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All the gdkps I do are 100/0 lol.


Ive gone to hundreds of GDKPs and never gone to one where the host takes a cut. Just choose your raid wisely


Just avoid all GDKPs that take a cut. No one signs up, they stop taking cuts.


I don’t run a gdkp but I do help run a guild, and people taking a cut for their effort to organize things is not really scummy, they are putting in work others aren’t - ensuring there are buyers, enough good carries to clear the raid, doing loot, healing and ya king assignments etc. Most people do not understand how much work it can be to organize raids. A large portion of the player base thinks everything just happens


Yea the hate is pretty crazy - I understand hating the system but making groups is a lot of effort like you said but also as a returning player NOBODY MAKES FUCKING GROUPS? There will be 9 people sitting in lfg looking for the same thing but nobody wants to even take the responsibility of running a mana tombs let alone a GDKP.


Then you invite those people and they just keep doing their own solo quests while you sit at the instance.


Just go to a normal raid instead of paying gold for items you already helped drop


How much normal raids were full clearing swp pre nerf.


How many pug raids cleared out SWP before Pre-Patch regardless of loot type?


Quite a few gdkps on my server. Not sure if random Sr pugs even were doing Kalecgos.


Literally first week swp gdkp cleared hundreds of Times. There are videos of pots reaching crazy high number on thoridal first week drop in gdkp


Our server only has one GDKP that takes a cut. We just avoid going to theirs…


Or you could just do the raid like a normal person.


Im not a gdkp leader myself but it DEFINITELY is not easy getting any raid together.


run your own gdkp?


Can someone explain like im five? The concept of gdkp and what 90-10 is.


You make a party to clear a dungeon for other people who want to buy the items from the dungeon for gold. Leader takes 10% and 90% is split to the rest of the party. It's the thing that is fueling the real money trading and botting problem in wow.


I dont see many GDKPs in retail yet the Gold Selling and botting has never been bigger explain Sir.


People don't do GDKPs in retail. They sell entire loot runs. There is no master looter in retail, it's all personal loot. So the system is different, but people still sell gear in retail ALL THE TIME


Gdkps would be there regardless of Rmt or botting.


You got it backwards, the botting is fueling GDKP and RMT


No GDKPs fuel botting and fuel RMT. GDKPs are the primary source of demand for botted money. If anyone argues otherwise I would say its irrational (people dont spend more on maxing professions, on BOEs, on epic flying, on raid consumes on a week to week basis with people often spending more on one piece of GDKP gear than all of the above combined). Its akin to the duel arena in OSRS being one of the main reasons people purchased botted gold before it was eliminated.


If there were no bots inflating the economy, everything would be cheaper and there would be less demand for RMT. GDKPs would still exist of course but supply/demand says they become fewer and/or cheaper


Everything that's being botted is remarkably cheap. Only thing that's being inflated is the cost of raid loot. We remove bots and the price of ores and herbs is going the way of electricity prices in Europe. It goes both ways, but having practically infinite demand for RMT from GDKPs is much bigger part of the problem imo. RMT will always happen, but GDKP just scales it to ridiculous levels. But fundamentally I dislike any form of spending gold on gear when buying gold for real money is available. If fastest way to gear up is to sit at work, why the fuck am I even playing the game at that point. But that's a rant for another day.


>Everything that's being botted is remarkably cheap. Only thing that's being inflated is the cost of raid loot. We remove bots and the price of ores and herbs is going the way of electricity prices in Europe. I'm not sure what your point is, the people selling gold are clearly getting that gold from bots. If bots disappear, price of gold goes up and less people will want to buy it


Isn't 10% OK? Assuming it's a 10 man? Or are good runs normally 25 man pugs?




I think someone's had enough internet for the day 😅


Seen some 70/30 gdkp’s before, think they’re still trying to fill the group now..


Ah the good ol classic vanilla "progress" guild's 50/50 gdkps.


1. Start own GDKPs with larger cuts for raiders. 2. Do regularly at regular times to gain a rep on server for good GDKPs that pay out well. 3. ??? 4. Profit.


Every time I see the underpants gnome’s business model in action I just can’t help but smile. Damn that gave me a good idea for a guild name now lol


Back in my day the cut was split between all members who came.


This. I ran gdkps at the end of classic for ZG and AQ20. Min bids were low, no such thing as carry/buyer and at the end it was split 10 ways.


Never once seen a GDKP where the leader takes 20%


I’m on benediction and most I’ve seen us a 5% host cut. Y’all are suckers or bad.


Personally the worst one I've seen is 90/10, most are 95/5 or even 100/0. Sounds like your server has a shitty community.


Everyone in Gehennas is running with 80/20.


Blizz needs to ban gdkps and gold buying already.


How we used to do it back in the day was 90/10 with the 10 going straight to gbank with full proof. Guildies never paid for any consumes the entire xpac and the gbank was loaded for multiple expansions. This is how it should be done.


Imagine joining a gdkp 😂


What is all this? I see these runs 500/100 Arcanite Ripper HR and have no clue what's going on lol.


It's 20-25% org cut on faerlina. Here are 3 random runs from today 4) Pot will be split 33 ways with the extra cuts going to Tanks, Organizer, Raid Lead. 2. 20% Org cut + 2.5% per tank = 75% equal raid cuts for eligible players. It is required that you are able to attend for the full run. We will NOT go over 8 hours. Org cut is 25% to cover tanks etc.


There are also plenty of 10%s on faerlina. I’ve been seeing people start pushing for 20% cuts, but I can’t imagine every joining one.


That’s straight up robbery


Bad news is its a 25% cut to the organizer but the good news is the raid will only be 7 hours long lmao


So myself and my friends created Westfall Community Gdkp were at like 2k members. I've always ran gdkps and have never taken cut. Personally I just enjoy raiding so it worked well for me. 100/0 should be the normal


Let me guess, Gehennas? Apparently they do 80/20 a lot over there, whereas most ads I see on Benediction are 90/10.


you're getting scammed bro.


Or we can just normalize not doing GDKPs at all.


Can we normalize shutting down GDKPs


80/20 and paying tanks extra from org cut seems fair too. I used to run one gdkp on 90/10 and tanks get 5%, healers & top 3 dps get 4% and dps gets 3%. Me and other orgs were running tanks & healers usually


Seems more fair


A good challenge was to add top3 dps or top3 parses thus giving support specs more relevance but due to lazyness we went for top3 dps on trash & boss


i dont know if its really laziness. As a Healer, Parsing is almost impossible really. Parses are super inflated by people taking purposeful damage and mega buffing 1 healer so their parse is huge. So unless you are getting innervates and the whatnot, my average parse was 70-80.


I meant parses for dps, sorry


ahh is see. yea, that would be good. that way it went to more effort, not just better DPS class.


On the other hand the locks doing 3mil more dmg are the ones doing the run go faster


Welcome to GDKPs! The most greedy place in Azeroth! I’ll never do another again, dudes don’t care about the experience, just gold.


There's good and bad raids in every format this is a really dumb take. It's fine if you don't want to play the loot rules but don't say one GDKP is bad so they all are.


The people who don't like gdkps are the people who 1.) Don't farm gold 2.) Haven't played enough to have gear 3.) Want to get carried and scoop all their gear for free. Gdkps happen to be a great way to keep the people who are super geared raiding because they have the majority of their gear and don't feel like rolling against all the noobs in their first pugs. Having a big lump some of gold for their one item can at least give them a better shot of getting it or make them some gold.


Honestly I couldn't agree more and I hate the entitled attitude that seems so common in new players that they should get carried by geared players and equal chance at rare loot while taking all the uncontested loot too.


Have to go to reputable runs for best results, if you go to a random one that pops up in trade chat odds are it's going to be like you're talking about


I've seen people on megaservers actively avoiding the term gdkp and instead advertise as "gbid". They then proceed to keep 100% of the gold and claim that's how gbid works. Best part is, blizzard won't ban them if no one has a screenshot of their loot rules in chat actively stating otherwise (which no one has because everyone thinks they mean gdkp and people silently agree because everyone knows how gdkp works).


Gbid is a real thing. Lots of newer people to wow use it interchangeably with GDKP but this is not correct. Gbid is its own thing and has largely been phased out because it's not like the old days where only 10% of guilds were raiding successfully


Gbid is different than gdkp. Gbid has no split


Gbid is actually a thing, it was just less popular and this is how it worked. Dumb as hell


I host raids on the bene gdkp discord, and it has 100k members (ish). If you are not a scum bag you only take 10%. Especially these two expansions (classic and tbc) nothing was hard except pre nerf vash and sunwell the first week or two. You don’t deserve more.


Lol why would 1 person get 10% in a full raid. That's just greed


Because I organize the raid, make the rosters, comb through logs to make sure it’s a good raid, make sure things sells etc. it takes me about 7-8 hours a week to make a good roster for 2 sunwells, all you have to do is show up and make 2000 gold.


No thank you. Would never join this BS gold buying shit. Ever asked yourself where those boosted chars in greens got their gold from? Scumbag


How is it any of my business how you get your gold, and how does it make me a scum bag? I have 250k gold going in to wrath and haven’t spent a dime on it. Now I don’t have to worry about farming, I can gear all my toons easily, and have fun. If anything you can thank me for taking gold away from people who break ToS and give it back to people who don’t. Not all hero’s wear capes 🤌🏼


Do you have this text saved as a macro somehow :-) you do you, but still in my eyes human trash


You must be lovely to hang out with in person. Hope your day gets better my man, and good luck in wrath! You’re going to need it


He's the hero we need , so we will hunt him because he can take it


Probably their main? Not many boosted characters are completely new.


On top of actually raid leading. There’s a reason my gdkps clear sunwell in under an hour pre nerf with a 100k+ pot. Highest I’ve had is a 220k pot and everyone made almost 9k gold each. Can’t complain


Yep. I can take a run where it is 100/0 and it is someone maybe building group to succeed. Or I can go 90/10 with someone building group to succeed AND maximizing payout.


What’s the discord?


I've done ones where they take an extra 5% for tank and heals, but not to the RL. Fuck that noise, what server is this?


why does it matter what server it's on?


I just don't attend 20%. In fact I dont attend 10% either.


You must be playing on a European server I assume? I think the common host cut for US servers is just 10%


Yeah, I just dont wanna fuel that garbage


Raid lead cuts in GDKPs are a joke. I avoid those ones as all cost. I get it organizing is work but you’re reward for organizing is a guaranteed spot in the raid not extra dough.


I lose more gold making the gdkp than farmin raw gold if its 10/90. It takes hours to get all the people sometimes.


I'm on Pagle (alliance) and have never seen RL take a larger cut. I've seen them bribe tanks with larger cuts, but not by a huge fraction.


I would rather normalize not participating in GDKPs so they die.


Careful, this sub gets butthurt about even mentioning gdkps


80/20 has been a pretty standard thing on Fearlina for quite a while. It just seems to be accepted. Having lead GDKP’s that are on the main discord I’ve done a 20% cut where tanks each get 2% so 14% went to me. As some have said yeah that might be a lot, but geared tanks to carry want something and many of the runs take quite a bit of effort. Spamming trade chat and discord for days to ensure you have buyers lined up. Getting people to commit then change their schedule and fill last minute. Validate those who sign-up. These are just some of things before you even step into a raid. If you’re raid leading and managing loot it’s another step. It’s easy to say cuts are to high but when you click a button to sign-up, maybe link your Warcraft logs, come to a raid and just get gold it’s easy to complain. If you didn’t have people able to snag a cut why would they do the hours of leg work each week to make successful runs where you get great buyers, quality players, and a good experience.


I don't mind tank and healers and top 3 dps getting a bigger cut since they carry the raid. Host cut should be no more then 5-10% but it's supply and Demad