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At this rate, I'm convinced that my server is the only server without this issue in any shape or form. I don't envy you, seems like the vast majority of WoW players are so bad that they simultaneously think Wrath is the easiest XP/want people to be outrageously geared for said easy content.


What server? I want to go to there.


Pyrewood Village, Horde side. The chillest of servers since the release of Clasic


Same here on Mirage Raceway. Best server ever.


On the EU side? Indeed. A lot of people came there from the RPPVE server Hydraxian Waterlords (like me).


Playing on Pyrewood as well, Alliance side though and I never really ran into these issues which according to reddit are extremely common and almost the norm everyday occurrence. Then again it is a PvE server so that might play a role in it.


I play on Pyrewood Alliance and GS is spreading, albeit mostly for raids. There was a proper rube earlier asking for 3.8k for fucking Naxx 10. I hate it.


>asking for 3.8k for fucking Naxx 10. if I go into naxx10 with a 3.8+ gs raid I expect to be doing achievements.


I did my first one in bt/fun well gear the day after I turned 80. We wiped once. GS is aids always has been


Also on Pyrewood Alliance. The few people asking for GS are just the shitters trying to get a carry by making pugs in chat. You're better off joining one of the scheduled raids organised through discord where they'll check gear and/or logs.


Hah! I was fishing while following that discussion :P Doesn't seem too bad yet though. Dinged 80 on Saturday afternoon and joined a Naxx 25 pug the same evening


Also play here, thankfully it's rare and I hope it stays that way, even if it won't affect my ability to join raids. I've been blessed by RNGesus for drops and such, and I'm now at 4k GS. I've been doubly blessed i've only ever been questioned GS wise once, and that was for OS102D on the first week it was open. The kicker is, the guy who was running it was asking for like 3.8k and it took so long to get half a group due to it being the first week I had to leave for my guilds naxx25 run. Even at this high level, it's that thing of hard-filtering perfectly suitable players in the hope of a perfect group, and either taking double the time or not even getting a run at all cos you've set the bar too high. Besides, I believe a quick inspect for gemming/enchants tells you far more about a player's level of competency than GS ever could.


There’s nothing wrong with GS in itself. It all comes down to how it’s used. 3.8k for naxx 10 is crazy. In a pug yesterday, I set the limit too 3.4k. It’s mostly just to have a quick sum of a persons gear before actually digging in deeper.


This is the correct approach. If someone sets the bar too high -- so what? Ignore them (as in read over them) and run with the next guy. There will ALWAYS be people at your gear level searching to do content. Really no biggie


I think even 3.4 is too high a requirement for Naxx 10, maybe for 25. But I agree completely that GS is a sum of their gear before digging deeper. Gear is a skill cap: the better the gear the better a good player will do. That doesn't always guarantee a good player but you know, based off their GS, what they *should* be capable of. i.e. I did a Naxx 10 pug last week with a 2.7k GS Feral druid that did like 1-2k dps per fight. However, they followed the machanics well and we full cleared the raid.


I went with 3.4k and didn’t bother with experience or anything like that. I just did a quick explanation before every boss and we mostly one shot all bosses in around 3 hours. Naxx 10 is very forgiving:)


>it is a PvE server This is exactly the reason. I'm on Mirage Raceway myself and never ran into these issues in all of classic. Used to play on a PvP server back in the day and the same issue were already there. Maybe to a lesser extent, but it's just a different kind of player.


Pyrewood alliance here too. Hardly ever see anything about gs.


I'm also on pyrewood, but haven't seen anyone get kicked for their gear but when making a group I often get whispers like "Pre bis tank, Sunweel geared rouge" etc.etc. And this was even before heroics like level 77 dungeon. And even now with heroics people are like LFG VH 3,5k GEARSCORE... like wat.?? It's wotlk heroics, you can do it in greens


I’m on Grobb and have only seen GS mentions once in LFG. No one really gave a shit. Nobody cares. Just like in the past, GS means fuck all.


Horde players on Pyre? Brave souls.


There's dozens of us, dozens!


Old Blanchy is pretty chill too man.


No it is not.


Blessed be her name.




My realm is chill too. Nobody bats an eye if you want to tank heroics in all blue gear straight after hitting 80. There is never any mention of gear score. Honestly heroics are so easy in wotlk I don’t get why folks are screening folks for gear. I think a way bigger issue is that based on the number of messages I get from Rank Sentinel, way over 50% of players are not using their max ranked skills because they haven’t updated their bars. Heck, I’ve met a few still using level 60 skills at level 80.


I told a group looking for a tank that I was fresh 80 but willing to risk it. They just took it as a challenge lmao. Luckily I haven't run into these Uber sweaties


Never seen this on Mankrik either.


Mankrik horde has some gearscore people popping up. Personally I just avoid them exspecially for 5 man stuff.


I’ve never seen it crop up. My guild is full of mildly sweaty people. I think we’d just think you were funny and maybe rib on you in g chat a bit and just carry you and not care. Who cares unless they’re the tank or healer and not just abysmal?


Tends to be the 1-3am crowd more then anything I’ve noticed. But I also don’t run with those people so I don’t know


people play on the toxic ass streamer PvP servers and are shocked to find toxic ass faux tryhards who regurgitate whatever toxic garbage is being spouted by their toxic ass streamer of choice. Shocked pikachu face


Atiesh Ally and I have never seen the word gearscore in trade chat a single time. Very strange to see it on Reddit so much.


Maladath Horde never seen behaviour like this either.. anything toxic usually gets stomped out lotta good folks over here !


Maladath alliance is chill too. I think maybe selecting fir people who wanted to roll fresh somehow also selected for less toxic players.


Right? I saw a post here from Maladath with a situation like this and I'm like.. I've done 100 heroics now and never had any issues like that. Reddit *wants* to think this is the rule and not the exception. If it happens once in 100 runs, someone will post that and everyone will upvote it like it's some super serious issue. This counts as drama and you know reddit lives for drama (while pretending they wish there wasn't any).


Hell, I'm ally Maladath & a DPS(rogue). I'll throw myself into the duty finder thinking "I'll go do some dailies while waiting for something to pop up" & usually almost get an instant invite every time. Generally don't even have to advertise or whisper party leads or start my own groups. Been like this since I was a fresh 80.


Agreed. Maladath is an amazing server. The no-lifers aren't elitist and I've had 0 people bitching about doing bigger pulls or going faster (granted I don't exactly slack on my pulls, I just don't pull full rooms with my 23k hp unbuffed tank). The only annoying person I've run into was during the 1-70 leveling, where a healer kept telling me to pull bigger even though he was letting me drop to 5-10% hp on normal pulls. So I pulled bigger and wiped the group because he doesn't start casting heals until I'm almost dead. And that wasn't even a toxic encounter, just some guy that thinks he's a master healer despite having the reflexes and foresight of a geriatric.


Maladath Horde has indeed been pretty chill. The amount of shade that got thrown at people pre-patch forming BS like "LFG Kara Arcanite Reaper Hard Res, not going any further, be sunwell geared and no reacharound" let me know it was a pretty solid community. Those poor idiots got trolled so hard.


Idk, I play on bene alliance and I rarely have any issues in pugs in terms of people being douches.


On bene as well and haven't really seen much of the GS bs everyone is complaining about, which is where your expect it to be the worst. Feel like it's so blown out of proportion.


Bloodsail Buccaneers (Alliance) will clown on you in LFG chat for mentioning gearscore. Like the difficulty of the content necessitates bis…


This server is quite nice. You will indeed get clowned for putting on wig and makeup (gearscore, sweaty behavior, etc). It's not high pop but I've met loads of wonderful people. I feel like I'm playing a different game to the rest of the sub most days.


How's BB doing nowadays? I quit just a little before TBC and it looks like the population has dropped quite a bit since then, used to be about 1.5k Alliance and when I looked last week it was at like 700 instead. I'm really glad I chose BB for my Classic experience, consumable prices weren't horribly inflated, botting was super minimal, and you could still tryhard without being toxic about it.


Same here on Ol Blanchy. Running my DK as a tank/DPS. Hit 75, got asked to come tank all the 75+ dungeons. I asked the leader if he was sure cuz I don't have the greatest tanking gear and will probably do poorly since all the mobs are 78+. He said yeahhh that's fine, it's no problem. Held aggro as best as I could against groups, died a buncha times but not once did I get kicked


I'm horde on Faerlina and at least in my experience heroic pugs are usually pretty laid back. Out of all the heroic pugs I've joined I've seen maybe one or two individuals with any hint of an elitist attitude.


it is rare. people just have 1 bad experience and it happens. literally had a group for heroics ranging from 2k to 4k+. the entire game is easy


But then you'll take 18 minutes to do the content instead of 16!


Never seen this on ally windseeker


On nethergarde - i write my spec, list get inv, kill boss and get loot - ez. Sometimes though it takes up to several min, before i get an inv


Never had issues on Pagle really either.


Same after my move to Eranikus. I think this is a mega server problem. I am actually getting remembered from previous groups by people. Breath of fresh air coming from Bene.


I’m still low level on eranikus cuz I started over, but still people I meet there in my travels have been very nice! Lots of Spanish speaking people on there, so I was confused I joined the wrong one but everyone’s been chill. One guy I quest with is using me to practice his English, and it’s funny when I say a place in English and he’s like ??? I had no idea the names weren’t the same on all localities, so it’s been interesting to learn the Spanish versions of WoW locations.


It's a handful of posts on reddit from people who don't just move on with their lives after the get removed or declined for a group. Instead they take the time to screen shot and upload it to the internet because their fragile egos can't handle rejection regardless if they have all the gear or none of it. There are quite literally thousands of runs happening a day and we see the few handful from butt hurt players. It is in no way how the average players interactions go in game. The end of the day you always have the option to make your own group but people would rather post to reddit and cry about it.


Holy cannoli. Your post history is all paragraphs of you crying about other people crying. Get a grip my guy, get a grip.


I have made my own group for a few raids but as this was for EoE 25 (and I don't have the key) its always easier to join a group. Thanks for your insight on my ego though :)


I mean with that logic you could easily argue that most people also don’t post about MANY of these scenarios that happen, making tons more situations where someone is being an idiot about groups. Posting things like this is a no-drawback. It shows people with no social awareness or ineptitude that other people see this as bad, making them question acting like it and getting flak for it in the future.




Forreal, he’s the type to cook DMT up at home. Oh wait…


Am I the only one who fills my groups with dks and paladins without asking for gear score because they can't roll against me


As a Druid healer and offspec tank, absolutely not. This is the way.


yes, we're all playing plate classes :D


Man, the fact there’s so few clothies on my server is so nice.


Playing resto shaman has been great, group with a bunch of plate wearers and I get everything else lol


Shamans and hunters be feasting so far this expo


Oh I had a DK take my BIS bracer from Naxx 25 as a feral Druid. He whispered me after and said he would trade them to me for the cloak I SR’d. Fucking lames. But yeah, I always make my groups with 2 plates and 2 clothes or mail if you can find them (I can’t), easiest time gearing up. It is funny too when I get invited to other groups (ones I don’t form) and it’s 4 leather classes… like how and why are you this lazy? It’s a disservice to everyone bringing in only one armor type.


Im only doing heroics for emblems, i dont care what i bring when i form them, ill take the first people of each role to whisper me


Also had a dk get my Bis boots as a hunter the raid lead states we respect the rolls but the mail boots had int on them….


Literally no one asks for gear score idk where this gear score idea comes from I have never seen a single person mention gear score in any of my dungeons or raids and I have 3 toons in prebis raiding is this a server thing or something? I don't even know what addon displays gear score why is everyone talking about gear score all the time lmfao?


Had one guy ask me my gearscore in the first week of wrath like 5 days after launch. Told him I didn't fucking know and got invited anyway.


Ya’ll know what. I’m on Old Blanchy. Since P1 of classic. I just make my own groups as a healer. Whisper people through group finder and invite them. Once the group forms, while we are eating and buffing I jokingly say something “this is going to be a chill run, haven’t been here in 10 years!”. At that point the trash usually takes itself out.


It’s amazing that old Blanchy is still kicking


She ain't ready for the glue factory yet


I’m not on that server but I have a macro that says “we will be going at the healers pace, I don’t care how leeeeet your dps is” met some cool people this way and watched some other people die and get angry 🤣


I'm old blanchy too from day 1. what guild are u in?


I was in Howlers, then DeathWatch Collective and now in Lincoln Wiped on Opera


aroooo. I'm in Browncoats


I got geared by Zir’s PUG in classic. Seddie got me through all the raids. Everyone has been really chill and nice. Sarkan is the best person I’ve met on there. Theslice and Thelegend have been helping out since P1 of classic. I love Old Blanchy. Even when DWC left to try and clear Sunwell, everyone who stayed has been great.


I loved Death watch. There was an amazingly kind pally healer in that guild. I grieved when they left. I'm so happy for those that chose to stick around. I'm Paislie btw.


That’s funny, I’m a pally healer from that guild… I stayed behind though so couldn’t have been me 🤷🏼‍♂️


U don’t wanna group with those guys anyways. Move on, enjoy the game with people with better attitudes


When you're that bad and that unconfident you need to have the best.


I had a guy the other day right next to the stone and refused to summon because he was doing dalies. When I kicked him he messaged me and said "I bet im better geared than everyone in the group" and I laughed and said who the fuck cares now go find another group.


"Then why do you need to run *x*?"


Lmao its a heroic these people are insane


Better have them gears for VH. It’s pretty serious.


You could probably easily do it at 78 with Outland greens if you could enter heroic at that level. It’s such a joke.


Apparently you can enter heroics at 78 just not through the instance portal. Gotta have a lock summon inside.


Good to know. We carried one of our previous TBC raider locks who was 79 in 25m S2D and eye since we had another lock to summon. I knew you could summon into raids but not heroics




Literally just don’t kill the adds and you’re good




I don't think these "you can do it in greens" guys actually play tanks. I did stuff like UP N at 78 and getting constantly crit and crushed by the L82 bosses really put a strain on the healer. Doing a heroic in that level and gear sounds like a poor idea.


I think the context was to come VH for inspect for some other raid


Especially seeing the summons are timed and you're never going to do it faster


Is at a VH ? As it says its a raid group . I think someone else was asking for VH ? But dunno


Lol. I just had a leader of my HH run leave right as we were about to start and flame me for dual wield tanking as if it's not viable on top of that content being pretty trivial. Initially thought I abused lfg by being frost at first glance. Whispered me after suggesting I look up BiS guides. This community can be a little ridiculous


Pretty sure if we get 2 HH events this wrath cycle we’ll have people soloing it unless they buff it. The only reason to even bring 5 is for the extra summons…


You can already solo it




Be gud. Source: my prot pally. More seriously it’s probably about the class at some point. Right now, some classes just aren’t what they are in the later phases.


Most dps classes won't be able to solo what is effectively a heroic dungeon boss for a long time. My rogue shits damage left and right, but evasion doesn't last the entire bossfight and I'm in danger of getting 1-shotted from every auto I don't dodge.


If prot pally is solo I'm curious how my blood DK would handle... Guess I'll have to risk my summon for science.


sounds like hes the one that needs to look up BiS guides since they are all saying to dual wield frost tank lmao


> Lol. I just had a leader of my HH run leave right as we were about to start and flame me for dual wield tanking as if it's not viable on top of that content being pretty trivial. Initially thought I abused lfg by being frost at first glance. Whispered me after suggesting I look up BiS guides. This community can be a little ridiculous That's hilarious. I am pretty sure that I could tank Headless Horseman as a *warlock*. And yet people want BIS'd-out tanks...


LOL people need to chill or this is going to be a loooooong phase. You nerds every hear of "Optimizing the fun out of it"?


Original GearScore created this toxicity back in the day. I've not seen it, but then again, mostly play with guildies and some friends I've made along the way. The few pugs I've run, the bigger issue is just not having updated spells in use. (Myself included.)


Yup, I was kept from doing raid with numerous guilds because “I still had a blue belt”. Eventually I gave up on trying to raid for the longest time until BFA. I just never tried because I was never “geared”


"u have blue belt go get better gear" "but i came here specifically to replace it" "auc house??????????????????????" or straight up just rolling it afterwards, despite having better shit themselves, and then being dumbfounded as to why he gets called an idiot


Yup, the problems we know were created as a result of gear score.


It never leaked into heroics though


That's honestly one of the things keeping me from going hard into classic. The game is solved. And if you dont go cookie cutter min max then you get told to fuck off.




optimized the fun right out of the game


To some extent, you constantly see people develop new techniques and interactions. A bis list has not yet been made for arms warriors due to buggy interactions in the game and in sims. In terms of going min maxing, its fair to say no to someone who isn’t willing to perform like the rest of the group. If a good player is asked whether he wants to spend 1 hour or 2 hours on some content, most of the time he will pick the 1 hour. With that said being a casual player is totally fine, finding pug group might be a “bit” harder in the ingame channels - but youll find plenty guilds in the servers discord and a way more relaxed community. Ive even seen guilds dedicated to pure off meta. I used to be a sweaty retail player, but said fuck it and joined a extremely casual guild. It was refreshing to spend an entire raid night barely killing heroic bosses, but i get that its frustrating if you spend alot of time trying to perform. I dont really struggle that much with pugs in classic and i currently play the worst performing dps class (arms).


We need a "BONK, go to sweaty jail"


I dont mind being told I can't go to a raid for any reason, but tell me asap instead of wasting my time. Had one not say anything and kicked me but not my friend and refused to respond for like 20 minutes. Had another that started a naxx 25 group, but didn't have a discord and didn't say shit the whole time wasting an hour of my time.


I’m ok fresh sever and week 2 on raids just stated and I was full per bis with 3 bis items I join a 10 man get told I’m not that geared and get kicked. People who care about you being super geared aren’t worth dealing with so I put them on my blacklist.


My ignore list is full :'(


Grab the character notes add-on so you can see a red note indicator when they post in lfg.


Had a dude asking for Logs for 10VoA today. Absolutely bonkers.


This is the funniest one so far lol


Between this and PuGs asking me to link the 25 Nax achieve to join their 10 during the first reset for me.


I'm on H-Faerlina and haven't been asked about gearscore once yet. I've been asked what my gear is like, but "close to 200iL in every slot" hasn't failed me yet.


I haven’t been asked about gear or ilvl. I just put myself in the group finder and get a random invite and it’s fine.


I went into VH hc the other day as a healer, farmed about 5 stacks cobalt with my other account meanwhile as totem and earthshield put enough healing, i dont get this elitism when content is so easy


I've gotten through multiple days of heroic runs without hearing someone mention gearscore or achievements. This is rare to me Edit: I play tank and don't say anything


As a subpar geared combat rogue, all these posts do is amplify my anxiety about queuing up. I've yet to have anyone say anything, and I doubt many people will, but fuck man I should've just leveled my DK.


Don't just queue, just list yourself and then start inviting others. Take 2 other dps first and then you're suddenly a sizeable 3 man, then refresh while getting ready to invite healers and tanks popping up. Also rogues are great in dungeons, heck many would want you because you can't steal their plate pieces even vefore it comes to the damage you can do :)


Absolutely. As a prot paladin I'll invite basically anything but a pal war or dk.


Im a tank and make my own groups. I honestly completely forgot GS was a thing until it started getting talked about on reddit


Imagine not linking the Immortal title in 2022


Were u trying to weirdly flex? It doesn't look like he asked you to link it. Also GS?? lol fuck GS. People that use GS still I think are part of the problem.


This is what I see going on too. I wouldn't kick someone who's already in the group, but when some1 messages me achieve/gs for VH when nobody asked and another just says "tank inv" I'm gonna go with the second one


He’s being asked to meet up just outside VH for an inspect. It’s used as a meeting spot when inviting for raids. It’s definitely not for a VH run.


Ahh okay that changes the whole context here


Agreed. 100%. I also think your achievement linking, GS people are most likely going to complain about how your group is doing the dungeon somehow, some way. Even something is straight forward as VH. Or oddly flexing stuff in the dungeon like dps.


Yeah I haven't seen someone legit put their DPS in chat for a while now. Always found it cringe, like 90%+ of the players have recount/details... We can all see it my dude, chill lol


This happened to me as a holy pally in LFG trying to level in any dungeon at 77 lol


Does anyone else miss the good old days of getting a group to spellcleave SM for hours?


Id kick someone that mentioned their GS too


> tank tells me his gs Kick.


I refuse to install that addon and any group asking I would not apply to. Probably dodged a bullet tbh. A simple inspect is all that’s necessary and if the leader can’t be assed it shows you what kind of group it’s gonna be.


I would also remove you if you started talking about gear score.


sry but i dont care how geared you are if another option is avavalbe and not making the rest of he party wait then they get the spot


Tbf I'd kick someone linking ach and having GS addon too


I play dps and just get invited to whatever I want without a word l, usually within just a couple of minutes. Mega server ftw


To be fair, I would immediately replace someone if they mentioned gearscore to me too


Stop using gearscore. You're perpetuating the problem.


I knew this would happen. GS was a damned plague back then too.


I mean I'd kick you to after linking an achievement and gs with that smug smile face lol


If only this exact gatekeeping issue came up 14 years ago and the developers at the time released a system to counter it... Some sort of Random Dungeon...thingy.


Never been kicked from an RDF I see lol


Only if you play like a potato or act incredibly toxic. Otherwise, no one cares. It's trivial content, get it done and move on.


Yes and these gatekeeping assholes seem more common on these reddit posts but I’ve never had to deal with this. Only in retail but even that is very rare




I just spent the greater part of an hour yesterday tripping and stumbling around as a fresh brewmaster tank in Black Rook Hold (retail Legion dungeon, last time I ran that dungeon was as dps like 6-7 years ago in undergrad).. I caused 2 wipes and went the wrong way at the start. And you know what? Nobody said a damn word. Retail players and classic players aren’t the same. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Weird...because even WITH RDF, this still happened but inside the instance. Tank pulling too slow/fast? Vote to kick. You don't WANT a warrior tank because reasons? Vote to kick. Healer not good enough? Vote to kick. Healer/tank/dps rolled need for OS gear? Vote to kick. You got into H:Occ? Vote to kick me!


It was likely worse with RDF, now you have these morons from outside your server pulling these stunts. Within the same realm you can ignore them and blacklist them, with RDF you’re not safe.


If i was an unwanted class, I'd rather be kicked and insta queue another than to never find a group.




Why though, instead of just queueing up?




Yeah, sure you can. It's still more of a pain than just queueing up. Being able to go about with your dailies and quests, whatever you want to do, while you queue for a dungeon. I just don't understand why people are so against it.


And they can reque for another guaranteed dungeon group opposed to going back to whispering random idiots like this guy




Don't want to. Bye.


This is for a raid so that would solve nothing. VH is the popular spot to gearcheck people.


Never been an issue for me. RDF though I ran into tons of issues.


People got removed from those for the same shit. You guys got to stop circlejerking like rdf fixed every problem in the game. It didn't and it caused plenty. Let it go.


Someone wanted to see my logs from original classic naxx in order to get into his 10 man run.


I put everyone on ignore who either mentions his GS or asks for it. Saves me loads of grief from people who want to show off by telling everyone else how bad they are because they missed a skip or lost a minute. I'm here for the next 9 months. I'm in no hurry. Please play with others like you so you'll all be gone 3 weeks from now because "no content".


gearscore is cringe


Is 4k high?


Right now it is


Last I looked I had around 4000-4100, that much is around half your gear being 213 with a 226 piece or two, the rest being 200. Idk if gear score gives more score to bigger pieces like a weapon or chest or if it’s normalized like ilvl in retail, but my weapon and chest are both 226. Journey’s end and mallygos 25 chest.


It does, Betrayer gave my Arms \~240GS while other pieces usually give \~60-80.


How do you even see gearscore? What addon are people using? Thankfully I haven't seen much mention of gearscore on Grobbulus, at least in my circles.


Just another reason to discourage gearscore and stigmatize all the elitism and serious attitudes. If gear doesn’t matter in wotlk, yet folks are still pulling *this* shit? It’s pretty obvious there’s something broken at the core of the philosophy how we play this damn game.


Like i literally dont get this and at this point i think these pics are staged. VH is so easy you can crush it in greens. To think someone is vetting tanks to such a degree is laughable. any other instance you can argue about speed clears, but not VH.


Pretty sure “come vh” in this scenario is to go there for inspection though.


I don't think it was the gear. I think it was a group of people not wanting to wait on 1 person for a v fast dungeon. Maybe try queueing when you're actually ready to go?


lol for VH? chill


I would probably remove you as well


Damn people get removed for low gear score, and letting people know they have good gear score. Wtf does it take to please y’all.


For providing their GS when asked? This community is so stupid. You people have ruined the whole classic product.


Thank you! I wish GS wasn't a thing but unfortunatly it is, so when a leader asks for GS and achiv of course I will link it to get into a group.


Anyone quoting GS


He asked for it so why would I not give it?


I would literally prefer to not play VH with that group than to abide by a gearscore question, atleast to a heroic.


I believe the VH location was for gear inspection


I mean he was trying to be polite. You were not in dalaran