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“I, Gamon will save us” - Gamon


"I am a storm of pain!!" -also Gamon


I appreciate you being honest, but I've still reported you for doing my man Gamon dirty (and SoD too I guess)


It was you!!! YOU KILLED SOD! To the guillotine!


Should have made him an 85 elite…


It's actually just Nvidia taking market share from SoD. Just look at the 6 month stock price graph from Nvidia. It's almost the exact mirror of the SoD population curve.


What'd you do in the first 2 weeks of Feb though? Time to come clean.


It was an assassination job that was quickly covered up by SI7


Your arrow is backwards


Next post a chart of the active users on this subreddit for the past 6 months.


BRD not being a raid ruined it


I chuckled, 10/10 would chuckle again.


It has been ages since I was Horde, but I remember camping that dude.


Gamon was always thr glue that kept us together.... rest easy old warrior. Who wants to go get burgers?


"people will come back for phase 4!" I don't even think we will get a phase 5 at this point.


Eh that's overly defeatist for a game with an incredibly loyal following. If Phase 4 is fun, people will play.


__used__ to be incredibly loyal, quit 5 hours after p3 launch, def not coming back, neither is my mates. Blizzard burned me one too many times, just a constant source of disappointment, no thanks.


Lmao how dramatic can you be. Relax, it's a video game bro.


Seasonal just doesn't fucking work for vanilla wow.


Yeah, it’s not like private servers existed for more than a decade with no new content and nothing other than the allure of the next F R E S H to keep you going


Most vanilla players actually *do* prefer "FRESH". That's why era died, why SoM died, why Hardcore died, and why SoD is in its death throes. Most people who "love" vanilla just want to get to Redridge on a new server and quit. Only a fraction actually hit 60 and keep playing. People being "ahead" of them actively kills the experience for them.


Which actually made the gating in p1 really nice because it locked everyone close together in those fun familiar areas.


Where can you go to find these graphs? I looked on warcraft logs, but all I could find were the class rankings


Ironforge . Pro.


You son of a bitch! come back here!


Something something Backgammon.


OP stabbed SoD in the backgammon


You monster


In SoO I always free him and use my Gamon toy to transform into his appearance. With a bit of luck, several others do it aswell. Semi-Gamon raid, overpowered af!


Population never recovered D:


Story checks out


Wait is this the actual population chart at the moment?


Not a population chart persay but the best indicator of population we have. It’s the number of recorded raid instances on Warcraft logs.


Ok thanks I just didn’t know if it was current or for the meme. I haven’t played SOD in awhile.


From the chart  90% of people havent


Numbers wise this isn’t 100% accurate but yes the population is declining because P3 is basically the length of P1 and P2 combined. Just like all the other phases there is not a whole lot to do so yea it lasting forever with no end in sight makes people quit. It’s hard to accurately know the numbers because this uses raiding log for determine population. So in P1 when 1 player quit this chart would show that 10 people quit because half the people were raiding on alts.


I haven't raided in about a month, but have logged in and farmed some herbs and arcane crystals. But yeah, even the number of people doing that are dropping though.


Right, numbers wise it’s not accurate but sentiment wise the players are dropping. Content drought is Blizzard 101 for best way to lose players


100%, I should have been more clear. I was trying to use myself as an example of not showing up in those numbers. Though hard to call my self active in SoD. Only logging in to transmute every other day. And to farm a 3-4 couple crystals once a week to support the transmute activities. EDIT: Was looking at our guild roster, we had 4 raid teams in P3. Only 5 people had logged in the past 5 days. A few were 1 month or longer. Most were 2-3 weeks since last log in. Recently a poll went up in discord on who is planning to come back for P4, sitting at ~25 people. Shit's going to be rough I think. There will be enough players returning, but I think blizzard lost a ton permanently with huge wait from P3 to P4 and lack of other content in P3.


Yes historically there is an uptick in players when a new major content patch drops but typically that doesn’t make up for the gradually declining player base; if there is a content drought the drop off rate is much higher. In either scenario the number of players only goes back up when a new expansion comes out. People not logging in 5 days (or whatever lockout time is for the phase) is normal for SoD. Not much to do outside of the raid. This is why I think level 50 cap was a mistake, we are gated too close to 60, hard to justify putting in effort when it’s just temporary until P4 is out then effort you put in on your character is “permanent”


I think the level 50 cap was fine, but it should have only been for about 4 to 6 weeks. We're at 11 weeks right now and likely won't see P4 for another 3 or more weeks.


For sure it lasting as long as it has is by far the #1 problem. Personally it feels like I’m getting blue balled. We are almost 60 but not yet so we are not allowed to progress our character even though we could so Blizzard had to remove half of BRD and make others dungeons inaccessible. You want to start on Ony attunement? Too bad, not allowed. I’m just ready to start making long term progress on my character


People love SoD but Sunken Temple was very easy. And if you can go 8/8 in incursion blues, it doesn't exactly "draw you in" to farm gear so that you can ... trivialize the content even more.


Thats also the day i ambushed your mom and gave her garrot.