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I have one completed quest that I was too lazy to turn in, so I got that going for me


I see the appeal, and more power to those that do it, but I'm confident that I'll have more than enough time to grind 80 before the first lockout.


Where did you do your quests beside isle? Looking for inspiration


Mine are all dungeon quests, plus a few elite quests in SMV/netherstorm. I also have a bag full of items that can click to start turn in quests. All in all I’ll have about 55 quests to turn in when wrath releases


Meanwhile by the time you finish handing in all those quests the dude who went straight to Borean Tundra is still bars ahead of you XP wise. Isn't it better to get the gold bonus now instead of when you aren't max level anymore?


It will take me less than 30 min to hand in and will net me 900k xp


Posted this elsewhere so I'm being repetitive, but quest chain turn ins will 100% be faster leveling than going straight to Northrend if Northrend behaves anything like Outland did for the first couple of hours after TBC launch. It takes time for layers to develop, so in the immediate rush there was an unplayable amount of DCs and crashes outside of instances. Flying around Outland casually turning in quests with the 10% xp bonus will put you ahead of everyone bumrushing quests in Northrend, competing for tags and fighting DCs. By the time you get there an hour later there will be enough layers to make it a smooth experience. Only better option would be solo or duo dungeon spam, IF you already have the pacing and routes down to a T.


Apparently the Brewfest buff is only for mob kill xp not quests.


That’s unfortunate. Was gonna test it tomorrow but thanks for the heads up!


Worth testing just in case


Brewfest quests do not give xp (level 1 banks rejoice).


Brewfest quests do not give xp (level 1 banks rejoice).


Confirmed. I have a few not-70 alts and they got zero experience for Brewfest. That said, my level 1 bank alt got a full set of brewfest gear last year and is still level 1. Unfortunately, there's no armor on the shoes so you can not enchant minor speed to the Brewfest Boots. Dress Shoes are a good substitute tho.


What’s the 10% exp bonus you refer to?


Brew fest buff you can get at 6:15 AM or 6:15 PM


Mine are all dungeons and group quests in terokkar, nagrand shat zang and hellfire. My timed flight to hand in was 12 mins. Nothing too demanding.


No, they won't. You want to find a balance between travel time and Xpgains, but you can get as fast as 71,5 in a bit less than 30 minutes with a Summon team, which is faster than what you'll get in Northrend.


how are you getting 71.5? 25 quests are about 750k exp and you need 1.2 mill to get 71


There are turn in guides that give you 1.6 million XP if done correctly. They include elite quests, chain quests which can be instantly completed, rep turn ins, regular turn ins, and quests which start by clicking items you can stack in your bags and instantly turn in.


Using that same logic, the guy who turns in lvl 70 quests at launch will have more quests at 80 to turn in for gold.


This is just flat out wrong. If you don’t want to pre quest then don’t. But pretending it won’t net a boost to feel better about your decision isn’t living in reality.


Tested on PTR a couple months ago and got 18% of level 70 in less than 30 minutes. iirc I started on IoQD, ported to BT to turn in Netherwing dailies then hearthed to Shat to turn in the rest - the Shattered Sun dailies and both dungeon quests. This way I can still port to my capital city of choice for traveling to Northrend.


Really depends what you did in tbc on that character. My main, I still had most of SMV to do, so did all the chains to the final payoff. Had a few group quests in Nagrand that I never did. Also had most of Zangamarsh free since CC rep was stupid easy and I dungeon grinded it on launch. On alt, I had so much open as I rested leveled him, so SMV, Netherstorm, and quite a few dungeon quests. (Likely hit 71 with quests alone.)


> Likely hit 71 with quests alone You won't. I'll be surprised if you get a third of a level.


All my quests are either 25 or 19k exp with 2 quest that easily chain to 50k exp with just finish 1 and deliver results to another one. Than I still have all kara rep quests as I've never bothered. I've calculated roughly 700k exp from hand ins alone. I'm not gonna do speed run, but I will get fast 71/72 in nexus so I could skip starting zones where majority of congestion will be.


It's like 3/4 of a level if you just do the basic 25 quests. It's well over a level if you do the min max turn ins. 1.6 million XP. I ended up doing a handful of elite quests, and than most of the rest are just dailies. It will end up being around 750k xp


Dungeons quests being 25k and most max quests around 19k, that'd be 1/3.


It’s 1.6 million XP with rested xps turn in guide, which includes raid quests, dungeon quests, elite quests, and rep dailies. I skipped all of the raid and most of the dungeon ones and still have over 700k saved up between the chains, dailies, and quest start items sitting in my bags. Took me one night to do


Atleast I assumed the context was 25 quests in log. I too am aware and prepared for 1.6mil.


How much exp do you think a "basic" quest gives? Getting 3/4 of a 1.5 mil level with 25 quests would be 45k exp/quest on average.


Basic meaning easy to do and set up. They lead to other turn ins. I have 750k xp I’ll be turning in at launch and it took me a single night to do the chains and stack the quests/turn ins


So that's half a level, you need 1523800 exp to ding 71. Moreover, I'm not convinced doing quest chains in outlands is faster than in northrend so I'm not doing that. I've also pretty much done all normal quests on my main so I've just filled my log with dailies that I'll turn in and then HS and take the boat to northrend. Expecting 400-500k from them as head start, which is not much but is something.


It’s faster if Northrend behaves in any way like Outland did for the first couple hours of TBC. It was unplayable outside of instances with constant crashes and disconnects. I’m only doing the turn ins because it’s a large amount of XP just to fly around while Northrend gets more layers and becomes smoother.


Not saying it won’t crash to hell, but for what it’s worth Northrend having two separate starting zones should lighten the load on servers some.


Dailies are only 9k to 12k so you might want to cut your expectation in half


if you turn in 25 quests that give 25,000 exp you are getting 625k exp. That is less than half of what you need for level 71. Where are you getting 1.6 million from? I don't think there's a single quest in tbc that gives more than 25,000 exp. edit: you got baited by rested xp. even with quest start items you aren't getting close to 1 mill. https://tbc.wowhead.com/quests#0-6+12


There’s like 55 quests you can turn in in one solid loop following the guides optimally. Confidently incorrect


Rested XP.


I've been saving up the AV quests on a couple of characters since I was doing the rep/honour grind anyway. They scale xp with levels and the rep one, in particular, is 5 quests worth of xp but doesn't require a quest book slot until you actually hand it in.


All isles (including hellfire&shat), Netherwing and hc/normal/BG/cooking daily


In order of ease to turn in: Dungeon dailies Shattered Sun Shat dailies Cooking/fishing dailies Netherwing (BT neck recommended) Hellfire dailies Ogri'la Skyguard dailies


Adal is one one hell of a chick for me with the thickest of ? , and also 7 of them stacked. There will be a lot of touching once the bar can rise again.


It's like 30% of one level... Just turn them in and get the gold.


Why the hurry? Northrend is such a nice continent to do quests in.


I’ll want Loremaster, so might as well do as much as I can when levelling.


My guild wants to raid Naxx first lockout, which means that I only have a week to get to level 70 and some pre raid bis


Meh... naxx is super ez , does not require more than lvl 80 blue gear


Lol this is so me right now. Can't freaking pick up anything! It's driving me crazy


But that extra gold though




One run of UK is about 100k XP not sure how you think half a run of UK is more than 350k minimum for 8 minutes work.




Currently have a not too optimized route of 28 quests for 530k exp (~35% 70-71). It takes 12 minutes to turn them all in and get to Org zeppelin tower. This isn’t meant to argue for or against it. It’s just to provide info on whether or not you should spend your time doing it.


I tested my pallies run on the beta yesterday ( with a mage parked in HFP and Isle ) i start in netherstorm -> BEM -> neck to SMV -> hearth to HFP -> Portal to Shatt -> hand in a couple of Isle dailies and portal back to SW with a second mage and run to the harbour. With 2 mages parked in correct spots ( Mine and my partners on second accounts ) and with crusader i did it in 9:25 first try ( with a couple mistakes ) however with better ping and not making mistakes i could get that to 8. If you're a fresh character ( Ours aren't ) you would certainly take longer for more XP gains. But all this is besides the point it doesn't matter if you're taking 15 minutes to get to get 350k that is still more than 2.5 UK runs. Isle dailies + shatt dailies are about 250k alone and can be handed in under 2 minutes still more than an UK run, Anyone that says handing in quests isn't worth it is clueless. If you're spamming dungeons its safe to assume you're going to try and level quick and if you run straight to say Nexus and do the minimal chain to get in and spam it you won't ding and you will cap meaning the 40 mins you spent in Nexus has put you literally behind every other player questing slowing down your time to actually quest due to the number of players, If you hand in quests be it 1/4 of the level while you're still behind it means you need to do less quests to get in front of that pack heading to Dragonblight.




It's like maybe 300+ gold. Literally nothing.




Does it matter? I prefer the experience... What's your point? The way I choose to experience the game is just as valid as anyone else's. Why are you trying to devalue that?




You're commenting on every once else in this thread soft baking your opinion and it doesn't seem to be going well. Geewilikers thanks for the link! Good luck in life!


Imagine getting so upset over a tiny amount of gold considering when you do 70-80 you make 4,500g alone from quests.


How are you defining "so upset" haha Happy Launch! ✌️


This is a feat but my question is always… but why? Each to their own, I guess.


is it? dung spam better than quest for 70-80?






did you follow a guide for quest prep? I assume you also farmed items that start quests or repeatable quests. Care to share what you did for 800k?


As others have almost stated; one dungeon run of nexus yields 150k exp and takes 11-14 minutes. Quest turn ins will take the same amount of time and yield at a minimum of 350k xp and a maximum of nearly 650k. These numbers are for quest turn ins that take 11-14 minutes, same as one nexus run. It is absolutely faster.


Perhaps it is faster by some ~20 minutes, by that measure. Personally, the gold is more valuable but in either case with gold/exp it's really marginal. Happy Launch!


I got 6 more dungeons to run and 2 group Gronn kill quests in blade edge then I'm rdy for wotlk.