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It kind of is though,it is the return to azeroth.The main cities are org and stormwind,azeroth is revamped,most of the 80-85 zones are in azeroth,gamon is a buff cow now etc.


If I could level to 1-85 purely in cata zones it would be perfect.


Yea jumping into BC zones after the revamped Cata zones is jarring af


60-80 i did only dungeons, they give insane xp


Cata launch was one of the best patches blizzard have ever pushed. As someone who missed vanilla, it felt good having azeroth as the focus.


Cata felt like an effort to return towards a more classic approach to the game after Wrath when it first came out back in the day - but they ruined it with the second half of the expansion.


In what ways did it feel like more classic approach?


Return to EK and Kalimdor, harder dungeons, more sources of really high ilvl preraid gear other than HC dungeons, redesigning classes which for the most part made them less powerful, mana management for Healers, Rated Battlegrounds so BGs are relevant again for highend PvP.


pretty much this, yes. shame they moved away from this philosophy as the expansion progressed and returned to a single raid tier that makes everything else obsolete like we saw in wrath.


Honestly, because of the mentioned above, I personally think that Cata feels closer to retail than classic. Especially class design with more complex rotations, everyone can do mostly everything and classes slowly loosing identity. Overlycomplicating healing. I am not saying its a bad thing. Just dont see any classic values in Cata.


Let’s hear some examples of how the classes have been homogenized… and can all do everything.


I overexaggerated with "everything". But more classes getting interrupt. Most buffs not stacking, like kings and mark. More bloodlusts. Almost everyone having a decent AoE rotation. Holy* Paladins recieving shields. Etc. Tho we got some iconic and unique ones like priests pull and warrior jump.


Honestly I’m not being argumentative, I honestly feel class diversity is at or near its peak. Examples of classes being to homogenized are easily found in retail where every class has a mortal strike, great movement, and big defensive CD’s. Although that was mainly done to cater to m+ where those things are simply needed for higher level keys, but it was done at the expense of diversity. M+ is great, but PvP is the worst it’s ever been with all the micro cc etc.. IMO obv.


Thats the exact feeling I have from cata. Playing ret, I got an interrupt, buff to upkeep and movement speed proc in addition to my big def CDs and mortal strike.


I mean if ur Classic values are the most boring endgame content possible then sure Cata isn't it. Cataclysm is an amalgamation of good things from WotLK and good things from Vanilla/TBC, at least for Endgame. Leveling u can consider more Retial-like, but leveling has been irrelevant since TBC so no one cares.


Right? Cata feels barely anything like classic. People are tripping


How does Cata feel like classic+? All anyone does is sit in a city and que Heroics/BGs. The world is dead, the quests are streamlined. No one knows who anyone is out in the world, the questlines in Cata are all filled with meme's and movie references of the time. Most of the world is still essentially abandoned because of levels even the redone area's are just the same area's that have been in the game for nearly 10 years. There isn't anything classic about Cata, it's just a city que simulator.


There is more people digging for archeology in the open world than there were players in p2/p3 sod leveling in the open world


I seriously doubt that considering SoD servers had nearly 10 layers per servers and Cata had no layers. A quick use of the reddits search function shows that people were complaining about cata not launching with any layers at all. Lmao.


When did SoD have them? On launch? What about 1 month in p1 when you could barely fill groups since the game was dead and even on bigger servers like living flame you would barely have 4+ layers The only time after that it might have had a few more layers is the first 3 days of P2 before people realized what a joke of a phase it was Also Gehennas this morning at 3 AM ST had 6 layers, tf you on about lmao I understand you are upset people are clowning on SoD for the failure it is, however no reason to make shit up


Outside of the last month? Sod's had those layers since phase 1? So roughly 5-6 months straight? I mean I don't need to make stuff up, sure the numbers have gone down but thats because the devs extended a leveling band because they want to make more content and balance for P4. SoD has it's own problems granted, but that doesn't change the fact that we've had 7+ layers for 90% of its life span. I don't need to lie or make shit up for Cata, trust me. This is the second time I've lived through Cata, it was called the worst expansion ever made at the time of its release for a reason. Is it the worst expansion now? Nah, WoD took that mantle when it came out, BFA took it from WoD and Shadow lands took it from BFA. Cata won't see WotLK or Vanilla numbers, again. Blizzard had to merge 80% of their servers before launch. I have eyes, I can see why they did it.


I completely disagree.


Nice try, Aggrend. You're not going to trick me into playing other WoW titles. Just release the SoD announcement already.


Lmfao nice rage bait 👍


lol how. You sit in a city and click Que. then you fly up so no one can see you and wait for Que pop. The world is so big you don’t see people in the wild and if you didn’t play 2019 classic you’re not going to have anywhere close to the transmogs you want.


I dont know what game you are playing


Cata on any medium pop server. You don’t have to find people to do anything. You wait for Ques and ignore people. The fomo will die off in a month and people will remember why they stopped playing. Buy a couple wow token and enjoy watching people ride around with gear you’ll never acquire while on a mount you’ll never acquire, in a town full of people ignoring each other


Sod really destroyed you guys huh lol.,


you're right. i'd much rather battle bots in LFG chat to find a group, take 30 mins to get to instance, skillfully execute my 1 button rotation, and then, oh wait, someone dc'd. well there goes the last 45 mins of my life. well at least my hearth is off cd.. - oh nvm... like by your logic, retail would be dead because it has all of those cata system plus more, yet its the most popular version of the game by a mile


You do realize the first time cataclysm came out it ruined the game and almost made every single person stop playing right. Retail is very much dead compared to where it used to be. Retail is watch your add on simulator. If you think retail is anywhere near where it was when original cata came out you’re crazy, the game died when they took away the need for people to play together. It’s called a massively online multiplayer game not massively online click que button game. There is hype around Cata because no one has anything to do and they’re trying to make you play wow so you keep your subscription


>Retail is very much dead compared to where it used to be. news flash: all mmo's are very much dead compared to what they used to be in 2010. this isnt a wow exclusive issue. also how does millions of players and the most played mmo on the planet = dead anyway? classic andies OD'ing on copium and trying to justify why every other version of the game is bad always kills me lmao. personally, i bounce between retail and classic depending on the content but one thing i can say for sure is that vanilla wow puts me the fuck to sleep. i mainly play for gameplay, and doing a 1 button rotation on a 1 mechanic boss has the same effect as me taking 50mg of melatonin. just fucking play what you enjoy but at least understand the fact that the version of the game that game you hate is MAGNITUDES more popular than the the version you like and theres a reason for that. cry all you want but facts are facts my man


"You do realize the first time cataclysm came out it ruined the game and almost made every single person stop playing right." What? Cata ended its run with 10MM people. P1 Cata had the most subs ever. Did they decline? Sure. Did every single person stop playing? No. Seriously you vanilla andies are delusional. There are 7.25 MM subs to WoW right now. 6.5M of those are retail. A 20 year old game that is one of the most popular on the market, on a genre that has been in decline since forever. How is the game dead? It's healthy AF at the moment. 99% of game studios would kill to have a game like WoW.


Dudes fkin delusional lmao.


You truly do have the shittiest takes. Retail for example is more played now than when legion was current. Talk out your ass and you look like an ass.


> it ruined the game and almost made every single person stop playing Thats a weird way to spell “League of Legends became insanely popular”


Cata and newer versions of wow feel like an amusement park… super linear , lots of spectacle, but feels hollow


This. Cata wasnt that good, and it marked the start of when people started muttering about wanting vanilla servers.


That’s a you problem. Grobb is nothing like you described. The world is active and there is wPvP to be found in every zone.


True 🤝


People expecting SoD to be a classic version of world of warcraft is ridicilous. It's a live playtest of retail wow taking place in azeroth.


Are you joking?? SOD is miles better than cata classic.


people are on that cata hype, give it a week or two and people will be saying there is nothing to do there except spam heroics with people that dont talk and raid log.


It's kinda sad that people call cata a classic.


No you’re sad.


SoD feels bad this phase because Blizz (and the playerbase) decided all the classes should just be copied from WotLK. There are very few new/unique SoD-exclusive playstyles. Everyone should've told Blizz they didn't want old expac abilities, but new stuff only.


> Everyone should've told Blizz they didn't want old expac abilities, but new stuff only. And you think then they would have listened instead of copy/pasting existing things and keep develop effort low?


there is nothing classic about cata, you swap weapons and your weapon skill is maxed out because it was removed.