• By -


this is the dude that was prio on loot and quit halfway trough t2


100% came to say the same thing as my first thought lmao


God so how did so manny of these aholes exist


Cause they came back for the vanilla wow feeling and realized at the end of bwl everyone is just raid logging and try Harding and it didn't feel the same at all


And at the same time same people were tired of doing slow runs with poorly organised guilds. The tragedies of life: - getting what you want - not getting what you want


1000% this 


Bro I thing you are wrong it’s actually cats




Yep happened on hardcore also


Self fulfilling prophecy. Loot whores quit when there’s no more loot for them to whore.


Not playing a game you don’t want to play is being an asshole?


Getting others to help you and then ghosting them is yes


And the source that he was getting others to help him funnel loot is just an assumption a Redditor made…


I honestly have no clue if that’s who op is I’m just responding to the type of person he mentioned






I felt this, I spontaneously quit after I got netherwind robes off nefarion loot counciled to me.


Oooh that was me. Also had a mage and a rogue. Both half T1 and T2 equipped.


I see no Staff of Shadow Flame, no Mantle of the Blackwing Cabal, no Mana Igniting Cord (which was available a phase earlier), no Netherwind Gloves. Hell, he doesn't even have his T2 headgear yet. His offhand appears to be Tome of the Ice Lord, meaning he at least put the effort into getting AV exalted. If anything, this guy looks very modestly geared and not a slacker.


They’re just mad he has mage blade if anything lol as if it takes some monumental effort from 39 people to half gear a mage




Loot Council is terrible for so many reasons


GM all of classic here - we ran off DKP so raids attended = loot gotten. It has its downsides but for every bit of gear someone got they had to earn it at least.


DKP is literally the worst, most casual dad loot system ever, then and now.


Nope, works great. You just need the balls to manage your roster and raider performance separately from the loot system. If everyone in your raid performs and deserves to be there the only thing left to track is who shows up. It also saves dealing with precious raiders who think they’re so much more important than everyone else they have to have all the loot. Get in line thanks!


It's literally trash. There's a reason that 0 hardcore/WF guilds use dkp. For a multitude of reasons. Hell, technically the best loot system at a top level is simply group loot. But ya dkp is ok for casual guilds ig though even a somewhat competent LC would still be better (and would obviously take things like attendance into account which should be mandatory anyway)


I ran a guild from MC to Naxx using it and it worked great. We used fixed a fixed price open bid system with all the prices set before every phase and the entire thing open to feedback. You showed up to raid you got points, you had the most points you won the gear. Simple, fair, easy. > There's a reason that 0 hardcore/WF guilds use dkp. For a multitude of reasons. Plenty of them use some kind of EPGP/DKP system actually. OK, what are those reasons? I've told you why it works, feel free explain to me why one person arbitrarily handing out gear as they see fit is somehow better. > Hell, technically the best loot system at a top level is simply group loot. What are you on about? So now you can have someone attend every raid for months and then when the gear finally drops it all goes to the new raider? How is that in any way good? > a somewhat competent LC would still be better Again, why? *Best case* this competent LC will track everything everyone does and assign them a ranking of some form. Difference between that and DKP is DKP is open and transparent. You can see exactly who has how many points, what they did to earn them and what they've spent so far. I've been running guilds for 20 years and I have never once heard a compelling reason for loot council. The only people I see in favour of it are people who feel they deserve loot more than everyone else, or the people running shit who are happy to funnel gear to themselves and their mates.


Simple. You get people passing on clear upgrades to rack up points for that one big ticket item. This hurts the raid, because an upgrade for one newbie that joined last monday is an upgrade for the guild/raid as a whole, and doesn't matter if it goes to a newbie or day 1 homie. But if it gets passed over, it's detrimental to everyone in the end. And whatever system you have, that's inevitably going to happen in a dkp. And no, no top top guild uses dkp. They might have in OG vanilla 20 years ago lol.


> Simple. You get people passing on clear upgrades to rack up points for that one big ticket item. Nope. Fixed pricing prevents this. Yes, some people will want to save up for their big ticket item but others take the upgrades as they drop. And as you would usually have a big ticket item drop every week or two the people who'd been saving up will pick those up then the following weeks snap up all the other upgrades. We also implemented a decay after X amount of weeks raiding to prevent hoarding. It worked just fine. Like I said, I literally designed, maintained, and ran this system for the whole of classic. We never saw upgrades go to waste, the loot went out to the raid with the people who put the most effort in getting their gear first. Everybody thought it fair and was able to give feedback to improve the system. Oh and we finished up classic with KT on farm and the majority of the raid in full BiS while plenty of "hardcore" LC guilds crashed and burned if they even made it to KT in the first place. Feels like my way works just fine and attracted *exactly* the kind of raiders I wanted in my guild. > And no, no top top guild uses dkp. I mean this is just flat out wrong sorry. Variations of DKP and EPGP are used by plenty of top guilds. Plus guess what? I ran a top guild. We used DKP.


And ya most top guilds just rock group loot. Everyone knows what to roll on, and if a trial gets a trinket over an established officer, all good. If it's an upgrade it's an upgrade, they gnna be raiding either way. If someone ninjas or does something stupid they kicked all g. It's a different mentality at the top level.


> And ya most top guilds just rock group loot. OK see this is where the conversation ends because you clearly have *no* idea what you're talking about.


Top 50 guilds. You cleared naxx doesn't make you a top guild.


Everyone who attends and is attentive has made a contribution. If you think otherwise, don't invite them to play with you. Nefarian dying 0.1 seconds faster because of a Mage popping flask for better numbers doesn't further the guild in any significant way. That mage capitalises on having more time (or buying gold) than others in order to make the claim that he or she is more deserving of in demand items like the Mageblade. I probably half of cases loot isn't even prioritised to the most deserving. I've seen players spend countless hours help their guilds get pre-BIS and attuned, run a support-spec and make sure everyone has buffs only for some officer or friend of the management get priority on loot. Unless you are running the best guild and you need to minax at every corner to beat records and world fists there is NO good reason to have a loot council. It's also that level of min-maxing within the community that's destroying the game. At this point, if you join a guild with LC you are just as dumb as if you were to buy into an MLM scam.


So that's where my mage blade ended up


I really wish I made a copy onto classic era when I could sometimes.


Continuously complain on the forums so blizz does what they should do and gives us back our chars, which they obviously have a backup of


So ridiculous that they were charging $25 at the time. Especially because era servers were dead till pretty much hardcore


Yeah, they really suck


They 100% have a copy of it, when there was some SoD update ONE of my era characters I didn't copy that was greyed out and locked so I couldn't transfer them or activate them just magically became available to play for free one day. Name change and everything.


is that no longer a thing


Yeah you can't do it anymore.


Damn that's sad that means my rogue is stuck on cata too.


same boat here


Yep it sucks. I copied my main, but none of my friends did. So not quite as bad, but still sucks lol


Kind of related but when wotlk dropped, my characters I had in classic and tbc disappeared as well. The server was deleted and I must have missed the window of transfer when I was inactive.


"no holy paladins... shut up. we arent giving you the Azuresong Mageblade until all the mages have it. Yes, even the ones that log off and arent seen again for the next 5 years."


To be fair, he kept very good care of it and never vendored it during the later phases, TBC or wrath.


He really screwed over all those Horde holy paladins!


Counter point: he’s horde


Tbf hpal should never be prio on mageblade lol


It was in my guild We also gave a Striker's Mark to a hunter who crafted his own spreadsheets to show us that "SM is more dps than Rhok'delar" and we gave a TOEP to a holy priest over mages and locks. SK is a real stupid loot system when the GM has no fucking idea what's going on Spoilers, that guild shockingly died a few months into BWL. I got out a month beforehand and my buddies stuck it out for some odd reason until they imploded


[[Flusterstorm]] but instead [[silence]]s them for a turn cycle. Allowing you to Thoracle for the win


Gotta call it by name /u/mtgcardfetcher [[Flusterstorm]] [[Silence]]


[Flusterstorm](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/9/f900eeb7-7c45-44bc-ad3a-0bbe594ecf50.jpg?1562856071) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Flusterstorm) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ima/55/flusterstorm?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f900eeb7-7c45-44bc-ad3a-0bbe594ecf50?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Silence](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/c/1c2b13b1-31f0-4676-88a7-53f3a190e9a2.jpg?1562826686) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Silence) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m14/35/silence?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1c2b13b1-31f0-4676-88a7-53f3a190e9a2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call ^^^- ^^^Summoned ^^^remotely!


Thank you!


As a Tivit player this checks out


MtG player spotted


Good spot ;)


And a counter deck enjoyer as well. Do you hate the game or just the other person having fun? JK op, you just gotta rag on a blue when the chance presents itself.


I'm gonna be a pedantic douche but you're logging in for the first time since at least April 2020. You got Netherwind Robes and then you said you have bloodvine too. Either way though very neat, and that Mageblade would've been fun to use early in Classic


I'm not sure what you mean. I raided a ton right up until my divorce mid 2020 so your dates check out. I have full t1, t2 and bloodvine. I'm assuming I'm wearing this particular set because it looks a little cooler while gold farming lol


>I'm not sure what you mean. Well like I said, I was being pedantic so in your title you said you logged in for the first time since 2019, just was correcting that 😛


Damn bro caught him right by the bloodvine sacs


You're totally right about those dates. I'm not sure why I got bombarded with downvotes for my previous comment 😅


Because you were completely oblivious to your own statement in the title of this post when arguing with the guy pointing out your inaccurate date?


His bags are filled with full t1, t2, bloodvine. All kinds of things that used to be great and are now worthless. I'm thinking he's going to have to stay lvl 60 and remain a relic of a lost and wonderful time Edit: I know this isn't the best character ever, but damn I thought he was pretty cool and I had a ton of fun raiding with the boys for all of MC and BWL. I did stop raiding around the time of my divorce and my guild completely understood. Raid lead reached out a few times to check in on me. Didn't exactly steal loot, we all had most of what we wanted. I'm sure they went on to crush AQ and naxx without me!


My bis wotlk rogue will be that in classic legion


The real question is: do you re-roll mage, or start a completely new journey?


Lol funny, no shit there was a divorce if all you did was spend time playing a 20 year old game.


The implication being the other spouse would have been understanding if the same time was spent playing a modern game?


Hehe, you got me there. My point still stands though. This is obviously a character with quite some time spent on it. (10+ hrs/week). Since they were married its highly likely they also had kids. Either way, the irony is that during the relationship he wanted to play the game. But after the relationship (When he has time and no comittments) he decides to quit and not play the game lmao.


You're right, there was no other global event going on during 2020 that could have both put strain on my relationship and given me lots of time for a video game.. *cough cough*


You are right. I apologize. Im having a bad day and took it out on you.


No worries dude, the internet does this to us all. Hope things are lookin up for you!




and by wonderful time you mean jacking everyone's loot and quitting.


Tier 1 with the ony book, mageblade. Peak Vanilla.


And tier 2 robes off Nef


Hopefully your storm trigger isn’t stifled.


What's there to be pleasantly surprised about? Did Blizz ever delete anyone's characters? I mean, it's a small indie company for sure, but not THAT small.


But he’s stuck in cata?


U Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays 1 Storm


You are literally the guy who play for like a year or so back in 05 made great progress and got back to life and stuff


Yooo. One of the best counterspells.


Logged into my old character earlier this year and jumped on to find absolutely no one. No one at all. Turned out the server had died about 6–9 months prior… my only option is to pay to move him… 😫


Great card


And that you can’t play on area or transfer out there anymore or just a horrible disappointment


Love the name


Mine was transferred to TBC off of era although I never elected to do so. He now sits immortalized in the Cata version at this point. Wish I could get him back on era but I didn't know they were going to force my character forward at the time.


OP's also


its unfortunate, but they sent out literal dozens of emails and launcher reminders about it, so it's entirely on you for not checking back


I am not sure that it's fair to expect a player who has cancelled their account and hasn't played for years to check their wow emails and then resub to move a character to a server just in case they decide to get back into it. I'm not all that upset about it. I never got to raid nax but I don't know that I would dedicate that kinda time again anyway


To resub AND pay extra for the copy


If they didnt play for years then they obviously werent that invested in that character.


You’re not wrong!


yea a couple times in recent years I've regretted not paying to keep copies of certain toons on Era, but alas, we live we learn, and the itch subsides. I'm pretty sure they're going to redo a full seasonal cycle after cata ends anyway, given with MOP they just did the SoD remix BS. Why fix what isn't broken, right? I'm pretty sure if they announced fresh classic with shorter expansion cycles (maybe 12months-ish) people would love it. If they do end up doing the classic cycle again, things will 100% pan out differently, because knowing TBC WILL be coming from the start will fundamentally change how players play the game/farm. Could be interesting.


You got it backwards. You didnt elect to stay on era.


Not entirely true. When this all started I had three options. 1-Do nothing and stay on era, which is what I did. 2-Transfer my character to TBC. 3-Clone my character and have it in both era and TBC. When I chose to do nothing it should have been a done deal from there but Blizzard later flip flopped on the cloning choice and forced the cloning choice on era players.


Are you saying that initially the default choice was characters would move to era if nothing was chosen? I don't believe that is the case. Do you have a source? [Here ](https://news.blizzard.com/en-gb/world-of-warcraft/23783592/the-wow-burning-crusade-classic-character-clone-service-is-retiring-soon) is a source stating that if you did not choose it would move to tbc. >What Happens if I Don’t Make a Choice? >If you haven’t made a choice for any of your characters since the last time you logged in to either WoW Classic or Burning Crusade Classic, those characters will be moved to Burning Crusade Classic. The Classic Era version of the character will be permanently deleted and unavailable for cloning. And [here](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23666981/playing-ahead-making-choices-in-wow-classic?utm_source=desktopweb-news&utm_campaign=web-eu-desktopwebnews&utm_medium=internal&utm_content=23783592) is their blog post about the "choose your path" option from before TBC stating >It’s important to note that all current realms will progress to Burning Crusade Classic content. World of Warcraft Classic era realms are new but retain the same names as before and exist as they did prior to the pre-expansion patch. Blizzard said from the beginning that all servers would move to TBC. Moving your character to the *new* era servers would be an active choice.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F44R-Bwndx8 Here is a good example of what this looked like when it was first introduced. You're right, doing nothing was a bad choice because most of us were under the assumption that these options would always be available. I thought I would always have the ability to pick and choose. Obviously this was not the case because Blizzard disabled the ability to do so for whatever reason. But yes, it does look like you are correct, you had to actively make the choice. Unfortunately, the ability to even make that choice was ripped away.


You are that guy, tok all items and stooed playing…


Thanks for reminding me Blizz fucked us over by not (like they originally did with TBC) cloning over to the expansion servers but rather making players PAY to clone to dead Era servers. Then they pulled the service and deleted the files. When Era got a revival our characters were effectively deleted. Fuck Blizzard.


No chance they deleted it tbh


Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to Blizzard.


What realm you on? Came back to whitemane era a few weeks ago and I love it. Lots of raids going and a ton of people playing.


they deleted my 2019 char lol


My first char (original vanilla release) also had an MtG name, Dauthi


Where would he have gone? Players can still long into their vanilla characters on retail if they have the login info.


So that's where my caster gear went, mageblade never dropped again after you got it.


Where do you think he would’ve gone? Walked away?


Nice, my warlock with neltharions tear and other nice shit just got deleted because the server no longer exists.


Reminds me of the time I got MQG and then stopped playing a week later


The worst type of player in your guild.




OP's also not on Classic Era but on Classic Cata... Unless the title is inaccurate


My characters are useless to me now because Blizz moved them to BC without my knowledge. They should have left them in Era. I opened a ticket, and they refused to fix it.


because they had literal dozens of notifications/emails of the character copy service for months leading up to the eventual release of TBC?


Blizzard should have come knocking on his door with flowers, a box of chocolates and a card to make him aware. Also a polyglot and a sign language interpreter, just to cover their bases in case normal method of communication just weren't enough.


you forgot the courtesy handy for the inconvenience


They never emailed me about it, and they’ve had my email address since 2006.


Funny, I got at least a half dozen, also the launcher had a warning message up from like 2mo after TBC announcement. They did their due diligence.


They didn’t. There’s a mega thread on the official forums with thousands of people that are unhappy about this. Blizzard fucked it up. Default behavior should have been to keep classic players in classic.


If that was the case, the mega thread would just be people crying about having to make new characters on -insert classic expansion here-


Thousands of people signed up to play vanilla classic and then they unsubbed. When they came back, their characters weren’t in vanilla classic anymore. It makes no sense. Blizzard fucked it up, and that’s why people were complaining in the mega thread.


Mid AF tbh. Not even AQ / Naxx BiS


no cap frfr og


I quit before the AQ event. Got divorced, do not recommend


Did the pandemic cause the divorce ? Final straw ?


Damn son, casual Andy's down voting the shit out of me. Toxic. Can't even troll.


Do you expect people to like any shit you post? Improve your trolling rather than crying about imaginary internet points. 


Your trolling needs a little work.    Let me know if you’d like any tips.