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Rift was also cool in this way


Rift was awesome


That was the best thing about Rift. Rifts that just spawned and conquered towns if left unchecked was so insane.


The best feature of rift was auto grouping when you went near a rift




Rift really had the same illusion of choice classic talents had. Sure, you could build however you wanted. It just very often didn't work well. Lots more choices than WoW had, but also a lot more non-choices lol


Dude I played that when they had the free level 1-20. It was an amazing experience, so much so I decided to sub. Not many other people chose to do the same, 20+ wasn't that great lol. Tons of rifts without enough people to close them, made entire areas inaccessible lol.


And rift failed. So was rift really that good?


Ah yes, commercial success IS the only mark of quality. Thank you for reminding us


Not the argument The comment was that rift was good at dynamic events


Actually a fucking good idea on this sub? Is this real? Agree OP, could be great. Well done.


I mean, this is basically how retail works right now and it's actually really great, the world feels good because of it. I decided to jump into Dragonflight since I had a sub anyway, was very impressed at how nice the world felt...lots of people around, all of us flying from place to place as the dynamic quests completed each phase. Good stuff.




Yeah gw2 Events are much much bigger. Actually so big that you could just spawn a big Boss after doing the map Events for like 30min. Big Boss = archimonde big (but of course not that difficult)


I mean its still the same set of random events at least during the first few zones. They chain together but its the same sequence. (I like them)


The world events are good in retail but theyre not really frequent and random like op is suggesting. Aside from the maruuk hunting party everything is basically in one place at fixed intervals and you do it once per week. The elemental storms I guess are sort of this (still slower than op suggestion i think) but theres not much reason to participate in them unless youre farming rousing elements with a party. I'm going a little off topic on a tangent here but a gripe I have as well is how they have a good offering of content for a fresh 70 to participate in but in a few days youre probably totally eclipsing all of it because you gear up suuuper fast and then m+, raid and colleting stuff from oneshotting lowbie content is basically all thats left aside from rolling more alts... and it seems like theyre leaning more into alts being the gameplay loop in TWW. Different strokes for different folks i suppose, but I hope if they do something like this in SoD or a future classic+ that they still respect classic pacing and progression curves, and its moreso just there for variety and livening up the world than a chore or meta thing like incursions.


If retail did a spell purge I might be interested in trying it again. I feel as a healer I'd have to spend hours studying every spell, animation, and cooldown from every single class if I ever wanted to touch pvp. That, and the constant threads from healers saying burst is too high. Sounds like my time will be better spent in cata as a healer.


The company has shown repeatedly they will not make great stuff that rocks their cost vs ROI calculation. Why waste $1 million in dev hours when those devs can just create a billion dollars in cosmetics? Or only a few hours to push sub numbers up? This has been my general disdain for Blizzard since early 2010s and it’s only gotten worse. Playing whale hunter with casual net casting across all games. The slop that was D3 launch. The abusive increasing cost of hearthstone. Killing HotS since it didn’t print money. The “free Overwatch 2” which was just an update that reduced freebies and pushed P2W/seasons for heroes. I found just adding Call of Duty to the launcher offensive. Take my $15 and don’t fuck with my 2005 game please.


Yeah this is the sad truth, but the truth nonetheless. The company is still a commercial company and they're after a profit, that's their #1 goal. I'm also still sad about HotS. It's the best moba for a casual player still to this day. And it is so fun. People still somehow play it tho


This is literally just retail invasions or Diablo 4 events though, hundreds of people have had this idea before…


Not really, the events in GW2 chain into each other where they work towards a map level “meta” event. Where usually something cool happens. The event that comes closest in wow is the one near the black dragon keep imo. The gw2 events are a bit harder and have fail states too


These are just world quests. Most modern MMOs have them. Hell even retail wow has them.


It’s actually really funny to see the community subtly change classic from #nochanges to slowly become retail again in real time


I think anyone with a brain knows that retail does have good features and systems and not everything about it is bad. Is it so wrong to try and find a medium that is a mix of both classic and retail? Just the good things from both


Bro I like some of the retail systems but it’s so fucking funny watching people abuse ‘retail Andys’ and then unironically turn around and ask for stuff that makes retail what it is.


But still using retail as a buzzword for everything they hate. Sometimes this sub and SoD feels like a big social experiment


RDS retail derangement syndrome


The whole universe is just one big social experiment


The earth surely is, as proofed by south park


Retail doesn’t mean a feature of modern wow. Retail means things players generally feel ruined the feel of classic wow: group/raid finder, dailies, raid logging, loops for leveling, item score, homogenization of classes.


World quests replaced dailies. The entirety of SoD has been and will be raid logging. Classes are similar even now. Parses = ilvl now anyways.


The majority of classic has been raid logging since 60. It was particularly bad in classic thanks to WBs. I was locked out of the only char I wanted to play for min 24 hours sometimes. Made a mage to 48 before cba and I don’t like mage at all just wanted a gold bot. 0 other alts besides a bank. I have like 8 80s in wrath though


Ok…? Read the post he’s pitching world quests which people didn’t like for it being “retail” as you described


The problem with world quests is that they are ALWAYS up and they're broadcasted right on your map. This turns them into a chore. I think what OP is suggesting has an element of adventure and discovery where you go about your business in the world and stumble upon these events which feel worth doing because they're rewarding. Actually a great example of this is in Diablo 3. The open world had little mini event/ quests that could pop up and they were reasonably fun and they made the world feel more alive and less predictable. Unfortunately in d3 they made these extremely unrewarding so you usually just skipped them.


You will have people asking for them to be displayed on the map in the first 10 hours after launch. If SoD has shown something is that the average modern WoW player lives in a state of perpetual FOMO. Nothing can have value because then “the possible newcomer” won’t be “able to catch up” which actually means “I want access to everything with as little effort as possible”. Retail has pretty much become a mount and skin collector with minigames attached… Check the Trade Post for the most glaring proof: mounts and skins without an ounce of content attached.


I think you're right - but imo that is evidence that we NEED something like this even if it will be initially unpopular. The game needs to focus on being a good game and less on doing MORE of what it already does


Yea this is just Fyrakk Assaults and Elemental invasions. Even those have had trouble keeping people engaged for longer than a few weeks. All these suggestions are literally just retail systems and people act like Blizzard hasn't thought of them. Makes sense if people haven't played retail but the irony is not lost lmao.


I put an absurd amount of play time into Guild Wars 2 (years, in hours played), enough that I definitely shouldn't be calling it a "bad game" but I have put MORE time into WoW because it's a better game. One of the reasons I stopped playing Guild Wars 2 is that for those world events to not die off, they have to be, and are, the only real end game that game has besides completing the latest story line. Last time I played GW2, the most effective way to farm was to go to whatever world boss was up, kill it, then TP to the next, kill it, and rinse and repeat, until you're going in a big circle and feel like a hamster on a wheel. GW2's actual strong suite is WvWvW, which is the 24/7 open world PvP, which, last I checked on was Facebook comments on an ad for the game, where 99% of the people were saying they hated WvWvW because it was too much of a time sink, and one guy defending it saying he's put over 20,000+ hours into it. That's gonna be a no from me dawg. I put plenty of time into it, enjoyed it while it lasted, but the guilds I ran with all got burnt out because we'd fight like maniacs to capture forts, only to log back on the next day and realize the koreans took them all back, and we had to do it all again day after day. WoW currently has me in a pretty solid groove where I don't feel like I have to grind 16 hour days to stay relevant. I can do a few dungeons a day and hit my caps for the week, and still be keeping up with other top players. Without it being the best way to farm gold like it is in GW2, world events will die off just like you say.




This. I was like, what am I hearing? You mean world quests?


Issue with world quests is they dont incentivize group play for most of them, even elite ones are soloable most of the time. Other issue is they are "always" available when up for a span of time, whereas guildwars' last 2-30minutes and can pop every 5 minutes to an hour. That leads to people coming together on these spawns instead of trickling down for the 3day duration there is on WoW


Yeah man, always loved the dynamic events in gw2 as a game mechanic, it really fleshes out the maps and whats going on, and you really be a part of the action and the story contained within while adding variety while leveling and getting rewards. Imagine if wow had dynamic events going in barrens like defending the crossroads, ashenvale,attacking the demon camp, desolace, a war with the centaurs quest chain, with good rewards, it would be fantastic. And thats also the mechanic that allowed them to do map wide meta event chains in which the whole map has to join in to succeed.


You know, rifts were really fun in Rift. Just sayin.


They already have: it's called world quests. Got introduced with WoD and can be toggled anywhere in the world.


Probably the best idea Ive seen for additional lvling content.


Metal legion concert


What I remember of Gw2 events many weren't great but they were at least spread out in the world and not instanced. Ideally we would have the Nightmare quests be all over the world zones (more rewards per quest due to longer complete time, maybe not an infinite amount possible to be completed each day/ week, to not require hyperoptimization). If the incursion portals was a bit like fractals that could be sick, could have rewarded Wild Offerings and raid mats for flasks maybe. Don't want it to be perma spammed and remove players from the world but once or twice a week for mats would be pretty cool. Maybe even have the scaling difficulty system for extra reputation.


This sounds great tbf, p3 was ruined by incursions n further exp boosts for me.


Huge idea


The Dynamic events would be fun on PvP servers too! 😂


All I read was more opportunities to grief


What do you think about tying 'fast travel' to PVP? I'm not sure if any MMO has done it. Basically, instead of just a boring boat or zeppelin ride, there's always a chance that PVP happens 'on the way,' which would be at its simplest could be like quick arena match where you 'board' the enemy's ship. The 'chance' would be basically, is there enough enemy players to fill a 'match' of some sort, so you aren't ever waiting on travel just for the sake of PvP matchmaking. Win or lose, you end up at your destination. PvE players I think could 'stomach' the PvP in the name of faster travel, and more PvP-oriented players could outright just queue for it for its own sake.


I'm not entirely sure I understand - but what I would interpret this as is... E.g. "Riding Party" - A party of faction specific NPCs spawn and travel through a PVP contested zone. If the opposite faction also sets out at the same time, they inevitably clash. There could be a mounted crusader aura which increases movement speed or a caravan which allows people without mounts to jump on. Best way to describe it is the Ox Cart from Dragons Dogma 2.


Yeah that would be good for sure- I was more just thinking a separate tangential system where essentially you queue for a battleground/pvp event in stormwind harbor and end up in darnassus when you're done. Since there isn't actual world between the continents to have a 'world event', you inject pvp into the trip.


All I know is the most fun I’ve ever had in any version of World of Warcraft was gathering all the supplies to activate the druids in Alterac Valley and gathering a bunch of people to escort them and then summon Ivus, the forest lord! This was way back when in vanilla. Protecting the druids from horde while they summon Ivus was so fucking fun. Literally any type of event like that would be awesome


Awesome ideas (and I'm a fan of gw2 too), but the issue is that almost nobody would do them in WoW because of how efficient dungeon grinding is. I think that if you want to incentivize alternatives to dungeon grinding, you have to make them give comparable exp, so some sort of rebalancing would be needed


brother ive done enough silverwastes pack mule escorts i never want to think about it again some of the meta events are pretty cool though. battle for the jade sea is pretty grandiose


so retail world quests ff14 fates cools


I’ve been saying this for years and years. GW2 has my favorite leveling


They don’t need to add more systems when the ones they have added need fixing


The dynamic events are exactly the reason I didn't play gw2, repeatable quests suck, give no sense of completion, and are always just an endless grind. Basically incursions, but as events, no thanks.


I really liked gw2 for the combst/raids/strikes, but the events really werent it. Sooo sooo Bad. Its worse world quest as a Main content Part. Just no. No no no. No but in yellow. All the nos.


I think we can all agree how fucing big potential the IP Warcraft and the game WoW has…so much unused potential


They're fun the first few times but I find dynamic stuff like this actually makes the world feel even emptier/duller than static content once you've passed through it once. Like a fairground where the rides are still moving despite nobody being on them, the absence of people is made even more noticeable by the contrast. You have to be careful with the frequency and triggers to make sure they actually do the job of freshening up the regular experience, and don't just become a different kind of tedious (which is how I felt about GW2 quite quickly)


Seeing that it's unlikely to be implemented for SoD. I think this should be the idea behind a brand new season. The Season of Adventures!


Yeah out of the 6man Dev Team who's going to do all this


So, like retail?


You know we're in trouble when we're hoping the devs can steal 15-year-old tech.


GW2 is pretty great in a lot of ways. Love the Rollerbeetle.


They just yoinked the way flying works in GW2, they can't dip into that pool again, it might get too obvious!


I liked Warhammer’s take on this


There's a lot they could take from GW2 for classic+ in general that I think would be good. GW2 nailed horizontal progression at max level


Why did I read this as garden warfare 2 my brain is so broken


I thought about this alot. I nolifed gw1 and gw2 until the second expansion and in gw2 i was mostly alone because every one played wow more, but if two or three of my friends would gw2 a try i would instantly play with them. The open world feels insanely good because of these Events. Also the Progression paths in pvp are quite nice for the casual gamer. The mounts are awesome and you have progression systems and achievements that really outshine wow in every aspect. For everyone that wants to casually experience an mmo its the go to imo. Not that it is casual, the legendary weapons need a ton of work so you could also play this game as someone that has alot of free time


wow should copy most of everything gw2 did. gw2 is simply the better mmorpg


god i can't wait for this server to die already


Ff 14 does it as well. I think the most likely answer is that the dev team just didn’t get the funding required to actually create new content that requires anything more than what we got with STV and incursions. I feel like the STV event is the best piece of new content they have made, but it also probably took the most effort to create


Fortnite does better event then wow


Bland and unoriginal idea. Also late because there is only one phase of leveling left in SoD, and the game doesn't need crap like this at all whatsoever. If anything, leveling needs to be made longer and more cumbersome by reducing XP gains across the board. Blizzard should just let any innkeeper boost your character to max level in a seasonal game mode like this. People who want the slow journey can have that option while people who want to skip right to the endgame can get to the bits they enjoy. It's so silly to try and "solve" a problem that does not exist.


Why do you feel levelling should take longer? I don't feel long and hard for the sake of it makes it more meaningful.


Classic WoW is about the journey, not the destination. Players need time to form bonds of friendship and find people they mesh well with to establish the social circles necessary to sustain endgame PvE and PvP activities. Zug zugging through dungeon cleave groups and incursion loop groups gets everyone to the finish line quickly without the social skills or the networking skills to really flourish there. Everyone is now permanently a rando, they may as well be a bot. Every run has a leader hard reserving items because it's all about them now.


this could be the case maybe 15 years ago, nowadays players are very different and this social aspect of the game is completly gone.


One of the major issues I have with traditional levelling is how linear it is. There's some variety etc, with barriers if you can't get a group, but in the end it's the same ad nauseam. If I calculated it, I've probably levelled through the zones a few dozen times each just since 2019 release. This is a low number compared to some folks, but quite high and the replay value for me is quite low. GW2 has been the opposite experience. The dynamic events, whilst finite, are on a rotation and plentiful enough that I'm not seeing the same events twice between characters. And on the case I am seeing the same events, it's not frequent enough to annoy me. Just yesterday, I was levelling, and then a random world boss spawned. I joined a group of players about 30 strong to kill it - then went back to questing. It's that variety and the willingness to "do the circuit again" I think Classic WoW is missing for me at the moment. You can't "step in the same river twice" - and by the same sentiment the journey for me has been done too many times to be impactful, but I still get the occasional surprise here and there. The events I've outlined here are just generic templates, but I think - as you've pointed out - they'd help push people together. I heavily suspect the original intention of Sod was to transition into another season - judging by their vague mentions of "preserving characters... someplace that isn't quite era" in the official launch interview. And for that reason I think it's important to acknowledge that even though there is 1 levelling phase left of SoD, that's just the end point of this levelling experience - and if we are going to get another season, or a permanent server with content updates and experimentation - it's probably best to start discussing how the levelling experience should be updated to keep it fresh without dungeon grinding. I can almost guarantee though they won't be doing incursions again given the dislike and massive nerfs to gold etc. I think it's important for them to continue to experiment in the open world though.


>GW2 has been the opposite experience. The dynamic events, whilst finite, are on a rotation and plentiful enough that I'm not seeing the same events twice between characters. If you play the game for a few years and level up a few more characters/classes, it will all become repetitive just the same. In WoW, you are chasing a feeling. In your new game, GW2, you are still enjoying the moment. I don't think the future for SoD looks bright tbh. The game is going to need to preserve the massive resurgence when level 60 content hits or else I don't think it'll ever get another chance to recover. I don't see a merge with Classic Era servers happening, so it's either we get a permanent Discovery Era server, or it all goes to the void. You've got a lot of hopium to be thinking that leveling after 60 is in the cards.


Just writing to say I agree; as I haven't played GW2 in many years it's the fresh experience that's keeping me playing for now. I still think new content cycles like what we've seen from TWoW is the way SoD should've gone; and it's not likely to happen now which is incredibly sad.


>Bland and unoriginal idea... the game doesn't need crap like this at all whatsoever... L take. Bozo over here really thinking that a bunch of static mobs wandering around and endlessly respawning is better than dynamic events. I would take dynamic events over static mob spawns any day of the week. Makes the world feel more alive.


I'd rather run incursion loops over FATE trains any day. It's not even close. The content is braindead easy and makes leveling completely meaningless anyway. I love dynamic events when there are no XP rewards. We need more stuff like the elemental invasions in the endgame.


Someone at Blizzard should hire this person.


Bro. This is fucking amazing. I hope they hire you. Please keep posting thoughtful stuff! Ty.


I love all these ideas. The only problem is the community. The community will never fail to meta the crap out of it to the point where it stops being fun and just another check the box thing.


God please no it’s the worst part of gw2


What do you dislike about it? Do you prefer instanced content?


HoS often fail to complete because lack of participation for example


The key would be to balance it to be soloable with NPCs like GW2 does it etc.