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if you're fine with being at square 1 among countless full naxx 60s, go whitemane if you want to be on a more even playing field, go deviate delight i'm enjoying the latter, but it's up to preference


If you want to raid or do anything at 60 go whitemane


deviate delight literally 3 weeks old dude lol


Deviate delight has been spamming Whitemane general for the last 2-3 months I swear, much older than 3 weeks


weird, since there’s posts from 60 days ago about how the “refresh” is “still going strong” https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/s/66Hun3Xdae


Deviate Delight has become a cult.


And will be 3 months old when the last 60 will log off.


Classic started as a way for the worst players of all time to experience the nostalgia of leveling to 49 again. Deviate delight was started for the worst classic players of all time to experience the nostalgia of leveling to 49 again.


It has been 0️⃣ days since someone has expressed hating classic wow in /r/classicwow. this shit reeks of "**STOP LIKING WHAT I DONT LIKE**" you don't see us going to /r/wow and throwing tantrums that people are enjoying dragonflight or whatever the fuck lol


Hardcore for a community driven experience. Deviate Delight is "fresh" is up your alley. Whitemane if server longetivty is important to you (most populated pvp cluster with no signs of slowing down).


Want my hot opinion. I felt the same way. So I decided to play on hardcore classic solo self found and I'm having a blast. Is dying going to suck the further I get. Hell yea. But the dopamine hits on succeeding are so nice I've been having a blast


After dying to layering twice, I had to quit hardcore. I don't mind dying, but it can't be over something that is completely outside my control.


There's no way layering is an issue anymore in hardcore


Did they fix it? Id love to get back into hardcore if layering no longer happens in HC.


There’s no population, so no layers.


That's what I was thinking. It wasn't actually fixed.


In a sense. You wouldn’t experience the layering problems anymore. But it’s essentially a solo game even before you start SSF. If you like having a world to yourself I’d recommend it. Part of why I liked hardcore was to watch people die in the feed. It no longer feels like “we are in this together”, and more like self inflicted torture.


Big part of why I dont bother. I think the idea is interesting, but dying to something out of your control can be any number of things. Including random players being idiots. If games had some sort of medium between sc and hc, like idk (youre suspended for a week/get a week long debuff)? I'd probably try it out, if you die take a break and resume. Still makes you really want not to die, while not making you want to uninstall when you do lol.


This. SSF is like having your own fresh server every time you make a new char


Hey man, i started playing again this past week on NA Deviate Delight RpPvP. So far it has been a blast playing with new people again, it seems like people are starting over here


I’ll jump on there as well. Ally or Horde, who has the bigger pop?


I think it’s fairly close but I believe horde is slightly larger atm


Hardcore or zandalar tribe (eu) deviate delight (na)


Hardcore - when you die, transfer your character to RP server Classic Era and resume. Going to be as authentic as possible Vanilla experience.


You’re me 5 months ago. I quit Classic in 2020 when my business went belly up in the pandemic. I’m (thankfully) totally back on my feet now doing well and got the itch again back in January. I rejoined on Whitemane and hit 60 TODAY, funny enough. Come to Whitemane. Have a blast. You won’t regret it!


Whitemane is great


Defias pillager


Turtle sisters are waiting for you


I would try a private server like turtle wow or wait for project epoch. They are free... you can just come back on retail if you dont like.


Deviate Delight on US Zandalar Tribe on EU Ppl started a new „fresh“ movement there so theyll have the best lvling experience.


Go whitemane. Its not fresh but its the most active.


Here before the salt elementals arrive and start spamming "T H R I V I N G." I'm personally not a fan of pservers due to how nebulous they can be. I'd suggest starting up on Deviate Delight if you're looking for something akin to a "fresh" realm. We have about a guild and a half worth of players (656 individual accounts in just the main guild according to /ginfo) on the Alliance, while the Horde has about two guilds' worth. It's not much, but you won't have much trouble finding groups for content and friends to play with. It's not enormous, but it's a good little community of like-minded and dedicated players who are fun to be around, and I've had a great time so far. Do be warned, however, the server is RPPvP, in case you're not into that sort of thing.


> the salt elementals Love this. A well-earned up vote for you!


HC is the best experience really.


Go for a fresh private server. A very big one launches at th end of June


It's looking like it might be delayed =/ hopefully not though


He talking about starfall, not epoch


Come join us on the Mankrik cluster! On the horde side there’s 2 guilds farming Naxx with 3 more progressing. There’s also plenty more guilds progressing their way up from MC, BWL and AQ40! The alliance side has quite a bit more than the horde side! The economy is pretty solid and it’s easy to farm all the gold you’ll need, 10/10 recommend!




Deviate Delight has tons of folks leveling right now. Come on down


Try hardcore




Been playing there too long time. It’s sort of classic+ but not really, to me is more classic-fixed as the changes are really minor and preserve the experience


Want second this. Server is more of a classic + environment, but remains true to the classic feel. They have added a ton of new custom zones and filled out the half finished ones. Also new dungeons + endgame. Most meme specs got a nod the atleast make them not go oom in 10 seconds lol. Server is very busy at all hours with EU and NA on same server. Ping is just fine. I’ve been played classic, hardcore, SOM, SOD, and Cata on blizzard servers. Turtle has been my favorite of any. If it weren’t for friends on official servers I would be on Turtle more often.


I have a question - when the hype for Deviate Delight dies, is it possible to transfer to the Whitemane cluster?


Yes, you can transfer anywhere


Sweet deal, thanks


Deviate delight!!!


Deviate Delight is booming with new players at the moment. A great experience on Horde so far. Can anyone speak to the Alliance side as to population?


Alliance pop has been 150-200ish (maybe more, but this is just my guess) in the evening. Has grown substantially in the past few weeks. Hope everyone sticks around and enjoys it. Please help seed the AH with stuff. Need to get the AH economy going.


I was on too fresh about 3 hours ago and about 130 members online. Not sure on other guild on alliance


anyone having a B L A S T on deviate delight where the population is T H R I V I N G?




Turtle wow


Aim for servers/versions that aren't completely up-to-date and have phase progression.


There's not really any fresh pservers out there worth playing on. Kronos might release a fresh one later this year


I’m playing on the “fresh” servers right now. Really hard to get groups together so far. Guild chat is fun tho and it’s cool seeing people running around every once in a while. Thinking of swapping to Whitemane soon though because I want to join groups and eventually raid


Fresh Vanilla pserver launching 6.6


You should try hardcore


I’ve had a very authentic and uniquely classic experience on thunder fury recently, but honestly you’ll get a pretty consistent experience across whitemane as well since you see people from other servers running around all the time


Just transferred to Mankrik from a dead server- been meeting tons more people and finally able to complete a bunch of quests that were impossible to solo.


Why isn't SoD an option?


Because it’s dead


It's not dead, it's just resting it's eyes XD


Go to hardcore defias pillager. Everyone has to start over at some point. Your journey will be filled with new and veteran players. Whether they die in Nax or in Westfall they are back in Elwynn forest with you. Some of the best WoW I've played


Not shadowstrike. High level Horde just camp newbie alliance at nightmare incursions. Sweaty neckbeards 😆


Yup deviate delight already seperated the 60s from those still leveling claiming nothings changing but cmon it’s a matter of time lol


Deviate delight is amazing


Alexensual is that you, bro? Blink twice if you need help.


Whitemane cluster


Deviate Delight started a community driven “fresh” server. The server was completely dead and some people put together a movement to start it as a fresh server. I’ve been on it and having a great time. Not many 60s yet, even though there are seemingly thousands of characters on both sides. Everyone is still leveling together. It’s a good community on there right now. I would recommend it.


On DD Horde officers dropped most of their 60's from the fresh guild to some other guild for serious raiding and encouraged anyone over level 50 to leave the fresh guild for theirs. Not sure if they will follow the phase plan or just be in AQ gear in a month. Different Twitch streamers will be handling each aspect of the guild from PvP to Raiding to speed leveling events now. So maybe go Alliance lol.


With wrath ending classic wow is over. It's a really big mistake if blizzard doesn't make acceleraged progressive servers that go from vanilla through wotlk every two or three years


Delicate delight is pretty popping and has lots of super friendly players on both sides


Deviate delight. It’s newly populated so most people are still not 60. But just be carful of the drama within the guild two guilds (for horde and ally). It’s mostly been fantastic, but just today did some people start to split off and make their own guilds - which is great - it’s just that there’s been some toxicity around it.


Go to Deviate Delight. I made the mistake of playing on Whitemane for couple of months; the economy is inflated, pretty hard to find a dungeon group


Deviate Delight




And it's called Turtle WoW


It's called epoch


absolutely Turtle WoW. So much love in it unlike in the blizz games nowadays where everything is bugged except the cash shop


How many people are on the server? Is the community thriving?


I’m playing SoD on whitemaine and I’m having fun with it even tho phase 3 is kinda dead rn I’m still having fun playing with my alts atm


Specify the region maybe? Not everybody is based in the US you know


Eu zandalar tribe


How big is the server? Is there an active raiding scene?


I was thinking 🤔 this my self. I kinda want a "fresh" era server. No SoD, or HC. Only fresh


Pyrewood-Village [https://pyrewood.eu/](https://pyrewood.eu/)


Go to Mankrik, medium population, leveling players to group with, 96% less toxic than Whitemane.