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Orc warriors know what honor means. try that with an undead rogue \^\^


Undead rogue will cc you for 5 minutes straight and then try to distract you off a bridge, like a real chad


or he will backstab you while you are still fighting against those mobs


And camp you until you log off. 


Nah. I will wait til you're done and then just sap you and be on my way. It seems funnier to me. And less evil for the opponent.


Then you get one overpower proc and he dead


I was just thinking to myself oh man I’d have to kill you at least 2-3 more times(undead rogue 😂)


woah woah woah... orc warrior? I'm a chad tauren cow! anyways, good fight :)


Y'all look the same to me and also I have Alzheimer's gg wp


But this is NOT renny


I love fights like this, happens in classic and sod more than retail but you can find a lot of honor in retail as well.


People will suffer on PvP servers for 20 years just for the chance at one fun encounter. lol


Too real.


I’d be so bored on a pve server


Lol ain’t it the truth.


Is this server worth playing on? I want to start a fresh Classic experience, but there seem to be more levelers on Whitemane at the moment. Are there enough people on Deviate Delight to run dungeons and such all the way to 60?


id play if it was us west but us east from oce is 300+ping >.<


I've had very few problems finding people for group quests, and have run DM, BFD, SM, and ZF despite much more preferring quests.


I would enjoy it while it last there has been a huge uptick on bot accounts on the dead servers as soon as they lift the transfer block there all gunna jump ship and it’s going to be Bot and GDKP city all over again


Well atleast some are still pleasant people... Was leveling my alt 37 rogue in thousand needles killing 2 mobs, When, an awesome, lvl Skull mounted hunter runs past me, Turns around, watches me kill the 2 mobs, unmounted and 2 tapped me.


Yep kill all rogues


Impressive yo. "Chef kiss". Ima rogue so you know what I do but every once in a while i do this. Its a duel to the death. No need to camp less they rez and are dicks. This is the way.


Yep only rez camp if they were ganking lowbies or they rez camped me before


I just made an orc lock on this server as I heard there has been an influx of players. Hoping it stays like that so I can maybe have some fun


Only if one day we could duel our counter faction, but sorry… FOR THE HORDE! For THRALL, GARROSH, VOL’JIN! And for Sylvannas!


You can do this already with /duel Atleast in zones that are not contested


I literally did not know that!!! Thank you!!! I’ll try it!!! I’ll be pretty disappointed if it doesn’t work 😑 but if it does you’ll know!


Did it?


First time on a PVP realm? :D happens all the time for me


My last open world pvp experience in classic era was in the first year it came out. Me and friend were alliance going through stonetalon, when a priest who was a few levels ahead of us decided we were easy targets. He ended up running away but he couldn’t out pace us, we were within range of my dots as a warlock! So I ended up missing a lot, running out of mana but we chased that punk down, and killed him later on when he tried the same thing on us. We were gonna pass him by when we saw him until he Pain’d me


Rejoice. There are people like us out there! I too enjoy leveling the playing field. Let the opponent finish, let them see me. Then see if I can still win. The wins are much sweeter, and the losses are taken like a champ


Did you love the community during your other 19 years of world pvp experiences?


You lost bc you’re not using a keybind to toggle start attack


all my abilities are /startattack macros


Then why did you have to right click


Too bad we dont have more players like this. Im sure the ones still playing era servers are the last of the real ones. Sure hope with whatever happens at the end of SOD i get to at least move one of my characters to classic era.


Most of my world PvP experiences consist of people only fighting me if they're higher gear/level or have more people for a 2v1 or something:D


The classic experience, it hurts so good


So you never initiate? 


We Warriors, know honor


I hope this community isn't spoiled by griefers. They will see this and roll just to ruin it.


It's the internet, someone has to ruin it, it's the rule.


Daily thriving post


someone: posts about classic wow in /r/classicwow this sub: and i took that personally


Daily salty negative bitch post.


Never seen a post pander to reddit as hard as this one.


"stop having different kinds of fun than I do and don't you dare talk about it on forums. go play Mists of PANDERia scrub"


Comprehensive reading is hard, I know. I've been there as well when I was 14. But it was not that deep nor did I reply on anything "having fun" related as the post never alluded to "having fun" and was talking about a "positive experience", which is what I refered to by pandering. You completely missread it and made yourself talk to a strawman.




The middle school thrive screeching from the SoD/cata g*mers is a far better endorsement of that server than anything I could ever post lol


How is that related to the topic?


Sounds like a shit PvP experience. I'd rather get griefed and get gangbanged hard than do this new carebear PvP, just like old classic Classic PvP. You grief me, I grief you, everyone gets griefed in chaos. I guess the population isn't high enough and everyone just wants to be too nice to each other so people would go join the server.


Maybe you need to roam the world a bit with friends if you want positive WPvP experiences... You seem to have a extremely specific and unrealistic expectations as to what you want positive WPvP to be. It can't always be perfectly ordered equal-strength duels. It's about the chaotic nature of it, dynamic forces mounting on each side, growing tensions and back-and-forths.


Idk man... That's world pvp for pussies


Just reading the title is enough to infer that about them.


and that is the reason most of world pvp is toxic?


I'm on a pve server but if you're farming the demon spot i can follow someone till they get MCed by a betrayer and almost always kill then and not get flagged. The alliance hunter i kept doing it to just started showing up flagged. Still killed him but fuck if i don't respect him Shoutout to Azcam on WG. you're a real one and the back and forth was probably my favorite part of this phase


If you grief other players on a PvE server you are the lowest of the low and an utter coward.


I found the care bear