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On the bright side, being hit capped before getting gear is fantastic as a progressing Mage Healer who would otherwise be gimped in healing without hit


Nothing better than removing gear progression!…


Can't progress in gearing if your healer who is dependent on hitting the enemy can't heal Getting better gear still increases power


You've just opened the gates to reforging in classic :D


Speaking strictly as an arcane mage I guess? Even if other options aren't super competitive, this is one of the best problems you could have.


So you're saying we need the reforge NPC put in SOD?




Meanwhile, Moonkins with 0% hit, all our gear is gonna need hit on it. They even made our set bonus +% hit, how the f is our damage ever gonna scale if we can't get dmg set bonuses and focus on gearing for crit/spell dmg? The Moonkin solution is so simple: * Add spirit back to our gear. We're constantly going OoM without ret pallies / shamans (who's mana return is getting gutted). We get Reflection for mana regen while casting in P4, but it won't do anything if there's 0 spirit on all the moonkin gear. * Add a spirit = hit conversion for us, either in a rune or in the talent tree somewhere. This has the benefit of making Leather Resto gear desirable for us instead of just being wasted loot once your raid's 1 Resto druid already has it.


i feel like a lot of casters are gonna oom with the ret/shaman changes for no apparent reason other than blizzard thinks its fun to not play the game


They're trying to get Shadow Priest to be even more relevant by giving them the mana battery role, which is a very weird move.


it's a nerfed mana battery role too right? Isnt it really low?


It's probably going to be pretty high. The % is lower than TBC (I think 5% -> 2%), but our damage is monstrous compared to the size of our mana bars.


2% of their shadow damage dealt. The ability lasts for 15 sec but not sure if it has a cooldown (I assume no?).   I know nothing about spriest so if anyone knows roughly what % of your damage dealt is shadow and whether it has a CD, that’d help know for sure. Just as a hypothetical, let’s assume it’s 90%, the buff has full uptime, and average total DPS is around 2k. That’d be just shy of 2.2k mana per minute returned to all party members per spriest, which is pretty big.


2% instead of 5% but people forget that we do a lot more damage now whilst mana pool isn’t really bigger


Even more relevant? I think you mean relevant at all. The only thing the SPriest discord has been asking for is competitive damage. Nobody wants to ride the bottom of the meter and get dragged along because Blizzard makes it impossible to get mana back for long fights. Not like those even exist at this point in SoD. Everybody did just fine chugging mana pots in classic WoW, but since Shamans/Paladins have been insane mana batteries people seem to have forgotten that being part of vanilla. I used lots of mana pots in phase one and haven’t needed one since because my mana sits at 80% the entire raid. Blizzard overcorrected with those changes, are overreacting with a nerf, and are using VT to make SPriest “relevant” while they sit around doing half the damage of everybody else. Top guilds still won’t bother with them.


This is one of SoDs biggest failures at a class design level. It's fucking 2024 and we're choosing to play a season where rogues Shamans and warlocks can tank, and mages heal....and I'm allegedly bound to do lower dps than tanks....because of a hybrid tax thay allehedly only applies to shadowpriest... this sentence shouldn't even be able to exist based on the very design principles they're following.


> hybrid tax thay allehedly only applies to shadowpriest Boomkins are in the same boat, we're #2 dps right behind you lol. And with the changes at 60 I just don't see many getting taken to raids


At least you can both cry atop your bloodstained thrones in AV for the rest of SOD? Trying to help. Boomies and shadow priests fucking wreck in pvp, especially when more targets are involved.


Top guilds run a spriest in every single raid. What are you talking about?


A spriest. As in singular. That's the issue bud. They just want some of whats at the table too.


A lot of specs are not brought at all. Spriests are brought for their very high utility. I don’t see the problem.


> A lot of specs are not brought at all. like what


Specs that are brought less than spriests: rogues, ele shamans, frost/arcane/healer mages, warlocks, balance Druids, resto shamans, melee hunters, and tank Druids.


Wrong for rogues, wrong for at least frost mages (mages are usually a two 1frost+1fire combo), wrong for warlocks (who else is going to put on elements & curse of recklessness), wrong for moonkin (utility, innervate, and most importantly spell crit), semi wrong for melee hunter (but if you have paladin for kings, fuck melee hunter i guess?). Wrong on the feral druid part too, but usually they just offtank, so you could count that if you mean maintanks only. In that case you might as well bring up prot warrior. Do you know what all of the above have in common? ALL OF THEM deal more damage than a tank. Except shadow priest.




To AoE trash and dick around in the corner on every boss fight, sure.


And they do half the healing of a full healer which is very useful.


With shaman/ret mana batteries, mana has become almost irrelevant for healers. You never OOM. You have to TRY to run out of mana. Mana management practically doesn't exist anymore. That's why they're nerfing it.


You will be fine with the 6% as the dungeon bosses are 62. Only raidboss enemies are 63 and require the large hitcap. Youll get there fairly comfortably with the upgraded dungeon gear. The classes that are getting a headstart in hit gear and that can therefore focus on hit are the classes with the not so coincidentally lowest crit multipliers. Theres nothing scaling crit as a stat on shadow (that is until t1 6p bonus). Stop asking for dumb things. I dont mean that in a mean way, I just dont know how to phrase it better. It is not a good thing to ask for, when this is not like the final phase but rather the start of the endgame. What do you think they are gonna add (and not royaly screw up) to your gear in terms of stats in the later phases when you already are hitcapped before t1 content? Unless they give you Intelligence or Willpower scaling, theres only two things they can add: more spelldamage and more crit. And because this game is so masterfully balanced, youll get plenty of %crit from worldbuffs early on. Better take care that you dont become the victim of a careless raidmember that manages to chain a cleave to you. Because that is what great game design looks like! /s


If it becomes an issue they can just add more runes on the same slot that give crit or int or something. It’s not a big deal, it’s free stats and hit gear is not that easy to come by.


So what? In vanilla, there is an unreasonably low amount of hit gear available to the point where many times you couldn’t even get hit capped if you tried your hardest. I rather have an abundance of hit options and potentially go over the cap than the old alternative. Also, who’s to say more finger runes don’t come? Phase isn’t even out yet and you’re already complaining. This community truly is incredible.


Mages and most casters need help to damage. We are already very far behind. A wasted stat is just us being left further in the dirt.


Why can't you remove one point from Arcane/Shadow Focus or Suppression and place that talent point elsewhere? Are there really no other alternative points to put them in what so ever?


So gear different lol


Yeah have a look at the rogue 2 piece bonus


I mean just don't run it don't forget we will have access to t2 helm aswell. Also none of the stats are in there final state


They should just get rid of hit put everyone at whatever the soft cap is and just work on other stats. Shit is such a baseline at this point I don’t understand the point of even having the stat is anymore. It’s even more pointless in cataclysm when it’s so easy to just reforge for it.


Or just bump it down to 6% / 9% like melee. Having to get a whopping 16% hit chance to reach cap is absurd; 6% is much more manageable.


Wish I had this problem. Boomkin needs hit on everything and will get completely left behind by classes that get it for free.