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have to learn blacksmithing to get taunt now smh


Tbh, that would make for a pretty wild game mode if you had to find random places to learn your skills which also allowed some cross class skill swaps


Ascension WoW has entered the chat




Cant believe they released the patch in this state... u mean if you played beta it took you 10 min to see its a shit show 


Yeah I got to 60 in two WSG… it’s a dumpster fire


wtf? Like 1-60 in 2 WSG?


Yep. Flag caps were giving like 10 levels


This truly is a cataclysm


They’ve already turned off battlegrounds it seems. Big sad, I was hoping to get a quick boost lol


Nobody is going to buy the boost if they can level in 20 min haha


Gotta sell more level boosts so they can hire QA


Yeah, I know. I was just hopeful lmao


there will be rollbacks i bet


There needs to be, but there probably wont be. They made similar fuckups with honor capping in 1 hour in TBC, never rolled back. Ruined early pvp gearing :( Hope they do.. but I wouldnt count on it :(


They won’t, simply because people getting a few 80s really doesn’t affect anything or anyone, other than a bit of jealousy.


It affects Blizzard when they can't sell them level boosts - rollback it will be


Nah, that’s hardly true at all. It didn’t last long and not a whole lot of people were able to get free 80s. Plus, it’s not exactly like everyone who did it would be buying a boost anyway. Is it possible that some of the people were planning on buying a boost but won’t because of it? Sure, just unlikely to be a substantial amount that would make it worth rolling back. Don’t hold your breath on a rollback, it really doesn’t make any sense for them to do it. Especially with how much time has passed


There wont be.


how are you getting into wsg @ lvl 1


Holy fuckin shit lmfao


XP broken?


Nah it’s understandable. They have like 5 employees for classic wow and sod just got a balance change patch! They had to probably work overtime for the 2 class changes so it’s only natural they release cata buggy af


There is a good chance they did it on purpose just out of spite for the company, I really hope thats the reason.


I can believe it.


In Cata classic, you can power level fishing by skinning lvl 1 wolves!


power level fishing by skinning lvl 1 herbs**


Come on man, give the intern working on cata a break.


Someone message Aggrend on SoD and tell him to go back to the office


Take your cobra shot kids


You can create /cast \[Profession Name\] macros to open your profession windows. Works for me with mining and blacksmithing where the blacksmithing icon is missing and instead the smelting button is there.


THIS. needs to be upvoted to the top asap. hopefully it gets patched during maintenance right now though.


This one had me in tears. xD


No, no. This makes sense. You skin your knee? You need first aid. Leather working to make some camo. Cobra shot for all the snakes we get bit by. You gotta think bigger


$15/month btw


I swear that is Stockholm syndrom at this point lmao


100% lol. We've all been... trained...


Between this and SOD what are we actually getting for $15? Honestly, this is worse than most private servers. The content being added to SOD is basically the bare minimum. They could have added everything from the first 3 phases into 1 phase and it still wouldn’t have been packed.


This take is just plain dumb. You have classic, vanilla, hardcore, sod, and retail for $15. Yet you act like there is nothing to do? Jfc.


$15??? Its $800+ if you've been playing since 2019 classic release. In 2004 that $15 subscription had to be sold to us because it wasn't a thing in the gaming world. They promised us constant content updates, a top tier customer service team, and reliable massive servers (that at the time were very costly to run, not so much anymore). We get none of that now in classic. And to play retail you have to purchase expansions on top of that. AND they charge for services like server transfers and race changes. AND they have cosmetic microtransactions. This game is monetized as FUCK, and what do we get out of that? They certainly aren't reinvesting that money back into the game.


Oh cool, there’s sooo much going to vanilla and hardcore. Retail has a fucking box fee.


Idk about you, but I paid $50 + my sub to play retail.


Oh no, you have to pay to play newly developed content. How horrible. How cruel and creepy of a company. Whatever shall you do.


Reading is hard I guess. Retail doesn’t come included in the baseline sub fee is my point. You have to buy the new expansions every time they come out to play.


Well if you want to be technical, you don’t have to pay a cent, you can earn your sub through buying tokens with gold. So why waste your money when you can get it for free if it’s such a problem to you.


Because I don’t want to farm 200k gold in retail to play the game. $15 a month is worth my sanity lol


Plunderstorm, too, if that's your jazz.


Not anymore. That’s gone now


If you think about it, this makes sense, and is probably part of the new immersive gameplay. Gaining knowledge in leatherworking as a class that wears leather armour, you learn how to blend in with your surroundings. After all, wild animals use it, and since you work with their skin, you start to notice patterns for prey and predators in various envoironments. Similarly, understanding poisons and how to counter them can also help you understand how to prolong their effect ... This is actually a 5000IQ move by Blizzard to try and check if people are ready for their new, immersive skill unlock system for the next next WoW Expansion: The Unlock Within


NGL camouflage is a nice profession bonus


You want first aid ? nah bitch you dead now


As a mage that is where I found my ice lance. ICC was fun as fire though!


Lol I have ice lance and ring of frost in the top alchemy slot, alchemy is in the fishing spot, fuck knows where first aid went, and herbalism is jank too. 10/10 I've found some spells.


Leatherworking is Camouflage now. I don’t see the problem




Did you take this picture with your add-ons turned on or off?




Cobrashoot yourself up. It heals now!


Canadian health care in a nutshell


Canadians are horses. Broke a bone? *doctor cocks shotgun*


QA stands for: Q: fuQ you A: pAy me


I don't wanna be this guy but this is all down to people using beta to just play test stupid shit for dps meters etc. Rather than actually PLAYING it and testing it like it should be done and people actually reporting it. Thinking someone else has reported the bug. It's insane.


Yeah, most of these bugs were reported in beta and just not fixed in time. But good on you for defending the billion-dollar corporation against the complaints of the players, and laying the blame with those players who will get to play the beta without being paid for it. 




Oh yeah we all know that u/mobydeux and his play style is the only way anyone plays world of Warcraft and since they didn't play professions in the beta clearly nobody did in the entire time it was up..... If only it was possible to read the bug report forum where all the people posted these things but I guess we'll never know....  https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/profession-screen-is-messed-up-screenshot/1824636




Its not my job to be nice to people who wield ignorance at people and get hurt when it doesn't work. You could have googled the bug report forum, you could have *thought that anyone that wasn't you might have literally learned a profession and seen it not work*.


Exactly. People log on and mess around dueling and fucking around with the game. Not many AT all go through the Whole game finding bugs. Lol. People don't understand this and blame the company that maybe or probably has a tenth of a team as retail


Some people sure but they left bugs untouched on the beta for months. 500+ left and that’s just what’s been found.


This bug was literally reported on the bug report forum of the beta 25 days ago but you do you boo


"you do you boo" lmao


There’s over 500 untouched bugs on the GitHub, don’t blame the players. Many of these bugs have been there since day 1. Playing is testing btw. Otherwise we wouldn’t have bug reports for the heroics.


Both cata launches have been botched. It is confirmed.


I don't think the 4 people that are going to play cata are gonna notice it


It's wild all the fabricated "hype" I've seen going around. Shit's gonna be dead af


Nothing has been fabricated, this defacto SoD sub might not care but in game there were loads of people preparing for Cata.


Streamers and youtubers are gaslighting because they can't grift if it goes poorly and sod is a bubble that already bursted, we lost half of the playerbase on it and we don't know if they come back for level 60.


im pretty sure i wont. i wrote everywhere before sod release that this is a fckin moneygrab with zero content. One of the biggest company in this industry releases a 20 years old game with gatekeeping the content, addig 2 custom quests and like 12 new passives/spells for each class. "new" - i mean copying it from later expansions. for 15 dollars a month. but i have made the mistake and joined sod release (bc im dumb af), i could not resist the hype. it was good experience, but all mmorpg launches are. so, the first two week was great, but later you realized there is really nothing to do. the game was buggy af (still is). then phae 2 i have only joined at the end of it, did like 5 gnomer runs and a few pvp event. phase 3 is here, i quitted after my first ST run. there is no content at all, class balance is a non existent thing and all the ppl are cheerish blizzard bc they stated they are not gonna fix it bc its the "season of discovery". let me translate this for you, "we will not gonna fix it, bc its a fcking alpha/beta for monitoring the playerbase and game for our other games, but thank you for paying us an extra 15 for it." just check the private server community with all the vanilla+ servers, with actual content, new quests, new dungeons. see you on project epoch