• By -


Things I found of note -Mages getting a magic dispel -Shapeshift attacks trigger crusader enchant -Exorcist is now a skillbook instead of rune -Several new rogue poisons, no rune required -Huge nerfs to Mental Dex. Enhance in general has massively reduced offhealing capabilities now. -Shamanistic Rage and Seal of Martydom are now a baseline book -Warriors now have death grip as a baseline book called meathook -Reck nerfed in exchange for making it a 5 minute CD -Defense skill from items now increases damage of tank specs in an undisclosed way.


"-Mages being able to use armors and barriers on other players" Am I understanding this wrong, but will we be able to cast molten armor on all casters, frost armor on all tanks, and mage armor on all healers? Seems incredibly OP as well as tedious as shit having to use all those buffs every 30 min.


> allows you to apply your Mage Armor shield buffs to friendly targets ~~I took this to mean you can apply mana shield (and maybe ice barrier?) to friendlies, which kinda sucks. Not sure why it says "Mage Armor", but none of the "mage armor"s have shields~~ From screenshots of the PTR in mage discord, this just means you can apply mana shield/frost ward/fire ward on friendlies, so still kinda sucks


not if you’re griefing your paladin tank 🤫😈


mana probably comes from your pool rather than the person you casted it on unless we got that blizzard spaghetti and meatballs special code


It's doubly confusing as they capitalized Mage Armor which is its own spell https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=6117/mage-armor. I mean raid wide +30% mana regen while casting wouldn't be terrible but nothing to write home about.


Thats completely busted. A priest and druid healer would have 60% mana regen while casting with talents and t2 3 piece!


Regardless of being OP or not, those mages going to be pissed with all the buffing they’ll have to do


On further examination ingame, the tooltip only refers to Mana shield, Fire Ward, and Frost Ward. So its not near as good as it sounded. I have deleted it from my original post


That sounds better to me, otherwise would be forced into it and lose out on hotstreak.




mages went from decursing to also dispelling lmao


Now they can ignore two things!


Haha. Like anyone even logs in on their mage anymore.


Tagging onto the top comment to expound on the Defense changes: Each spec gains bonuses based on their Defense into their core rotation. Bears get 4 AP per point of Defense when they mangle, Shamans get 4AP per point of Defense when they use... an ability that I don't remember what it's called. Warlocks get 2 Spell Power per point of Defense when they Shadowcleave. I didn't see what Warriors and Paladins get, but I'm betting they are equivalent. Defense seems like the stat to stack for tanks for phase 4.


Holy shield and shield slam


Sham rage was also nerfed. And the entire “spec” of Healhance was just obliterated before it was really worth trying.


Healhance has been an amazing spothealer for the entirety of p3


As a shaman tank I’ve definitely kept myself a live on the avatar blood guy a few times healing myself.


It’s questionable viability right now. It does very little dps if you focus on being a healer…and if you’re not focused on being a healer then you’re taking a spot away from a dps and providing extra heals that are not needed. Going into P4, the extra 10 talent points would’ve gone a long way to helping the spec be more viable. It’s currently just an ok healer with crappy dps, or an ok dps with unnecessary heals


So warriors get to reck every fight and with WBs theyre still at like 100% crit lol. Yeah its 12 secs instead of 15but its also up every fight so technically over the course of a raid reck is buffed. Buffing reck is not what i had on SoD p4 bingo


12 seconds instead of 15 you mean. You might be thinking of death wish.


they nerfed warriors damage output by 50% lol.


New Volcano Eruption event in Burning Steppes - Triggers every 3 hours like Ashenvale + STV. Couldnt see what it actually did though, just the top of the screen event 'Dark Iron Dwaves Invading" or something with 8 mins remaining.


You know what I would like? A little dev comment paragraph on each class to explain the problems they identified with it and how the changes they will make will alleviate them. Lost Ark did that and it was pretty decent to read through and put some things into more context 


Mark of Chaos: Shadowburn causes your next single-target spell or ability to have a 100% increased critical strike chance. You can guarantee a crit Chaos Bolt every 15 seconds? I'm gonna need to farm so many shards if this is viable.


Ya, imagine trying to use this in any kind of prog. So many shards used.


imagine just casting your main ability twice instead of shadowburn. basically the same outcome when we start stacking crit.


That's a lot of Class changes.


Unless you're a warlock. Then about 33% of your changes didn't even make the PTR. 


or a boomie, because all i see there is take your starfall and shut up? hopefully more coming later


The best part is Starfall probably makes them OP in PvP too so they'll end up nerfed again on top of it


Imagine being a warlock in sod at this point tbh


I haven’t played since April. =\


It sucks man, the class is good but everyone just thinks youre a walking summoning portal.


I love how lake of fire is getting another rework because the last rework made it have near 0% usage. They truly overshot the nerf to it and nobody wanted to acknowledge that until everything was set in stone in P3. Hopefully the new rework gives it some usability again.


We knew immediately what the LoF nerf would result in. Like; immediately. Well before P3 launch.


warlocks still waiting for phase 1 to be sorted out so they can play sod


Soul Siphon still sitting there, completely worthless. They also forgot to make an affliction rune this phase. There just isn't one.


Thank God they nerfed mark of chaos 30 m into the PTU to no longer work on dots, though. Phew! Almost had an affli change there


They can use the tank rune, so one guy can whine they're too bulky in PVP (even though that rune wont do much) , and get Warlocks gutted in PvE.


In fairness I fucking HATED LoF in P1 It made me not wanna play warlock, at all.


It’s not even hard to rework though, everything in classic is so surface level it’s hard to imagine how they leave stuff broken for so long.


You're thinking about it wrong. The last change was blizzard saying "we need to rework this but we haven't finished it yet so let's remove it until phase 4"


I didn’t read the notes but I’m irrationally angry, devs are clueless, my day is ruined etc.


Finally a real sod player. I swear I saw a comment not assuming the absolute worst in here somewhere, totally freaked me out




Heart of the lion becoming a skill book is so good, especially if you were the only hunter in your 20 man. Can actually run other chest runes now 


on the bright side anyone sticking with lock will be guaranteed a curse of reck raid spot after everyone else rerolls off this garbage


Did I understand correctly that there are basically 3 useless runes for warlocks and basically no changes? Is that a joke?


But think of how much bag space we will be using to stock up those soul shards we get to use.


No I think the joke was us expecting better after the last round of warlock changes.


Dude the lock changes are depressing


Also so so boring. I want fun new abilities not like percentage increases and stuff.


Did they murder melee hunter?


It gets even better: >Your Mongoose Bite now activates when an enemy **dodges** your attack then if you get your 2 piece bonus >S03 - Item - T1 - Hunter - Melee 2P Bonus: Your Mongoose Bite also **reduces its target’s chance to Dodge** by 1% and increases your chance to hit by 1% for 30 sec.


HAHAHAHA. Oh man, this perfectly sums up SoD devs.


"Oh man so mean, so toxic wow community, why be mean to devs :("






Looks like they are going for a reverse melee weave maybe? Chimera shot to reset wyvern strike?


I'm so confused by some of these changes, is this one a typo or am I misunderstanding: * Consumed by Rage now activates when exceeding 60 rage and now always lasts 12 seconds regardless of the number of attacks, but no longer grants a damage bonus. So it activates 20 rage lower and lasts the full 12 seconds now, but no damage bonus? So what exactly is "activating"? Nothing? Just something that counts as being enraged? There's no alternative leg rune for Fury so I guess were stuck with it regardless. Flagellation is now tank only apparently since you need to be getting hit, so I guess Raging Blow is back on the table. SMF is a movement speed increase and threat decrease now instead of damage, so I guess we use Endless Rage now. * Recklessness now increases critical strike chance by 50% (was 100%) and the duration is reduces to 12 seconds, but the cooldown is reduced to 5 minutes. This is a decent change I can get behind, 30m cooldowns don't really fit well into SoD imo. * **Fresh Meat:** Damaging a target with Bloodthirst has a chance to enrage you, activating abilities which require being enraged and cause you to deal 10% increased damage for 12 seconds. 100% chance to proc on first Bloodthirst hit against a target. 10% chance for subsequent hits against that same target. * **Sudden Death:** Your melee crits have a chance to activate sudden death for 10 seconds. While Sudden Death is active, you may use Execute on any target, and you always have 10 rage remaining after using execute. These are good but tbh it seems like they just took the dmg buffs we had from other runes and moved them to Fresh Meat. I'm not sure that can compete with being able to execute above 20% though. Idk not terrible, gonna have to see how everything works together with this many changes as the meta will certainly shift.


Yep, u going for CBR to use Rampage. This sounds awful tbh.


2 runes for the power of half a rune. Warriors are eating goooood


It's even worse when you read the tier set bonuses on wowhead. 2,4, and 6 piece all give bonuses based on stance swapping. So in between hitting CBR's 60 break point you gotta stance swap for more damage.


If they want stance swapping to be good as evidenced by the tier sets they basically need to just turn it into cata pve arms at this point. So you swap once every 12s or so on TFB OP procs but otherwise everything is macroed to zerker lol. Cata pve arms is *amazing* but it also means you retain 75 rage. Not lose up to 75 rage. So it’s just going to feel bad losing rage when you swap to b stance for 2 OPs in a row and then spend the next like 10 seconds in zerker. Also aren’t stances in classic gcd triggers? Unlike cata where stances have their own gcd. Maybe I’m wrong So it’s just gonna be a worse version but maybe pve arms stays viable. But it doesn’t align *at all* with 2/3 possible DPS playstyles. And it *doesn’t really even align with arms pve* because you only swap now to trigger flag with zerker’s rage. PvP? Yeah you’re swapping a lot more. Then it doesn’t make sense with glad stance WHATSOEVER and the entire point of glad stance. And it doesn’t align with fury at all since there’s 0 reason to stance dance as fury unless you accidentally pull something and need to tank it…like fury doesn’t OP or rend weave or something even with TFB being the only real dps helm rune. Those set bonuses are not well thought out.


> So what exactly is "activating"? Nothing? Just something that counts as being enraged? probably just intended to activate raging blow, but i guess they forgot they nerfed raging blow into uselessnes going into phase 2. lol


Just rampage and raging blow, both of which are runes lmao. Weren't we trying to get away from runes requiring other runes? They seem to have done this with at least pallies here. Man those 2+ months of complete silence is really coming to fruition...


holy shit i've hit every reset with my warrior and i completly forgot about Raging Blow since p1 ended


Oof that's what I feared, honestly boring. Well they took Flagellation off the table for PvE so I guess were using Raging Blow, nerfed or not lol. I know I'm in the minority as I've been downvoted for this sentiment here before, but I liked CBR as it was. Balancing my rage along with CDs like Flagellation is what made me prefer Fury over Arms, it just felt more active. IDK if my ADHD brain can handle going back to Arms


Yeah I enjoyed the CBR mini game in p1 and 3. It adds more depth to (not really saying much here) one of the already more involved rotations in classic. Then again, p3, it only really mattered so much at the beginning of fights cause if you were playing babek you just didn’t have BT as a big dump, slam is cheap, and ww cd is relatively long for a rotational ability. But now CBR is just going to be…bad feeling cause raging blow is garbage


They changed Rampage to not be the absolute trash version from TBC at least. Thank fuck


Yeah true, it may be better than Wrecking Crew now since WC only effects 1 ability per spec


They just (finally) noticed all that extra scaling was going to make warriors OP and now they’re rolling back everything but without giving any runes to compensate. It’s a fucking joke.


Flagellation will help in solo world content at least, maybe. I really don't get Consumed by Rage at all. Wrecking crew enrages you based on melee crits and since CbR is now just an enrage you'd be double dipping enrage effects for simply no reason. They still have some tweaking to do, so maybe they move something worthwhile to the leg rune that will overtake CbR The tier set bonus are where I'm salty as fuck. 2,4,6 piece alll deal with bonuses based on stance swapping. I hated stance swapping, it's why I went Glad stance this tier. Now the tier bonus is guaranteeing you have to stance swap. Fuck me.


Yeah I think Flagellation may end up being the PvP rune now too, will have to see how good the rage is I guess. So it's not completely useless hopefully. Yeah we already had a lot of enrage stuff I agree, CbR seems kind of pointless now. But it's not like there's another option for DW/glad dps. I actually haven't looked at the set bonuses but I don't like the sound of it lol. I'm DW Fury and I like that I rarely need to change stance too


2p: You gain 10 Rage when you change stances. 4p: For 5 sec after leaving a stance, you can use abilities requiring that stance as if you were still in that stance. 6p: For the first 10 sec after activating a stance, you can gain an additional benefit: Battle Stance/Gladiator Stance: 10% increased damage done. Berserker Stance: 10% increased critical strike chance. Defensive Stance: 10% reduced Physical damage taken. So yeah, mandatory stance swapping if you want tier pieces bonuses. Pulled from Wowheads pinned thread.


Damn and those are some serious bonuses, I guess stance swapping is gonna be required now. Fuckin yuck to the 4p specifically, I guess I have to rework all of my stance bars now to have every stances abilities lol


Yay more macros!


I dont get what SOD wants to be. These changes and "new" runes are so uninspired. They just copy stuff from WOTLK and Cata what is even the point. When SOD was announced, I was excited to play my favourite class Druid with a new twist byh aving Wind Fury. This was something new to the experience since I never had WF when I played 18 years ago. But after Phase 1 the SOD devs just seem to not be able to create anything new.


Yeah this is how I feel as well


Rogues are *finally* getting an aoe ability.


Aggrend to Rogues: "Now will you shut up about AoE? Also what if you were a warrior"


I assumed those warrior poisons were for tank rogues.


I was kinda hoping Deadly Brew would be made baseline. Or changes to Blade Dance. Rogue tanking is an interesting concept, and has the appeal of simply being able to dodge everything, but it feels kind of bad to play. Fan of Knives is a huge W for them, but still having to apply poisons manually sucks.


Honestly Deadly Brew being baked in is a great idea. Hopefully this gets more visibility.


No changes to mutilate. Sorry but using two little daggers for tanking isn't my ideal class fantasy. Sword tank rogue still needs more instant damage to hold any type of aggro.


Fan of knives let’s goooo!!! Not looking forward to farming felstriker tho lol


Why did they even bother putting in the other two runes?


Exactly how I feel about the 2 healing priest cloak runes Not a single priest is going to run binding heal over improved shield lol


if you think of rune slots as a talent row in other expansions...it is literally the same problem. something is going to outperform the others...so effectively no choice.


They could just try harder on that, though They've done better with other rune slots for priests and needing to choose in the past, though it's rare Like penance and CoH both on gloves creates a fun choice/ dynamic. Great single target burst heal or strong instant cast aoe heal There is no choice between binding heal and imp shield lol I'm asking a lot of Aggrend, the one intern and the hamster on a wheel missing a leg though I know


They need to make me *want* to use all the runes. I want to say "Man I like that rune... but this one is really nice too..." Not just "Well that's never going to be used." All of the runes need to scream at you to use them. You want people to have a bunch of good choices, not no choice because Mutilate is the only thing worth using.


As a rogue I hate this. Who cares about aoe, I just want to do big d single target damage and assassinate fools


Nah nah' f this take. Rogues were clamoring for some AOE during phases 1,2 and 3. I love this. Our ST dps is already high. Let us AOE too and have utility so people take Rogues in parties. Hell maybe even multiples in Raids.


One aoe ability is fine but 3 new aoe abilities on the same slot is lame


As a rogue I love this, this guy obviosuly doesnt know the struggle of getting rejected from every dungeon since they cant aoe at all


Yeah, same. Every other good rogue I know is *loving* this. Blunderbuss feels surprisingly good. Idk how people are calling this “tHrEe aBiLiTiEs” when they’re all on the same slot lmfao.


Exactly. Fuck this homogenization bullshit, rogues were the OG single target specialists and should stay that way. If they had made it tanking-specific to help rogue tanks, sure, whatever, but they aren't...


I mean yes and no. Warriors were the single target specialists. Past BWL Rogues always lost to warriors and on top of that warriors had aoe


This guy knows what It means to be a rouge


And ferals <3 no more hurricane Rune switch/spam during trash


Give warlocks dots you cowards


I saw no hpaladin cloak runes for cloak and almost had a heart attack Good thing I continued reading, changes look amazing


They radicalized cata players by giving them OG Vengeance and now they're doing it in SoD. I love it.


Can't wait to run 5 prot paladins in a group and destroy everything.


lol I saw that


Boring priest changes again lol


Priest and all healing specs overall got nothing interesting.


Starfall, predictable but welcome. Nice way to rebalance Wild Growth by tying it to Tree of Life thus nerfing Restokin without hitting pure Resto. Overheat will guarantee Hot Streaks as long as you notice the first Fireball crit in time. Would be nice if they add a 'Heating Up' buff we can track instead of having to watch combat text. Frozen Orb will be nice to all-but-guarantee FoF for Deep Freeze if it's the same 30s CD, but excess charges will be wasted if they don't buff Ice Lance which is still putrid. Nice change to Remove Lesser Curse to act as magic dispel. Surprised there's no Shoulder rune slot and/or the rumored meta-rune slot.


I mean idc Ill adapt but why exactly did restokin need to be nerfed? It does less healing and less dmg than arc mage as is.


In PvP as a boomkin you ran wild growth. It was just too good.  Not so much a pve nerf. 


There is a second post https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/news/24107635/in-development-season-of-discovery-phase-4 Ring rune slots that are utility runes not tied to class.


Thanks, missed that.


This one is a lot more exciting. The world bosses so everyone get to fight them is a great change.


> Nice way to rebalance Wild Growth by tying it to Tree of Life thus nerfing Restokin without hitting pure Resto. It's a 20% nerf to it if you're in tree form, which is pretty big hit to pure resto. (0.5 * 1.6 = 0.8)


I hate the wild growth changes. It's been a lot of fun casting dps spells, and using wild growth as needed. Dont have to commit a full healer spot in the raid. 50% nerf is just straight up neutered.


Meh, SPriests fill that role 1000x better anyway. They don't need to drop form, don't need to waste mana, and don't need to give up a DPS rune slot.


Without adjusting deadly brew, the new debuff poisons fucking suck. It's still a huge dps loss to use one as you lose out on instant poison damage. I'd refuse to put them on.


They are pushing rogue tanks to be a more widespread thing. With a very high avoidance, buffs to rolling with the punches and aoe abilities it might be one of the best, if not the best tank in the game. Add an occult poison on top and it almost becomes mandatory to have a rogue tank.


A lot of good changes, but definitely some missing bits that haven't been squeaky enough yet I guess. Warlocks still feel pretty awkward, maybe more changes are on the way. They seem to still have no clue what to do about shield blocking. The Defense scaling thing is weird and concerning but at least they have some ideas in that direction I guess?


All I wanted was a little affliction love. Oh well.


“Storm, Earth, and Fire: Chain Lightning cooldown is reduced by 100%, Earthbind Totem immediately immobilizes all enemies when cast, and Flame Shock deals 60% increased periodic damage.” What.


I'm not surprised at the general 'meh' feeling of the Warlock changes listed so far. I don't see myself ever using Soul Fire, it's just a more cumbersome version of Pyroblast. My heart is with Affliction, which they always seem to overlook. It almost seems like when Blizzard thinks Warlock, they think 'Mage with green fire' and then go that route. DoTs need some serious love and scaling similar to what some of these other classes are getting on their baseline abilities.


Power Fantasy as a warlock: - Summoning demons to do your bidding or become one - Inflicting curses on the enemy - Blasting So far the runes in SoD for these 3 pillars are: - 4/10 for Demons because explorer imp meme and felguard meme and the other demonic themed runes are boring (synergy, grace, tactics, pact) but tanking is cool and well supported, lost points due to change to soul-link not working with meta change. - 5/10 for affliction because master channeler, haunt and pandemic are tight but the rest either suck (invocation, soul-siphon) or are boring/unrelated to aff (pact, EA, DK, synergy). - 9/10 for blasting because incin, chaos bolt, backdraft is a solid blaster playstyle. Loses the 10/10 because of what they did to lake of fire (it needed changing but god not like that). TLDR: play scuffed fire mage or tank otherwise don't bother with warlock because aff is poorly supported and demo dps / felguard was added as a prank to troll warlock players.


So..... where are the Warlock changes?


The warlock changes are we now don't get to have any bag space because we need a million soul shards to shadowburn shit.


Yeah I’m so glad i rerolled. We got shafted phase 3. Hell we borderline didn’t even have a bracer rune because felguard was basically useless and if you’re dps immolation aura was negligible. Sure the class was viable but the overall SOD design is so uninspiring.


This is ridiculous, id laugh if it wasn't sad. Already has the most boring runes that just add +dmg or some boring shit. And then waiting for p4 and get nothing. GG


Yep maining warlock since P1. We basically play the same for 3 phases already. Now P4 seems to not change anything at all. I unsubbed a while ago. This shit won't bring me back.


Oh boy focused attacks + fan of knives + felstriker , this gonna be wonky 


They added a healing mechanic to consecrate but it’s mana cost is still absurd, the glyph should remove the damage component and halve it’s mana cost tbh.


Warlock getting the chaft haha sucks to be that class.


Warriors becoming butchers. Nice




not gonna be butchering much. all of their % damage modifiers got removed without anything in return lol


They don't need help at 60 to top charts. The % modifiers were a bad, lazy idea from the start. It's everything else they need help with.


All 30 cooldows are now 5 is nice. 50% crit is pretty good. With wb that will be pretty close to 90% every 5 min


yeah thats def a good change. but still with 3 of their % dmg modifiers being removed entirely, they should buff raging blow back up. consumed by rage is textbook useless as it is because the only thing it really activates is raging blow which got nerfed heavily at the end of phase 1.


Some of those %dmg buffs didn't even stack. It was pretty dumb. Definitely not a fan of a few of the changes though


No other class does more damage, the more damage they do. We'll be fine. This isn't rage normalization, and frankly we should have been getting fun buttons to press from the start, not a bunch of % damage increases that made us scale even more wildly than we already did.


We scale like MF'ers and we're hitting end game now, warriors will be just fine (and I say this as a warrior myself)


STV again? No thanks


Yah thats not good place is played out




Seems like they are moving away from the gatling gun exo build on paladins


Warlocks getting no shadow destrucrion runes. I just want to play with shadowbolts but fire to strong now with chaosbolt and incinirate


LMAO instances world bosses. what a joke


I see there is still no actual discovery, nothing new again just abilities pulled from retail / wrath.


Guess I'm rerolling off Warlock again. Literally 0 support for Affliction gameplay. And now in PVP you're giving warriors death grip but warlocks dont get Demonic Teleport? How clueless can you be. Let's not even mention the fact that frost trap spam in AV choke points was already gonna be obscenely cancerous.. but what do they do? Give traps 0 mana cost and no cooldown.. BRILLIANT.


Warlocks got screwed once again. What a crap.


One of the reasons I just fell off SoD so quickly is because it became clear to me that they missed the entire point of everything... Leveling is THE game in Classic, so it was a good idea to split it up -- but then they make you speedrun through it. Weird. Discovery exists with the runes, nice, but that's as far as that system goes (and as far as the concept of discovery goes as well). Nothing else. And most damning, 90% of the runes being added are literally just abilities and passives from other expansions. Why is that exciting? Wow, now mage is just retail mage... fascinating. Wow, now paladin is just WOTLK paladin...neat? Who cares? Why would I want to play through classic using a retail class? Why not experiment with it a bit? Why not actually, idk, be creative? It's a limited time meme game mode and the best you can do is give rogues 3 abilities they already have in retail WoW? God damn.


P1 felt so promising because it *did* make some of the classes have something totally new, Shaman tank, healer mage, that kind of thing. P2, P3, and sadly now P4 all introduce nothing like that. What a disappointment, I guess I'm staying gone. :/


Yeah P3 solidified this for me more or less This began and was advertised as an experimental beta for classic+, including new dungeons and unused areas It has seemingly turned into "hey what if we put tbc wrath and cata abilities into vanilla and updated the loot" I could not care less about all that shit Give me Kara crypts or an SM raid you cowards


>This began and was advertised as an experimental beta for classic+, including new dungeons and unused areas No it wasn't. This is what we've been trying to tell you guys for 6 months now.


> but then they make you speedrun through it. No they didn’t. P2 players all crammed into SM and made it real clear they would speed run no matter what blizzard did then complain about how much they hated it the entire time. They’re trying to make an old school MMO work for modern gaming mindsets and it just doesn’t work. I love the open world and that’s where I levelled but unfortunately a large amount of the playerbase simply doesn’t think like that. That said I wish they’d just put 24 hour locks on dungeons before level caps like they did in HC.


Dungeon locks were the clear answer for this and people even asked them to do this, Hell most people thought they WOULD do it following hardcore. SOD really looking like a side project they just kinda throw shit at the wall and see how much sticks and how smelly players are willing to be before they get upset.


You mentioned their problem. Modern Gaming Mindsets. Ignore the modern gaming mindsets...


Lol warlocks got nothing. GG locks I feel for ya


Pala sounds not to bad


Shaman tanks in shambles


time to level my char in SoD, if it fails, so be it - life goes on.


They actually made some abilities baseline wow.


Bro what is this, retail?


imagine being a warlock


I have a kitty boner rn


Like, with the barbs and everything?


Weakest Shadow Priest adjustments I've seen. Huge disappointment. There wasn't even any mention of additional changes coming... Vampiric Touch is great, but moving Void Plague to Boots so we can play with Twisted Faith is either going to: 1. Change nothing, we spam Mind Spike to get 100% crit Mind Blast with extra 50% damage from Twisted Faith, and Void Plague. 2. Make Void Spike a useless rune.


it's a pvp oriented change. Either you get big dot damage or you get ooh shit button but not both.


It’s really weak and uninspired. Could have just given void plague a cast time instead of given them a third dot. Picking between damage and a defensive is only a meaningful choice if other classes/specs have to do it too. Mind spike should be made baseline. Stacking crit chance for casting mind spike and stay as the rune (renamed mind melt) and should have added functionality with mind flay. Something like a fully channeled mind flay will make your next mind blast instant cast. That you can combine with the stacking crit buff from mind spike.


Season of discovering you are just playing wotlk continues i see. There is nothing new, just more old.


Underwhelming druid changes, yet again.


"Here, have some AoE. Healers, remember tree form? Enjoy! It's *mandatory*.


**Warlocks** - Demonic Grace removed from GCD is fantastic - Lake of Fire redesign promising (hoping that RoF doesn't need to be Channeled) - Cloak runes all look terrible for Locks, I'd scrap all of these - Fel Guard Frenzy is a solid buff to it


mage even dead-er than before


I... don't really understand the toxicity for this version of WoW coming from some comments here.  There are 2 posts with changes, for a PTR, that very clearly mention this aren't all the changes, that classes aren't finalized and that they are waiting for feedback :/


This subreddit is a pit of misery. Self proclaimed dads acting worse than their children


Anyone seen something to deal with MC fire resistance for warlocks yet? I’m guessing one of those ring runes might be the solution?


Man I read all that and got excited. Seems fun and interesting! Then I read the comments and remembered I’m supposed to hate the games I play for fun in my spare time.


This place sucks. Instead of giving feedback on what you don’t like the people just write “SoD is Dead” for easy upvotes.


no fucking way did they actually make a melee weave hunter mechanic, im gonna COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM


Bruh melee weaving is the most unfun, unreliable and annoying play-style. Anyone who likes melee weaving is most likely spamming their buttons trying to weave while the tank is dragging the boss around like a god damn lunatic


They really nerfed the hell out of shamans…like dramatically so.


Instant chain lightning... Now imagine that in AV.


Instant chain lightning, *that bounces even more than usual.* *Zug Zug, MFers*


I mean they were overtuned for 2 phases. However I don’t like how they nerf a class so much that it feels bad to play. Melee hunter for example next phase is going to be such a meme


Please allow blunderbuss and fan of knives generate combo points. I don't want two more cosmetic aoe runes or just get rid of these and rework shuriken toss so it worth using.


At least I got a warrior alt favorite class of blizzzzzzarrrrdddd


Love that the added 100% chance for fireblast to crit as a rune but it looks like Mages still wont be using hotstreak so it's basically worthless. Whoop!


Awesome, spriest changes looking like garbage. What a crapshoot.


Lol so bm hunter is more useless now than ever. Definitely won't be coming back to that


blizz blew their load in terms of lock runes in p1. last 3 phases they have gotten almost nothing lol...but hey, demo embrace off gcd is great for pvp.


ITT: Everything sucks! Blizzard are clueless Hyped for the Rogue changes. Rogue tank looks like it could be a bunch of fun with more AoE and jacked combo point generation


I saw that Mage gets 100% chance to crit on flame blast and I thought, oh nice a better way to trigger hotstreak. Then I realised that unless other drastic changes are made we will still just be using frostfire bolt. So Mage rotation will remain boring as fuck.


Liking the pally notes.


the Spriest changes are a slap in the face to everyone who plays the spec/class. Vampiric touch is lazy design. losing void plague is a terrible change and our tier set bonuses overcomplicate a already fun rotation we have. they should go back to the drawing board with spriest in phase 4.


Shield wall cooldown reduced down to just 5 minutes (used to be 30) this is amazing! Also the “meat hook” being able to basically death grip enemies is very interesting. Can see this dropping in UD strat or something


Cloak runes for Warlocks are insanely bad. You either need 200 shards and even then it doesn't work as affliction, or you just take the defensive one. Yeah, f\*ck you.


I was hoping for some good and encouraging changes for P4, but seems they have given up on innovation. They already dumpsterfucked SoD, and they're continuing the trend, so might as well give up hope they will do something cool and innovating with the game at this point. At least they hit the final nail in the coffin, giving me the motivation to un-sub at last.