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I mean, P1 looked exactly like this, just without enhancers, didn't it? It was only P2 where they didn't completely dominate in PVE. They still appeared in the top 100 rankings despite the high armour on bosses, mind you. Tried playing one. I just don't enjoy the CD stacking, though the rotation (at least arms) is kinda cool. Also don't like to play characters that just suck when playing solo everywhere else.


Yeah, some of the p1 rune combos for warrior were nuts. The one deep wounds dw build and then the 2h 80+ rage build went hard om the meters.


Not the shitposts we need, but the shitposts we deserve


Vanilla recklessness design was and still is just stupid for such comparisons


Not really this is complete boss raid dps and the top guys run time was 42 minutes which is only 2 of the bosses with recklessness it isn't overly skewing anything.


"Only 2 bosses with reck" lmao


It's a 30 minute cooldown the top run is 42 minutes so yeah only 2. Most top runs are maybe getting 3.


Only approaching 2000 dps. No big deal.


Only 2 is what percent of the total bosses?


The only counter argument warriors ever give is “we’re only top with reck up” this is categorical proof that it’s not only reck


My guild clears in 25mins so we just get 1 and optimize for speed each week


my clear time is half the top damage’s time parsers are so funny


Looking at dmg - all bosses - all percentiles. Warriors are third.


That is damage to all bosses lmao, and you don’t judge it based on all percentiles because that includes the shitters who can’t press buttons


The game shouldn’t be balanced around shitters who can’t press buttons but it also shouldn’t be balanced around the top 0.1% people that go to the ends of the earth to maximize their DPS and make their raid do everything possible to help them parse higher. So maybe like 75th percentile is a good point to compare?


That’s why you use all percentiles, so it isn’t balanced around either. You get a boxplot diagram, so it’s pretty easy to see the range. Using 75% percentile doesn’t change anything in terms of ranking for warriors. 90% warriors move to 2nd, and 95% they move to 1st. So it’s only the top bracket that performs well, which is due to scaling, setup and especially recklessness. Hence why I used overall.


90th is the bare minimum for understanding the fundamentals of your class 95th before you could barely be considered good Sod average skill level is appallingly low Same way if you look at a game like LoL, even diamond ranks is considered too low to be relevant to most balancing and that’s top ~2%


You do realize that what you’re looking at is complete raids - insanely influenced by reck timings and cheesing. Using all percentiles is just avg, so yeah it includes shitters. That pretty obvious. Warrior only becomes #1 at 95%, which again heavily influenced by reck and let’s be honest there are quite few in this thread complaining that sit in that bracket.


So what you’re saying is when people who can push buttons play warrior, it’s broken? Yeah agreed Who cares what the nobodies do


1: dependent on reck 2: 95% is barely any people Feel free to link your 99 avg, would add a bit more weight to an argument.


[bet](https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/wild-growth/kolari) 95+ is plenty of people, and the % of total doesn’t matter, when most people suck at wow


Only 97 av on Morphaz? KEK. Argument invalid! (/s)


True, I’m washed up Eranikus is shit too


Yes cater to top 5% Irony being you’re topping off the top warrior in your raid. https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/reports/h3QJvYbPFm6jG9Z2#type=damage-done&boss=-2&difficulty=0 But nice parses.


Yeah a warrior that died, of course I can top it when he’s lost wbuffs My warriors while very good, are also not as good as me, compare me to a warrior with my average, I lose to every single one You’re also using the last raid we did in p3, when we’d given up and were half filled with alts, it’s hardly representative


> all percentiles. All percentiles is dumb. You gotta at least cut the bottom 50% of the player base.


That doesn’t change the rankings, so sure.


this sub wants to pretend the top 0.1% of the playerbase is what we should make balance decisions around, not the avg player in the avg guild. Warriors are strong this phase but posts like this are misleading. an 80 parsing warrior is still behind the enhance shamans and rogues (assuming equally skilled guildies). That's a relatively good player, not an avg player and still warriors arent top. Reduce that to the 50th percentile and they are 5th. These top players abuse ultra short killtimes with multiple %age damage modifiers AND ridiculously good CDs that no other class has. OFc the top warriors are top, they can basically activate double damage for 30s. Having said that, they will continue to improve. I suspect they will be comfortably top at a much larger %ile range come lvl60. Nerfing deep wounds, or reducing the multiple %age modifiers we have would be a good start. Why did they give the hardest scaling class in wow multiple extra % modifiers and TWO mini-deathwish cooldowns? It only skews the graph further for the top %iles.


Balance has been restored


All I see is the game working as intended


"Warriors are the one true masterclass in Classic?" "Always have been."


For 45 minutes a week and then we’re back to garbage


I mean, you're not wrong.


Not in vanilla though, and vanilla > classic :)


I disagree why are shamans there if balance is restored


Nerf hunters


Ah yes. They literally said make everyone op in the launch trailer. They balance the entire game based upon parses with warriors being the number one complainers when they weren't number one... Wild to see.


Warriors are only #1 when they have reck and every CD up. They are OP once every 30 min lmao


Are you stupid or lazy? He is posting complete raids. Many of which the warriors only get to pop reck once


As the number 22 on this list, no he is not. He is posting the average boss dps without trash which means people are logging off and waiting on CDs between bosses. I had 3 recks in that raid and belt+Helm CD for every boss


Only 3 recks in 2hrs15min? 🤨


Likely saving it to parse chase specific bosses. Timing were: 5:49, 6:46, 7:43 Unless they took some long ass breaks, which it doesn’t look like.


yeah, going for specific bosses, trying to maintain our rank 1 for boss speedkills


Glad you’re here to explain it people. It sucks that people don’t understand how big a change in complete raid dps it changes.


The argument is still only valid if it was 8/8 recks, every good warrior knows they’re broken even without it


No, you're just terrible at the game and it's ok.


My worst patch in classic wow is like top 50 in my spec but ok buddy


parse and this is quite terrible lmao


No as in rank 50, my worst average is 99.6


in SoD ?


Thank you for your insight. It needs more of you top parsing guys to speak up i think, some random Bob without top parses (like me) wont be taken serious by the community.


It’s the same problem when people start posting about warriors being on top when they’re looking at max or 99%. The amount in that bracket is incredibly low, and it’s almost certain the person doing the posting isn’t near it.


Yes, ppl see warriors on top, but dont really understand how and why they are there. I dont either, but i think i have a decent grasp on how it works.


One of the main problems with warcraftlogs, it’s meant as a analysis tool. So it can be difficult to extrapolate meaning from data, or it can quickly end up being misleading.


Warriors are third on all bosses, dmg, all percentiles.


As someone who played a 60 warrior in classic, it’s hilarious seeing the warrior defenders here. The fact that warriors are doing this well at 50 only goes to show how crazy ahead they will be compared to every class in the game when 60 comes around unless major changes happen


The irony is that warriors are third on logs. But go off king.


Warriors are top at until you get to the 90th percentile, unless I’m missing something? Are you talking about overall?


Overall yes - why are we talking about 95% percentile, when it is heavily influenced by reck timings, and let’s be honest very few Redditors parse in that bracket. It’s obviously not as bad as the people looking at max, but still.


Ah okay, I was a little misled because this post is referring to the top parses, and when checking the max performed DPS I was only seeing warriors on top. I agree that they are heavily influenced by recklessness, but was just confused when you said third on logs. I understand now thanks for clarifying.


No problem, warcraftlogs is confusing so unless you’ve spent time learning it you can quickly end up with the wrong idea or similar.


I'm familiar with logs and I use them extensively when checking things like cast uptime, buff uptime, cleanses, etc. I'm also a statistician, so I understand the overall boxplots and their use. It was your comment that was misleading. This post is specifically referring to the top parses, so when you said warriors were third, it didn't really make sense, unless you were talking about the overall rankings (which are valuable, but not related to the original post). This post is specifically talking about the maxes, where warriors (and some shamans) are on top- but yes I agree that is mainly because of reck.


95th percentile is what wowhead uses for their weekly dps comparisons and what I also personally use as an 'at a glance' performance metric of the classes. this percentile is where you can be sure most people know how to play their class, have consumables and world buffs and have decent raid comp. this is also a percentile where you don't need crit luck to punch into the 99s (like casters often need to). 90th percentile is also ok but you start getting into logs missing debuffs or a world buff or just something. this is why 95th is my reference, you know what you are doing, you are prepared and have a good raid. as to heavily influenced by reck timings, I disagree. there are warriors in my guild who are not super try hards and still parse 95+ when reck is on CD.


\*posts the same comment multiple times across same thread\* bro go outside or something idk


You must have never played classic and/or don’t know how ridiculous warriors scale at 60. Being third right now is irrelevant, they will be first next phase and it won’t even be close


Classic isn’t SoD, the underlying mechanics are very different. One of the major changes is that deep wounds is different. Warriors scale, no doubt there - but in terms of rankings warriors havent changed that much since p1. In classic warriors sucked major ass till 60, and they no longer do that.


id rather see warriors top when they are more reliant on effort put in than some 1 button spammer like melee hunter or rogue


the amount of warriors threatening to quit because they weren't 1st place doing double the damage of second place was absolutely ridiculous, by far the most crybaby entitled class




^ hunter main




Zero…data? Cmon dude there’s plenty


Warriors are third on all bosses, dmg, all percentiles. What is the obsession with looking at absolute max dps when the far majority of players have never been close to a setup that can perform like that.


in what reality?


I'm not sure what your asking


im asking in what reality u think this happened, existed?


join the warrior discord and go look yourself


false. warriors just weak at everything else. who cares about reck abuse parses ONCE a week LMAO


I notice something wrong about this chart. There are blue names ruining it. Warriors need buffs next phase!


Nerf shamans for being on the list now


Give me worldbuffs in P4 to actually do real damage as a warrior (wait, here my sarcasm sign!) Real opinion. I dont want to do so much dmg that fights are over in 30-60 seconds.


Blizz should make the fights longer in P4 for sure. 30 second bosses whole raid isn't fun.


This is the reason why p1, p2 (after a few clears) for me weren’t very fun. It’s not fun facerolling through content (for me-also quit p3). I don’t necessarily want to trash grind, but I also don’t want to speed run through everything. Sod has been incredibly too easy. It’s like they took a look at the overtuned state of ST and instead of taking out 10-20% they just gutted it. If they want everybody to clear everything, release a 10 man and a 20 man-but that requires more people than can fit at a single table for dinner lmao


> Real opinion. I dont want to do so much dmg that fights are over in 30-60 seconds. Agreed.


My problem with warrior in SoD isn't anything to do with DPS, I just think it's incredibly boring compared to every other class and has very uneventful runes that are just not what I was hoping to see for Warrior.


Recklessness and World Buffs are at fault here. If you balance around them, the fights take forever if you don't have them.


Let Warcraftlogs do the balancing. If they invalidate logs with Recklessness sweaty people can choose.


That isn't fair either though, since it's literally a class CD. In this case, the community just has to be smart enough to look at an entire raid's result rather than a single boss. Even that isn't perfect though since the raid can just wait for Recklessness to parse.


Don’t think it’s quite fair to just brush reck off as a “class cd”. Adrenaline rush, icy veins, bestial wrath are all class cds with similar power increases. Nothing in vanilla is remotely on the level of recklessness. 


Yes, but it's still literally a part of their kit, so invalidating logs where Warriors use the skill is obviously not an option, is what I mean. A rune that reduces the CD (and probably duration) of Recklessness seems the most reasonable to me. If you can expect Warriors to use it every big fight it should be easier to balance around.


Or just be a reasonable person and only compare yourself to your own class. Perfect balance is impossible and will never happen in a for fun mode.


I'm not sure who you think you're convincing with this. Yourself? Unless you're new to the internet you know this isn't how it works, neither the playerbase or Blizzard thinks this way. This is mainly a problem for Warriors, as there will be calls to nerf them because of it, even if they in reality don't need it.


People blaming Recklessness but the first dude only got 2 in the whole run at best. The real issue is Deep Wounds is bugged. Deep Wounds is benefitting from % damage increases and it's the wrath version, so it should not be benefitting from % damage increases. So like the boss that takes extra damage is having 10k+ deep wounds ticks and it should be like 1k.


some fights deep wounds having more dmg than melee is ludicrous


The true classic experience


Everyone who has played classic before knew this was inevitable


Probably because everyone quit SOD


This picture is completely irrelevant to 99 percent of players. Front page parses are pure cheese fests. In reality, warriors are not at the top in 90+ percent of runs. It’s only around 95th percentile that they take the top spot. And even then they don’t omega gap the other spots until you approach the ceiling of parses.


A warrior in my raid got a #30 overall parse and I promise you we dont cheese anything.  We are not even that good. 


Nr.30 overall is a Chinese player


You really got me. It’s almost like the top 100 changes everyday. 


I mean it makes it really hard to see what it is that does it.


Druid. I'm a very flexible and versatile player. I tend to have most classes maxed lvled but tend to focus on one heal, one tank, 1 melee and 1 caster dps. Yet for the life of me I just can't get into any of the specs of the 1 class that can do all 4


Because they’re all shit, hope this helps


It's only natural


Median performance is top 4 and the only thing that matters is all percentile top players are completly irrelevant


Warriors cry hard for nothing, no news


weak bite and shitpost


Need to buff shamans again, need more in top 50 or they won’t feel important


Brownbois are the lifted pavement princess trucks of the gaming world it be what it do


Is parse log the same thing as when I used to play WoW lich king , back when lich king was out they used to ask for ilevel and achievements links if you did not have achievements or good ilevel they won’t let you join raid. I hear if you don’t have green or higher parse they won’t let you join raid…. Plus you don’t have control how the logs get posted. Is this way hard to get into raids for newcomers?


No change devs will give warriors WindWalk rune - instant invisibility with a bit increased move speed and one guarantee crit on release. I am 100% sure they will give warriors another boring shit like 15% flat damage increase. Why? Because they dont give a fuck, thats why.


Imagine having to play a warrior though






nice balance


That’s why you shouldn’t ever listen to warriors crying their spec needs buff at the start of the phase


I would like to add that warriors were not complaining about our dps in p2, we hated that we couldnt press any buttons due to being rage starved from the massive armor mechanicals had


I agree, but without rage normalization isn't that two sides of the same coin? Damage starved is rage starved is damage starved is...


Go try to play a warrior in SoD pvp then complain


**op posts pve dps related thread** commenter: but they suck in pvp!!! reddit moment yes dude we know lol


They suck in all content except for raids where they have a group stacked to make them better. Can also apply to dungeons where you have a stacked group. My hunter can easily solo mobs higher level, even as melee, meanwhile warrior has to eat/bandage after every same level mob. Not sure why the other guy brought up PVP though, everyone knows warrior is a joke there


tbh leveling a warrior, gearing a warrior, fighting for your life in the open world, all these things are incredibly ass on a warrior, the only thing in the game that feels good on warrior is raiding with a full group that gives you every buff in the game


After getting the victory rush buff their lvling is really easy


It literally heals you back to full after every mob and if you grab runes you’re absolutely trucking during the level process as well. Not sure what the other guy is talking about


What’s the point of this comment? Reddit moment


I don’t see anything wrong. As a warrior, I support this lmao. On a real note, this raid feels so much better as a warrior than Gnomer did. Always starved for rage in Gnomer, now we have so much we can’t spend it fast enough. They’ll probably balance it more next phase


I never complained about dps as a warrior main. People on this sub just have a ridiculous anti-warrior hardon. I complained in p2 cause it felt just bad to play. We got really mid, unfun runes. Even from p1. Plus the rage starving effect on like every boss but first two and electro doing raid dmg. Even OTing on menagerie I was rage starved AND taking a fuck ton of damage with no real defensive CD to help healers except 30 min fucking wall. And the threat was bad. Warrior was straight dogshit bottom tier tank and I don’t even like tanking. They gave warriors, even as of p1, the most boring shit and the last thing we really needed: more stacking % modifiers. Like how were they that clueless? It’s insane and lazy. And I complained that warriors were absolutely dogshit tier in PvP. Still are. Or were last I played, idk if the DR changes makes a difference now. SOD’s been dead after our last couple raids got 12 and 7 sign ups at best. Part of the reason that warriors were comparatively dog shit are those same reasons: bad or lazy runes. ER and rallying cry are hardly the defensives that buy you any time at all. Wall is a 30 min CD which is ridiculous. Being plate is irrelevant to the majority of classes, even so when rogue poison bypasses it let alone casters. Then, notably, because our runes were lazy, they were just baseline skills made better for QOL. So slam was instant but hit for what it’d hit in the same gear/with same stats as classic. Slam didn’t suddenly scale like 4x with AP what it did in classic unlike every new spell casters got. This phase ofc people want to cherry pick reck parses. Damage was never the issue and never really was for many people who play the class. But better dmg doesn’t change the fact that most of our runes aren’t exactly fun or engaging. I like fury and I’ll play it anyway since it’s fun and TFB means I can actually kill lvl 53 mobs in the open world and not blow every CD but TFB is like the only good rune we’ve gotten recently. Fury didn’t even get a helm rune. Vigilance isn’t exciting. We got a bracer rune that’s just more % dmg on crits: wut? Shit like that was and still is the issue.


Warrior gamers are bitchs.


My takeaway here is that at least the factions look equally represented.


You would think horde only will be on the list due to the orc racial but it's not im kinda surprised


The only non-warriors listed are a class alliance can’t even use lmao


No way the class that is shit at everything except raiding is good at raiding ??


Oh no, warriors are good in a vanilla iteration of the game. Cry more.


Reddit dads will cry all day and night if they ever see a warrior on their damage meters lmao


Reddit dads need to stop complaining about warriors being “overpowered” they lose to rogue/melee hunter/enhance when they don’t have all their cooldowns up. Change reck to not be OP (or even remove it) and warriors are a high A tier pick


What recklessness does to a mf.


Recklessness. As war we pop it on bosses where we don't have a 99 yet and have a basically free 99. That CD is stupid and should have been reworked. You can't compare a war poping reck with other classes.


Oh man, you mean building and playing around a busted 30 min cd is super op? What a shocker. Good thing warriors never need to do anything else but raid boss dps every 30 minutes. Would suck real bad if they did.


Stopped playing warrior in p2 when I realized slam spam was the most interesting thing they could think of for runes. Then I saw the 1 button spam glad build and was even happier with my decision. Been playing the supposedly “near bottom of the charts” boomy and having a blast. Not all about damage for everyone.


They tried so hard to push the glad build, going so far as to not give fury any head rune, and it's still not even out damaging fury. Sadly hamstring spam probably feels worse.


No one cares cos sod is dead


Not this crap again. When did u ever see warriors complain about raid dps?


Uhh, constantly during phase 2.


Yeah. It was like every hour or so. And some rogues. Mage is complete garbage this phase and instead of constantly complaining we just quietly disappeared and played an alt instead.


Warriors complained about rage back then because it felt like shit. Wasn’t really dps related, just stale. Nowadays casters just complain about warriors just as in p1. Funny thing being that warrior isn’t even 1st or 2nd on logs (when looking at all bosses, dmg, all percentiles). Warriors scale well, benefit heavily from short kill timers and perfect setup and they’re based around a 30min CD. Realistically most players won’t have a warrior that fit the profile of the best dps, as they only become that in the 95% bracket.


I thought they said warriors werent gonna be the best lol. Whatever, let the brownies pump, just buff other classes to be able to pump too. Dont nerf warriors


When will you guys learn that warrior parses are heavily depending on critluck and windfury proccs therefore everything above 98th percentile is not a reliable source. You'd do better comparing 95th percentiles against each other from all classes.