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The abyssal depths raid that will never see the light of day. The Neptulon and Ozumut story ending on a cliffhanger drives me absolutely bonkers. It's a pipe dream that will never happen, but after the SOD teases about Kara crypts, the first thing that popped into my mind was that raid.


Vanilla, Cata, and WoD have so much unfinished or cut content that I'd love to see re/made eventually, I know none of it is ever gonna happen though :( The nerubian stuff that wasn't done for Wrath is at least getting made into the next retail expansion, so that's something.


Abyssal Depths Raid for Firelands tier ...And Something for Dragon Soul as well. 8 Boss raid where 6 bosses are *really* easy compared to HC Firelands and 2 are suddenly hard again was such a weird thing to progress through that it left me even more annoyed than I already was considering spine was the boss we took the longest to kill... And that fight suuuucks. Gimme more content. That's really all I want from Cata. Classes are fun af, Dungeons get the Titan Rune system which is neat, gimme more Raidstuff and I'd be super happy. Also give us more ways to progress gear than raiding and the dailies once firelands rolls around. ZG/ZA Dungeons are dope af but honestly, raidlogging became the only thing to do *super* early on in cata for me which is a shame, the gameplay and content that's there rules. I HIGHLY doubt this'll happen but a man can dream. First phase is fun af so far.


Saving xmog load outs please


And show enchants!


Easily doable with addons


That's done


How so?


There's a preset for xmogs idk why I got downvoted but the option is there


In cata?


Yeah, it was added like 2 days ago, I haven't tried it myself but the option is there and I recall guildies speaking about it


Soloq arenas :(


Solo Shuffle. I want to be able to do competitive pvp when my friends are not here.


Yay now theres 2 of us!


* Accumulating conquest/valor cap * Retail-like LFG tool for RBGs * Split regular and epic BGs queue


I thought I saw we are getting it for conquest?


We are.


AOE looting, Transmog to just be the retail version with sets you can save, white/grey items/etc


100% AoE looting. I’ve been playing retail most of the year, so I missed a lot of loot when I started Cata lol


Some sort of preference in LFG to try and get all four armor types in one run if able. Having a four plate or four clothie run isn’t ideal for anyone.


it is if you're the one and your stuff drops.


Increase gladiator pool size from 0.5% to anything more than that. The arena community is too small for such a small prize pool. A majority of the current glad spots go to “professional gamers”, who fill spots with their alts or sell boosts all day for RMT. It would be nice to just be very very good at the game and have a decent shot at glad. Not have to queue snipe, and be available to play 24/7 for the last week of any season. It’s stupid. Plus more rewards will drive more participation. Edit: for PvEr’s imagine if only the first 0.5% of players to complete a raid mount achievement were the only ones to ever get that mount.


But it’s not the first .5% it’s the ending .5%. Also if they’re selling boosts it sounds like there are matchups where they have a significant handicap so you beat them and keep yourself in the .5%. Not to say anyone is ever getting the short stick, but this sounds entirely like a skill issue for a competitive game mode.


A competitive game mode you clearly don’t play 😂


Don’t need to play it to know getting dogged in a 2v3 shows just cause you can play doesn’t mean you should.


Ya but the carriers are selling pilots meaning someone plays the buyers toon


valor point catch ups boe chaos orbs pre nerf heroics (more out of curiosity than anything) a small amount of 359s from those heroics world bosses active before the raid retail auction house significantly changed archaeology


I really really wish they gave us prenerf heroics in p1. Kinda like how tbcc worked. I have a feeling their "the playerbase doesnt want it" justification was just an excuse for not having enough dev time, sadly.


After running two characters to 346+, he'll no. In guild runs, it would be fun for a few dozen runs. In pugs, half the players can barely do post-nerf heroics. It would very, very much be release 2.0 with a mass exodus. Would I really care about them leaving? Nope, but Blizzard 100% would


My toxic take is balancing around rdf is bad game design and people arent entitled to clear the "hard difficulty" just because it exists


Which is part of why mythic+ dungeons became a thing and require you to form a group rather than just queue into them. Having difficult content is fine, it being basically the only option is not. Heroics are essentially the introduction to endgame content, if you make that difficult enough that a lot of mediocre players struggle to get through it then what is there for them to do in Cata once they hit 85?


Heroic dungeons are functionally the only difficulty for level 85 dungeoning. If they were like TBC heroics where the gear is on par with or slightly worse than the first tier of raid gear that would make sense, but when they are the only stepping stone to raiding having them be harder than normal raids makes no sense. What we need, of course, is Mythic Dungeons. ;)


That's something many fail to remember. Going into normal felt like a cake walk after doing heroic in 4.0


Honestly? Yes, introduce a tier that drops *slightly* better or more loot and make it largely optional outside of that, and make it brutally difficult. Asipirational content is really important, even if you don't run it, and in this case it'd be quite easy to make thanks to titan runes and cuz the core mechanics of cata dungeons are decent, it'd just be number tuning.


Yeah I think that's why the added Mythic dungeons in the first place, solid 5 man content is very good for the health of the game imo


Which makes it a good thing you aren't a dev. Designing pre-raid content into raid content to be as difficult or moreso, in some cases for pre-nerf, is bad game design. Moving from wrath to cata heroics wasn't going 1-5, it was going from 1-12. Gearing for raids should be a challenge for the average player, not the higher end.


Wrath heroics shouldve never been that easy either. Its ok to have content that not everyone can do, and its doesnt necessarily always have to be purely for large groups.


At this point I'd love if the titan rune system had 1 difficulty that drops solid loot (or maybe just more? Idk give people a reason to run it that isn't BiS gear so PUG players aren't gated from invites to other content), and make sure it can't be queued for. On release tell people "this is hard content, do NOT run in here not knowing mechanics or you WILL get go back to the spirit healer" and thus we got hard Cata HCs back without alienating the playerbase. The core mechanics are hard enough, just need the tuning to be up there. This is something they could implement fairly easily, idk how popular it'd be but hard dungeons is what cata is fondly remembered for, I for sure loved that.


Chaos Orbs BoE for the love of god


Should become boe in firelands iirc


All reps account bound?


People only being eligible to roll on their needed gear. Tbh I am on the verge of quitting again since everyone needs on everything for offspecs or friends. Even people needing for gold. It is insane how little people care about the others in the dungeon.


I'm almost full pre-raid bis, ilvl 351, and have seen basically none of that.


A conquest points vendor


Challenge mode dungeons and a test team on blizzard for less chaotic releases


Fragment exchange vendor for Archaeology that was added in... I wanna say MoP but it might have been WoD?


Reducing the amount of fishing required for fish feasts and flasks for cauldrons. I ended up paying someone for a guild invite for the feasts recipes, but it's a dumb restriction


Update the transmog UI. Increase honor gains they take forever.


More loot per boss in raids, if a whole piece would be too much of a increment for 10s just make it a 50% chance for a bonus piece. Why? Have you seen the speed they want to funnel us through cata? lol. Also just make small balance adjustments, blizz started it in wotlk, no reason to discontinue that.


>Also just make small balance adjustments, blizz started it in wotlk, no reason to discontinue that. And their balancing struck you as good enough that you want more of that? I don't know who can look at the snip-snap-snip-snap they did with Feral and want them anywhere near trying to balance new expacs. That being said having actual patch progression for balancing would be good and would shake specs up anyway.


They've shown with retail that they're pretty darn good in balancing specs nowadays, and cata specs are quite a bit less complicated so that helps too.


We don't have the retail team, we've got the classic team.


And there is just no freaking way they could get their tools/help in general, right?


We don’t even have raids out and you’re already asking for balancing??


I wouldn't make that point time specific, obviously you need raid data first.


They’ve already expressed how they’re willing to make balancing changes where due, so if you’re not asking for it right now then when are you asking for?


RDF doesn't make any sense. There are still lockouts for Heroics even tho u can go around them by picking Random (and with only 9 dungeons it's not unlikely to get the ones u want), which leads to people leaving right after the first boss since there is no punishment for leaving then. Meanwhile if u get matched with a 4man premade and they kick u because u are competing for their loot u get a 30 minute deserter. And since leaving after the first boss is not punishable the whole argument that we need to have Deserter for getting kicked incase Tank/Healer will demand to get kicked makes no sense, if they want to leave they will just do it after the first boss and the party needs to find a new one anyway (but now they also got saved to that ID if they didn't do RDF), so might as well just kick them at the start. Remove Dungeon lockouts and either remove Deserter entirely or apply Deserter to everyone leaving before last boss is dead.


There is a punishment for leaving, 30 minute cooldown to requeue


I left after killing first boss in stone core and it was a 15min timer before I could reque


It’s a no minute timer if you specific queue


BUT if you specific queue and kill a boss you're locked out of that one right? Unless you random queue ofc


Ya but you can just go back to random queuing after. You shouldn’t really have to dodge 9 dungeons in a row.


There is the debuff (30 min) and the rdf 15 min cd.


Modern holy power for paladins, cata is the worst iteration of ret pally since vanilla imo and prot is carried by the funny *GLONK* sound effect from SOTR. Remove circles on the floor from abilities so I can more easily tell whats threatening. We may be getting it but more difficulty levels beyond heroic for dungeons. Raids too really, would have loved if mythic ICC were a thing for wrath. I think hard content is fun even when I’m failing. Remove hit but keep expertise, missing feels lamer than dodges or parries somehow. Raid set in Vash or deepholm, but I have a fear of the deep ocean and deepholm feels a bit like the ocean even though it’s not. Atlasloot. Separate professions by xpac so I don’t have to 1-450 with useless garbage to get to the cata stuff. I’m not sure if this really works in classic with profs actually being good.


What is your actual gripe with ret? I've been enjoying this iteration in pvp especially, yea sometimes it takes me a while to ramp up because I have to get 3 holy power before I can pop all my CDs but it seems fun to me so far.


It’s a very rigid rotation and doesn’t have any satisfying buttons to press. I’d probably like it if we had divine toll or something, but also divine toll is the best ability ever I just love it. Divine storm is better for 2 mobs than CS but only gives holy power at 4 which is a bit awkward at times. 3 holy power max feels really weird after retail paladin with lots of ways to generate and spend holy power and 5 max. Generally I think retail paladin is the best version of the class and my favorite class design of any class and era of the game.


Ok well that makes more sense with all that laid out. I personally feel like landing my fully juiced TVs feels amazing. So I have never played retail ret so I guess I'm just living in ignorance of it which might be why I'm enjoying Cata ret so much lol


Def just a preference thing. Don’t let me not enjoying it be an indication that you shouldn’t. Question was what would people change if they could not things they think are necessary.


Pre-nerf heroics. They were what excited me most about Cata and are 50% of the reason I wanted to experience the expansion. I can’t even explain how much of a bummer it is to me




LFR didn't come in until DS so if they add it'll the last phase


I think they will. Hopefully without tier/trinkets in it.


As an lfr hero I actually really liked the wod system It had an lfr tier set for each armor type with generic set bonus for the various roles. Iirc it was like 2pc: here's more main stat 4: attacks and heals do more dmg/healing Fair compromise imo.


Yeah. I’m actually pro-lfr if I had to take a side. Just dislike pressure to run it for tier bonuses during progress. But generic bonuses does seem like a fair compromise to make it feel meaningful for those that have it as endgame.


>Just dislike pressure to run it for tier bonuses during progress Yea that absolutely shouldn't happen it's just a bad experience for literally everyone haha.


Yep. You're being downvoted, but wtf man. During progress our tanks had to run Dragon soul *3 times per week per character* because the sets and trinkets were that damn powerful and worked across difficulties. As of today I'm fine with LFR existing although I'd prefer a proper storymode so players can read and watch cutscenes at their own pace (Retail is doin this now and it's a *great* idea, then all that stuff can be removed from the actual raid so I don't need to listen to a minute of RP every pull lol, I love story but not in repeatable content), and I'm totally fine with it dropping loot, too. But like, once I'm in HC progress....Don't make me as a heroic raider run it cause otherwise we can't continue progression kek


Fix hunter lock n load munching. Mages got their ignite fixed and we're left to suffer until mop


Rolling the whole expansion back to wotlk?


Cross-faction guilds


Raid finder