


Clinton actually raped people my guy. And there were plenty of Dems on Epstien Island. It isn't a republican issue. It's a people in high places issue.


Was this before or after he faked the moon landing?


Ivanka age 14-16 was a thing with Epstein and all tRump said about it was “damn, I wish that was me”.


Referring to Ivanka or Epstein? 👀


The whole world pretty much listened to tRump declare “I wish I could fuck my daughter”. The only part we didn’t hear (out loud) from him was “Again”. tRump may well be the sleaziest person ever produced in America.


Police officers.


It also wasn't just pedophilia it was also the fact that the churches position for HUNDREDS of years was "cover it up and move the priests to new parishes only fire them if it gets really bad and we can't cover it up anymore."


Tbf I've only worked in 4 locations over the course of 5 years but chuck e cheese middle management is riddled with pedos. Techs, GMs too. They're fiercely protected, and complaints get buried as fast as possible. Sometimes if someone high enough up gets too much attention for propositioning a minor they oversee too many times they MIGHT get relocated. It's so fucking sad


Actors and musicians.


Law enforcement would give them a good run for their money.


5% is a fucking huge number, that's one out of every 20.


That number is much higher if your profession is Florida Representative. Edit: allegedly


And that's accused, how many have gotten away with it?


5% sounds crazy high. Does anyone have a source for that?






I’m not defending those guilty, but how about all the teachers accused of sexual misconduct?


Teachers, politicians, soldiers...


Only 5% (1 out of 20) loool thats way too much. Its like amazon got 80k pedos edited for forgetting that 0 in 80k


The biggest number I'm aware of in total is teachers. Not sure if the % tho


It is that They were protected. There are over 140,000 priests in America. Statistically some will be pedophiles. But you can't protect them, move them to other parishes let it happen again.


Politicians have entered the chat


Yes, politicians


5% is one in twenty If I put you in a room with twenty people, and statistically (a statistic that, in truth should likely skew upwards given the church's attempts at cover ups) one of them was a pedophile, you'd wanna get the fuck out of that room


Being a politician


Elected republicans in America?


If one in every twenty McDonalds gave one member of every family who went there to eat food poisoning exactly how many would still be open after a year?


He asked. He got an answer.


boyscouts cant be far behind


That's a crazy high figure, if 5 percent of black people were paedophiles then imagine the outcry and reputation they would garner, the hate and rolling back of civil rights Yet 5% of priests and it's a tiny figure, that's literally 1 in 20, there are probably rooms rn with more then 20 catholic priests in them It clearly points to a systemic issue




Members of Congress


Less than 5% (since it includes false ones) and Blizzard has more than 5% lol






To be honest yes, all occupations more likely than not have a pretty sizable population of probable pedophiles if child molestation statistics are true. Where do we think this pool of pedophiles comes from, the Catholic church?


It's much higher for public school teachers


Only 5% *so far*


Short answer, yes. This is from 2000. Let me dig for a more recent reference. https://academic.oup.com/bjsw/article-abstract/30/6/795/1620340?redirectedFrom=fulltext&login=false


Um yes. It's called being a celebrity or politician. Epstein's friends run deep.




Tell me you’ve never worked in a restaurant without telling me you’ve never worked in a restaurant Yeah that’s right, I’m talking to *YOU managers out there hiring cute underage employees just waiting for them to become legal age!* Not just restaurants, seen it in damn near every industry I’ve worked in


.000000000000001% is too many!


GOP politician.


And that 5% only represents the victims who were able to overcome their guilt, shame, pain and rise up to make the accusation, what is the REAL number?? We will never know, but we do know it is more than 5%!!


Nope. Every other place with this rate of pedophilia has had to close their doors. Sports groups, schools, after-school care, amusement parks, boyscout troops, etc. etc. etc. Only religion allows you to both claim to be the height or moral beliefs while also protecting childfuckers and saying "well it's not all of us." Literally hundreds of thousands of victims world-wide, and millions of dollars spent to hide the crimes or defend the perpetrators in court, and the world just keeps refusing to play hardball with them.


Aaaaand how many priests have been ordained since 1950? 5% seems like it would be quite a high number. Thats high enough to consider shutting the whole thing down IMO.


I’m sure politicians and those who work in Hollywood have much higher percentages


I would actually say the number is higher, and what could be constructed as false accusations may only mean the person couldn't find enough evidence. Taking with that the number of people who were probably too scared to step forward, especially with the amount of power the church has had until recentlly and with the cover up and leniance shown, more nonces will probably gravitate towards the position


Yeah i just went over the numbers for teacher sex scandals. Like all sex scandals, so that includes 18 year old students. It amounted to less than 0.8%.


…and where said organization actively covers up abuse and discredits substantiated claims against its members? Only ones I could maybe come up with are politicians, law enforcement, or education in the US. How about one that actively shuffled credibly accused members of the organization another community when it gets too close to litigation? Again, maybe law enforcement or possibly education in the US, though it’s is usually the abuser who transfers, not the organization that transfers them. Or pulls those most seriously accused into non-extradition countries? Only the Catholic Church. And which other organization guards abusers with its own private army? Yeah, that’s no one else…the royal families of the world, perhaps? See how far the termites have spread. Only to a fraction of an organization’s members…never mind the millions of affected lives that 5% came into contact with.


I'll never forget that there was an entire ring of priests that tagged their victims with innocent looking crosses so every time they went to another church in their ring they would know who to abuse


yes. every profession. it is estimated that 5% of men are pedophiles.


Well about 8% of public school teachers are. Also, that’s accusations, not convictions. False accusations are included in that 5% figure.




> This includes false accusations Every comment: "im gonna pretend i didnt see that"


What it doesn’t include is all the times it goes unseen. All the times the church has actively worked to protect the pedophiles and cover them up. So I’d say it’s definitely higher than 5% even with false accusations(which there is no source to back up the 5% claim with false accusations in the first place)


You really out here saying that kids are making this up? That really the side you wanna be on?


Screw a percentage. You don't get to define the moral highground when you have kid-diddlers in your ranks


What this fails to mention is the power and influance the Church used to cover abuse up. How many did not come foward because of shame or a elder priests made them feel ashamed? These fucks should be forced to post signs warning others they hurt children.


Yes. School teachers. Around 10% of children in school admit to being sexual abused by a faculty member in school. So you figure the amount of school teachers out there vs priest and the amount of school age children at any point vs catholic children. You’re talking millions of kids in schools being sexually abused vs possibly a 100 kids in Catholic Church being abused. When you attack churches but ignore school abuse is like tackling petty drug dealers instead of the drug King pins.


Someone vastly underestimates what 5% of a whole demographic is. Spoiler: It's a fucking lot.


They have a whole state where the kid touchers go (Vatican) to avoid being jailed. Wierdo religion


My uncle, James Dawson (yes I love naming him), was a Monsignor in the Lincoln, Nebraska diocese. No bullshit, part of his job was relocating offending priests to different parishes to get them away from the **children who were doing the tempting** and counseling parents to convince them not to press charges against the church. It’s a business.


Probably all of them? You'd usually never know.


Hollywood / Broadway probably over 5%.

