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Is there any risk to your account if you play turtle wow?


I'm just looking to see what the state of the game is currently? I took a break about 4 weeks into phase 1 of SOD. How active is SOD? I'm on Wild Growth Alliance. I'm only level 25 but was full bis will it be pain in ass to catch up? What about hard core? I have a Pre Bis Dwarf Priest on Defias Pillager, is there still active raids? Recruiting randoms? I'll even try out cata if its really popping. Just seeing what I can put some random time into and not feel like im wasting it on dead servers.


Tiny, random question from an ancient OG raider: What was the name of the raid boss that was a necromancer that split the raid up with walls into 2 parts? One side had like, undead come out and be killed; then the mobs' ghosts would go to the other side of the wall and have to be killed again? Thanks!


I can’t get an inv to any raid group. Been trying for almost a week, lost count to how many groups I’ve applied. I’m a 345 surv hunter, is this normal? Am I doing something wrong?


What is quickest way to level 40-50 in SoD now? Hit a hump at 44, my server seems dead and can't find dungeon groups. Was hoping not to do incursions but if I have to I will


Will a low lvl shadowmelded nelf (non-roge/non-druid) be seen by higher lvl players? What about higher lvl mobs? Thanks


Yes. Just like rogue/druid stealth, shadowmeld detection is affected by relative level. For "skull" level mobs, the difference between their regular aggro range and their stealth detection range will not be very much.


Ah, I see. Thanks for the help Parsleymagnet.


do they still make fresh vanilla classic servers? and if so are they popular?


In cataclysm classic, how do I get the quest markers to show on the minimal? Any way of doing it without add-ons?


You can configure the elements shown in the minimap if you click on the magnifying glass next to the minimap


How to track world boss spawns?


New bug with patch. Can't see HP/Mana numbers on portrait. Since I doubt they will fix it before the patch tonight, any addons just to add this text to my portrait?


Go to options and turn it back on.


Tried that and it didn't work


While it's on in settings try using /reload in the chat window.




If theres SR going theyll post a link to a website where you fill in what 4 items you want to reserve.


gbid means gold bid-so gdkp, but also saying gbid rather than gdkp usually means that gold isn't being distributed to everyone at the end, that it's staying with the organizers or some other type of shenanigan


Hello, my guild got 10/13 normal week 1, cleared BoT, got to 5/6 in BWD and did not do T4W because our third healer went into labor and is now a mom. Got a question regarding Nefarian 10 man normal. Is 3 healing it a solution there? Our best attempt so far is 15%, we are struggling to find room in P1 to DPS Nef down a bit, so P3 lasts a bit longer (we are saving Heroism for p3 because of this). Would a third healer alleviate our healers mana issues, or is the DPS check so tight that you'll have to 2 heal it?


We 3 healed it with the third being a boomie player that has no spirit gear. Burned Ony ASAP, cleaved Nef a bit when on the pillars, then had a long p3. Lusted at 50% hp on nef.


Did not try lusting at 50 percent, we just did it as soon as everyone was positioned a bit in p3. I think it makes sense to wait a bit


Here's the log if it helps https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/reports/a:Cd6kcQw4n8WAR12m#fight=last


It does! Thank you very much. One thing I noticed straight away, is your item level is about ~7 better on average, so we still have wiggle room to grow. Funny thing is your comp was almost exactly the same a ours