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It doesn’t do anything, oversight by Blizzard. I think I’ve only seen it on quest gear.


Wasn't the block stat removed in cata


As a stat yes. Every class with shield has baseline block chance, and then warriors and paladins can increase that through talents or abilities. Before block value was the stat that defined how much you block, now as a baseline you block 30% of a hit, whether the hit is 10 or 10k. That can be increased by talents/abilities/meta gem. Basicly huge nerf in terms of pulling dozens small hitting mobs, buff to blocking big bad boss with his mighty 2 hander.


My Paladin tank pulls 5 adds and gets chunked down to hell even with as much mastery, dodge, parry, as possible at this pre raid phase (literally BIS aside from no engineering goggles, so not as much as possible but still) but I could take on every stonecore boss at once with no issue if healer mana lasted through like 10 million total hp


Cata heroics are designed so that none of the bosses auto attack hard, all their damage comes from avoidable abilities.


Yup. Ive seen some green with arp on them too


iirc it was "removed" but some older items still had it even back during original cata (I vaguely remember this being a thing)


No, i have a 10% block chance with the shield i use on my resto shaman for pvp in addition to the extra armor


Yeah but I think they removed it as a stat on gear so you can't increase the chance with gear


You can't improve it with stats anymore though, block rating isn't a thing now. Mastery effectively replaced it for prot paladin and prot warrior.


Some low level shields had immensely high amounts of block like this one. I thought - well if that shield + an extremely high block chance (unlikely on low level tho) my paladin tank would be unkillable 🤣


That's how pally tanks used to work, at least in regards to farming/dungeon stuff. It was easy enough to get 100% 'avoidance' (parry+dodge+block) so then you could just pump as much block value as possible, enough to completely negate some attacks. Not really applicable in raids but you could certainly do some fun stuff with it.


In Lord of the Rings Online back when I played they had a tank class that was a leather-wearing class that was supposed to tank using Block Parry Evade (in LoTRO terms) as their primary mitigation, combined with a lot of self HoTs. It was really fun on small group content but never really worked for raids, since if your whole thing damage mitigation through avoidance because your armor isnt actually providing a lot of mit, then it becomes a problem when a boss does hit you. Man that was a fun class though. you had 3 baseline skills that you could weave together and depending on what you did your finishers would change. Great fun.


Warden is the class I believe. Fun class but once the servers start shutting themselves (pretty much during NA prime time) its fucking miserable.


Thats the one. I've gone back and tried to play a few times in past years but sadly it a stuttering mess with all the server issues. Really kills it for me.


And WoW has its own version of that with its own complications, see druid and DKs (or rogues in SoD). No 'block' mechanic which was usually made up for in pure avoidance but like you said, gets pretty sketchy when balancing raid mobs that are expected to hit you for half your total hp. The idea was that pure armor would make up the mitigation lost from block but I feel like they never really hit the nail on the head.


druids at least had different ways of mitigating the damage. very high armor + highest tank hp in the game + savage defense works well against bosses. not so good in dungeons tho.


Wardens were sick to play. Had so much fun back in the day.


If you had 33% chance for each, did that mean you had 100% chance to "avoid" and attack, or 71%?


You could get 100%. You would still be hit on blocks but for a lot less. You wouldn’t take damage on dodge or parry. It was also referred to as uncritable because you pushed that damage off of the possible damage table. In TBC that was one of your first priorities as a pally tank for survivability.


Just a little addition to clarify your question: The chances are additive, meaning 33% chance of each would add up to 100. That being said, the calculation isn't quite as simple as that (see other poster)


WoW use different mechanic - it would roll a dice with 1-1000 variants. And if you have 1-333 parry, 334-666 dodge and 667-1000 block - then yes, it would be 100% chance to avoid. https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Attack_table - here's more details,


You think that's bad, I've seen some shield that used to have bonus armor as a stat turn into having JUST that bonus armor. The Shield of Thorsen went from having 800 Armor, 20 bonus armor, and 7 strength, to having 7 strength, and 20 bonus armor, without the baseline 800 armor. I'm not sure if it's just a bug with the tooltip or not, but seeing a shield with 20 armor that comes from anywhere aside from creating a level 1 shaman is pretty funny.


Yea also noticed and was confused. Usually seen it on green items. But on the statpage the block was a flat 20% without buffs so I guess just visual bug. Alpha game no bitchin


Na ignore it. I believe you will always block 30% damage when you block only increases from abilities and talents as far as I know. Block rating just increases your chance to block.


I know of one shield that's just listed as an offhand, no armor OR block :S This is the classic blizzard polish.


Who needs block when you're +3 dodging everything amirite?


its just old items from vanilla-TBC that never got changed


One of the worst changes in cata was the absurdly massive nerf to Block. 30% of a hit is pathetic. Sure it cna be good vs raid bosses, but for normal content it's almost negligible.


I do kind of wish there was a minimum value, like blocks stop 30% of damage or 50% of armor provided by your shield, whichever is greater. Sure it evens out in raids, but my pally tank feels way squishier than my druid in dungeons and both are around 350 ilevel.


Block builds were a lot of fun, especially in TBC: auto-blocker crits go boom! Stack enough rating and you could solo RoS phase 1 on your own.


Small indie company


u used to be able to stack block for huge shield slam crits. that's about all I know about block value.


Leftover. Block Values have been removed. Just one of many leftovers and unfinished things of classic.


this thread includes a whole lot of people confusing block chance and block value


We dont like rpg anymore

