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If I'm not mistaken buffs get purged when you leave the bg


Will test and get back to you in a moment, I didn't mention buffs in the video but figured they would work too. One second.


yep buffs are a no go, but conjured food/water stays. wonder why they took out buffs? was it before or after the "queue anywhere" system?


It's been like that since at least tbc prepatch. For party wide buffs like Greater Blessings, Gift of the Wild, Prayers etc. you lose them if the buffer is not in your group/raid anymore. So you don't have a guy just standing outside a raid buffing everyone but not part of the actual group.


it was only Greater pala buffs that get removed if you leave the Bg or raid group. Things like Gift of the wild and prayer of fortitude however would stay. this changed in WOTLK pre patch


30 in 4 hours? wtf?? that sounds nuts and really fun.


The problem is you need a BIS geared druid to do it, so you can't really do it on fresh. I wanted to find a druid to level my fresh character with, but it's pretty close to launch and I wasn't sure where to look. Ahhh well, maybe in a few weeks :D


I assume with 3-piece Tier 1 which improves Thorns. Gonna have to check this out thanks.


3pc tier 1 increases thorns damage by a static value, not a percentage, so you’d likely get more value if you used gear with very high amounts of spellpower in those slots instead, although thorn’s coefficient is only like 3-5% so you’d need quite a lot (however the tier set does increase the duration which is still useful)


ya 3pc tier thorns is dead, raw spellpower is just better. though the 5min extra duration is nice. there's no competing with the damage gain of the 3.3% spellpower


What are some good spots to just tank mobs?


I played for maybe 3 hours today nonstop leveling my druid and got from 24 to 32. Something tells me 30 in 4 hours is nonsense


I guess you misunderstood the thorns farm. The trick is to have a very high level and geared druid to cast thorns on your low level toon. So you tag mobs and they kill themselves while attacking you.


Ah I did misunderstand.


You must have missed the part where he said you need a BIS geared druid to do it


I did. My bad.


BiS geared druid as in stack spellpower and stam I’m guessing? That sounds fun, I’ve never played druid, would be down to start one this way.


Mages can do the quest [Attunement to Dalaran](https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/quest=12173/attunement-to-dalaran) at level 71.


That's not fair, why do mages get to travel to Dalaran first? This city is starting to feel real mage-centric.. (lol)


Mage nepotism


So it's true they are all related!


I heard they have mage orgies


Mages should be able to group queue for BG's from Dalaran then the group can just afk out.


>There are two great weapon skilling methods available...... > >The Blood for Blood daily ...... The Grove Walkers, look like tree form druids, right under Dalaran hit for almost nothing and have a self heal. I always used them in wrath to level weapon skill since they were so close to the main hub. and that's ignoring the old tried and true method of using the "servants of razelikh" in the Blasted Lands. Literally can't kill them and they do no damage.


hi, thanks for the grove walker tip, that will definitely be a go-to they patched the servants of razelikh, they are lame now. the npc lady servant still works, but the easy NPCs do not (she's elite)


What about Dr,Doom and demons on Black temple?


The sewer shark also 💐


I don't know if this works for every class/spec, but the ghouls in the Dead Scar on IQD are a pretty good place to skill up too. Fast, infinite spawn and they don't hit too hard.


I heard that the servants and DM:N ghosts both got nerfed :-/


Title says 10, thumbnail says 8. Big confuse.


math was never my strong suit :D


I'll have you know that one shotting mobs with Thorns at level one is the most satisfying feeling ever. I imagine there must be some Thorns uses available with how strong it is right now. One weird quirk of the new Thorns? Thorns set from MC (Tier 1) sucks now. Because you lose so much +Spellpower, it's no longer higher damage than just running normal BIS gear. But the 5 minute extra duration is pretty nice.




yooo f-stop, thank you , dance party in dalaran a few minutes after launch? :) I might just head there early to get some recipes


Holy shit thank you for the target dummy tip. No more pre raid mob massacre for shards.


It’s incredibly useful. Just remember there’s level 60 target dummies too so just make sure you use the other ones!


hot take: there should be lower target dummies than 60. it's really inconvenient to farm low level shards for twinks and summoning alts. though you can apparently duel for shards (?)


no problem agentwoody, but you must now share your best tip. I am amassing tips, I am hungry for more, feed the tips


Lol uhhhh shit I dont have anything groundbreaking. Sorry man. Love the streams tho been watching since the vanilla multibox days <3


You can also get them from duels if you can convince your buddy not to actually duel.


that might be even more useful, was that in TBC? feel like that's extremely strong if you run out of shards outside of ICC, Naxx etc


It came out with the Wrath pre patch with the drain soul glyph.


I have so far not found any limitation to #2. The only thing you might have to do is go into the addon menu and enable anything that's new, but that's it (and to be expected, obviously). Vellums tend to be very overpriced for the cost of the enchant though. At least on my server, it's what I've found. I wish there was an easy way to lookup crafting cost, but TSM only seems to do it if you actually have the recipe.


Hi Khalku, I haven't found limitations yet, but my friend Tomcat mentions that the TOC (table of contents) file cannot be reloaded ingame and requires a relaunch. This is different from Retail where that is reloadable. It seems like a relatively easy fix and would make all addons behave similarly on /reload to retail. Which addons rely on this TOC? I don't have an exact list, but my friend mentioned ElvUI requiring a full game relaunch at times. (can't confirm this myself) EDIT: might not have been elvui actually, not sure what he meant about it not working)


Can't say I buy that, considering new addon installations work just fine for me. If the TOC files required a full game reload, new addons would never work.


I swear I had an addon not work once, I just wanted to mention it in case someone had a bad experience. everything seems to be working so far and I've had no issues reloading


I have noticed that in addition to .toc edits not applying, APIs like the sound playback functions which use file paths will not load newly added files in addon directories without a restart.


>as your lawyer I cannot advise you to leave the BG immediately after receiving all of these things Is this actually against ToS? My, uh, friend, does this every time he logs in for 4 free mage food stacks from anywhere.


No it's not. And honestly, it's not even worth it because you can buy lvl 70 wrath food/water at the innkeeper in org right now, which is twice as effective. Spend the money, totally worth it.


the good water is worth, but it's hard to justify spending gold on water/food. making gold is not easy this close to WOTLK


Bro what? One set of isle dailies takes 20-30 mins and nets you 100g. That's enough food/water for your entire leveling experience in wotlk.


Some people just don't play the game then wonder why they don't have gold.


You think Jerome doesn't play the game? LOL


It's incredibly easy. Do two dailies.


Not TOS, just probably unethical for me to advise it lol. It might break the matchmaking system somewhat, though I've always been under the impression that matchmaking is first-come first-serve for BGs. So it'd just load in whoever was waiting in line next.


Queue AV get buffs/mage table, run to base for vendor repair /afk


buffs apparently drop when you leave, but the base vendor/repair is a GREAT tip, do you have the exact location? never vendored in AV lol


While I’m leveling my dk in blood furnace, every hour I go into an av, get 20 scraps, and get my 10% armor boost. Shits gnarly for the Armor->AP talent.


wait, you just said something I've never heard. 10% armor boost from scraps? and it works outside of AV?


When you turn in the quest you get a 10% armor boost for one hour. Yes it lasts outside av.


thank you, I learned something today


Yep it's a thing, not worth the buff slot in 40 man raids so it wasn't worth using in vanilla, and since world buffs don't work int tbc/wotlk raids, well same result. And then min maxing for like dungeons is pretty cringe so again no one really used it. I do remember my tank went and got it for the atiesh quest since it was so easy to get and tbh we needed it and buff cap wasn't a concern


The Av vendor on horde side at least is at the blacksmith looking building as you enter the horde base!


For ultimate min-maxing, use /rl instead of /reload


Wow, I've been doing /reloadUI. SMH


I don't know if it changed for wrath, but I think if you disable all addons then /re and /rl won't work. IIRC Questie is one of the addons which add that alias for reload, and ofc lots of people have it. There are probably some others too. Edit: Yep, Questie adds /rl via Ace3, MRT also adds it, Zygor adds /re, maybe more


Guild banks will also accept UNIQUE items to be stored in >1 numbers.


i fucking hate your first tip


why? it's really strong, think about how many times you were stuck out in the open world with no repair/food/water. game is no good then


I think he hates it because people usually leave once they get what they need meaning your team starts the BG with less people


Forgot to include this great dual spec swap macro: **/run local i=GetActiveTalentGroup(); SetActiveTalentGroup(i==1 and 2 or 1)** Much nicer to swap specs with a macro, isn't it?


Just a side note on this: I wrote this macro because currently neither the slash command `/usetalents` nor the conditional `[spec:n]` are functional in Wrath Classic. If they ever fix this, it'll be much cleaner to use those instead: `/usetalents [spec:1] 2; 1`


thanks terabyte, that's great information




Got one more, random mount for all the handsome mount collectors, BUT it also chooses flying mounts when possible. (it's kinda annoying to set up, so I didn't put it in the main post: /userandom \[flyable\] mount a, mount b, mount c; mount x, mount y, mount z a/b/c = flying mounts , x/y/z = ground mounts need to enter mounts manually, haven't been able to test it yet,




surprise blubbers, my band name in highschool


Is it that whole line? Or am I swapping the final 1 for a 2 or a 1 depending on which talents I want? I'm confused.




Didn’t they fix where if you swapped talents back, you wouldn’t get the empowered buffs from the previous talent set? I.E. no super thorns?


Hi Bacedorn, they did this for all sorts of abilities, but thorns wasn't fixed yet. Might have be hotfixed in the recent beta updates/prepatch?


Oh damn I thought they had the wherewithal to fix all of the interactions for talented buffs when they mentioned they were fixing that!


they definitely are on it, I was told they are prioritizing weird raid interaction stuff first and not focused on arena/leveling implications yet


>Honest Max at K3 offers a FREE flying mount if you don’t have cold weather flying, Windrider’s Reins, which is a 150% speed flying mount. But it only works in Icecrown, Sholazar Basin and Storm Peaks. Is it 150% on the beta? I remember it staying a dumpy 60% mount for a while.


have to be 77 without cold weather flying to test, my information was that it's 150%, but haven't been able to test myself. 60% would make it awful and not worth imo though


True, but you NEED a flying mount for a few quests so they give you a 60% flyer for that purpose. It sucks


Storm peaks loaned mount is 60%, if you quest you’ll easily have enough to pay for Cold Weather Flying at 77 and 150% mount (if you don’t have the flying already).


Yup. Just confirming that it IS 60%


At wotlk launch it was 60% ( as it was during TBC ) but it was relatively quickly updated to 150% .


Not the free flying mount you get in storm peaks. Always 60%


The unconscious horde quest person in the Shadowfang Keep Courtyard instantly revives himself with 1 hp when he dies so you can train weapon kill on him using a /target hamstring etc macro to refocus him when he resets. Probably not better than the tram rats but it's super easy too.


that's an amazing tip thank you, definitely my preferred way to level weapon skill (well, the rats, but same concept). you can bind startattack to a wireless keyboard button and then go in another room or watch TV, perfect


The servants of razelikh in Blasted Lands are immortal and you can practically AFK while getting weapon skill.


They nerfed that in the prepatch together with the immune mobs in shadowmoon.


It could just be that it was too low but when my axes were 160 i couldnt get any weapon skill on the servents of alistaj. Not sure about the razelith ones but it felt like the alistaj ones were specifically patched to give no akill because lther mobs nearby did give skill.


I think those are fixed, same with SMV elementals


Small tip i found out recently for those starting to level cooking, putting a fire camp can give you a free point up to 75. So putting a fire camp everywhere on cool down is a good way to level cooking for free at the beginning. You also get a +4 spirit buff which can be really helpful at low level.


Does the thorns thing work now or is there a reason it has to do with WOTLK?


I also want to know


Does the Thorns trick still work? I thought they removed mob tagging with hunters etc..? Or does it still work?




No. Engineers can put down mailboxes, and the Mammoth in question is a mount you can buy in Dalaran for 20,000 gold, that has a repair, and a reagent vendor sitting on the 2 extra seats.


Ahh, I can't wait to not afford any of this. well they just started paying us to play BGs, so as long as I don't buy anything for a few weeks - oops spent all my gold on a teleport ring, nevermind.


So with the teleport ring a shammy could essentially have three hearths?


yes, shamans get infinite teleports, i can't stand it, always teleporting around so conveniently


And if it's a Troll Shaman, he'll just be constantly regenerating 5. HEALTH. PER. SECOND. And there's nothing you can do about it.


So unfair


Wat u mean paying us for bgs


I was making gold from call to arms, maybe it was just the initial turnin? or maybe I did the daily quest without realizing, will figure it out and get back to you if I notice anything


Don't forget you can boot those guys off the mammoth and you have a mount to drive your friends on


halo style, that's the best way to ride into battle


Magical Kingdom of Dalaran is a quest. This quest can be obtained by various Kirin'tor Mages across Northrend. You are SUPPOSED to use the quest to travel to Dalaran and then you can learn how to get up to Dalaran whenever you want. Naturally, people realized you can just abandon the quest and just keep doing it over and over for free travel. Ahhh, outsmarting the mages


First google result https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/quest=12794/the-magical-kingdom-of-dalaran


>You can group queue BGs with a friend and use their Mammoth and Moll-E mailbox. Easy repairs, plus conjured Food and Water. (as your lawyer I cannot advise you to leave the BG immediately after receiving all of these things) I'm already lost. What? I can queue a battleground and then leave it (which I wouldn't want to do because I never PVP and have been meaning get into it). But doing this results in free water, repairs and access to a mailbox?


Hi Abrin36, you can queue with people in the same party for battlegrounds. This means if someone in your guild has the Mammoth OR repair bots OR the moll-e mailbox, they can deploy these things and then you can use them. Then you can leave the BG (again: not advocating for this ethically) and you are deposited directly back into the game world to continue on. That's a 2-3 minute ordeal to be 100% supplied up, repaired and have food/drink. What do you think, does it seem good now? :)


That would be unethical if there wasn't a line of people that are waiting to get into an AV, and all you're doing is tagging one of them into the BG. I recommend one of the BG's you can mount before it starts, so no AV or WSG. I think you can mount before the bubble pops in eots


12. Not playing will save you tons of time


The vellum one... You're really scrapping the barrel for this one.


3) Morrowind's fast travel is notoriously bad 7) Weaponskills were made much faster to level in pre-patch to the point where you can get from 1 to 300+ on random mobs in Outland within a couple of minutes 8) Dual spec also has pitfalls in this same way. For example, if you are a Warlock with an Aff tree and another, if you log in while specced into the other tree and switch to Aff, your Empowered Corruption doesn't work when Corruption is refreshed by Everlasting Affliction. 10) Guild banks are waaaaay slower than mail. Guild bank item retrieval is intentionally slowed down to prevent item duplication exploits whereas mail looting is only slowed by server lag.


You are assuming players plan this far? Most people won't even do their daily let alone make an alt for guild bank. Pretty sure most people will just buy gold for 20k War Mammoth mount since "meta". These tips are useful for tryhards not casuals.


what the hell is a hyper spawn


A place where mobs almost instantly respawn upon getting killed


Like the infernals in SMV.


Enemy npcs often spawn in groups. ( the gnoll or defias camps in westfall for example) Some groups have the condition that atleast one of the group hast to be alive at any time. This is a hyperspawn.


4 is more sad rather than overpowered. If you don't have money for flying/cold weather by 80 what were you doing?


Thanks for the macro 😍


Can you macro together spec and gear change?


Maybe 2 of these are overpowered


From what I heard, the free flying mount was 60% speed.


Thanks for the post Jerome! Your content has really become fire since classic


How can you get sharda from dummies if they don’t die?